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国家自然科学基金委重大项目"禾本科植物的适应性辐射及其进化机制"利用比较形态学、分子系统学、进化发育生物学、古生物学等多方面证据,通过多学科交叉的方法探讨了禾本科植物中出现的适应性辐射现象及其机制,在禾本科的系统发育关系以及适应性辐射的基本式样、生物和非生物环境因素在物种适应和分化以及物种快速形成中的作用、基因组大小及其结构变异以及突变、重复和调控模式变化对适应性辐射过程中关键性状(功能)的影响等方面取得了重要进展,在人才培养、国际合作和实验体系建立等方面极具特点。该项目的顺利完成为更好地阐明植物多样性形成的原因与机理奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   
Pollution of the environment by metals and organic contaminants is an intractable global problem, with cleanup costs running into billions of dollars using current engineering technologies. The availability of alternative, cheap and effective technologies would significantly improve the prospects of cleaning-up metal contaminated sites. Phytoremediation has been proposed as an economical and 'green' method of exploiting plants to extract or degrade the contaminants in the soil. To date, the majority of phytoremediation efforts have been directed at leaping the biological biochemical and agronomic hurdles to deliver a working technology, with scant attention to the economic outlook other than simple estimates of the cost advantages ofphytoremediation over other techniques. In this paper we use a deterministic actauarial model to show that uncertainty in project success (the possibility that full clean up may not be realized) may significantly increase the perceived costs of remediation works for decision-makers.  相似文献   
Deforestation is proceeding at alarming rates in the Central American Republic of Panama. This is leading to high losses of biodiversity, local wood shortages, increased erosion, and the sedimentation of water bodies. One of the principal causes of deforestation is the expansion of the agricultural frontier through extensive shifting cultivation systems. These land use systems are becoming increasingly unsustainable as populations increase and the amount of agricultural land available declines, and are often associated with low crop productivity, and reduced soil fertility. Agroforestry, or the association of trees with crops and livestock, has the potential of providing both socio-economic and ecological advantages to smallholders. While the number of agroforestry projects has increased dramatically over the past two decades in Panama, there is little information on the impacts these projects have had. This review provides a brief history of agroforestry in Panama, and outlines the current projects underway. In addition, the main factors impeding the increased adoption of agroforestry are examined, and recommendations are provided.  相似文献   
Ni Y  Su M  Lin J  Wang X  Qiu Y  Zhao A  Chen T  Jia W 《FEBS letters》2008,582(17):2627-2636
Chronic stress is closely linked to clinical depression, which could be assessed by a chronic unpredictable mild stress (CUMS) animal model. We present here a GC/MS-based metabolic profiling approach to investigate neurochemical changes in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, thalamus, and remaining brain tissues. Multi-criteria assessment for multivariate statistics could identify differential metabolites between the CUMS-model rats versus the healthy controls. This study demonstrates that the significantly perturbed metabolites mainly involving amino acids play an indispensable role in regulating neural activity in the brain. Therefore, results obtained from such metabolic profiling strategy potentially provide a unique perspective on molecular mechanisms of chronic stress.  相似文献   
It is well known that forest carbon or sink projects have not been included in theClean Development Mechanism (CDM), one of the flexible mechanisms created under the Kyoto Protocol. The main concern for postponing sink projects is related to issues of methodology and integrity. Project eligibility needs to be judged in a transparent manner if they are real, measurable,provide long-term benefits to mitigate climate change, and provide additional benefits to those thatwould occur in the absence of a certified project. One of the biggest challenges in implementing sink projects is fire risks and the associated biophysical and socio-economic underlying causes. This study attempts to assess fire probability and use it as a tool to estimate fire risk in carbon sink projects. Fire risks may not only threatenongoing projects but may also cause leakage of carbon stocks in other areas, especially in pro-tected areas. This exercise was carried out in the Berbak National Park located in Jambi Province, Sumatra, Indonesia and the surrounding areas. Fire probability is associated with (i) the means by which access to a given area is possible, and (ii) vegetation type or fuel load. Although most fires were intentionally ignited, fire escape iscommon and is enhanced by long spell of dry weather. When this occurs, secondary road was themost frequently used means, and it was certainly the case during 1997/1998 big fires when dam-age to natural vegetation (natural and secondary forests) was substantial. Burnt natural vegetationwas 120000 ha or 95% of the total burnt areas, and released more than 7 Mt of carbon into the atmosphere.  相似文献   
采用PEG-6000模拟干旱胁迫处理,测定了紫穗槐幼苗根系的可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白质、丙二醛、游离脯氨酸含量及SOD、POD酶活性变化以及解剖结构特征,旨在比较不同干旱程度对紫穗槐幼苗根系生理指标、内部解剖结构的影响,探索紫穗槐幼苗对水分胁迫的适应能力,揭示紫穗槐幼苗根系对土壤水分胁迫的响应和调控机制。结果表明:丙二醛含量变化显示当PEG-6000溶液浓度超过50g/L以后,紫穗槐幼苗根的膜系统开始受到损伤,并在PEG-6000溶液浓度达到250g/L受损程度显著增强,达到了对照的1.6倍,同时启动渗透调节作用(游离脯氨酸含量显著增加),达到了对照的3.8倍,在PEG-6000溶液浓度低于200g/L时,紫穗槐幼苗根系中至少没有启动以游离脯氨酸为主的渗透调节过程。可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白质含量及SOD、POD酶活性的变化印证了胞内发生的生理代谢变化,在PEG-6000溶液浓度为200g/L时,可溶性糖含量仅为0.121mg/g,达到最低点,随后上升,当PEG-6000溶液浓度进一步增加到250g/L时,紫穗槐幼苗根系中的可溶性糖含量则迅速回升到0.64mg/g,为对照组的63.37%。可溶性蛋白质含量在低浓度PEG-6000溶液(50g/L)处理下即有明显反应,下降到对照的61.5%,随后呈波动性变化。SOD和POD活性对PEG-6000模拟干旱胁迫的响应规律类似,均对PEG-6000模拟干旱胁迫处理迅速响应且活性增加。当PEG-6000溶液浓度达到50g/L至100g/L时,抗氧化酶的合成量最高,而后活性下降。60d的PEG-6000模拟干旱胁迫处理影响了紫穗槐幼苗根系的生长发育,随着PEG-6000溶液浓度增加,维管柱的直径变大,木质部厚度增大,导管直径变小、但导管密度增加,当PEG-6000溶液浓度达到250g/L时,导管密度比对照组增加了41.3%,木质部厚度比对照组增加了91.5%。以上结果表明,PEG-6000模拟干旱胁迫处理下,不同胁迫程度紫穗槐内部生理和根系解剖结构变化不同,通过改变自身生理代谢和根系内部解剖结构,以适应土壤水分胁迫的逆境条件,来满足自身生长和发育的需求平衡。  相似文献   
纪和  赵广帅  刘珉  张鑫  崔嵬 《生态科学》2022,41(1):138-148
为分析评估京津风沙源治理工程区植被覆盖和气候要素变化,收集工程实施前、后各时期工程区域土地利用类型数据、MODIS产品植被覆盖(NDVI)数据和气象站点月值数据,利用最小二乘法拟合分析工程区NDVI和蒸散时空变化规律;利用MK非参数检验分析区域气候要素时空变化格局.结果表明(1)近25年来工程区土地利用类型变化不大,植...  相似文献   
本实验研充分别采用益母草的根、茎、叶的0.10、0.25、0.50、2.00、1.00g/L和水苏碱的0.20、0.40、0.60、0.80、1.00g/L 5个不同浓度梯度的处理液处理钉螺,设清水和0.001g/L浓度的氯硝柳胺溶液为对照。结果表明:(1)益母草各部分的水浸液均有很好的灭螺效果。用不同浓度的处理液浸杀钉螺,在不同时间的处理下,钉螺死亡率存在差异,其钉螺死亡率是随处理浓度的增加和时间的延长呈上升趋势,0.5g/L以上的益母草根、茎、叶、化水浸液和浓度达0.60g/L以上的水苏碱处理液均可达到100%的明显毒杀钉螺致死效果,与通常使用浓度0.0001g/L氯硝柳胺溶液的灭螺效果相当,不过益母苹根、茎、叶水浸液的毒效较氯硝柳胺略慢,用0.0001g/L氯硝柳胺溶液处理钉螺2—3d可达100%的死亡率,而用0.5g/L以上的益母草根、茎、叶水浸液水溶液处理需要3—5d才能达到同样的效果;灭螺效果顺序依次为:叶〉茎〉根。(2)钉螺趋避性研究表明水苏碱和益母草根、茎和叶的处理液对钉螺具有明显的驱逐作用,而盐酸益母草碱几乎没有作用。由此获得化感作用植物益母草灭螺的化学生态学证据。为研制新的具中国特色的植物成份灭螺剂打下了基础。并为合成仿生灭螺剂以及最终构建生态工程中强化感作用植物群落灭螺提供理论依据。  相似文献   
著: 《生物信息学》2019,26(2):43-52
旨在促进应用“文化景观”概念作为分析和开发阿根廷地域项目的工具。第1部分,力图总结有关文化景观的概念,术语名词的起源、传播以及其所暗含的可能性和矛盾性。第2部分,讨论这个概念成为项目工具的方式。第3部分中,强调了绘图在分析和项目中的核心作用。第4部分,以2个案例研究表明在前3个部分中阐述的问题。结论提出了这种开展项目的方式的潜能、挑战和矛盾。而只有针对地域特性的详细研究才能使找到一种回馈当地发展的管理方式成为可能。  相似文献   
River restoration (RR) is widely practiced in both rural and urban contexts by combining various goals and measures. The theoretical discourse on RR not yet adequately reflects this breadth of restoration practice. In this study, we investigated 110 French RR projects implemented between 1980 and 2015. We analyzed projects considering eight key design features, main project motivation, restoration goals, project dates, costs, size, funding, river annual discharge, and implemented evaluation procedures. The study (1) provides a detailed account of the French RR effort, (2) compares restoration efforts in urban and rural contexts, and (3) establishes a RR project typology. The results also show that urban RR comprises a wider range of goals and measures than its rural counterpart, includes restoration of riparian habitats, and integrates ecological and social goals. A hierarchical multiple factor analysis yielded five types of projects, Fish RR (14% of the urban and 53% of the rural projects), Blue RR (4%, 7%), Water Framework Directive RR (36%, 40%), Flood protection RR (14%, 0%), and Human RR (32%, 0%). We suggest that the restoration community needs databases that use a project typology as developed in this study. This approach would take into account the multiple facets of RR projects, enabling more transparency into their communication and allow more suitable project comparisons.  相似文献   
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