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DREWNOWSKI, ADAM, SUSAN AHLSTROM HENDERSON, AMY BETH SHORE, CLAUDE FISCHLER, PAUL PREZIOSI, SERGE HERCBERG. The fatsucrose seesaw in relation to age and dietary variety of French adults. Guidelines for a healthy diet often recommend limiting dietary sugars and fats. Some researchers have called these aims mutually incompatible, suggesting that fat and sugar intakes, when expressed as percent dietary energy, are inversely linked. Others have argued that sugar, more specifically sucrose, acts as a vehicle for dietary fat and serves to suppress the overall quality of the diet. This study examined the relationship between age, sucrose and fat intakes, body mass index (BMI), and measures of dietary diversity and variety in a communitybased sample of 837 French adults. Consistent with other studies, high consumption of added sucrose (in g/day or g/1000 kcal per day) was associated with higher consumption of energy and fat and lower consumption of vegetables and fruit. However, eating patterns were strongly influenced by age. High-sucrose consumers were significantly younger and had lower BMI values than did low-sucrose consumers, who were both older and had higher BMIs. High-sucrose diets had minimal effect on the diet diversity score and were associated with more varied diets, as evidenced by a higher dietary variety score.  相似文献   
AL-BARAZANJI, KAMAL A, ROBIN E BUCKINGHAM, JONATHAN RS ARCH, ANDREA HAYNES, DANUTA E MOSSAKOWSKA, DIANE L McBAY, STEPHEN D HOLMES, MARK T McHALE, XIN-MIN WANG, ISRAEL S GLOGER. Effects of intracerebro-ventricular infusion of leptin in obese Zucker rats. The obese Zucker rat (OZR) exhibits a missense mutation in the cDNA for the leptin receptor, producing a single amino acid substitution in the extracellular domain of the receptor. A mutation in the leptin receptor gene of the db/db mouse prevents the synthesis of the long splice variant of the receptor. The possibility that the OZR, like the db/db mouse, is refractory to the actions of murine leptin was tested by infusing the protein intracerebroventricularly via a minipump for 7 days. Lean Zucker rats (LZR) infused with leptin acted as positive controls, and other groups of OZR and LZR were infused with vehicle. In LZR, leptin reduced body-weight and food intake and increased brown adipose tissue (BAT) temperature. Plasma corticosterone increased (61%) in these rats, and plasma triglycerides fell (78%). Leptin treatment improved tolerance to an oral glucose load (16% reduction in the area under the blood glucose curve) while lowering plasma insulin. In OZR, the actions of leptin were blunted. Food intake was slightly, but not significantly, reduced. Although there was a reduction in the rate of increase in body mass, the effect of leptin was about half that seen in LZR. BAT temperature and glucose tolerance were unchanged. In contrast to the elevated plasma corticosterone seen in LZR, leptin reduced the level of this hormone (27%) in OZR. In OZR and LZR treated with leptin, the plasma leptin levels were increased 24-fold and 47-fold, respectively. The results suggest that leptin retains some efficacy in OZR, although these rats are less responsive than LZR.  相似文献   
Cholecystokinin octapeptide decreases intake of solid food in man   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK-OP) was reported to decrease the intake of liquid food in lean and in obese man. This study investigated the effect of CCK-OP on the consumption of real life food, i.e., of standardized sandwiches. Sixteen young non-obese females and males participated, after an overnight fast, each in two experiments. After a basal 30 min, saline or CCK-OP, 1.5 or 3.0 Ivy Dog Units/kg body weight/15 min, was infused in random double blind fashion, while sandwiches were placed in front of the subjects. For the next three 15-min periods, the subjects were instructed to eat as much as they liked. In the first 15 min after 3.0 as well as 1.5 U CCK-OP/kg/15 min significantly fewer sandwiches (50 and 17 percent) were eaten than after saline (p less than 0.01 and p less than 0.05) and less hunger was reported (p less than 0.02 and p less than 0.05). Self-reported activation decreased only with 3.0 U CCK-OP (p less than 0.005). Reports of well-bring , electroencephalogram, heart rate, and respiration were not altered. The results support the notion that CCK is involved in the regulation of food intake.  相似文献   
Rats injected with bombesin of LiCl showed similar suppression of food-deprivation-induced liquid diet intake, but only rats receiving LiCl avoided water-deprivation-induced consumption of a novel saccharin solution paired with injection. The data demonstrate that bombesin reduces feeding but does not induce conditioned aversion, and suggest that bombesin does not act to suppress food intake by production of gastrointestinal malaise.  相似文献   
Cichlid fishes that seem specialized phenotypically to exploit certain resources often act as generalists in the field. It is attempted to resolve this paradox by measuring feeding performance. There are two ways of feeding, namely suction feeding and biting, that set conflicitng demands on the anatomy. Rock-dwelling cichlids of the genus Neochromis are specialized biters, feeding largely on filamentous algae and benthic organisms. Pundamilia nyererei is one of the most specialized suction feeders among rock cichlids, its diet being zooplankton and insect larvae. A morphological analysis showed that the three Neochromis species are better adapted anatomically to biting than P. nyererei , while P. nyererei is better adapted to suction feeding. Feeding performance was tested on algal substitute and Chaoborus larvae, representing filamentous algae and zooplankton, respectively. As expected the Neochromis species fed most efficiently on algal substitute, N. rufocaudalis and N. omnicaeruleus taking per bite 2.6 times as much as P. nyererei , and N. greenwoodi 1.7 times. Unexpectedly, the species examined were all well able to collect Chaoborus. P. nyererei collected only 1.2 times as many larvae per suction act as the Neochromis species. Analysis of the stomach contents showed that P. nyererei punctured, or lacerated, the larvae with the pharyngeal jaws, while the Neochromis species swallowed them mostly intact. Thus, feeding on Chaoborus , P. nyererei may be optimizing energy gain and not intake rate.  相似文献   
Daily (24 h) milk intake and body water turnover were measured in eight litters of suckling mink (Mustela vison) kits (6–9 kits litter−1) during weeks 1–4 post partum using the tritiated water (3HHO) dilution technique. The biological half-life of body water turnover in the mink kits increased linearly from 0.9 days in week 1 (3–5 days post partum) to 1.9 days in week 4 (22–24 days post partum). The daily milk intake varied markedly among the mink kits within a litter and increased significantly with increasing body mass from (mean±SEM) 10.9±0.4 g per kit during week 1 to 27.7±1.0 g per kit during week 4. Throughout the study, male kits were ∼10% heavier and had a significantly higher milk intake than female kits. The results were corrected for water recycling between the dam and her kits, ranging from ∼4 to 15% of the daily milk water intake, and the calculated daily milk yield of the 2 year old lactating mink dams increased from 87±7 g day−1 in week 1 to 190±15 g day−1 in week 4 post partum. The average body growth rate of the mink kits ranged from 2.9 g kit−1 per day in week 1 to 5.4 g kit−1 per day in week 4, and the calculated mean intake of mink milk per unit of body weight gain was remarkably stable at 4.0 (g g−1) during weeks 1–3 post partum, but increased to 5.6 (g g−1) in week 4 post partum. The amount of metabolizable energy supplied to the kits by the daily milk yield of the dam increased from ≈450 to ≈990 kJ day−1, which corresponded well with the calculated daily energy requirements of the kits. The tritiated water dilution technique was found feasible and reliable for repeated measurements of milk intake in suckling mink kits up to 4 weeks of age.  相似文献   
Metformin often promotes weight loss in patients with obesity with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). The mechanism may be attributed to decreased food intake. This study has tested the effect of metformin on satiety and its efficacy in inducing weight loss. Twelve diet-treated NIDDM women with obesity were randomly given two dose levels (850 mg or 1700 mg) of metformin or placebo at 0800 for three consecutive days followed by a meal test on the third day on three occasions using a 3times3 Latin square design. The number of sandwich canapes eaten in three consecutive 10-minute periods beginning at 1400 hours was used to quantitate food intake, and the level of subjective hunger was rated just before the sandwich meal with a linear analogue hunger rating scale at 1400 after a 6-hour fast. The prior administration of metformin produced a reduction in calorie intake after each of the two doses of metformin treatment. The 1700-mg metformin dose had the most marked appetite suppressant action. Similarly, hunger ratings were significantly lowered after metformin, and the effect was most pronounced after the administration of 1700 mg of metformin. To assess the efficacy of metformin in reducing bodyweight, 48 diet-treated NIDDM women with obesity who had failed to lose weight by diet therapy were first placed on a 1200-kcal ADA (American Diabetes Association) diet before being randomized to receive either metformin (850 mg) or placebo twice daily in a double-blind fashion for 24 weeks. A 4-week single-blind placebo lead-in period preceded and a 6-week single-blind placebo period followed the 24-week double-blind treatment period. Subjects treated with metformin continued to lose weight throughout 24 weeks of treatment; their mean maximum weight loss was 8 kg greater than that of the placebo group, with corresponding lower HbA1C and fasting blood glucose levels at the end of the active treatment period. These results indicate that metformin decreases calorie intake in a dose-dependent manner and leads to a reduction in bodyweight in NIDDM patients with obesity.  相似文献   
Enterostatin, the activation peptide of procolipase, has been reported to reduce high-fat food consumption in rats. This reduction has been reliably demonstrated using procedures in which the test diet was also the maintenance diet of the animals. Other reports, though, have shown that peripherally administered enterostatin had no effect on the consumption of oil provided as an option to the diet, and that centrally administered enterostatin had no effect on the consumption of an optional high-fat mixed food. However, the effects of peripherally administered enterostatin on the consumption of an optional high-fat mixed food have not been examined. This experiment, then, examined the effects of peripherally administered enterostatin on the consumption of optional, mixed foods (no-fat and high-fat cookies) provided in addition to a standard diet under choice and nonchoice conditions. Four experiments were conducted. In experiment I, the effect of enterostatin in a two-choice feeding paradigm was assessed. In experiment II, the effect of enterostatin in a nonchoice feeding paradigm was assessed. In experiment III, the effect of enterostatin administered at five different pretreatment times in a non-choice feeding paradigm was assessed. Enterostatin had no effect on cookie intake in any of these experiments. Finally, experiment IV was undertaken to verify the activity of the peptide. Enterostatin significantly reduced the consumption of a standard diet in overnight food-deprived rats, thus confirming the activity of the peptide used in experiments I to III. Enterostatin may not play a major role in the regulation of food intake that is stimulated by optional foods that are periodically provided in addition to a standard well-balanced diet.  相似文献   
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