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The central assumption of evolutionary theory is that natural selection drives the adaptation of populations to local environmental conditions, resulting in the evolution of adaptive phenotypes. The three‐spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) displays remarkable phenotypic variation, offering an unusually tractable model for understanding the ecological mechanisms underpinning adaptive evolutionary change. Using populations on North Uist, Scotland we investigated the role of predation pressure and calcium limitation on the adaptive evolution of stickleback morphology and behavior. Dissolved calcium was a significant predictor of plate and spine morph, while predator abundance was not. Stickleback latency to emerge from a refuge varied with morph, with populations with highly reduced plates and spines and high predation risk less bold. Our findings support strong directional selection in three‐spined stickleback evolution, driven by multiple selective agents.  相似文献   
Small passerines are faced with a trade‐off when foraging during winter. Increasing energy reserves makes them more vulnerable to predators, while a low level of reserves exposes them to a high risk of starvation. Whether small birds under these circumstances are allowed to reduce their foraging activity under increased predation risk, for example in feeding sites more exposed to predators, remains controversial in former behavioural and ecological researches. In this study, we investigated the foraging activity of free‐living Tree Sparrow Passer montanus flocks feeding on an artificial feeding platform. The predation risk perceived by the sparrows was manipulated by placing the platform either close to or far from a bushy shelter. Foraging activity, assessed as cumulative activity of sparrows per unit time on the platform, did not differ between the low‐risk and the high‐risk conditions and did not significantly change during the day. Feeding efficiency, assessed as pecking rate, was not either reduced under the high‐risk condition. Our results suggest that sparrows were forced to feed almost continuously during the day in order to maintain their preferred level of energy reserves. However, several behavioural changes helped sparrows to adopt a safer foraging policy when feeding far from cover, as we found in another study. Altogether, sparrow flocks feeding far from cover decreased the overall foraging time (the time when any sparrow stayed on the platform) by approximately 20% as compared to the near cover condition. A possible way to maintain the same level of foraging activity despite of the reduction in overall foraging time is discussed.  相似文献   
Males that search widely for females and perform conspicuous courtship displays run a high risk of being detected by their predators. Therefore, gains in reproductive success might be offset by increased mortality due to predation. Male brush‐legged wolf spiders (Schizocosa ocreata) with larger decorative traits (foreleg tufts) are preferred by females as mates, but are more readily detected by predators. However, predation risk may also be influenced by the interaction between components of signals and the environment in which signaling occurs. Courting male spiders were readily accepted as prey by a sympatric predator, the American toad (Anaxyrus americanus). We used video playback to tease apart the interactive effect between visual signals and the signaling environment on the ability of toads to detect courting spiders as a function of distance, background contrast, the presence or absence of male foreleg tufts, and behavioral activity. The response of toads to video sequences of male spiders was similar to their response to live male spiders. Toad response varied over distance toward spiders displayed against high contrast (sunny) vs. low contrast (shaded) backgrounds. Beyond 30 cm, more toads detected courting male spiders against light, ‘sunny’ backgrounds and detected them faster when compared to the same spider stimulus against darker, ‘shady’ backgrounds. In choice tests, toads oriented more often toward courting males with leg tufts than those without. Toad responses also varied with male spider behavior in that only videos of moving males were attacked. Latency to orient and detection by toads was significantly greater for walking males than courting males, and this effect was most evident at distances between 30 cm and 50 cm. Results supported that courting wolf spiders are at significant risk of predation by visually acute predators. Distance, background contrast, and the presence of foreleg decorations influence detection probability. Thus, the same complex visual signals that make males conspicuous and are preferred by females can make males more vulnerable as prey to toads.  相似文献   
Horizontal gene transfer by conjugative plasmids plays a critical role in the evolution of antibiotic resistance. Interactions between bacteria and other organisms can affect the persistence and spread of conjugative plasmids. Here we show that protozoan predation increased the persistence and spread of the antibiotic resistance plasmid RP4 in populations of the opportunist bacterial pathogen Serratia marcescens. A conjugation-defective mutant plasmid was unable to survive under predation, suggesting that conjugative transfer is required for plasmid persistence under the realistic condition of predation. These results indicate that multi-trophic interactions can affect the maintenance of conjugative plasmids with implications for bacterial evolution and the spread of antibiotic resistance genes.  相似文献   
Despite the profound impacts of drought on terrestrial productivity in coastal arid ecosystems, only a few studies have addressed how drought can influence ecological cascades across ecosystem boundaries. In this study, we examine the consequences of rainfall pulses and drought that subsequently impact the breeding success of a threatened nocturnal seabird, the Scripps's Murrelet (Synthliboramphus scrippsi). On an island off the coast of southern California, the main cause of reduced nest success for one of their largest breeding colonies is egg predation by an endemic deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus elusus). Mice on the island have an opportunistic diet of primarily terrestrial sources, but drastic declines in terrestrial productivity from drought might be expected to increase their reliance on marine resources, including murrelet eggs. We compiled data on terrestrial and marine productivity between 1983 and 2013 to determine how conditions in these ecosystems influence murrelet nest success. We found that the severity of drought had the strongest negative impact on murrelet nest success. We calculated that the reduction in fecundity during drought years due to increased egg predation by mice was substantial enough to produce a declining population growth rate. Nest success was much higher under normal or high rainfall conditions, depending on whether oceanic conditions were favorable to murrelets. Therefore, the more frequent and severe drought that is projected for this region could lead to an increased risk of murrelet population decline on this island. Our study highlights the need for understanding how species interactions will change through the effects of increasing drought and altered rainfall regimes under global change.  相似文献   
Intertidal zone mussels can face threats from a variety of predatory species during high and low tides, and they must balance the threat of predation against other needs such as feeding and aerobic respiration. Black oystercatchers (Haematopus bachmani) on the Pacific coast of North America can depend on the mussel Mytilus californianus for a substantial portion of their diet. Observations suggest that oystercatchers tend to focus on mussels beginning to gape their valves during rising tides, following periods of aerial emersion. We present detailed, autonomous field measurements of the dynamics of three such predation events in the rocky intertidal zone. We measured accelerations of up to 4 g imposed on mussels, with handling times of 115–290 s required to open the shell and remove the majority of tissue. In each case a single oystercatcher attacked a mussel that had gaped the shell valves slightly wider than its neighbors as the rising tide began to splash the mussel bed, but no other obvious characteristic of the mussels, such as body temperature or orientation, could be linked to the oystercatcher's individual prey choice.  相似文献   
Currently, the impact of introduced predators on small mammal population decline is a focal research direction in the Australian desert literature. In all likelihood though, single‐factor explanation of population dynamics is inadequate, leaving gaps in our knowledge of the multitude of potential influences on small mammal abundance and occupancy patterns in time and space. Here, we investigated floristic gradients across four potential refuge sites of the central rock‐rat, Zyzomys pedunculatus, a granivore rodent (50–120 g) that is endemic to central Australia and is categorised as critically endangered. The study took place in Tjoritja/West MacDonnell National Park in the MacDonnell Ranges bioregion. Floristic sampling was allocated across the four sites, the locations of which were predetermined by an established monitoring and management programme for the central rock‐rat. Our aim was to examine the relationship between environmental gradients and floristic composition across the four sites, and thereby test the extent to which the patterns of food type and food availability can inform central rock‐rat spatio‐temporal dynamics. We found high site‐scale floristic patterning that related foremost to elevation and then to antecedent rainfall and time‐since‐fire and fire‐severity effects. To interpret these results, we applied the principles of refuge theory and we described a gradient from core refuge habitat to intermittent and then marginal habitat within the current central rock‐rat stronghold area. Overall, our results implied a strong floristic basis to central rock‐rat site occurrence, and they thus compel us to take explicit account of spatial (elevation) and temporal (rainfall–productivity and fire‐disturbance) influences on the food axis of potential refuge sites of this critically endangered species.  相似文献   
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