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Muddy sediments are elastic solids through which morphologically diverse animals extend burrows by fracture. Muddy sediments inhabited by burrowing infauna vary considerably in mechanical properties, however, and at high enough porosities, muds can be fluidized. In this study, we examined burrowing behaviors and mechanisms of burrow extension for three morphologically diverse polychaete species inhabiting soft muddy sediments. Worms burrowed in gelatin, a transparent analog for muddy sediments, and in natural sediments in a novel viewing box enabling visualization of behaviors and sediment responses. Individuals of Scalibregma inflatum and Sternaspis scutata can extend burrows by fracture, but both also extended burrows by plastic deformation and by combinations of fracture and plastic deformation. Mechanical responses of sediments corresponded to different burrowing behaviors in Scalibregma; direct peristalsis was used to extend burrows by fracture or a combination of plastic deformation and fracture, whereas a retrograde expansive peristaltic wave extended burrows by plastic deformation. Burrowing speeds differed between behaviors and sediment mechanical responses, with slower burrowing associated with plastic deformation. Sternaspis exhibited less variability in behavior and burrowing speed but did extend burrows by different mechanisms consistent with observations of Scalibregma. Individuals of Ophelina acuminata did not extend burrows by fracture; rather individuals plastically deformed sediments similarly to individuals of the related Armandia brevis. Our results extend the range of natural sediments in which burrowing by fracture has been observed, but the dependence of burrow extension mechanism on species, burrowing behavior, and burrowing speed highlights the need for better understanding of mechanical responses of sediments to burrowers.  相似文献   
This article presents an empirical analysis of the impact of sustainability information on consumer purchase intentions and how this influence varies by issue (health, environment, and social responsibility), product category, type of consumer, and type of information. We assess over 40,000 online purchase interactions on the website GoodGuide.com and find a significant impact of certain types of sustainability information on purchase intentions, varying across different types of consumers, issues, and product categories. Health ratings in particular showed the strongest effects. Direct users—those who intentionally sought out sustainability information—were most strongly influenced by sustainability information, with an average purchase intention rate increase of 1.15 percentage points for each point increase in overall product score, reported on a zero to ten scale. However, sustainability information had, on average, no impact on nondirect users, demonstrating that simply providing more or better information on sustainability issues will likely have limited impact on changing mainstream consumer behavior unless it is designed to connect into existing decision‐making processes.  相似文献   
Weather fluctuations have been demonstrated to affect demographic traits in many species. In long‐lived organisms, their impact on adult survival might be buffered by the evolution of traits that reduce variation in interannual adult survival. For example, skipping breeding is an effective behavioral mechanism that may limit yearly variation in adult survival when harsh weather conditions occur; however, this in turn would likely lead to strong variation in recruitment. Yet, only a few studies to date have examined the impact of weather variation on survival, recruitment and breeding probability simultaneously in different populations of the same species. To fill this gap, we studied the impact of spring temperatures and spring rainfall on survival, on reproductive skipping behavior and on recruitment in five populations of a long‐lived amphibian, the yellow‐bellied toad (Bombina variegata). Based on capture–recapture data, our findings demonstrate that survival depends on interactions between age, population and weather variation. Varying weather conditions in the spring result in strong variation in the survival of immature toads, whereas they have little effect on adult toads. Breeding probability depends on both the individual's previous reproductive status and on the weather conditions during the current breeding season, leading to high interannual variation in recruitment. Crucially, we found that the impact of weather variation on demographic traits is largely context dependent and may thus differ sharply between populations. Our results suggest that studies predicting the impact of climate change on population dynamics should be taken with caution when the relationship between climate and demographic traits is established using only one population or few populations. We therefore highly recommend further research that includes surveys replicated in a substantial number of populations to account for context‐dependent variation in demographic processes.  相似文献   
研究LY株禽呼肠孤病毒(ARV)感染1日龄SPF鸡后对法氏囊发育影响,对传染性法氏囊病毒(IBDV)、禽流感病毒(AIV)、新城疫病毒(NDV)疫苗免疫诱发的抗体的影响,及对强毒株IBDV致病作用的影响。结果表明,LY株ARV感染1日龄SPF鸡可引起法氏囊萎缩和部分淋巴细胞减少,但对增重及AIV和NDV疫苗免疫后抗体滴度却没有显著影响。ARV感染可降低弱毒IBDV疫苗免疫后的抗体反应,但对随后IBDV强毒株攻毒的抵抗力却与对照鸡无显著差异。经IBDV弱毒疫苗免疫后,再接种强毒株IBDV,不会引起死亡,但却仍能显著抑制对AIV、NDV疫苗免疫后的抗体滴度。然而,对于1~7日龄经ARV感染的鸡,IBDV强毒的这种免疫抑制作用又显著低于未经ARV感染的对照鸡。  相似文献   
Previous studies on macaque species revealed no evidence of consolation: affiliative contact between the loser of an aggressive interaction and a third party. However, typically, the researchers used short observation periods and latency to make first affiliative contact as a dependent measure. Based on social stress buffering literature, I predicted that by employing longer observation periods and percentage of time in affiliative contact as a dependent measure, I would be more likely to detect increases in affiliative contact following aggression. I observed adult female rhesus macaques for 1 hr after they received severe aggression and for 1 hr after some affiliative contact, and measured time spent in affiliative contact using instantaneous recording at 30-sec intervals. Contrary to prediction, victims of attack did not spend a greater percentage of time in affiliative contact postaggression as compared to postaffiliation. Subjects were also less likely to initiate contact with other individuals and were more likely to have contact with individuals that were dominant to their aggressor, following aggression. These results provide converging evidence that affiliative contact is not increased following aggression in macaques. I discuss the failure to bear out the predictions based on the social stress buffering literature in terms of rhesus social dynamics, the nature of aggression as a stressor, and possible mechanisms for the social stress buffering effect.  相似文献   
To study sex-differential allocation of maternal behavior in Microcebus murinus, I recorded behavioral patterns on 21 litters from parturition to the weaning period. After a pregnancy of 61.5 ± 0.9 days, females may produce from one to four young per litter. Litters were weaned in 40 days by mothers. Behavioral observations at the beginning of the nocturnal activity period demonstrated that close contacts between mothers and infants were more frequent in multiparous mothers than in primiparous ones (p < .01). Time in close contact with offspring aged >15 days old compared to contacts with neonates is significantly lower only in single-sex litters and is more marked for all-female litters (p < .01). Mother's approaches toward mixed litters or all-male litters were always significantly greater than approaches toward all-female litters (p = .04). However, mother's approaches within mixed sex litters were not biased toward either sex (p = .7). Males in a litter may be interpreted as a stimulator of maternal behavior. Similarly, using retrieving tests of 15-min duration, a significant maternal preference for male neonates is evident. Latency to first retrieval is significantly shorter in multiparous females than in primiparous ones (p < .05) independent of size and sex ratio of the litter. For multiparous females only, male neonates were chosen first for retrieval more often than females (p < .05). Finally, the calls of young played a stimulator effect on maternal retrieving (p < .001). Accordingly multiparous mothers exhibit more interest in their young, which appears to be biased toward male neonates.  相似文献   
We studied the effect of floral color change on long- and short-distance attraction of insect pollinators to the herb lungwort, Pulmonaria collina. Lungwort flowers change color with age from red to blue. Young red flowers had a significantly greater pollen and nectar reward and were significantly more often unpollinated than old blue ones. Red and blue flowers both influenced long-distance attractiveness of plants, defined as the number of insect approaches towards an individual plant. After reaching a plant, flower visitors preferred to visit young red flowers. Therefore, short-distance attractiveness, defined as the number of flowers visited successively on an individual plant, was influenced mainly by the number of young red flowers. The co-occurrence of the change in reproductive ability, in amount of reward, and in flower color enabled lungwort plants to direct pollinators to reproductive, highly rewarding red flowers. The data suggest that by maintaining changed flowers lungwort plants can increase their long-distance attraction and simultaneously enhance the probability of flower visits to pre-changed flowers. Thus, we propose floral color change as a mechanism that can increase the efficiency of pollen transfer to enhance plant fitness. Received: 2 November 1998 / Accepted: 14 July 1999  相似文献   
Considerable controversy exists on the nature of the relationship between male dominance rank and reproductive activity. The nature of this relationship has important implications for understanding the manner in which males compete for access to limited resources. Behavioral data on mating patterns were collected over a four-year period from one social group of rhesus macaques on Cayo Santiago. Correlations between dominance rank and reproductive activity were not stable over a four-year period, but changed yearly. Positive, significant correlations were present in the first two years of the study while non-significant correlations were found in the second two years. The variation found in the correlations between rank and mating activity could be accounted for by changes in the mating frequencies of different classes of males. The long-term resident males had declines in ejaculation frequencies over the duration of the study. Males who immigrated into the group had yearly increases in reproductive behavior over three consecutive years. Maturing natal males also increased their levels of reproductive activity from year-to-year. Combining these mating patterns over time resulted in shifting the proportions of matings away from the long-term residents and in favor of the new males. High-ranking males had an advantage in reproductive activity over the first two years of the study, as measured by both the total number of ejaculations and the mean number of ejaculation per male. New males, comprised of recent immigrants and maturing natal males, had a greater level of reproductive activity over the last two years. These results suggest that the effect of rank on reproductive activity is variable and that males utilize alternative tactics to attain access to limited resources. Simple one-factor models explaining the relationship between rank and reproductive activity must be replaced with models explaining how alternate strategies affect male competition and reproductive success in primates.  相似文献   
The role of phototactic behavior of gametes was tested experimentally in the slightly anisogamous marine green alga Monostroma angicava Kjellman, and the effect of phototaxis on mating efficiency was discovered. Both male and female gametes showed positive phototaxis in response to a white light source. In contrast, they did not respond to a red light source. Their swimming velocity did not differ between these two illuminating light sources. It was, therefore, suggested that the search ability of the gamete itself might not vary between phototactic and non-phototactic conditions. The number of zygotes formed during the mating process may be expressed as the product of the number of encounters between male and female gametes and the fraction of encounters that result in sexual fusion. In this study, with high densities of male and female gametes mixed in test tubes, almost all minor (fewer in number) gametes fused sexually within 10 min. After dilution of the gamete suspensions by half, mating efficiency in test tubes illuminated by white light from above was higher than that in dark controls. This suggests that male and female gametes gathered at the water surface through their positive phototaxis, thus increasing the rate of encounters. Mating efficiency also decreased if the test tubes were illuminated from above by white light and also shaken. Since negative phototaxis is clearly shown in planozygotes, we suggest that positive phototaxis of male and female gametes in M. angicava is an adaptive trait for increasing the rate of gametic encounters rather than for the dispersal of zygotes as previously reported for zoospores of some marine algae. Received: 12 February 1999 / Revision accepted: 24 May 1999  相似文献   
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