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An 18 month old 14 kg male with symptomatic Brugada syndrome underwent placement of an epicardial automatic implantable cardiac defibrillator using a single coil transvenous lead sutured to the anterolateral aspect of the left ventricle.  相似文献   
目的通过电子芯片植入与识别技术和计算机管理系统对接,建立每只实验猴的数据档案,其中包括遗传谱系、生理数据、实验记录。方法通过建立实验猴的电子通道,以非接触方式通过计算机管理,应用射频识别信号系统,实现实验猴身份快速自动识别、自动捕捉、数据读写、电子档案信息管理、数据远程传输的目的,减少人为因素对实验猴的干扰和引起的应激反应。结果该系统的建立极大的减少了实验和饲养实验猴过程中捕捉猴的困难,身份识别困难,减少了对工作人员和实验猴的伤害,减轻了工作量,减低了人为因素对实验结果的干扰和动物应激反应对实验数据的影响。电子档案具有终身有效,随猴携带,全球唯一序列号,不可复制,不可仿制,标签唯一性。结论实验猴身份自动识别、自动捕捉、电子芯片数据信息管理系统的研制成功,为实验动物个体电子档案建立和群体数据库的管理提供了一种高速、有效、科学、可靠的计算机管理手段,改变通道模式即可应用于大型凶猛动物或不适合人接触捕捉动物的识别和管理,具有广泛的应用前景,目前在国内外尚无同类系统。  相似文献   
PurposeThe present work aims to guide the physicist in order to start automated planning for the VMAT treatment of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) by giving a recipe that was set up and tested during a long-term (two years) evaluation.MethodsAn automatic technique in AutoPlanning module of the Pinnacle3 (Philips Medical Systems, Fitchburg, WI) treatment planning system was created and validated by comparing dose distributions of automatic plans (APs) and manual plans (MPs) and by performing a blind AP-MP comparison on a cohort of 20 patients. Automatic technique was then applied to 145 patients and failures were recorded i.e. the number of times for which dose distributions produced by the automatic module were not suitable for treatment.ResultsEach of the 20 APs considered in the validation step was clinically acceptable and proved to be better (15 cases) or equal (5 cases) respect to MPs. A statistically significant improvement in brain stem, optic pathways, cochleae, pituitary gland and scalp sparing was observed for APs, while no statistically significant differences were recorded in target coverage or plan parameters. For only 5 cases out of the 145 plans the operator intervention was needed in order to obtain a clinical acceptable plan, while for the remaining 140 plans the automatic created solution was suitable.ConclusionsA straightforward automatic procedure has been created and tested in our clinic. The AutoPlanning technique proposed represents a reliable tool to improve treatment planning efficiency and the recipe, here presented, could be simply imported to every radiotherapy center.  相似文献   
目的:探讨化学饱和法脂肪抑制技术在上腹部磁共振检查中的应用。材料与方法:使用的机器为美国马可尼公司生产的Elips 1.5T磁共振成像仪,常规检查上腹部病人,研究对象的条件:在自动匀场时出现单水峰的位置与Y轴不重叠,选择40例病人做两次扫描,第一次是匀场自动完成后进行扫描;第二次是在匀场时通过人为的干预,使得FID最大的水峰调整到Y轴上,提交后进行扫描,对40例的图像进行自配对,比较压脂图像质量。结果:压脂序列图像:自动匀场完成后重T2加权T2/C薄层图像均含有脂肪信号,经最大信号投影重建胰胆管图像也含有脂肪信号,整体图像对比度差;经人工干预手动调节使水峰的最高点与Y轴重叠,扫描所得图像不含脂肪信号。结论:快速动态自动匀场可以使MRI图像质量得到显著改善,在自动匀场时通过人工的干预可获得高质量的压脂图像是必需的。  相似文献   
本文综述了QRS波群自动分类技术的关键技术及其研究方向,内容涉及QRS波群的描述方法、分类方法和训练数据集这三个重要影响因素。  相似文献   
This paper illustrates a method for automatic data recording using the printer port of personal computer and software designed ad hoc. The system was tested by measuring circadian rhythms of activity in the subterranean rodent Ctenomys talarum. Data is recorded in a text-only comma-delimited file, and displayed on screen.  相似文献   
Throughout vertebrate evolution, asymmetries in the ability to inflict costs on others (i.e., formidability) have determined the outcomes of contests over limited resources. Therefore, natural selection would have favored mechanisms designed to efficiently and accurately estimate the formidability of conspecifics. Although previous research has provided evidence for the existence of adaptations for formidability assessment, the design features of these mechanisms have not been fully examined. In the current study, participants underwent a battery of tasks to test hypotheses regarding the speed and automaticity of formidability assessment mechanisms. Results suggest that formidability is automatically and rapidly tracked and assessed from visual cues. With a few interesting exceptions, characteristics of the raters (N = 187) and targets (N = 64) did not influence these assessments. Additionally, we present eye–tracking data to highlight the salience of upper–body musculature as a cue to physical strength. Taken together, these findings bolster and extend evidence for formidability assessment mechanisms in humans.  相似文献   
A robotic couch capable of six degrees of freedom (6-DoF) of motion was introduced for state-of-the-art radiation therapy. Patient treatment requires precise quality assurance (QA) of 6-DoF. Unfortunately, conventional methods do not provide the requisite accuracy and precision. Therefore, we developed a high-precision automated QA system using a visual tracking system (VTS). The VTS comprises four motion-sensing cameras, a cube with infrared reflective markers. To acquire data in treatment room coordinates, a transformation matrix from VTS coordinates to treatment room coordinates was determined.The mean error and standard deviation of linear and rotational motions, as well as couch sagging were analyzed from continuously acquired images in the moving couch. The accuracy of VTS was 0.024 mm deviation for the sinusoidal motion, and the accuracy of the transformation matrix was 0.02 mm. In a cross-comparison, the difference between Laser Tracker (FARO) measurements was 0.14 ± 0.12 mm for translation and 0.032 ± 0.026° on average for yaw rotation. The new system provides QA of yaw, pitch and roll motion as well as sagging of the couch and sub-millimeter/degree accuracy together with precision.  相似文献   
Performance and costs were evaluated for 205 German Grey Heath lambs reared artificially under field conditions using three feeding and three weaning regimes. In phase 1 (pre-weaning), ad libitum feeding of milk replacer (MR) on an automatic lamb feeder was compared to restricted MR feeding on the modified calf feeder “Stand alone II®” or with buckets. In phase 2 (after weaning at 12 kg body weight), abrupt weaning was compared to gradual weaning systems with reduction of the amount or the concentration of MR over 2 weeks. In phase 1, average daily gains (ADG) were highest in the Ad libitum group (0.262 ± 0.032 kg/d), followed by Bucket and Stand alone with 0.227 ± 0.036 kg/d and 0.209 ± 0.023 kg/d, respectively (P < 0.05). In contrast, feed conversion rate was best for group Stand alone (1.17:1), compared to 1.20:1 in group Bucket and 1.23:1 in group Ad libitum. In phase 2, abrupt weaning caused weight loss in lambs from the Ad libitum and Bucket groups, but not in group Stand alone. No post-weaning growth check was seen in lambs weaned gradually. In general, differences in body weight (BW) between groups were low, and on d 70, no significant difference was seen between feeding groups, whereas lambs weaned abruptly still had lower BW than lambs weaned by reducing the amount of MR (P < 0.05). Total lamb mortality was 3.9%, with no accumulation of infectious disease in any of the feeding or weaning groups. Economic analysis revealed that total costs in phase 1 were highest for group Stand alone (57–70 € per lamb), followed by the Bucket group (63 € per lamb). Although MR consumption was higher in the Ad libitum group, this method was the most cost-efficient (50–54 € per lamb), because purchase price of the feeder and labor costs were relatively low. In phase 2, gradual weaning systems added costs of 4.70–9.50 € per lamb. Our findings indicate that the most efficient way to rear 60–120 lambs artificially under field conditions is by using an automatic ad libitum lamb feeder followed by abrupt weaning.  相似文献   
目的研讨透视图像亮度自动控制应用的三种剂量率调整方法。方法自动调整毫安值、自动调整仟伏值、自动调整毫安和仟伏值。结果有助于保持最佳透视图像成像质量,提高临床诊断效率。结论采用自动仟伏调整和自动毫安、仟伏调整不失为行之有效的方法  相似文献   
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