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Growth responses of some soil fungi to spatially heterogeneous nutrients   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract The natural nutritional environments of most fungi are spatially non-uniform, yet the majority of studies of fungal growth take no account of this fact. An experimental system is described which permits the growth responses of eucarpic fungi to heterogeneously distributed nutrient resources to be studied. The system comprises tesselations of agar tiles of contrasting nutrient status separated by air gaps. Growth responses in such systems of Alternaria alternata, Mucor sp., Phoma foveata , Rhizoctonia solani and Trichoderma viride are described. Generally, the growth of the fungi reflected the nutrient status of the underlying substrate. There was evidence for growth in low-nutrient tiles being greater when high-nutrient tiles were included in the tessellation. Reproductive structures tended to be formed only in low nutrient tiles with Trichoderma and Rhizoctonia and only high nutrient tiles with Alternaria . Growth responses of Rhizoctonia were strongly asymmetric in nutritionally symmetric, but heterogeneous, tesselations. The consequences of the observations for fungal growth in heterogeneous environments such as soil is discussed.  相似文献   
At muscle-tendon junctions of red and of white axial muscle fibres of carp, new sarcomeres are found adjacent to existing sarcomeres along the bundles of actin filaments that connect the myofibrils with the junctional sarcolemma. As the filament bundles that transmit force to the junction originate proximal to new sarcomeres, they probably relieve these new sarcomeres from premature loading. In red fibres, these filament bundles are long (up to 20 m) and dense, permitting light-microscopical immunohistochemistry (double reactions: anti-titin or anti--actinin and phalloidin). New sarcomeres have clear I bands; their A band lengths are similar to those of older sarcomeres and the thick filaments lie in register. T tubules are found at the distal side of new sarcomeres but terminal Z lines are absent. The late addition of -actinin suggests that -actinin mainly has a stabilizing role in sarcomere formation. The presence of titin in the terminal fibre protrusions is in agreement with its supposed role in sarcomere formation, viz. the integration of thin and thick filaments. The absence of a terminal Z line from sarcomeres with well-registered A bands suggests that this structure is not essential for the anchorage of connective (titin) filaments.  相似文献   
A model of single-species growth in the chemostat on two non-reproducing, growth-limiting, noninhibitory, perfectly substitutable resources is considered. The medium in the growth vessel is enriched by increasing the input concentration of one of the resources. Analytical methods are used to determine the effects of enrichment on the asymptotic behaviour of the model for different dilution rates. It is shown that there exists a threshold value for the dilution rate which depends on the maximal growth rate of the species on each of the resources. Provided the dilution rate is below the threshold, enrichment is beneficial in the sense that the carrying capacity of the environment is increased, regardless of which resource is used to enrich the environment. When the dilution rate is increased beyond the threshold, it becomes important to consider which resource is used for enrichment. For one of the resources it is shown that, while moderate enrichment can be beneficial, sufficient enrichment leads to the extinction of the microbial population. For the other resource, enrichment leads from washout or initial condition dependent outcomes to survival, and is thus beneficial. There are important implications of these results to the management of natural aquatic ecosystems. For example, while enrichment may be beneficial to the microbial species during the summer months, it can lead to their decimation during spring run-off, when the natural dilution rate is higher.Research partially supported by an Ontario Graduate Scholarship. This author's contribution was motivated by results in her Ph.D. thesis at McMaster UniversityResearch supported by the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   
Synopsis Although swimming is energetically costly, a number of studies on salmonid species have demonstrated increased growth rates in fishes forced to swim for prolonged periods at moderate speeds (typically 1–2 body lengths per sec). This suggests that additional energetic costs of swimming are more than met by alternative compensatory gains. The mechanisms underlying such effects are not fully understood. In this paper, we describe an experiment designed to examine one possible mechanism, namely a swimming-induced inhibition of aggression, with consequent beneficial effects on growth. The study used Arctic charr,Salvelinus alpinus, a species for which a positive relationship between exercise and growth has been clearly established. Using direct behavioural observations on small groups, we demonstrate that individuals displaying high levels of aggressive behaviour are able to monopolise access to food and that enforced swimming at a moderate speed (1 body length per sec) reduces the incidence of aggression although not the degree of monopolisation of food shown by aggressive individuals. These results suggest that the enhanced growth rates accompanying enforced swimming may reflect lower energetic costs of reduced aggressive activity rather than improved access to food by subordinates.  相似文献   
In the mid-western Himalaya (altitude 1350 m, rainfall 1100 mm), multipurpose trees found as escapees in agricultural fields or naturally growing in the forests, play an important role in providing fuel, fooder and small timber to the farmers. Shoot elogation, and tree architecture of 4 year old trees of Grewia optiva, Robinia pseudoacacia and Celtis australis (early successionals), and Quercus leucotrichophora, Q. glauca and Ilex odorata (late successionals), were analyzed. All the late successional species showed a proleptic type of bud and branch production, while the early successional trees made growth through syllepsis. The shoot elongation differed significantly (P <0.05) with the crown position, and ranged from 11 to 30 cm in different species. Early successional species tended to maintain a comparatively narrow crown and showed a significantly (P <0.05) higher ramification ratio, and multilayered canopy. The late successionals, in contrast, showed a wide crown with monolayered canopy, adapted to the weak light intensity. There was only one flush of leaves in Q. leucotrichophora and Q. glauca while in the rest of the species there were two distinct flush periods. The results are important for the management of agroforestry trees.  相似文献   
Pythium acanthophoron (two isolates) was as aggressive as P. oligandrum in hyphal interactions with Fusarium oxysporum on water agar films. It caused rapid post-contact lysis or cytoplasmic coagulation of the host, and often branched and penetrated the host at contact points. P. acanthophoron grew across a range of fungi on pre-colonized agar plates; the range was narrower than for P. oligandrum but broader than for P. mycoparasiticum. In chemically defined liquid media, P. acanthophoron was unique among the six known mycoparasitic Pythium spp. in requiring organic nitrogen but not thiamine. It also grew on mannitol as the sole carbon source in the presence of calcium or sterols or both. However, individual isolates of the three mycoparasitic species showed different responses to calcium and the sterols ergosterol, cholesterol and beta-sitosterol when grown on mannitol. All three mycoparasites required components of molasses, carrot extract or sunflower seed extract to produce oogonia in culture; they formed few oogonia on potato extract, with or without dextrose, even when supplied with sterols. The three mycoparasites were less tolerant of high NaCl levels in culture than were three phytopathogens (P. aphanidermatum, P. ultimum, P. graminicola), in contrast to a previous report for P. oligandrum and P. ultimum. These in vitro studies suggest that P. acanthophoron has potential for use as a biocontrol agent instead of, or in addition to, P. oligandrum.  相似文献   
Summary Four lines of mice were formed from a common base population and selected for 37 generations for either increased 3-week weight (weaning weight), 6-week weight, 3–6 week gain, or maintained as a randomly bred control line. Realised heritability estimates for short-term (long-term) responses were 0.33±0.20 (0.07±0.10), 0.46±0.14 (0.26±0.09), 0.36±0.14 (0.24±0.11) for 3-week weight, 6-week weight and 3–6 week gain, respectively. Realised genetic correlations estimated from short-term (long-term) responses were 0.23±0.08 (0.35±0.10) between 3-week weight and 3–6 week gain; 0.82±0.04 (0.58±0.08) between 3-week weight and 6-week weight; and 0.81±0.04 (0.97±0.04) between 3–6 week gain and 6-week weight. The genetic correlation between 3-week weight and 6-week weight was asymmetric with a greater correlated response for 3-week weight when selecting for 6-week weight (1.06) than vice versa (0.63).  相似文献   
Roche Susceptibility Test (RST) Medium represents the most completely optimized and convenient fully defined medium described. It requires no post-autoclaving supplementation with vitamins, supports good growth of all common aerobic and anaerobic pathogens and may be used as a broth or agar gel on which the swarming of Proteus spp. is virtually eliminated. The broth as a superior buffering capacity to most complex media and an osmolality and pH close to those of human serum. RST is highly satisfactory for the susceptibility testing of commonly used antibiotics and meets the requirements of the National Committe for Clinical Laboratory Standards of the U.S.A. in almost every respect.  相似文献   
The biological activities of several ovine chorionic somatomammotropin (oCS) derivatives obtained by chemical modification of the lysine residues were studied by radioreceptor assays using rabbit mammary homogenates (lactogenic activity, L.A.) and liver homogenates (somatotropic activity, S.A.). Even if the control treatment with BH-4 markedly decreased the L.A., it was clear that methylation mainly affected the S.A. and that ethylation reduced both activities. Guanidination inactivated almost completely both activities and acetimidination at a very low degree (3 of 14 lysines) led to less than 50% of both activities. These results show the involvement of lysine residues in the interaction of oCS with lactogenic and somatotropic receptors.  相似文献   
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