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Na+-dependent uptake of L-[3H]proline was measured in a crude synaptosomal preparation from the entire rat hippocampal formation or from isolated hippocampal regions. Among hippocampal regions, Na+-dependent proline uptake was significantly greater in areas CA1 and CA2-CA3-CA4 than in the fascia dentata, whereas there was no marked regional difference in the distribution of Na+-dependent gamma-[14C]aminobutyric acid ([14C]GABA) uptake. A bilateral kainic acid lesion, which destroyed most of the CA3 hippocampal pyramidal cells, reduced Na+-dependent proline uptake by an average of 41% in area CA1 and 52% in area CA2-CA3-CA4, without affecting the Na+-dependent uptake of GABA. In the fascia dentata, neither proline nor GABA uptake was significantly altered. Kinetic studies suggested that hippocampal synaptosomes take up proline by both a high-affinity (KT = 6.7 microM) and a low-affinity (KT = 290 microM) Na+-dependent process, whereas L-[14C]glutamate is taken up predominantly by a high-affinity (KT = 6.1 microM) process. A bilateral kainic acid lesion reduced the Vmax of high-affinity proline uptake by an average of 72%, the Vmax of low-affinity proline uptake by 44%, and the Vmax of high affinity glutamate uptake by 43%, without significantly changing the affinity of the transport carriers for substrate. Ipsilateral-commissural projections of CA3 hippocampal pyramidal cells appear to possess nearly as great a capacity for taking up proline as for taking up glutamate, a probable transmitter of these pathways. Therefore proline may play an important role in transmission at synapses made by the CA3-derived Schaffer collateral, commissural, and ipsilateral associational fibers.  相似文献   
The sinus gland is a major neurosecretory structure in Crustacea. Five peptides, labeled C, D, E, F, and I, isolated from the sinus gland of the land crab have been hypothesized to arise from the incomplete proteolysis at two internal sites on a single biosynthetic intermediate peptide "H", based on amino acid composition additivities and pulse-chase radiolabeling studies. The presence of only a single major precursor for the sinus gland peptides implies that peptide H may be synthesized on a common precursor with crustacean hyperglycemic hormone forms, "J" and "L," and a peptide, "K," similar to peptides with molt inhibiting activity. Here I report amino acid sequences of these peptides. The amino terminal sequence of the parent peptide, H, (and the homologous fragments) proved refractory to Edman degradation. Data from amino acid analysis and carboxypeptidase digestion of the naturally occurring fragments and of fragments produced by endopeptidase digestion were used together with Edman degradation to obtain the sequences. Amino acid analysis of fragments of the naturally occurring "overlap" peptides (those produced by internal cleavage at one site on H) was used to obtain the sequences across the cleavage sites. The amino acid sequence of the land crab peptide H is Arg-Ser-Ala-Asp-Gly-Phe-Gly-Arg-Met-Glu-Ser-Leu-Leu-Thr-Ser-Leu-Arg-Gly- Ser-Ala-Glu- Ser-Pro-Ala-Ala-Leu-Gly-Glu-Ala-Ser-Ala-Ala-His-Pro-Leu-Glu. In vivo cleavage at one site involves excision of arginine from the sequence Leu-Arg-Gly, whereas cleavage at the other site involves excision of serine from the sequence Glu-Ser-Leu. Proteolysis at the latter sequence has not been previously reported in intact secretory granules. The aspartate at position 4 is possibly covalently modified.  相似文献   
Unidirectional L-phenylalanine transport into six brain regions of pentobarbital-anesthetized rats was studied using the in situ brain perfusion technique. This technique allows both accurate measurements of cerebrovascular amino acid transport and complete control of perfusate amino acid composition. L-Phenylalanine influx into the brain was sodium independent and could be described by a model with a saturable and a nonsaturable component. Best-fit values for the kinetic constants in the parietal cortex equaled 6.9 X 10(-4) mumol/s/g for Vmax, 0.011 mumol/ml for Km, and 1.8 X 10(-4) ml/s/g for KD during perfusion with fluid that did not contain competing amino acids. D-Phenylalanine competitively inhibited L-phenylalanine transport with a Ki approximately 10-fold greater than the Km for L-phenylalanine. There were no significant regional differences in Km, KD, or Ki, whereas Vmax was significantly greater in the cortical lobes than in the other brain regions. L-Phenylalanine influx during plasma perfusion was only 30% of that predicted in the absence of competing amino acids. Competitive inhibition increased the apparent Km during plasma perfusion by approximately 20-fold, to 0.21 mumol/ml. These data provide accurate new estimates of the kinetic constants that describe L-phenylalanine transport across the blood-brain barrier. In addition, they indicate that the cerebrovascular transfer site affinity (1/Km) for L-phenylalanine is three- to 12-fold greater than previously estimated in either awake or anesthetized animals.  相似文献   
Lipid composition was studied on cerebral tissue from nine children who had died of a progressive encephalopathy called the infantile form of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (INCL) or polyunsaturated fatty acid lipidosis (PFAL). In the terminal stage of the disease, the concentrations of all lipid classes were found to be significantly reduced in the cerebral and cerebellar cortex and white matter. The concentration of gangliosides of the cerebral cortex was 15% and that of cerebrosides (galactosylceramide) in white matter 0.2-5% of the normal values for the children's ages. The reduction of gangliosides mainly affected those of the gangliotetraose series, particularly GD1a. The fatty acids of the linolenic acid series were strongly reduced in ethanolamine and serine phosphoglycerides. A very large increase up to 100-fold of oligoglycosphingolipids of the globo series and two fucose-containing lipids of the neolacto series was found in the forebrain of the three advanced cases examined. The brain tissue also contained very high concentrations of mono-, di-, and trisialogangliosides of the lacto and neolacto series, gangliosides with type 1 chain dominating. The structures of the gangliosides were tentatively identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and monoclonal antibodies with carefully determined epitope specificity. The gangliosides and neutral glycosphingolipids had very similar fatty acid composition, consisting of about 40% stearic acid and 40% C24-acids.  相似文献   
Toxic peptides II-9.2.2 and II-10, purified from Centruroides noxius venom, bear highly homologous N-terminal amino acid sequences, and both toxins are lethal to mice. However, only toxin II-10 is active on the voltage-clamped squid axon, selectively decreasing the voltage-dependent Na+ current. Here, we have tested toxins II-9 and II-10 on synaptosomes from mouse brain: both toxins increased the release of gamma-[3H]aminobutyric acid ([3H]GABA). Their effect was completely blocked by tetrodotoxin or by the absence of external Na+. Also, both toxins increased Na+ permeability in isolated nerve terminals. Besides the observation that toxin II-9 is active on synaptosomes, the effect of toxin II-10 in this preparation is opposite to that observed in the squid axon. Thus, our results reflect functional differences between the populations of Na+ channels in mouse brain synaptosomes and in the squid axon. The release of GABA evoked by these toxins from synaptosomes required external Ca2+ and was blocked by Ca2+ channel blockers (verapamil and Co2+). This latter observation is in sharp contrast to the releasing action of veratrine, which evoked release even in the absence of external Ca2+. Furthermore, the action of both C. noxius toxins was potentiated by veratrine, a result suggesting they have different mechanisms of action. Among drugs that release neurotransmitters by increasing Na+ permeability, it is noteworthy that scorpion toxins are the only ones yet reported to have a strict requirement for external Ca2+.  相似文献   
We sought to establish whether the endogenous opiate-receptor agonist Met-enkephalin (m-ENK) selectively modulates the release of endogenous tyrosine (Tyr) from brain slices prepared from the corpus striatum (CS). Amino acids (AAs) released from slices of CS and, for comparison, cerebral cortex (Cx) were measured by HPLC. Incubation of slices with m-ENK (1-10 microM) increased the basal release of Tyr (up to 293% of control) from CS, but not Cx, whereas other nonneurotransmitter AAs, phenylalanine (Phe) and valine (Val), were unchanged. The release of the putative neurotransmitter AAs glutamate (Glu), taurine (Tau), and glycine (Gly) were similarly increased by 50-150% with m-ENK in slices of CS, but not Cx. The enhanced release of AAs by m-ENK was prevented by removal of extracellular Ca2+ or by preincubation with the opiate receptor antagonist naloxone. Neuronal depolarization by potassium (5-55 mM) in the presence of Ca2+ did not affect the release of Tyr, whereas release of neurotransmitter AAs such as gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) were markedly increased. The increase in basal Tyr release by m-ENK was not the result of a decreased uptake of Tyr. Relative to slices, the basal release of Tyr, Phe, and Val from a synaptosomal (P2) preparation of CS was small (8-51%) compared to that of GABA, Gly, Glu, and Tau (49-123%). Nonetheless, m-ENK (10 microM) markedly increased the release of Tyr (to 833%), but not Glu, Gly, and Tau from the P2 fraction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Summary A method for transposon mutagenesis in Azospirillum lipoferum 29708 is reported with transposon Tn5. The suicide plasmid pSUP2021 was used to deliver Tn5 in A. lipoferum using Escherichia coli SM10 as the donor. Neomycin-resistant transconjugants were detected at a frequency of 6x10-6 per recipient. Different types of mutants were isolated, e.g. auxotrophic, coloured, IAA-negative, and IAA-overproducers. Among the auxotrophic mutants, cysteine and methionine requirers prevailed. Random Tn5-insertion with only one copy per mutant was demonstrated by Southern blotting and hybridization. Tn5-induced mutants are relatively stable, with reversion rates of 2–20×10-8. A gene which is a part of the carotenoid pathway is closely linked to the histidine genes. The existence of two pathways for IAA production in A. lipoferum is discussed.  相似文献   
Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and indole-3-ethanol (IEt) were identified in immature seeds of Pinus sylvestris L. by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Indole-3-methanol was tentatively identified using multiple ion monitoring. Anatomical investigations of seeds, as well as measurements of free and alkali-hydrolysable IAA and IEt, were made during seed development and germination. Levels of free IAA and IEt decreased during seed development. In the later stages of seed maturation most IAA and IEt were present in alkali-hydrolysable forms. Bound IAA and bound IEt rapidly decreased during germination, while levels of free IAA and IEt increased dramatically for a short period.  相似文献   
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