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In the primordial thoracic ganglia of locust embryos, the bromodeoxiuridine (BrdU) technique for labelling proliferating cells and their progeny was combined with intracellular dye injection to investigate the origin and the clonal relationship of common inhibitory motoneurons. Common inhibitors 1 (CI1) and 3 (CI3) were found to be siblings, that is, they are produced by the division of one ganglion mother cell. This ganglion mother cell results from the first division of neuroblast 5–5, at about 30% of embryonic development. A large portion, at least, of the ganglion mother cells produced by subsequent divisions of neuroblast 5–5 give rise to interneurons with contralaterally ascending or descending axons and GABA-like immunoreactivity. Thus, CI1 and CI3 are more closely related to putative inhibitory interneurons than they are to other, that is, excitatory, motoneurons. Consistent with this, the CI somata are associated with cell bodies of putative inhibitory interneurons rather than with clusters of excitatory motoneuron somata. These results elicit speculations regarding the evolutionary origin of inhibitory motoneurons. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Anuran males emit advertisement calls for the purpose of attracting females and repelling conspecific males. Call transmission is influenced by the acoustics of the propagation environment, including vegetation. Thus, forestry monocultures of non-native trees represent artificial environments that could modify call transmission. These monocultures have substituted large areas of Atlantic Forest in southern Brazil, representing a conservation challenge. Considering this context, we hypothesized that anurans have calls that are less attenuated in their native environment than in forest plantations. To test it, we performed sound transmission experiments using calls of three anuran species native to southern Brazil: Boana bischoffi, B. leptolineata, and Hylodes meridionalis. We compared sound attenuation between the native forest and forestry monocultures (Eucalyptus sp. and Pinus sp. forests), and included distance from the sound source, air temperature, humidity, and vegetation density as cofactors in linear mixed models. Our results show that the advertisement calls of the two tree frogs (Boana) attenuate less in tree plantations than in native forests, while the third species shows either no differences or less attenuation in native forests. Our results can be understood according to differences in natural history and microhabitat use among the studied species. The two tree frog species vocalize perched from vegetation so their calls become better transmitted in forestry monocultures, which have fewer trees than the native forest. On the other hand, H. meridionalis calls from rocks on streams and the propagation is finely tuned to this peculiar microhabitat. We discuss the conservation implications of our findings for anurans and for the Atlantic Forest. Abstract in Portuguese and Spanish are available with online material.  相似文献   
pHrMA4a-Z is a recombinant plasmid in which about 1.4 kb of the 5 flanking region of a gene for muscle actin HrMA4a from the ascidian Halocynthia roretzi is fused with the coding sequence of a bacterial gene for -galactosidase (lac-Z). In this study, we examined the expression of the fusion gene construct when it was introduced into eggs of another ascidian, namely Ciona savignyi. When a moderate amount of linearized pHrMA4a-Z was introduced into fertilized Ciona eggs, the expression of the reporter gene was evident in muscle cells of the larvae, suggesting that both species share a common machinery for the expression of muscle actin genes. The 5 upstream region of HrMA4a contains several consensus sequences, including a TATA box at -30, a CArG box at -116 and four E-boxes within a region of 200 bp. A deletion construct, in which only the 216-bp 5 flanking region of HrMA4a was fused with lac-Z, was expressed primarily in larval muscle cells. However, another deletion construct consisting of only the 61-bp upstream region of HrMA4a fused with lac-Z was not expressed at all. When pHrMA4a-Z or pHrMA4a-Z (–216) was injected into each of the muscle-precursor blastomeres of the 8-cell embryo, expression of the reporter gene was observed in larval muscle cells in a lineage-specific fashion. However, expression of the reporter gene was not observed when the plasmid was injected into non-muscle lineage. Therefore, the expression of the reporter gene may depend on some difference in cytoplasmic constituents between blastomeres of muscle and non-muscle lineage in the 8-cell embyo.  相似文献   
In order to examine the likely impacts of climate change on fish stocks, it is necessary to couple the output from large‐scale climate models to fisheries population simulations. Using projections of future North Sea surface temperatures for the period 2000–2050 from the Hadley General Circulation Model, we estimate the likely effects of climate change on the North Sea cod population. Output from the model suggests that increasing temperatures will lead to an increased rate of decline in the North Sea cod population compared with simulations that ignore environmental change. Although the simulation developed here is relatively simplistic, we demonstrate that inclusion of environmental factors in population models can markedly alter one's perception of how the population will behave. The development of simulations incorporating environment effects will become increasingly important as the impacts of climate change on the marine ecosystem become more pronounced.  相似文献   
Age at sexual maturity and timing of the mating season were determined in male Atlantic walruses ( Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus , L.) from the "North Water" subpopulation in northern Baffin Bay. Testes and epididymides of 174 male walruses (between 0 and 30 yr old) from NW Greenland (1987–1990) were studied macroscopically and a subset of 57 specimens was analyzed microscopically. In physically mature bulls ( i.e. , ≥12 yr old), sperm or apparently ripe spermatids were found between 9 November and 12 July. In younger walruses these signs of fertility were found in a few specimens (7–11 yr old) collected between 9 January and 28 May. The mating season seems to peak in January—April. The youngest sexually mature individual was 7 yr old and the oldest apparently immature individual was 13 yr old. Average age of sexual maturity was 10.9 yr (95% C.I.: 9–6–12.2 yr) and all were sexually mature by the time they were 14 yr old. The non-spermiogenetic testes and epididymides showed accelerated growth between about the 5–6th and about the 12–15th year of life, indicating that sexual maturation occurs during these years. The length of the baculum increased gradually until about 12–15 yr of age, when physical maturity was reached.  相似文献   
The cDNAs encoding two different Atlantic cod elastases have been isolated and sequenced. The predicted amino acid sequences revealed two preproelastases, consisting of a signal peptide, an activation peptide and a mature enzyme of 242 and 239 amino acids. Amino acid sequence identity between the two cod elastases was 60.1% and identity with mammalian elastases ranged from 50–64%. The two cod elastases contain all the major structural features common to serine proteases, such as the catalytic triad His57, Asp102 and Ser195. Both cod elastases have a high content of methionine, consistent with previous findings in psychrophilic fish enzymes.  相似文献   
Relatively few genetic markers are available for detailed studies of Atlantic salmon. The detection of 12 distinct minisatellite DNA loci in this species (by 10 Atlantic salmon and brown trout derived probes) and subsequent inheritance analyses in two half-sib families are reported here. Disomic Mendelian inheritance was confirmed at all loci. Only a single aberrant progeny genotype (at Ssa -A60) was observed among 138 progeny screened. None of the loci was sex-linked. The tight linkage association Str -A22/1 with Str -A22/2, previously reported for brown trout, was found to be conserved in the Atlantic salmon genome. An additional male-specific linkage group, Ssa -A34 with Str -A9/2, was also noted. These highly polymorphic loci should find widespread use as chromosomal, individual, familial and, probably, population markers.  相似文献   
Haury  J.  Bagliniére  J. -L.  Cassou  A. -I.  Maisse  G. 《Hydrobiologia》1995,300(1):269-277
Four compartments of a salmonid brook were studied in consecutive sections either at sector scale or at facies scale: physical features, water quality, macrophytes and salmonids. The most important factor in the spatial and temporal organisation was the longitudinal zonation assessed by the four compartments. It was mainly shown by a gradient of the length of the morphodynamic sequence and of the facies width, of the pH and the conductivity and of macrophyte cover. It induced a colonisation by older trout in the downstream part of the brook where growth was better and shelter given by the bankside vegetation was more abundant. There were also greater densities of other age-classes upstream, with a correlation between salmon and rock shelter. Furthermore, the second factor corresponded to the flow characteristics and a granulometry gradient. The third factor corresponded chiefly to lighting, salmon numbers and densities. Salmonids showed a temporal stability from spring to autumn,and an opposition between growth and density. Six clusters of sectors defined functional entities. With regard to the 3—dimensitnal structure of the brook, the special pattern of each compartment shows its contribution to the functioning of the whole. Taking into account the scale of the study, the coexistence between trout and salmon did not show a competition between the two species, but rather a spatial partition, thanks to thehheterogenity inside each sector. We concluded on the necessity of studying sympatry at the facies scale to assess the role of habitat factors as regulators of carrying capacity.  相似文献   
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