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对内蒙古、宁夏、甘肃等荒漠和半荒漠地区的气候和其他一些因素所导致的阿拉善黄耆(Astragalus grubovii Sancz.)的多态现象和变异规律进行了分析,对其存在的分类问题予以订正,将长期以来混乱不清的8个名称处理为异名,为阿拉善黄耆种的界定提供分类学依据.  相似文献   
The inter-relationship between exogenous calcium (Ca2+) during cold pretreatment and cold-enhanced somatic embryogenesis was investigated using cell suspension cultures of Astragalus adsurgens Pall. Cell suspension was obtained from embryogenic callus and could be induced to form somatic embryos in the differentiation medium. Suspension cells, after cold-treatment at 8 °C for 2 to 3 wk, displayed an enhanced capacity for somatic embryogenesis as compared to those without cold pretreatment. Longer cold pretreatment (> 4 wk) resulted in the inhibition of somatic embryogenesis. The enhanced embryogenic response of cells to cold pretreatment was dependent on the Ca2+ level in the pretreatment medium. Ca2+ levels below 1 mM suppressed the cold-enhanced response. Addition of lanthanum into the pretreatment medium completely abolished the cold induced enhancement of somatic embryogenesis. These results suggest that embryogenic cells require a minimal concentration of Ca2+ during pretreatment for the expression of this cold-enhanced capacity for somatic embryogenesis in A.adsurgens and the influx of exogenous Ca2+ during pretreatment might also be involved.  相似文献   
Astragalus australis var. olympicus is an endemic plant of the Olympic Mountains, Washington. It is considered a Species of Concern by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This study focused on the reproductive biology of the plant from flower production through seed germination to identify possible weak points that might contribute to its rarity and impede its conservation. Most plants produced a large mean number of flowers and ovules (314.8 and 4106, respectively), but relatively few of these formed fruits and seeds (25.8 and 3.8%, respectively). In decreasing importance, ovules in fruits were lost to predation, seed abortion, and lack of fertilization. The percentages of these fates differed among sites and years. Excluding pollinators by bagging flowers reduced fruit set by ∼50%, but seed set per fruit and seed mass were unaffected. Germination was affected by scarification, temperature, and moisture availability. About 11% of seeds damaged by predispersal seed predators (weevil larvae) remained viable and were released from dormancy. I hypothesize that predispersal seed predation (over 80% at one site) has a negative effect on population growth. Conservation of this species could benefit from improved fruit set and decreased seed predation.  相似文献   
To explore the possibility of an effectively long-term preservation of the germplasm of the HR lines of medicinal plant Astragalus membranaceus, Gentiana macrophylla Pall., and Eruca sativa Mill., both cold storage and cryopreservation approaches were attempted and compared. After 5-month cold storage on half strength Murashige and Skoog (1962) (1/2 MS) agar medium (AM), up to 82.9, 75.7, and 100% of the A. membranaceus, G. macrophylla and E. sativa hairy roots (HRs) recovered growth, respectively. The survival rates of A. membranaceus and G. macrophylla HRs significantly decreased, whereas that of E. sativa HR was unchanged with the addition of increased levels of exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) during cold storage. Using the encapsulation–vitrification (EV) method for cryopreservation, the G. macrophylla HRs died, whereas up to 6 and 73% of the A. membranaceus and E. sativa HRs survived, respectively. The HR lines evaluated with both methods showed no significant differences in morphology and growth rate compared with controls that were not subjected to preservation methods. These results suggest that cold storage is a more suitable alternative for the HR lines of the three studied plant species and that specificity of plant species have profound effects on the effectiveness of preservation.  相似文献   
Although plant secondary metabolites are important source of new drugs, obtaining these compounds is challenging due to their high structural diversity and low abundance. The roots of Astragalus membranaceus are a popular herbal medicine worldwide. It contains a series of cycloartane-type saponins (astragalosides) as hepatoprotective and antivirus components. However, astragalosides exhibit complex sugar substitution patterns which hindered their purification and bioactivity investigation. In this work, glycosyltransferases (GT) from A. membranaceus were studied to synthesize structurally diverse astragalosides. Three new GTs, AmGT1/5 and AmGT9, were characterized as 3-O-glycosyltransferase and 25-O-glycosyltransferase of cycloastragenol respectively. AmGT1G146V/I variants were obtained as specific 3-O-xylosyltransferases by sequence alignment, molecular modelling and site-directed mutagenesis. A combinatorial synthesis system was established using AmGT1/5/9, AmGT1G146V/S and the reported AmGT8 and AmGT8A394F. The system allowed the synthesis of 13 astragalosides in Astragalus root with conversion rates from 22.6% to 98.7%, covering most of the sugar-substitution patterns for astragalosides. In addition, AmGT1 exhibited remarkable sugar donor promiscuity to use 10 different donors, and was used to synthesize three novel astragalosides and ginsenosides. Glycosylation remarkably improved the hepatoprotective and SARS-CoV-2 inhibition activities for triterpenoids. This is one of the first attempts to produce a series of herbal constituents via combinatorial synthesis. The results provided new biocatalytic tools for saponin biosynthesis.  相似文献   
滇西北高寒地区分布着丰富的黄芪属植物资源,该属植物“根际效应”明显,其根际微生物极具抗菌药用资源研究价值。【目的】认知滇西北高寒特境中甸黄芪根际微生物的物种多样性,探究其可培养菌株次生代谢产物的化学多样性及抗菌、抗生物膜活性。【方法】采用宏基因组和微生物纯培养方法对中甸黄芪植物根际微生物进行物种多样性分析,同时采用高效液相色谱(high performance liquid chromatography,HPLC)、超高效液相色谱-质谱联用法(ultra-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry,UPLC-MS)结合“微量肉汤稀释法” “孔板法”等多级联合筛选策略综合评估可培养菌株的抗菌活性药源研究价值。【结果】对中甸黄芪根际土壤样本的微生物分类操作单元(operational taxonomic units,OTU)进行分类注释,得到22门54纲105目187科316属856种微生物,其中优势菌群为慢生根瘤菌属。纯培养共获得27属54种95株可培养菌株,包括20属33种54株细菌和7属21种41株真菌,优势属分别为芽孢杆菌属和青霉属。其中,1株细菌Pseudomonas tolaasii ZTB4和3株真菌Aspergillus tabacinus ZNF17、Lecanicillium aphanocladii ZNF15、Umbelopsis nana ZTF31的次生代谢产物具有广谱抗菌活性。同时,菌株ZTB4和ZNF17的次生代谢产物也显示出优秀的抗耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus,MRSA)生物膜活性,并已验证这2株菌株的主要活性成分分别为环脂肽类与黄酮类。【结论】中甸黄芪植物根际微生物物种多样性较为丰富,其可培养菌株次生代谢产物有较好的化学多样性和抗菌、抗生物膜活性。研究结果为我国特境特色微生物药用资源的开发利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   
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