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The biotechnological production of recombinant proteins is challenged by processes that decrease the yield, such as protease action, aggregation, or misfolding. Today, the variation of strains and vector systems or the modulation of inducible promoter activities is commonly used to optimize expression systems. Alternatively, aggregation to inclusion bodies may be a desired starting point for protein isolation and refolding. The discovery of the twin-arginine translocation (Tat) system for folded proteins now opens new perspectives because in most cases, the Tat machinery does not allow the passage of unfolded proteins. This feature of the Tat system can be exploited for biotechnological purposes, as expression systems may be developed that ensure a virtually complete folding of a recombinant protein before purification. This review focuses on the characteristics that make recombinant Tat systems attractive for biotechnology and discusses problems and possible solutions for an efficient translocation of folded proteins.  相似文献   
Induction of small-segment-translocation between wheat and rye chromosomes   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
A new approach to produce wheat-rye translocation, based on the genetic instability caused by monosomic addition of rye chromosome in wheat, is described. 1 283 plants from the selfed progenies of monosomic addition lines with single chromosome of inbred rye line R12 and complete chromosome complement of wheat cultivar Mianyang 11 were cytologically analyzed on a plant-by-plant basis by the improved C-banding technique. 63 of the plants, with 2n = 42, were found containing wheat-rye translocation or substitution, with a frequency of 4. 91% . Compared with the wheat parent, other 32 plants with 2n = 42 exhibited obvious phenotypic variation, but their com-ponent of rye chromosome could not be detected using the C-banding technique. In situ hybridization with a biotin-la-beled DNA probe was used to detect rye chromatin and to determine the insertion sites of rye segments in the wheat chromosomes. In 20 out of the 32 variant wheat plants, small segments of rye chromosomes were found being inserted into dif  相似文献   
Trees are exceptional organisms that have evolved over some 385 million years and have overtaken other plants in order to harvest light first. However, this advantage comes with a cost: trees must transport water all the way up to their crowns and inherent physical limitations make them vulnerable to water deficits. Because climate change scenarios predict more frequent extreme drought events, trees will increasingly need to cope with water stress. Recent occurrences of climate change‐type droughts have had severe impacts on several forest ecosystems. Initial experimental studies have been undertaken and show that stomatal control of water loss hinders carbon assimilation and could lead to starvation during droughts. Other mechanisms of drought‐induced mortality are catastrophic xylem dysfunction, impeded long‐distance transport of carbohydrates (translocation) and also symplastic failure (cellular breakdown). However, direct empirical support is absent for either hypothesis. More experimental studies are necessary to increase our understanding of these processes and to resolve the mystery of drought‐related tree mortality. Instead of testing the validity of particular hypothesis as mechanisms of drought‐induced tree mortality, future research should aim at revealing the temporal dynamics of these mechanisms in different species and over a gradient of environmental conditions. Only such studies will reveal whether the struggle for light will become a struggle for water and/or for carbon in drought‐affected areas.  相似文献   
背景:染色体相互易位在人群中比较常见,下一代常常产生相同或不同的易位,易导致容易流产,而植入前诊断方法之一的CGH难以检测到相互易位,因此原位杂交(FISH)依然是解决诊断相互易位的有力手段。目的:通过设计个体化的FISH探针,制备探针,并在卵裂球单细胞水平进一步验证探针的准确性,为筛选正常核型的囊胚进行植入奠定技术基础,为个体化的FISH探针植入前诊断提供应用研究基础。方法:通过设计1 q和6p平衡易位探针,进行探针标记,再采用患者和正常人核型验证探针质量,通过荧光原位杂交技术进一步检测正常人受精后的卵裂球中1q 和6p平衡易位对易位染色体状态。结果:3个卵接球裂均呈现单个完整细胞核,荧光原位杂交中各细胞核均有清晰明亮的杂交信号。信号数分别为2。均为正常胚胎,可以考虑进一步对该易位患者进行卵裂球进行诊断,上述研究对个体化的易位探针的应用研究提供了研究基础。  相似文献   
孙仲平  王占斌  徐香玲  李集临 《遗传学报》2004,31(11):1268-1274
将中国春-黑麦(1R-7R)二体附加系与中国春-2C(Aegilops cylindrica)二体附加系杂交,获得F1,对F1体细胞染色体进行C分带鉴定和花粉母细胞减数分裂行为的观察与分析,发现减数分裂行为异常。对自交获得的430株F2进行单株染色体C分带和荧光原位分子杂交鉴定,检测到易位、缺失、等臂染色体、双着丝点染色体等染色体畸变类型。此外还检测到2C与小麦2A、2B、2D染色体的二体或单体自发代换系。杂交F。染色体畸变的规律与频率如下:研究共得到含黑麦染色体的变异22株,变异频率为5,1%。其中含黑麦染色体的易位系为10株,占2,3%;缺失12株,占2.79%;黑麦的等臂染色体3株,占O.7%。易位染色体既有含小麦着丝点的(大部分),也含有黑麦着丝点的(仅1例)。黑麦的染色体畸变中,发生于不同同祖群的频率不同,1R为5个,2R为3个;3R为1个;4R为3个;5R为6个;6R为4个。易位多为端部易位。共鉴定出小麦的缺失系54株,其中A基因组有27个,占6.27%;B基因组有20个,占4,65%;D基因组有7个,占1.66%。对杀配子染色体对小麦及黑麦不同同祖群染色体作用的差异性及作用特点进行了探讨。  相似文献   
杨宁  赵护兵  王朝辉  张达斌  高亚军 《生态学报》2012,32(15):4827-4835
研究旱作条件下豆科绿肥轮作影响旱地小麦产量变化的作物营养生态机制,对优化旱地作物种植施肥制度,促进水分资源高效利用、土壤培肥、作物增产有重要意义。通过两年定位试验,分析了与不同豆科作物轮作引起的后茬小麦产量变化及其与干物质、氮磷钾养分累积、转移的关系。结果表明:与秋豆轮作的第一季,小麦籽粒产量无显著变化,但第二季小麦产量提高23.4%;与绿豆轮作,两季产量分别降低19.2%和4.4%;与大豆轮作,产量无显著变化。与秋豆轮作增加了小麦花后干物质及氮、磷养分累积,和对照相比分别增加了35.1%,128.8%和14.0%,而与大豆和绿豆轮作花后干物质累积分别降低26.7%和17.0%,花后氮累积分别降低44.2%和24.4%,花后磷累积与对照相比无显著差异。与此对应,秋豆-小麦轮作,其后茬小麦花后干物质及养分累积对产量形成的贡献显著增加,茎叶花前累积氮、磷向籽粒的转移对产量的贡献明显小于大豆-小麦和绿豆-小麦轮作处理。与氮、磷不同,小麦茎叶花前累积钾素向籽粒转移的同时,花后植株钾素没有累积,反而明显损失,其中与秋豆轮作的小麦花后植株钾素损失量较小,为3.8 kg/hm2,籽粒钾素占转移钾的81.0%;休闲或与大豆、绿豆轮作的小麦花后植株钾素损失较多,分别为10.9,12.6和5.5kg/hm2,籽粒钾素占转移钾的52.9%,52.9%和66.8%。与秋豆-小麦轮作处理小麦增产的主要原因是花后植株能累积更多干物质和氮、磷养分,减少了花前累积于茎叶的钾素在花后的损失。  相似文献   
We investigated the role of the "sieve tube-companion cell complex" lining the tube periphery, particularly the microfilament and microtubule, in assisting the pushing of phloem sap flow. We made a simple phloem transport system with a living radish plant, in which the conducting channel was exposed for local treatment with chemicals that are effective in modulating protoplasmic movement (acetylcholine, (ACh) a neurotransmitter in animals and insects; cytochalasin B, (CB) a specific inhibitor of many cellular responses that are mediated by microfilament systems and amiprophos-methyl, (APM) a specific inhibitor of many cellular responses that are mediated by microtubule systems). Their effects on phloem transport were estimated by two experimental devices: (i) a comparison of changes in the amount of assimilates in terms of carbohydrates and ^14C-labeled photosynthetic production that is left in the leaf blade of treated plants; and (ii) distribution patterns of ^14C-labeled leaf assimilates in the phloem transport system. The results indicate that CB and APM markedly inhibited the transfer of photosynthetic product from leaf to root via the leaf vein, while ACh enhanced the transfer of photosynthetic product in low concentrations (5.0×10^-4 mol/L) but inhibited it in higher concentrations (2.0×10^-3 mol/L) from leaf to root via the leaf vein. Autoradiograph imaging clearly reveals that ACh treatment is more effective than the control, and both CB and APM treatments effectively inhibit the passage of radioactive assimilates. All of the results support the postulation that the peripheral protoplasm in the sieve tube serves not only as a passive semi-permeable membrane, but is also directly involved in phloem transport.  相似文献   
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