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Brood sex ratios (BSRs) have often been found to be nonrandom in respect of parental and environmental quality, and many hypotheses suggest that nonrandom sex ratios can be adaptive. To specifically test the adaptive value of biased BSRs, it is crucial to disentangle the consequences of BSR and maternal effects. In multiparous species, this requires cross-fostering experiments where foster parents rear offspring originating from multiple broods, and where the interactive effect of original and manipulated BSR on fitness components is tested. To our knowledge, our study on collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis) is the first that meets these requirements. In this species, where BSRs had previously been shown to be related to parental characteristics, we altered the original BSR of the parents shortly after hatching by cross-fostering nestlings among trios of broods and examined the effects on growth, mortality and recruitment of the nestlings. We found that original and experimental BSR, as well as the interaction of the two, were unrelated to the fitness components considered. Nestling growth was related only to background variables, namely brood size and hatching rank. Nestling mortality was related only to hatching asynchrony. Our results therefore do not support that the observed BSRs are adaptive in our study population. However, we cannot exclude the possibility of direct effects of experimentally altered BSRs on parental fitness, which should be evaluated in the future. In addition, studies similar to ours are required on various species to get a clearer picture of the adaptive value of nonrandom BSRs.  相似文献   
Dormancy is an ecological strategy by which organisms avoid stressful environments, but it also can have genetic consequences. Many facultative parthenogens shift from asexual to sexual reproduction to enter dormancy. Hence, conditions that favour dormancy are predicted to select for more sex, which should increase clonal diversity. We examined lake populations of Daphnia that face different ecological risks to remaining active year‐round, and quantified the extent to which they have differentiated in their investment in dormancy and sex. There was substantial genetic variation among populations and clones for sex induction and production of dormant eggs, and striking evidence of gender specialization. We also observed a positive association between the magnitudes of population‐level investment in dormancy and of variance among clones in sex induction. These results document an ecological gradient in dormancy that is manifest as a genetic gradient in clonal variation for the propensity to engage in sex.  相似文献   
Populations of two rhizomatous species, Asarum europaeum (asarabacca) and Maianthemum bifolium (May lily), were examined in two, and four forest habitats respectively, in the Roztocze National Park (south-eastern Poland). May lily populations were studied in habitats: the Carpathian beechwood, upland mixed fir forest, subboreal moist mixed coniferous forest and bog-alder forest. Asarabacca was studied in two habitats: beechwood and Scots pine community (an 80-year-old plantation). In both the species studied intra- and inter-populational differences of the size of genets in terms of above- and below-ground parts of individuals as well as the biomass and area occupied were observed. In May lily populations the greatest mean number of shoots per genet was found in the fir forest (11.62±3.29), a value almost twice as great as that in the moist coniferous forest and nearly three times greater than in the bog-alder forest. Total rhizome length was also the greatest in the fir forest (351.9±98.7 cm) followed by moist coniferous forest, beechwood and alder forest habitats. In all populations of May lily a greater part of total dry weight biomass is in below-ground organs. The greatest biomass value of a genet was found in the fir forest (4.275 g), the smallest in the bog-alder forest (0.110 g). All populations differed significantly in terms of leaf area, leaf length (with the exception of fir forest and beechwood habitats where the values were the greatest), and leaf width (excluding moist coniferous and bog-alder forests which had the smallest values). In the case of asarabacca, both the mean number of ramets per genet (3.36±0.45 vs. 2.49±0.20) and total rhizome length (40.3±6.4 cm vs. 21.1±1.8 cm) were greater in the beechwood habitat than in the pine community. In the first population genets had 3–5 times greater the total biomass of those from the pine community. Only genets of the latter had proportionately more dry weight biomass in above-ground parts. It seems to be correlated with greater rhizome dieback and disintegration of genets into smaller units. Both populations were significantly different in terms of all examined parameters of leaves. Genets of both the species studied were found to have their own structure of developmental phases that often differed for shoots and rhizomes.  相似文献   
The food web centering on Allium ursinum (Liliaceae) in a beech forest (Germany) is described, and temporal variation of active trophic links is related to species' life cycles. The most important insect herbivores are Cheilosia fasciata (a larval leaf miner) and Portevinia maculata (a larva bulb miner) (Diptera: Syrphidae). Energy, carbon and nitrogen flow in the food chain (Allium-Cheilosia-Phygadeuon ursini) are investigated and analysed with respect to differences in resource allocation by the leaf miner and its hymenoptereous parasitoid. In C. fasciata nitrogen is likely to be the limiting resource, while growth in Phygadeuon ursini appears energy-limited. Larval feeding habits of C. fasciata and Portevinia maculata determined the timing of the species' life cycles and, as a consequence, appeared to preclude the existence of a pupal parasitoid in Portevinia maculata. Further details of life history traits are demonstrated and discussed.  相似文献   
Root to shoot ratio of crops as influenced by CO2   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Crops of tomorrow are likely to grow under higher levels of atmospheric CO2. Fundamental crop growth processes will be affected and chief among these is carbon allocation. The root to shoot ratio (R:S, defined as dry weight of root biomass divided by dry weight of shoot biomass) depends upon the partitioning of photosynthate which may be influenced by environmental stimuli. Exposure of plant canopies to high CO2 concentration often stimulates the growth of both shoot and root, but the question remains whether elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration will affect roots and shoots of crop plants proportionally. Since elevated CO2 can induce changes in plant structure and function, there may be differences in allocation between root and shoot, at least under some conditions. The effect of elevated atmospheric CO2 on carbon allocation has yet to be fully elucidated, especially in the context of changing resource availability. Herein we review root to shoot allocation as affected by increased concentrations of atmospheric CO2 and provide recommendations for further research. Review of the available literature shows substantial variation in R:S response for crop plants. In many cases (59.5%) R:S increased, in a very few (3.0%) remained unchanged, and in others (37.5%) decreased. The explanation for these differences probably resides in crop type, resource supply, and other experimental factors. Efforts to understand allocation under CO2 enrichment will add substantially to the global change response data base.Abbreviations R:S root to shoot ratio, dry weight basis  相似文献   
The annual cycle for roach ( Rutilus rutilus ) and perch ( Perca fluviatilis ) in Lough Neagh, Northern Ireland can be divided into warm 'growing' and cold 'non-growing' seasons. Summer water temperatures declined between 1991–1993, as did the sizes of 0+ fish of both species. Small overwinter increases in length occurred after poor summers due, in roach, to size-selective mortality. Fat content was size-dependent and increased over the summer in both species. All sizes of roach but only small perch lost fat overwinter. Dead roach collected towards the end of the 1992/3 winter had significantly less fat than live individuals. The allocation of energy to growth (and ultimately reproduction) and to fat (and overwinter survival) was modelled as a tradeoff, assuming that fat has twice the energy density of protein and using observed summer and winter changes in body composition. The predicted allocation optima were close to observed values but, for roach, this entailed a substantial survivorship cost.  相似文献   
The modular morphology of plants has important consequences for reproductive strategies. Ovules are packaged in discrete structures (flowers) that usually vary stochastically in pollen capture and ovule fertilization, because of the vagaries of pollen transfer by external agents. Different ovule packaging schemes may use limited reproductive resources more or less effectively, so that some number of ovules per flower may be optimal, given the prevailing probabilities of ovule fertilization. I derive a phenotypic model for ovule number per flower that maximizes the expected total ovule fertilizations on a plant when pollination and fertilization vary randomly among individual flowers. This model predicts that, except for small or inexpensive flowers, ovules should be “oversupplied” relative to the mean receipt of pollen tubes, so that pollen limitation of seed set should be common. Published data are congruent with this prediction. Additional hypotheses on the relation of ovule packaging to floral cost, plant size, and variance in pollen receipt are suggested by the model, but few data exist to evaluate these hypotheses.  相似文献   
Phragmites australis (Common reed) occurs in the interface between water and land. The water depth gradient from deep water to dry land is inversely related to litter accumulation. Eutrophication can result in an excessive production of litter, which may have a large impact on the occurrence of P. australis in this gradient. In an outdoor pot experiment, it was investigated how water tables in combination with substrates containing variable amounts of litter affect morphology and productivity of P. australis. Vegetatively propagated P. australis was grown in pots filled with river sand, litter, and different mixtures of sand and litter (25, 50 and 75% by volume). Four water table treatments were applied; drained (–12 cm), waterlogged (0 cm), flooded (+12 cm), and weekly fluctuating drained and flooded conditions (–12/+12 cm of water relative to substrate level). When drained, no differences between substrate treatments were present. Waterlogging, flooding fluctuating water table treatments caused growth reduction in substrate containing litter. The plants formed short shoots and thin rhizomes. With increasing water table, allocation of dry matter to stems increased at the expense of leaves and rhizomes. At intermediate levels of litter in the substrate, allocation to leaves was lowest. In both instances a lower leaf weight ratio (LWR) was (partly) compensated for by a higher specific leaf area (SLA), resulting in less pronounced differences in leaf area ratio (LAR). Aquatic roots developed when plants were waterlogged or flooded, and increased when litter was present in the substrate. Aquatic roots were formed in the top soil layer when waterlogged. The percentage of aquatic roots increased with increasing amount of litter in the substrate when plants were flooded. It was concluded that the morphological responses of P. australis to litter strongly constrain its ability to maintain itself in deep water when the substrate contains litter. This might one of the explanations for the disappearance of P. australis along the waterward side of littoral zones.  相似文献   
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