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The plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase in erythrocytes is vital for the maintenance of intracellular Ca2+ levels. Since the cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration is elevated in older erythrocytes, the properties of the Ca2+ transport ATPase were examined during cell aging using inside-out vesicles (IOVs) prepared from density-separated, young (less dense, Ey) and old (more dense, Eo) rat and human erythrocytes. The transport of Ca2+ and the coupled hydrolysis of ATP were measured using radiolabeled substrates. The calmodulin-independent Ca2+ transport activity (Ey, 38.8 vs. Eo, 23.3 nmols/min/mg IOV protein) and the Ca2+ dependent ATP phosphohydrolase activity (Ey, 53.5 vs. Eo, 48.8 nmols/min/mg protein) were greater in IOVs prepared from younger (less dense) rat erythrocytes. The calmodulin-independent Ca2+ transport activity in IOVs from human erythrocytes was 12.9 nmols/min/mg IOV protein for Ey and 10.7 nmols/min/mg IOV protein for Eo. Inside-out vesicles from older (more dense) cells exhibited a lower pumping efficiency as determined by the calculated stoichiometry, molecule of Ca2+ transported per molecule of ATP hydrolyzed (rat: Ey, 0.74 vs. Eo, 0.49; human: Ey, 1.22 vs. Eo, 0.77). The enzymatic activity of rat and human Ey IOVs was labile. The Ca2+ transport activity in Ey but not Eo IOVs rapidly declined during cold storage (4°C). The decrease in Ca2+ transport activity during aging may accentuate the age-related decline in several erythrocytic properties.Abbreviations IOV Inside-Out Vesicles - Ey Erythrocytes enriched with young (less dense) cells - Eo Erythrocytes enriched with old (more dense) cells - ACEase Acetylcholinesterase  相似文献   
The characteristics of malate transport into aerobically grown cells of the purple photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus were determined. A single transport system was distinguished kinetically which displayed a Kt value of 2.9 ± 1.2 μM and Vmax of 43 ± 6 nmol · min-1 · mg-1 protein. Competition experiments indicated that the metabolically related C4-dicarboxylates succinate and fumarate are also transported by this system. Malate uptake was sensitive to osmotic shock and evidence from the binding of radiolabelled malate and succinate to periplasmic protein fractions indicated that transport is mediated by a dicarboxylate binding protein. The activity of the transport system was studied as a function of external and internal pH and it was found that a marked activation of uptake occurred at intracellular pH values greater than 7. The use of a high affinity binding protein dependent system to transport a major carbon and energy source suggests that Rhodobacter capsulatus would be capable of obtaining growth sustaining quantities of C4-dicarboxylates even if these were present at very low concentrations in the environment.  相似文献   
Penetration of glucose into cells of several extremely halophilic archaebacteria of the Halobacterium and Haloferax genera (Halobacterium saccharovorum and Halobacterium salinarium, Haloferax volcanii and Haloferax mediterranei) has been studied. Some characteristics of transport systems of carbohydrate-utilizing halobacteria Halobacterium saccharovorum, Haloferax mediterranei and Haloferax volcanii (pH and temperature optima, stereospecificity, kinetic parameters) have been determined. Inability of H. salinarium cells for active glucose transport has been shown. The dependence of glucose transport on the Na+ ions gradient (on the whole cells and membrane vesicles) has been demonstrated. Cells or membrane vesicles of carbohydrate-utilizing halobacteria grown in media containing this sugar indicated the activation of glucose transport, whereas cells grown in media without sugars did not. This fact has allowed us to conclude that corresponding transport systems are inducible.  相似文献   
The spectral and metabolic properties of Rhodamine 123, a fluorescent cationic dye used to label mitochondria in living cells, were investigated in suspensions of isolated rat-liver mitochondria. A red shift of Rhodamine 123 absorbance and fluorescence occurred following mitochondrial energization. Fluorescence quenching of as much as 75% also occurred. The red shift and quenching varied linearly with the potassium diffusion potential, but did not respond to ΔpH. These energy-linked changes were accompanied by dye uptake into the matrix space. Concentration ratios, in-to-out, approached 4000:1. A large fraction of internalized dye was bound. At concentrations higher than those needed to record these spectral changes, Rhodamine 123 inhibited ADP-stimulated (State 3) respiration of mitochondria (Ki = 12 μM) and ATPase activity of inverted inner membrane vesicles (Ki = 126 μM) and partially purified F1-ATPase (Ki = 177 μM). The smaller Ki for coupled mitochondria was accounted for by energy-dependent Rhodamine 123 uptake into the matrix. Above about 20 nmol/mg protein (10 μM), Rhodamine 123 caused rapid swelling of energized mitochondria. Effects on electron-transfer reactions and coupling were small or negligible even at the highest Rhodamine 123 concentrations employed. Δψ-dependent Rhodamine 123 uptake together with Rhodamine 123 binding account for the intense fluorescent staining of mitochondria in living cells. Inhibition of mitochondria ATPase likely accounts for the cytotoxicity of Rhodamine 123. At concentrations which do not inhibit mitochondrial function, Rhodamine 123 is a sensitive and specific probe of Δψ in isolated mitochondria.  相似文献   
Summary We used specific binding of phlorizin to the intact intestinal mucosa in order to measure glucose transport site density in intestines of mice fed a high-carbohydrate or no-carbohydrate diet. Nonspecific binding varied with intestinal position but showed only modest dependence on diet. Specific binding to glucose transporters was 1.9 times greater in jejunum of high-carbohydrate mice than of no-carbohydrate mice; this ratio was the same as the ratio for Vmax values of actived-glucose uptake between the two diet groups. The gradient in specific binding of phlorizin along the intestine paralleled the gradient in Vmax of glucose transport. These results directly demonstrate that the increase in intestinal glucose transport caused by a high-carbohydrate diet is due to induction of glucose transporter. They also indicate that the normal positional graident in glucose transport along the intestine arises from a gradient in transporters, induced by the normal gradient in luminal glucose concentration.  相似文献   
Summary The anion transport protein of the human erythrocyte membrane, band 3, was solubilized and purified in solutions of the non-ionic detergent Triton X-100. It was incorporated into spherical lipid bilayers by the following procedure: (1) Dry phosphatidylcholine was suspended in the protein solution. Octylglucopyranoside was added until the milky suspension became clear. (2) The sample was dialyzed overnight against detergentfree buffer. (3) Residual Triton X-100 was removed from the opalescent vesicle suspension by sucrose density gradient centrifugation and subsequent dialysis. Sulfate efflux from the vesicles was studied, under exchange conditions, using a filtration method. Three vesicle subpopulations could be distinguished by analyzing the time course of the efflux. One was nearly impermeable to sulfate, and efflux from another was due to leaks. The largest subpopulation, however, showed transport characteristics very similar to those of the anion transport system of the intact erythrocyte membrane: transport numbers (at 30°C) close to 20 sulfate molecules per band 3 and min, an activation energy of approx. 140 kJ/mol, a pH maximum at pH 6.2, saturation of the sulfate flux at sulfate concentrations around 100mm, inhibition of the flux by H2DIDS and flufenamate (approx.K l-values at 30°C: 0.1 and 0.7 m, respectively), and right-side-out orientation of the transport protein (as judged from the inhibition of sulfate efflux by up to 98% by externally added H2DIDS). Thus, the system represents, for the first time, a reconstitution of all the major properties of the sulfate transport across the erythrocyte membrane.  相似文献   
Summary We report here the complete amino acid sequences of the cytosolic and mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferases from horse heart. The two sequences can be aligned so that 48.1% of the amino acid residues are identical. The sequences have been compared with those of the cytosolic isoenzymes from pig and chicken, the mitochondrial isoenzymes from pig, chicken, rat, and human, and the enzyme fromEscherichia coli. The results suggest that the mammalian cytosolic and mitochondrial isoenzymes have evolved at equal and constant rates whereas the isoenzymes from chicken may have evolved somewhat more slowly. Based on the rate of evolution of the mammalian isoenzymes, the geneduplication event that gave rise to cytosolic and mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferases is estimated to have occurred at least 109 years ago. The cytosolic and mitochondrial isoenzymes are equally related to the enzyme fromE. coli; the prokaryotic and eukaryotic enzymes diverged from one another at least 1.3×109 years ago.  相似文献   
Mouse cortical synaptosomal structure and function are altered when exposed to hypoxanthine/xanthine oxidase (HPX/XOD)-generated active oxygen/free radical species. The structure of both the synaptic vesicle and plasma membrane systems are altered by HPX/XOD treatment. The alteration of synaptic vesicle structure is exhibited by a significant increase in the cumulative length of nonsynaptic vesicle membrane per nerve terminal. With respect to the nerve terminal plasma membrane, the length of the perimeter of the synaptosome is increased as the membrane pulls away from portions of the terminal in blebs. The functional lesion generated by HPX/XOD treatment results in a reduction in selective high-affinity gamma-[14C]aminobutyric acid (GABA) uptake. Kinetic analysis of the reduction in high-affinity uptake reveals that the Vmax is significantly altered whereas the Km is not. Preincubation with specific active oxygen/free radical scavengers indicates that the super-oxide radical is directly involved. This radical, most probably in the protonated perhydroxyl form, initiates lipid peroxidative damage of the synaptosomal membrane systems. Low-affinity [14C]GABA transport is unaltered by the HPX/XOD treatment. The apparent ineffectiveness of free radical exposure on low-affinity [14C]GABA transport coupled with its effectiveness in reducing high-affinity transport supports the idea that two separate and different amino acid uptake systems exist in CNS tissue, with the high-affinity being more sensitive (lipid-dependent) and/or more energy-dependent (Na+,K+-ATPase) than the low-affinity system.  相似文献   
Hypoglycemia-evoked changes in levels of extracellular excitatory and inhibitory amino acids were studied using the microdialysis technique. A newly designed dialysis probe was inserted stereotaxically into the rat hippocampus. Animals were then subjected to insulin-induced hypoglycemia; then blood glucose levels were restored by glucose injections after a 30-min period of isoelectric electroencephalography. Dialysates were collected before, during, and after the isoelectric period. Amino acids in the dialysates were analyzed by liquid chromatography and fluorescence detection following automatic precolumn derivatization with o-phthaldialdehyde. During the isoelectric phase, the concentration of aspartate increased 15-fold, whereas glutamate, gamma-amino-butyric acid, taurine, and phosphoethanolamine levels were elevated three- to sixfold. Smaller increases were observed for nonneuroactive amino acids such as asparagine, alanine, and phenylalanine. In contrast to all other amino acids, the glutamine content was reduced to less than 30% of preisoelectric values. The concentrations of the neuroactive amino acids were restored to normal in the post-isoelectric phase. These data demonstrate that there is an extracellular overflow of neuroactive amino acids, especially aspartate, during severe hypoglycemia.  相似文献   
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