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The rapid production of phosphatidic acid following receptor stimulation has been demonstrated in a wide range of mammalian cells. Virtually every cell uses phosphatidylcholine as substrate to produce phosphatidic acid in a controlled reaction catalyzed by specific PLD isoforms. Considerable effort has been directed at studying the regulation of PLD activities and subsequent work has characterized a family of proteins including PLD1 and PLD2. Whereas both PLD enzymes are dependent on phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate for activity only the PLD1 isoform was strongly stimulated by the small GTPases ARF and RhoA and by protein kinase Cα as well. A role for tyrosine kinase activities in the membrane recruitment of small GTPases, in the synthesis of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate and tyrosine phosphorylation of PLD1 and PLD2 has been uncovered. However, it still not clear exactly how tyrosine phosphorylation of proteins contributes to PLD activation in cells. Here we review the data linking tyrosine phosphorylation of proteins to the activation of PLD and describe recent finding on the sites and possible mechanisms of action of tyrosine kinases in receptor-mediated PLD activation. Finally, a model illustrating the potential complex interplay linking these signaling events with the activation of PLD is presented.  相似文献   
《Annales de Paléontologie》2017,103(3):185-196
In the southwestern part of Algeria, the Cenomanian-Turonian marine deposits build up a prominent ledge in a perched syncline (Ksour Mountains, western Saharan Atlas) or at high radius of curvature (Guir Basin). The petrographical analysis of the Cenomanian-Turonian deposits of the Ksour Mountains and of the Guir Basin reveals unexpected assemblages of roveacrinoidal ossicles comparable with those formerly reported from the Tinrhert area. For the first time, isolated ossicles of genuine and undisputable Roveacrinidae are illustrated. Three sections, Djebel Rhoundjaia (western Saharan Atlas), Berridel and Kénadsa (Guir Basin), were scrutinized to recognize the microcrinoidal sections within the carbonate microfacies and to compile the successive occurrence of respective roveacrinid taxa (besides the classical search for standard index microfossils) in an attempt to pinpoint more precisely the position of the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary (C/T B). These assemblages are particularly morphologically and taxonomically diverse with three species of genus Roveacrinus and one of genus Orthogonocrinus. The presence of Saccocomidae (Applinocrinus) is especially unusual in such stratigraphic levels. The relative abundance and diversity of Roveacrinidae evidence a peak when approaching the C/T B. Such an event is recurring in the latest Cenomanian in various Tethyan and Atlantic areas. These fluctuations are consistent with a high surface-water productivity just before the C/T B.  相似文献   
The selective increase in the incidence of hormone-dependent cancers (breast, prostate, testicular) in industrialized countries is associated with the increasing number of endocrine disruptors (EDs) in the environment and raises questions about the role of EDs in mammary carcinogenesis. Answering these questions is difficult because the number of EDs is large and varies with time. Moreover hormonal carcinogenesis is multifactorial and progresses slowly and in stages. This discussion will be limited to breast cancer and three EDs: distilbene, bisphenol A (BPA), and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT). All these three EDs bind estrogen receptors, albeit with widely different affinities. Several complementary approaches have been used: French cancer records, epidemiological studies on cohorts followed over several decades, numerous in vitro experimental studies using cell cultures and in vivo animal studies. These approaches all converge to the same result, strongly suggesting a causal relationship between EDs and precancerous lesions. Except for distilbene, the mechanisms and molecular targets involved are still unclear, which makes it difficult to look for substitute products that are just as efficient, but less toxic.  相似文献   
Bone histology is an important tool for uncovering life history traits of extinct animals, particularly those that lack modern analogs, such as the non-avian dinosaurs. In most studies, histological analyses preferentially focus on long bones for understanding growth rates and determining age. Here we show, by analyzing ornithischians (a stegosaur and an ornithopod), saurischians (a sauropod and a theropod), and a crocodile, rib histology is a suitable alternative. The estimated age for all sampled taxa ranges between 14 to 17 years for Lourinhanosaurus antunesi and 27 to 31 years estimated for Draconyx loureiroi. The theropod Baryonyx was skeletally mature around 23–25 years of age but showed unfused neurocentral sutures, a paedomorphic feature possibly related to aquatic locomotion. Our results show that ribs can contain a nearly complete growth record, and reveal important information about individual age, point of sexual maturity, and, in some cases, sex. Because ribs are more available than long bones, this method opens new possibilities for studying rare and incomplete fossils, including holotypes.  相似文献   
In this article, the lithic reduction systems from Middle Paleolithic levels at Roca dels Bous and Tragó are presented. These two sites are located in the South-eastern Pyrenees in Catalunya (Spain) and yield Mousterian levels which are attributed to MIS 3 and MIS 5. At the two studied sites, there is coexistence between expedient knapping systems and more complex techniques such as the Levallois method. Furthermore, cores are heavily exhausted, showing a pattern that cannot be explained by the absence or scarcity of raw material. This technical pattern can be traced across several Mousterian assemblages in the South-eastern Pyrenees, suggesting technocognitive continuity in the Middle Palaeolithic during the Upper Pleistocene, in which changes in lithic reduction patterns are not evident. In this paper, the implications of such observations are contextualized within the general discussion on the behaviour of the South-eastern Pyrenees Neanderthals.  相似文献   
《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2014,13(3):205-221
Trigonid crest patterning in lower molars is distinctive among Late Pleistocene hominins such as Homo neanderthalensis, fossil Homo sapiens and modern humans. In this paper, we present an examination of trigonid crest patterning in the Middle Pleistocene permanent lower molar sample (n = 62) of Homo heidelbergensis from Sima de los Huesos (SH). Crest expression was assessed from 3D models of the enamel and the dentine surfaces that were produced using micro-computed tomography (microCT). The aims of our analysis are to: 1) characterize the pattern of trigonid crest expression at the outer enamel and enamel-dentine junction surfaces (OES and EDJ) of the SH sample, 2) evaluate the concordance of expression between both surfaces, and 3) place trigonid crest variation in the SH sample into a phylogenetic context. Our results reveal a greater variability in the expression of trigonid crests at the EDJ (14 types) compared to the OES (4 types). Despite this variability, in almost all cases the expression of a continuous mid-trigonid or distal crest at the OES corresponds with the expression of a continuous mesial/mid-trigonid or distal trigonid crest, respectively, at the EDJ. Thus, it is possible to predict the type of trigonid crest pattern that would be at the OES in the case of partially worn teeth. Our study points to increased variability in trigonid crest expression in M3s compared to M1s and M2s. Moreover, our analysis reveals that the SH sample matches broadly the trigonid crest patterns displayed by H. neanderthalensis and differs from those exhibited by H. sapiens, particularly in the almost constant expression of a continuous middle trigonid crest at the EDJ. However, SH hominins also exhibit patterns that have not been reported in H. neanderthalensis and H. sapiens samples. Other aspects of the variability of the trigonid crest expression at the dentine are presented and discussed.  相似文献   
《Comptes rendus biologies》2014,337(11):609-624
The biological information coming from electrophysiologic sensors like ECG, pulse sensor or from molecular signal devices like NMR spectrometry has to be visualized and manipulated in a compressed way for an efficient medical use by clinicians, if stored in scientific data bases or in personalized patient records repositories. Here, we define a new transform called Dynalet based on Liénard ordinary differential equations susceptible to model the mechanism at the source of the studied signal, and we propose to apply this new technique first to the modelling and compression of real biological periodic signals like ECG and pulse rhythm. We consider that the cardiovascular activity results from the summation of cellular oscillators located in the cardiac sinus node and we show that, as a result, the van der Pol oscillator (a particular Liénard system) fits well the ECG signal and the pulse signal. The reconstruction of the original signal (pulse or ECG) using Dynalet transform is then compared with that of Fourier, counting the number of parameters to be set for obtaining an expected signal-to-noise ratio. Then, we apply the Dynalet transform to the modelling and compression of molecular spectra obtained by protein NMR spectroscopy. The reconstruction of the original signal (peak) using Dynalet transform is again compared with that of Fourier. After reconstructing visually the peak, we propose to periodize the signal and give it to hear, the whole process being called the protein “stethoscope”.  相似文献   
Summary Anthers ofVitis rupestris du Lot were cultured in vitro at the uninucleate stage of the microspore, in order to investigate the histology of embryogenic and organogenic processes in this genotype. Microspores divided in the anther loculi resulting in the formation of globular structures with a ruptured exine. Somatic embryogenesis and, occasionally, caulogenesis and rhizogenesis occurred in calli produced from all anther tissues except the endothecium. The initial cell of the embryoid was surrounded by a jacket layer when situated deep within the callus. When the embryoid's initial cell was situated in the peripheral callus, a cutinized wall was present and the three-celled proembryoid was almost always segmented, showing the same embryonal type as the zygotic proembryo. Root differentiation and elongation and cap differentiation occurred during the growth phase in liquid medium. The mature root was diarch and contained cells with calcium-oxalate raphides, as seen in vivo. No starch or tannin deposition was ever observed in the mature embryoids.Abbreviations 6-BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - CC3 Nitsch and Nitsch (1969) basal medium - CS cross section - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxy-acetic acid - LS longitudinal section  相似文献   
Humans, unlike African apes, have relatively robust fifth metatarsals (Mt5) presumably reflecting substantial weight-bearing and stability function in the lateral column of the former. When this morphological difference emerged during hominin evolution is debated. Here we investigate internal diaphyseal structure of Mt5s attributed to Australopithecus (from Sterkfontein), Paranthropus (from Swartkrans), and Homo (from Olduvai, Dmanisi, and Dinaledi) placed in the context of human and African ape Mt5 internal diaphyseal structure. ‘Whole-shaft’ properties were evaluated from 17 cross sections sampling 25% to 75% diaphyseal length using computed tomography. To assess structural patterns, scaled cortical bone thicknesses (sCBT) and scaled second moments of area (sSMA) were visualized and evaluated through penalized discriminant analyses. While the majority of fossil hominin Mt5s exhibited ape-like sCBT, their sSMA were comparatively more human-like. Human-like functional loading of the lateral column existed in at least some fossil hominins, although perhaps surprisingly not in hominins from Dmanisi or Dinaledi.  相似文献   
Recent discoveries of ancient sites in mainland Southeast Asia confirm the presence of old lithic industries as early as 0.8 Ma, i.e., at the transition between the Early to Middle Pleistocene. Although these open-air sites still require geochronological and biostratigraphic precisions, they allow us to understand the oldest vestiges of human presence in the tropics and the technical orientations chosen by these hominins. This article aims to present an objective and critical synthesis of the material discovered at the main sites. Some sites in Cambodia and Thailand have been the subject of archaeological field missions by the Ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires Étrangères (MEAE). The diversity of lithic tool types and manufacture methods encountered from the Middle Pleistocene in peninsular Asia shows a technical variability that stands out as a counterexample to diffusionist hypotheses of a cultural fabrication inherited from the West. The diversity of production methods, tools, and raw material matrices remains incomparable to those encountered in the West, Africa, or South Asia. To date, only evidence from China has allowed us to put forward the hypothesis of a common technical basis that would have spread from its southern territories; however, this hypothesis is currently under debate. Researchers have proposed the idea of continuous technical progress and the shift from heavy industry to a lighter and polished stone in Southeast Asia. However, the omnipresence of the pebble prevents a clear conclusion because these technical objects from Southeast Asia are quite simply incommensurable; a chopper in these regions may not be comparable with another chopper from the terraces of the Garonne or the Roussillon in France, for example. In other words, these tools are above all ‘tropical’ tools, and they belong to a distant cognitive world(s) with specific use(s), gesture(s), and meaning(s), making it impossible for them to be compared or evaluated by our faculty of Western judgment.  相似文献   
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