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The French Miocene (Orleanian and Astaracian) yielded five new species of snakes referable to four genera from the Neogene or Recent of North America: Texasophis meini nov. sp., Paleoheterodon arcuatus nov. sp., Neonatrix europaea nov. sp., Neonatrix crassa nov. sp. (Colibridae) and Micrurus gallicus nov. sp. («Elapidae). It is suggested that Micrurus and the previously described boid snake Albaneryx from the French Miocene probably represent lineages that originated in North America and reached Europe by way of Asia. Paleoheterodon and Neonatrix could have originated in Asia and subsequently reached Europe on one hand and North America on the other. Texasophis may have originated in North America and followed the same route as Micrurus and Albaneryx, but an alternative hypothesis is that it originated in Asia and spread toward Europe and North America in the same manner as Paleoheterodon and Neonatrix.  相似文献   
Françoise Delpech 《Geobios》1984,17(5):531-548
The studies of Ungulate associations present in Würm III deposits of Southwest France lead to state biological paleoenvironments and paleoclimates more precisely. The second climatic phasis brought to light by H. Laville in Perigord seems cold and dry and the third one (Arcy) would be the most temperate and humid phasis during the Würm III period. Two posterior climatic ameliorations (fifth phasis = «Kesselt and seventh phasis = Tursac) are separated by a colder period. From the eighth phasis, a climatic threshold is crossed; paleontological as well as geological and palynological studies show the establishment of global cold conditions which would continue after Würm III–IV «interstadial (Laugerie). This one looks like a minor humid oscillation.Although data come from geographically close sites, clear differences appear between contemporary faunal associations. In Perigord, Ungulate associations strongly vary during the first seven phasis whereas in Northwest Quercy, in Auniac plain, Reindeer dominates all along this period.Lastly, comparisons between the results of paleontological,geological and palynological studies enable us to approach the question of the game choice made by prehistoric men. The perigordian men who inhabit La Ferrassie rockshelter during the sixth climatic phasis preferentially hunt Reddeer. They deliberately give up hunting other Ungulates yet well represented in contemporary levels of not distant sites.  相似文献   
Résumé Au cours de l'été 1983 dans un agrosystème de Charente (Nord du Bassin Aquitain), les auteurs ont utilisé la technique du piégeage lumineux associée à des lâchers d'insectes marqués. Afin de mimer les émergences possibles des papillons à partir de chenilles hivernantes, les insectes colorés étainent lâchés dans une parcelle de blé (Triticum) (à antécédent cultural maïs), à égale distance de 4 pièges disposés dans 4 parcelles adjacentes. Les captures d'insectes colorés montrent clairement que les femelles quittent le blé et se dirigent vers le maïs, confirmant par là le rôle de l'antécédent cultural sur les infestations annuelles. Les captures d'insectes sauvages indiquent à cette époque une prédominance des mâles due probablement à la protandrie d'environ 8 jours chez l'espèce et à une mobilité naturelle supérieure à celle des femelles. Les implications écologiques et agronomiques de ces déplacements sont discutées et un schéma d'explication des différents types de mouvements des papillons de pyrale: déplacements d'émergence et déplacements quotidiens alternatifs, est proposé.  相似文献   
Un olfactomètre a deux flux d'air parallèles comportant un fil en Y est décrit et utilisé pour édudier l'attraction des larves néonates et de 5ème stade de la teigne du poireau par la plante-hôte, les composés volatils soufrés qu'elle émet et quelques odeurs originaires d'autres végétaux. Le poreau, les disulfures, les thiosulfinates et les thiosulfonates sont attractifs. L'action des composés soufrés dépend de la concentration utilisée et du stade larvaire. Les résultats sont comparés à ceux obtenus antérieurement sur la phagostimulation larvaire et sur l'attraction des adultes.  相似文献   
《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2016,15(5):555-568
Because until 2006 the Liang Bua human fossil remains were not available to the entire paleoanthropological community, the taxonomic position of Homo floresiensis was only a matter of opinion in publications. From the beginning, two schools of thought prevailed, and this situation persists today. One purports that the Liang Bua human series belongs to a local modern human (Homo sapiens sapiens) with anatomical particularities or pathologies that may be due to insular isolation/endogamy. The second argues in favour of the existence of a new species that, depending on the authors, is either a descendant of local Homo erectus, or belongs to a much more basal taxon, closer to archaic Homo or to australopithecines. Because there are no postcranial remains confidently attributed to Homo erectus in the fossil record, and because the Homo erectus type specimen is a single and partial calvaria, a cladistic analysis was undertaken using both nonmetric morphological features and metrics of the calvariae of human fossil specimens including LB1 to test if it belongs to this taxon. Our results indicate that LB1 is included in the Homo erectus clade.  相似文献   
This paper is focused on the multi-period sites in the core southern Neolithic region of south India to highlight their potential archaeological features and resources to assess land use and settlement patterns adopted by the mid-Holocene societies. Systematic archaeological reworks at the multi-period sites require particular attention to identify the resource locations and non-occupation sites for developing a comprehensive picture of the demographic and social models for explaining how people managed and shared resources within the site environs that continued to exist and operated for more than three thousand years spanning from Neolithic (3000-1200 BCE), Iron Age (1200-300 BCE) and Early History (300 BCE- 500 CE). Published archaeological data on major multi-period sites of south India is reviewed, compiled and attested with exploration findings from the Brahmagiri Hill. Here a fresh approach is made to assess the impact of Ashokan rock edicts on the social fabric and any landscape changes it brought to Isila (Isila is believed to be an early historic townsite at Brahmagiri ).  相似文献   
The Early Middle Palaeolithic (EMP) in the Levant dated between 250 and 150 ka is a unique period characterised by the systematic production of elongated blanks using different reduction strategies: Levallois, Laminar and core on flake are involved. The hallmark of the EMP blade industries is different types of retouched points but the production of other blanks categories as bladelets, small flakes and triangular flakes is also evident. Such a broad-based approach to lithic resources of foragers relocating through the Levant during the EMP could reflect the behavioural adaptations of hominins and adjustments in their subsistence strategies as well as management of time and division of special activities, consequently leading to a marked anticipation of needs. The techno-typological diversity is visible in the mode of production but at the same time, it reflects the narrow variation that is shared among all known EMP sites. This seems to indicate that at this time the demographic organisation in the region may be closely linked within a cohesive geographical and chronological framework.  相似文献   
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