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The T-cell lymphoma invasion and metastasis gene 1 (Tiam1) is a guanine exchange factor (GEF) for the Rho-family GTPase Rac1 that is crucial for the integrity of adherens junctions, tight junctions, and cell-matrix interactions. This GEF contains several protein-protein interaction domains, including a PDZ domain. Earlier studies identified a consensus PDZ-binding motif and a synthetic peptide capable of binding to the Tiam1 PDZ domain, but little is known about its ligand specificity and physiological role in cells. Here, we investigated the structure, specificity, and function of the Tiam1 PDZ domain. We determined the crystal structures of the Tiam1 PDZ domain free and in complex with a “model” peptide, which revealed the structural basis for ligand specificity. Protein database searches using the consensus PDZ-binding motif identified two eukaryotic cell adhesion proteins, Syndecan1 and Caspr4, as potential Tiam1 PDZ domain binding proteins. Equilibrium binding experiments confirmed that C-terminal peptides derived from Syndecan1 and Caspr4 bound the Tiam1 PDZ domain. NMR chemical shift perturbation experiments indicated that the Tiam1 PDZ/Syndecan1 and PDZ/Caspr4 complexes were structurally distinct and identified key residues likely to be responsible for ligand selectivity. Moreover, cell biological analysis established that Syndecan1 is a physiological binding partner of Tiam1 and that the PDZ domain has a function in cell-matrix adhesion and cell migration. Collectively, our data provide insight into the structure, specificity, and function of the Tiam1 PDZ domain. Importantly, our data report on a physiological role for the Tiam1 PDZ domain and establish a novel link between two previously unrelated signal transduction pathways, both of which are implicated in cancer.  相似文献   
Type 1 insulin-like growth factor receptor (IGF1R) is a membrane-spanning glycoprotein of the insulin receptor family that has been implicated in a variety of cancers. The key questions related to molecular mechanisms governing ligand recognition by IGF1R remain unanswered, partly due to the lack of testable structural models of apo or ligand-bound receptor complexes. Using a homology model of the IGF1R ectodomain IGF1RΔβ, we present the first experimentally consistent all-atom structural models of IGF1/IGF1RΔβ and IGF2/IGF1RΔβ complexes. Our explicit-solvent molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of apo-IGF1RΔβ shows that it displays asymmetric flexibility mechanisms that result in one of two binding pockets accessible to growth factors IGF1 and IGF2, as demonstrated via an MD-assisted Monte Carlo docking procedure. Our MD-generated ensemble of structures of apo and IGF1-bound IGF1RΔβ agrees reasonably well with published small-angle X-ray scattering data. We observe simultaneous contacts of each growth factor with sites 1 and 2 of IGF1R, suggesting cross-linking of receptor subunits. Our models provide direct evidence in favor of suggested electrostatic complementarity between the C-domain (IGF1) and the cysteine-rich domain (IGF1R). Our IGF1/IGF1RΔβ model provides structural bases for the observation that a single IGF1 molecule binds to IGF1RΔβ at low concentrations in small-angle X-ray scattering studies. We also suggest new possible structural bases for differences in the affinities of insulin, IGF1, and IGF2 for their noncognate receptors.  相似文献   
Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is a retrovirus associated with several serious diseases, such as adult T-cell leukemia and tropical spastic paraparesis/myelopathy. For a number of years, the protease (PR) encoded by HTLV-1 has been a target for designing antiviral drugs, but that effort was hampered by limited available structural information. We report a high-resolution crystal structure of HTLV-1 PR complexed with a statine-containing inhibitor, a significant improvement over the previously available moderate-resolution structure. We also report crystal structures of the complexes of HTLV-1 PR with five different inhibitors that are more compact and more potent. A detailed study of structure-activity relationships was performed to interpret in detail the influence of the polar and hydrophobic interactions between the inhibitors and the protease.  相似文献   
Melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) has an important regulatory role in energy homeostasis and food intake. Peptide agonists of the MC4R are characterized by the conserved sequence His6-Phe7-Arg8-Trp9, which is crucial for their interaction with the receptor. This investigation utilized the covalent attachment approach to identify receptor residues in close proximity to the bound ligand [Nle4,d-Phe7]melanocyte-stimulating hormone (NDP-MSH), thereby differentiating between residues directly involved in ligand binding and those mutations that compromise ligand binding by inducing conformational changes in the receptor. Also, recent X-ray structures of G-protein-coupled receptors were utilized to refine a model of human MC4R in the active state (R?), which was used to generate a better understanding of the binding mode of the ligand NDP-MSH at the atomic level.The mutation of residues in the human MC4R—such as Leu106 of extracellular loop 1, and Asp122, Ile125, and Asp126 of transmembrane (TM) helix 3, His264 (TM6), and Met292 (TM7)—to Cys residues produced definitive indications of proximity to the side chains of residues in the core region of the peptide ligand. Of particular interest was the contact between d-Phe7 on the ligand and Ile125 of TM3 on the MC4R. Additionally, Met292 (TM7) equivalent to Lys(7.45) (Ballesteros numbering scheme) involved in covalently attaching retinal in rhodopsin is shown to be in close proximity to Trp9.For the first time, the interactions between the terminal regions of NDP-MSH and the receptor are described. The amino-terminus appears to be adjacent to a series of hydrophilic residues with novel interactions at Cys196 (TM5) and Asp189 (extracellular loop 2). These interactions are reminiscent of sequential ligand binding exhibited by the β2-adrenergic receptor, with the former interaction being equivalent to the known interaction involving Ser204 of the β2-adrenergic receptor.  相似文献   
The ability of a single polypeptide sequence to grow into multiple stable amyloid fibrils sets these aggregates apart from most native globular proteins. The existence of multiple amyloid forms is the basis for strain effects in yeast prion biology, and might contribute to variations in Alzheimer's disease pathology. However, the structural basis for amyloid polymorphism is poorly understood. We report here five structurally distinct fibrillar aggregates of the Alzheimer's plaque peptide Aβ(1-40), as well as a non-fibrillar aggregate induced by Zn2+. Each of these conformational forms exhibits a unique profile of physical properties, and all the fibrillar forms breed true in elongation reactions under a common set of growth conditions. Consistent with their defining cross-β structure, we find that in this series the amyloid fibrils containing more extensive β-sheet exhibit greater stability. At the same time, side chain packing outside of the β-sheet regions contributes to stability, and to differences of stability between polymorphic forms. Stability comparison is facilitated by the unique feature that the free energy of the monomer (equivalent to the unfolded state in a protein folding reaction) does not vary, and hence can be ignored, in the comparison of ΔG° of elongation values for each polymorphic fibril obtained under a single set of conditions.  相似文献   
Ferredoxin-NAD(P)+ oxidoreductase (FNR) catalyzes the reduction of NAD(P)+ to NAD(P)H with the reduced ferredoxin (Fd) during the final step of the photosynthetic electron transport chain. FNR from the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobaculum tepidum is functionally analogous to plant-type FNR but shares a structural homology to NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductase (TrxR). Here, we report the crystal structure of C. tepidum FNR to 2.4 Å resolution, which reveals a unique structure-function relationship. C. tepidum FNR consists of two functional domains for binding FAD and NAD(P)H that form a homodimer in which the domains are arranged asymmetrically. One NAD(P)H domain is present as the open form, the other with the equivalent NAD(P)H domain as the relatively closed form. We used site-directed mutagenesis on the hinge region connecting the two domains in order to investigate the importance of the flexible hinge. The asymmetry of the NAD(P)H domain and the comparison with TrxR suggested that the hinge motion might be involved in pyridine nucleotide binding and binding of Fd. Surprisingly, the crystal structure revealed an additional C-terminal sub-domain that tethers one protomer and interacts with the other protomer by π-π stacking of Phe337 and the isoalloxazine ring of FAD. The position of this stacking Phe337 is almost identical with both of the conserved C-terminal Tyr residues of plant-type FNR and the active site dithiol of TrxR, implying a unique structural basis for enzymatic reaction of C. tepidum FNR.  相似文献   
Polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB) participates in a variety of functions in eukaryotic cells, including alternative splicing, mRNA stabilization, and internal ribosomal entry site-mediated translation initiation. Its mechanism of RNA recognition is determined in part by the novel geometry of its two C-terminal RNA recognition motifs (RRM3 and RRM4), which interact with each other to form a stable complex (PTB1:34). This complex itself is unusual among RRMs, suggesting that it performs a specific function for the protein. In order to understand the advantage it provides to PTB, the fundamental properties of PTB1:34 are examined here as a comparative study of the complex and its two constituent RRMs. Both RRM3 and RRM4 adopt folded structures that NMR data show to be similar to their structure in PRB1:34. The RNA binding properties of the domains differ dramatically. The affinity of each separate RRM for polypyrimidine tracts is far weaker than that of PTB1:34, and simply mixing the two RRMs does not create an equivalent binding platform. 15N NMR relaxation experiments show that PTB1:34 has slow, microsecond motions throughout both RRMs including the interdomain linker. This is in contrast to the individual domains, RRM3 and RRM4, where only a few backbone amides are flexible on this time scale. The slow backbone dynamics of PTB1:34, induced by packing of RRM3 and RRM4, could be essential for high-affinity binding to a flexible polypyrimidine tract RNA and also provide entropic compensation for its own formation.  相似文献   
Human NHA2 is a poorly characterized Na+/H+ antiporter recently implicated in essential hypertension. We used a range of computational tools and evolutionary conservation analysis to build and validate a three-dimensional model of NHA2 based on the crystal structure of a distantly related bacterial transporter, NhaA. The model guided mutagenic evaluation of transport function, ion selectivity, and pH dependence of NHA2 by phenotype screening in yeast. We describe a cluster of essential, highly conserved titratable residues located in an assembly region made of two discontinuous helices of inverted topology, each interrupted by an extended chain. Whereas in NhaA, oppositely charged residues compensate for partial dipoles generated within this assembly, in NHA2, polar but uncharged residues suffice. Our findings led to a model for transport mechanism that was compared to the well-known electroneutral NHE1 and electrogenic NhaA subtypes. This study establishes NHA2 as a prototype for the poorly understood, yet ubiquitous, CPA2 antiporter family recently recognized in plants and metazoans and illustrates a structure-driven approach to derive functional information on a newly discovered transporter.  相似文献   
Primate fruit choice among plant species has been attributed to different morphological plant and fruit characteristics. Despite a high abundance of animal-dispersed plant species in the savanna–forest mosaic of West Africa, few data are available on the interplay between morphological fruit traits and primate fruit consumers in this ecosystem. We tested whether olive baboons (Papio anubis) at Comoé National Park, north-eastern Ivory Coast, prefer fruit species with particular characteristics relative to the availability of these traits among the woody plant species at the study site. Specifically we were interested in the suites of traits that best predict fruit choice and seed handling by baboons. The baboons ate fruit/seeds from 74 identified plant species, representing 25 percent of the regional pool of woody plant species. They preferred trees to shrubs and lianas as fruit sources. Otherwise, baboons seemed to consume whatever fruit type, color, and size of fruit and seeds available, though they especially included larger fruit into their diet. Against expectations from the African bird–monkey fruit syndrome of brightly colored drupes and berries, baboons ate mostly species having large, dull-colored fruit. Fruit type and color best described whether baboons included a species into their diet, whereas fruit type and seed size best predicted whether baboons predated upon the seeds of their food plant species. As most plant species at the study site had medium-sized to large fruits and seeds, large frugivores like baboons might be particularly important for plant fitness and plant community dynamics in West African savanna–forest ecosystems.  相似文献   
Immunoglobulin G (IgG) dependent activities are important in host defense and autoimmune diseases. Various cell types including macrophages and neutrophils contribute to pathogen destruction and tissue damage through binding of IgG to Fcγ receptors (FcγR). One member of this family, FcγRIIA, is a transmembrane glycoprotein known to mediate binding and internalization of IgG-containing targets. FcγRIIA has been observed to translocate into lipids rafts upon binding IgG-containing targets. We hypothesize that lipid rafts participate to different extents in binding and internalizing targets of different sizes. We demonstrate that disruption of lipid rafts with 8 mM methyl-β-cyclodextrin (MβCD) nearly abolishes binding (91% reduction) and phagocytosis (60% reduction) of large IgG-coated targets. Conversely, binding and internalization of small IgG-complexes is less dependent on lipid rafts (49% and 17% inhibition at 8 mM MβCD, respectively). These observations suggest that differences between phagocytosis and endocytosis may arise as early as the initial stages of ligand recognition.  相似文献   
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