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Controlled laboratory and field experiments were performed to determine the developmental response to temperature and moisture of Arundo donax, a riparian invasive grass and potential bioenergy crop. A logistic function was parameterized and used to predict thermal times to sprouting and the nine-leaf stage. Consistent estimates of the base temperature (Tb) and base water potential (ψb) below which development ceases were obtained from various statistical and mathematical analyses. Estimates of Tb and ψb were 12.7 ± 1.7 °C and −1.56 ± 0.43 MPa, respectively, for the median fraction of sprouting rhizomes. Median hydrothermal time to sprouting was 124.1 MPa °Cd under laboratory conditions and median thermal times, or degree-day (°Cd), to sprouting and nine-leaf stage was estimated to be 94 and 129 °Cd under field conditions, respectively. A degree-day is defined as one day (24 h) spent one degree above Tb. Results demonstrated that thermal time alone is sufficient to accurately predict time to sprouting under field conditions. Further, there may be a fixed moisture threshold of about 6% volumetric water content above which sprouting rate was constant. This threshold corresponded very closely to the −1.5 MPa for ψb that was estimated under laboratory conditions for the soil typically infested by A. donax. This information is crucial for assessing risk of invasive spread for A. donax.  相似文献   
Biogeographical factors associated with the invasive weed Arundo donax were evaluated at 22 different locations in four countries in its native range in reference to its key herbivore, an armoured scale insect, Rhizaspidiotus donacis. Data on climate, plant health and quality, soil conditions and anthropogenic influences were analysed for each site and compared to populations of R. donacis. Climate modelling from location data in Spain and France accurately predicted the native range of the scale in the warmer, drier parts of Italy and Greece and was used to predict its distribution in North America. Presence of the scale was not associated with specific soil type or characteristics. However, it was positively associated with a higher percentage of dead stems and significantly lower biomass of A. donax. Micronutrient sampling using leaf material found that sulphur was negatively correlated with aluminium and positively correlated with boron for scale density. Disturbance of field sites by cutting and/or addition of supplemental irrigation during summer appeared to disrupt the synchronised seasonal phenology of A. donax and R. donacis, leading to more robust stands. These biogeographical factors from the native range indicate that R. donacis should have the greatest impact in warm, dry climates in the introduced range where A. donax is undisturbed.  相似文献   
Presence of wild host plants of stem borers in cereal-growing areas has been considered as reservoirs of lepidopteran stem borers, responsible for attack of crops during the growing season. Surveys to catalogue hosts and borers as well as to assess the abundance of the hosts were carried out during the cropping and non-cropping seasons in different agro-ecological zones along varying altitude gradient in Kenya. A total of 61 stem borer species belonging to families Noctuidae (25), Crambidae (14), Pyralidae (9), Tortricidae (11) and Cossidae (2) were recovered from 42 wild plant species. Two noctuids, Busseola fusca (Fuller), Sesamia calamistis Hampson, and two crambids, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) and Chilo orichalcociliellus (Strand) were the four main borer species found associated with maize plants. In the wild, B. fusca was recovered from a limited number of host plant species and among them were Sorghum arundinaceum (Desvaux) Stapf, Setaria megaphylla (Steudel) T. Durand & Schinz, Arundo donax L. and Pennisetum purpureum Schumacher. In contrast, the host range of C. partellus was considerably wider [13 for S. calamistis]. However, the number of larvae of these species was lower in the wild compared to cultivated fields, thus the role of natural habitat as a reservoir for cereal stem borers requires further studies. Importance of the wild host plants as well as borer diversity along the altitudinal gradient is discussed.  相似文献   
Giant reed (Arundo donax L.) is a perennial rhizomatous grass, which has attracted great attention as a potential lignocellulosic feedstock for bioethanol production due to high biomass yield in marginal land areas, high polysaccharide content and low inhibitor levels in microbial fermentations. However, little is known about the trait variation that is available across a broad ecotypic panel of A. donax nor the traits that contribute most significantly to yield and growth in drought prone environments. A collection of 82 ecotypes of A. donax sampled across the Mediterranean basin was planted in a common garden experimental field in Savigliano, Italy. We analysed the collection using 367 clumps representing replicate plantings of 82 ecotypes for variation in 21 traits important for biomass accumulation and to identify the particular set of ecotypes with the most promising potential for biomass production. We measured morpho‐physiological, phenological and biomass traits and analysed causal relationships between traits and productivity characteristics assessed at leaf and canopy levels. The results identified differences among the 82 ecotypes for all studied traits: those showing the highest level of variability included stomatal resistance, stem density (StN), stem dry mass (StDM) and total biomass production (TotDM). Multiple regression analysis revealed that leaf area index, StDM, StN, number of nodes per stem, stem height and diameter were the most significant predictors of TotDM and the most important early selection criteria for bioenergy production from A. donax. These traits were used in a hierarchical cluster analysis to identify groups of similar ecotypes, and a selection was made of promising ecotypes for multiyear and multisite testing for biomass production. Heritability estimates were significant for all traits. The potential of this ecotype collection as a resource for studies of germplasm diversity and for the analysis of traits underpinning high productivity of A. donax is highlighted.  相似文献   
Gas exchange characteristics, chlorophyll a fluorescence and leaf water potential were investigated in the giant reed, Arundo donax, under natural conditions in an estuarine mangrove swamp in Durban, South Africa. Maximum photosynthetic CO2 uptake ranged between 19.8 and 36.7 μmol m?2 s?1, depending on irradiance, and appeared to be regulated by leaf conductance. There was no saturation of CO2 uptake or electron transport through PSII (ETR) with increasing irradiance up to 2500 μmol photons m?2 s?1. A linear relationship between CO2 uptake, corrected for respiration (A), and ETR has only been reported for C4 species and C3 species when photorespiration is eliminated. From this relationship, it was calculated that 8.5 electrons were transported through PSII for the fixation of one mole of CO2. Predawn leaf water potential was about ?0.5 MPa and decreased to ?1.5 MPa on a cloudy day and to ?2.1 MPa on a clear day. Diurnal change in leaf water potential had little influence on leaf conductance and hence CO2 uptake. The molar water use efficiency (WUE) ranged between 4.1 and 9.3 μmol mmol?1. Percentage photorespiration was between 36 and 39%.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

The hypothesis of an ancient introduction, i.e. archaeophyte origin, is one of the most challenging questions in phylogeography. Arundo donax (Poaceae) is currently considered to be one of the worst invasive species globally, but it has also been widely utilzed by man across Eurasia for millennia. Despite a lack of phylogenetic data, recent literature has often speculated on its introduction to the Mediterranean region.


This study tests the hypothesis of its ancient introduction from Asia to the Mediterranean by using plastid DNA sequencing and morphometric analysis on 127 herbarium specimens collected across sub-tropical Eurasia. In addition, a bioclimatic species distribution model calibrated on 1221 Mediterranean localities was used to identify similar ecological niches in Asia.

Key Results

Despite analysis of several plastid DNA hypervariable sites and the identification of 13 haplotypes, A. donax was represented by a single haplotype from the Mediterranean to the Middle East. This haplotype is shared with invasive samples worldwide, and its nearest phylogenetic relatives are located in the Middle East. Morphometric data characterized this invasive clone by a robust morphotype distinguishable from all other Asian samples. The ecological niche modelling designated the southern Caspian Sea, southern Iran and the Indus Valley as the most suitable regions of origin in Asia for the invasive clone of A. donax.


Using an integrative approach, an ancient dispersion of this robust, polyploid and non-fruiting clone is hypothesized from the Middle East to the west, leading to its invasion throughout the Mediterranean Basin.  相似文献   
Plant and surrogate stems exhibiting specific combinations of physical cues were used to determine which plant‐related stimuli influence the oviposition of Busseola fusca (Fuller) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). The number of eggs and egg batches laid per female increased with an increase in diameter of both natural and artificial stems. Direct observations of the oviposition behaviour (walking, antennating, and sweeping with the ovipositor) indicated that the female moths preferred oviposition supports with a large diameter and non‐pubescent or smooth surfaces over pubescent or rough ones. Pubescence and rough surfaces significantly affected the behavioural steps leading to oviposition by interfering with the ovipositor sweep process necessary to find a suitable oviposition site. Furthermore, more eggs and egg batches were laid on soft than rigid supports. The rigidity of the support affected the proper insertion of the ovipositor for egg deposition. Our results underline the importance of physical stimuli in B. fusca's choice of an oviposition site, which may facilitate the identification of potential host plants or preferred oviposition sites on a plant for this species.  相似文献   
The species composition, distribution and diversity of macrophytes in Lake Ziway were determined at the end of dry and wet seasons along nine littoral sites during 2010 using a belt transect method. Some physicochemical parameters were also measured. Fourteen macrophyte species were identified with low species diversity for the lake (H' value of 1.805). The macrophyte species composition of the lake has undergone many changes during the last few decades. Arundo donax, which was never reported earlier, attained the highest relative density (30.7%) and frequency (30.5%) in this study, followed by Echinochloa colona, Potamogeton schweinfurthii, Cyperus articulatus, Typha latifolia and Cyperus papyrus. The average densities of A. donax, C. articulatus, E. colona and Pistia stratiotes were positively correlated with nutrients, whereas the density of the other species had negative correlation with physicochemical variables (CCA). Generally, the present macrophyte composition and abundance indicates healthy ecological condition of the lake. But if nutrient levels continue to increase and water levels continue to decline, we expect further changes in macrophyte composition and especially a shift towards invasive floating species.  相似文献   
芦竹修复镉汞污染湿地的研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
以湿土盆栽方法研究了芦竹在Cd和Hg污染模拟湿地中的富集能力及其在植株中的分布.结果表明,芦竹在101mg·kg-1Hg污染环境中生长8个月后,对Hg的富集量是根系>茎>叶片,植物地上部分对Hg富集量为200±20mg·kg-1DW;而在115mg·kg-1Cd污染环境中生长8个月后,其对Cd的富集量是叶片>根系>茎,芦竹叶片对Cd的富集量在160±26mg·kg-1DW.重金属在芦竹各器官内的含量随种植时间的延长而增加,8个月生长期富集量比4个月生长期富集量高30%~50%.芦竹生物富集系数(Bio concentrationfactorBCF)随土壤中重金属含量增加而减小.在污染土壤中,芦竹叶、茎对Hg的BCF为1.9和2.1、对Cd为1.5和0.3;在未受污染的空白对照湿土中(含Hg6.8mg·kg-1,Cd8.5mg·kg-1),芦竹叶、茎对Hg的BCF为6.8和12.2,对Cd为7.0和2.7,表明芦竹具有生物量大、根系发达、适应性强等特点,对Cd、Hg有较大富集量和较好的耐受性.  相似文献   
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