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笼养鸟类取食高度对其自然行为表达和动物福利至关重要。然而,相关研究却少见报道。本文以我国二级重点保护野生动物——蓝马鸡(Crossoptilon auritum)为研究对象,观察笼养状态下其对不同高度取食槽内放置的种子或蔬菜的取食次序,并使用回归分析建立取食高度与偏好值的数学模型。结果发现,笼养蓝马鸡取食种子类食物(玉米粒)最佳取食高度为0cm,并且采食偏好随采食槽高度升高而下降(y=-0.564x+43.146,R2=0.946,y为采食偏好值,x为采食槽高度);油麦菜(Lactuca sativa)的最适取食高度范围为15~25 cm,随着取食槽高度的升高,偏好值先上升,至25 cm处后下降(y=-0.014x2+0.543x+26.487,R2=0.952,y为采食偏好值,x为采食槽高度)。当取食槽高度在65 cm及以上时,蓝马鸡拒食率上升(拒食率≥38.9%)。成年蓝马鸡体高对取食高度影响不明显。研究结果可为笼养蓝马鸡饲养管理提供参考。  相似文献   
异育银鲫及其人工杂合种外源遗传物质的检测分析   总被引:22,自引:4,他引:18  
采用 DNA 杂交的方法,对异育银鲫及其人工杂合种进行了外源 DNA 的检测分析,发现两个雌核发育系的异育银鲫及其人工杂合种的 DNA 与红鲤 DNA 片段间的分子杂交均有阳性斑点出现,这表明,在异育银鲫及其人工杂合种产生过程中,父本(红鲤)的 DNA 片段的确可以随机地掺入到母本细胞的 DNA 中,从而产生了异精效应,使其子代生长加快,并出现父本性状。  相似文献   
摘要 目的:探讨质软胰腺胰十二指肠切除术(PD)中应用肝圆镰状韧带一体化包裹加强技术的临床价值。方法:回顾性分析哈尔滨医科大学附属肿瘤医院2016年1月至2021年12月实施开腹PD或保留幽门的胰十二指肠切除术(PPPD)质软胰腺病人的临床资料。根据是否应用肝圆镰状韧带一体化包裹加强技术分为无包裹加强组(2016.1-2018.12,246例)及包裹加强组(2019.1-2021.12,244例),比较两组病人基本临床特征、术中资料、术后资料、胰腺术后出血(PPH)病人治疗措施及转归。结果:术前基本临床资料中,两组病人在年龄、性别、术前高血压及糖尿病史、美国麻醉医师协会(ASA评分)、术前丙氨酸氨基转移酶、术前总胆红素、术前血清白蛋白、术前胆道引流、肿瘤位置及性质方面差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。术中资料中,两组病人在手术时间、术中出血量、术中输血量、切除类型、PV 或SMV切除重建、主胰管直径方面差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。术后资料中,两组病人在术后总体并发症、临床相关胰瘘(CR-POPF)及腹腔感染发生率、腹腔穿刺引流率、晚期腔外PPH及C级晚期腔外PPH发生率、PPH相关再手术率、总体再手术率、术后住院时间方面差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组病人在术后胆瘘、延迟性胃排空障碍、早期PPH、晚期腔内PPH、A级及B级晚期腔外PPH、围手术期死亡率方面差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。PPH病人治疗措施及转归资料中,两组PPH病人侵袭性治疗率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组PPH病人在不同侵袭性治疗措施及PPH病死率方面差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:肝圆镰状韧带一体化包裹加强技术能够降低质软胰腺PD术后总体并发症发生率、CR-POPF及晚期腔外PPH、C级晚期腔外PPH的发生率,同时降低病人腹腔感染发生率、腹腔穿刺置管引流率及再手术率,并缩短术后住院时间。  相似文献   
Artificial reshaping of the cranial vault has been practiced by many human groups and provides a natural experiment in which the relationships of neurocranial, cranial base, and facial growth can be investigated. We test the hypothesis that fronto-occipital artificial reshaping of the neurocranial vault results in specific changes in the cranial base and face. Fronto-occipital reshaping results from the application of pads or a cradle board which constrains cranial vault growth, limiting growth between the frontal and occipital and allowing compensatory growth of the parietals in a mediolateral direction. Two skeletal series including both normal and artificially modified crania are analyzed, a prehistoric Peruvian Ancon sample (47 normal, 64 modified crania) and a Songish Indian sample from British Columbia (6 normal, 4 modified). Three-dimensional coordinates of 53 landmarks were measured with a diagraph and used to form 9 finite elements as a prelude to finite element scaling analysis. Finite element scaling was used to compare average normal and modified crania and the results were evaluated for statistical significance using a bootstrap test. Fronto-occipitally reshaped Ancon crania are significantly different from normal in the vault, cranial base, and face. The vault is compressed along an anterior-superior to posterior-inferior axis and expanded along a mediolateral axis in modified individuals. The cranial base is wider and shallower in the modified crania and the face is foreshortened and wider with the anterior orbital rim moving inferior and posterior towards the cranial base. The Songish crania display a different modification of the vault and face, indicating that important differences may exist in the morphological effects of fronto-occipital reshaping from one group to another.  相似文献   
The development of the Neotropical predatory pentatomid Brontocoris tabidus on an artificial diet based on beef meat and liver was evaluated. The predator showed significantly longer nymphal development and lower adult weights on this diet than when reared on pupae of the mealworm Tenebrio molitor. The survival of nymphs fed exclusively on the artificial diet was somewhat lower compared with feeding on T. molitor pupae. When B. tabidus was bred on this artificial diet during part of its nymphal period i.e. during the second; second and third; and second, third and fourth instars , and was subsequently returned to T. molitor pupae, the predator nymphs completed the nymphal stage with a developmental rate similar to that of nymphs fed on live prey throughout. The adults attained after switching from the artificial diet to live prey from the third and fourth instar onwards had similar weights to those in the control. Considering the relatively good results obtained with B. tabidus and other members of the pentatomid subfamily Asopinae, this meat-based diet may be a valuable alternative for use in the mass production of predatory pentatomids.  相似文献   
Artificial seeding of the green seaweed Monostroma for cultivation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Japan, the green seaweed Monostroma is an important source of humanfood. Monostroma nitidum Wittrock (Japanese name: hitoegusa) is cultivated in brackish waters and estuaries of central to southern Japan. The green seaweed Monostroma grows in the brackish water area in the upper part of the intertidal zone in the warm waters. Artificial seed culture began with the collection of many gametes in April. The resultant zygotes were allowed to adhere to plastic settlement boards (20 cm long and 10 cm wide). The zygoteboards were then cultured in tanks (1 ×2 ×0.5 m) with fertiliser in a controlled growth room (10–87 μmol photon m-2s-1). The cultivated zygotes on the board in the indoor tanks gradually increased in size from 10 to 40 μm in diameter during May to early August. Zygote growth became slowed at the end of August. The zygotesmatured in early September, and the plates were transferred into culture tanks in a dark room for dark treatment. Maturation of the zygote was promoted by providing dark conditions for two weeks. The production of a concentrated zoospore solution from the mature blades was achieved by adding fresh water at temperature 2–3 °C above that of the seeding vats. Zoospores were released in large numbers when exposed to strong irradiance of 100 μmol photon m-2 s-1 for 30 min. The zygotes produced flat unicellular fronds at the germling stage. The technology of artificial seed culture and zoospore release from the zygotes is based mainly on these experiments. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
High-molecular weight particles have been isolated from the sponge Geodica cydonium. In the "native" from these particles consist of a spherical center and have 25-30 filaments attached to it. The core structure of the particles is assembled of a central circle and 25 radially-arranged filaments. The core structure is obtained from the entire structure by incubation in a medium, containing a non-ionic detergent and EDTA. The molecular weight of the enitre structure was in the range of 1.4 X 10(9) daltons or more and of the core structure 6.1 x 10(8) daltons. Two functional proteins are released from the "native" particles: the aggregation factor and the sialytransferase.  相似文献   
1987年9月至1989年8月,笔者对来自云南瑞丽的2只雄性马来熊成体和7只幼体(3♂,4♀♀)在人工饲养条件下进行了观察研究,本文报道在不同生长时期的不同饲料配方、幼熊感觉器官的发育、齿式的形成、外部形态的变化、体重的生长方法及行为。  相似文献   
在不利的环境条件下,枝角类中有一部分种类可以形成卵鞍(ephippium),内含休眠卵。本文应用扫描电镜和透射电镜对隆线溞的卵鞍进行了超微结构的研究。研究表明:卵鞍外面大部分略呈浅的蜂窝状,内面则排布着多数卵石状小突起。卵鞍分为内外两层,两层的超微结构截然不同;各层又可分为三小层。  相似文献   
黄土丘陵区主要林分生物量及营养元素生物循环特征   总被引:33,自引:4,他引:29  
以黄土丘陵区子午岭为研究区域 ,用标准木法和收获法对暖温带森林优势群落辽东栎林、油松林及刺槐人工林的生物量、营养元素生物循环量及循环特征进行了研究。结果表明 :黄土丘陵区子午岭油松林、辽东栎林和刺槐人工林 3林分总生物量为 :86 .2 4 7、12 9.0 0 5 t/ hm2和 14 4 .795 t/ hm2 ,乔木层生物量分别为 :85 .2 2 3、12 6 .989t/ hm2和 14 2 .4 88t/ hm2 ,随群落针阔树种转化替代 ,群落总生物量呈现明显的增加趋势。年均生长量为 3.2 75~ 5 .6 99t/ hm2。生物量和年生长量排序为刺槐人工林 >辽东栎林 >油松林。 3林分林下植被层生物量、凋落物贮量表现为刺槐林 >辽东栎林 >油松林 ,林下植被层生物量的差异主要是由林分郁闭度和林下凋落物的不同引起的 ;刺槐林和辽东栎林林下植被层发达的根系和较高的凋落物量有利于提高土壤肥力、保持水土。同化器官的各种元素含量高于其它器官 ,茎中营养元素的含量最低。乔木层营养元素积累量分别为 :0 .74 5、1.378t/ hm2和 1.80 5 t/ hm2 。不同林分不同营养元素的积累量差别较大。因采伐而引起的 3林分林地养分流失量分别达 6 5 .4 5 %、5 3.76 %和 2 5 .1%。 3林分林下植被层和凋落物层的营养元素积累量排序为 :刺槐林 >辽东栎林 >油松林。凋落物营养元素贮  相似文献   
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