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The phenomenon of ultraweak photon emission from living systems was further investigated in order to elucidate the physical properties of this radiation and its possible source. We obtained evidence that the light has a high degree of coherence because of (1) its photon count statistics, (2) its spectral distribution, (3) its decay behavior after exposure to light illumination, and (4) its transparency through optically thick materials. Moroever, DNA is apparently at least an important source, since conformational changes induced with ethidium bromide in vivo are clearly reflected by changes of the photon emission of cells. The physical properties of the radiation are described, taking DNA as an exciplex laser system, where a stable state can be reached far from thermal equilibrium at threshold.  相似文献   
Erythrina cristagalli agglutinin, a dimeric lectin [J. L. Iglesias, et al. (1982) Eur. J. Biochem.123, 247–252] was shown by equilibrium dialysis to be bivalent for 4-methylumbelliferyl-β-d-galactoside. Upon binding to the lectin, this ligand showed a difference absorption spectrum with two maxima (at 322 and 336 nm) of equal intensity (Δ? = 1.2 × 103m?1 cm?1). A similar spectrum with a comparable value of Δ? was obtained with 4-methylumbelliferyl-N-acetyl-β-d-galactosaminide. Binding of methyl-α-d-galactoside, lactose, and N-acetyllactosamine all produced small but equally intense protein difference spectra with a maximum (Δ? = 2.8 × 102 M?1 cm?1) at 291.6 nm. Upon binding of N-dansyl-d-galactosamine to the lectin, there was a fivefold increase in fluorescence intensity of this ligand. The association constant for N-dansyl-d-galactosamine was caused by a very favorable ΔS° of the dansyl group without affecting the strictly carbohydrate-specific character of binding. N-Dansyl-d-galactosamine was employed as a fluorescent indicator ligand in substitution titrations. This involved the use of simple carbohydrates, N-acetyllactosamine, and oligosaccharides which occur in the carbohydrate units of N-glycoproteins; the latter were Gal(β → 4)GlcNAc(β1 → 2)Man, Gal(β1 → 4)GlcNAc(β1 → 6)Man, and Gal(β1 → 4)GlcNAc(β1 → 6)[Gal(β1 → 4)GlcNAc(β1 → 2)]Man. The titrations were performed at two temperatures to determine the thermodynamic parameters. In the series N-acetyl-d-galactosamine, methyl-α-d-galactoside, and lactose, ?ΔH° increased from 24 to 41 kJ mol?1; it increased further for N-acetyllactosamine and then remained unchanged for the N-acetyllactosamine-containing oligosaccharides (55 ± 1 kJ mol?1). This indicated that the site specifically accommodated the disaccharide structure with an important contribution of the 2-acetamido group in the penultimate sugar. Beyond this, no additional contacts seemed to be formed. This conclusion also followed from considerations of ΔS° values which became more unfavorable in the above series (?23 to ?101 ± 4 J mol?1 K?1); the most negative value of ΔS° was observed with N-acetyllactosamine and the three N-acetyllactosamine-containing oligosaccharides.  相似文献   
Histone synthesis is not coupled to the replication of adenovirus DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Histone synthesis decreases approximately in parallel with the decrease in cellular DNA synthesis when KB cell monolayers are productively infected with adenovirus type 2 and does not occur in coordination with the later surge of viral DNA synthesis. The synthesis of histones is not, therefore, required for all replicative DNA synthesis in the nuclei of mammalian cells.  相似文献   
Tests for departure from normality: Comparison of powers   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Rat bile and pancreatic fluid were examined for the presence of low molecular weight zinc complexes. Fluids were collected separately by cannulation, and zinc distribution in collected samples was analyzed by gel filtration on Sephadex G-50. Most of the zinc in bile was associated with low molecular weight zinc complexes; only a small amount of zinc was present in the high molecular weight fraction. In contrast, pancreatic secretions did not contain low molecular weight zinc complexes, but there were considerable amounts of zinc bound to high molecular weight compounds. The addition of zinc to bile resulted in an increased amount of zinc in the low molecular weight fraction, while the addition of zinc to pancreatic fluid resulted primarily in an increase in zinc bound to the high molecular weight components. Like pancreatic fluid, homogenates of pancreatic tissue had no low molecular weight zinc complex. In rats whose bile and pancreatic fluid were removed and not returned into the intestine, the amount of zinc bound to low molecular weight complexes in intestinal homogenates was reduced. This alteration of the molecular distribution of zinc in intestinal homogenates by removal of bile and pancreatic fluid suggests the potential importance of low molecular weight zinc complexes for zinc homeostasis.  相似文献   
The pH dependence of proton uptake upon binding of NADH to porcine heart mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase (l-malate: NAD+ oxidoreductase, EC has been investigated. The enzyme has been shown to exhibit a pH-dependent uptake of protons upon binding NADH at pH values from 6.0 to 8.5. Enzyme in which one histidine residue has been modified per subunit by the reagent iodoacetamide (E. M. Gregory, M. S. Rohrbach, and J. H. Harrison, 1971, Biochim. Biophys. Acta253, 489–497) was used to establish that this specific histidine residue was responsible for the uptake of a proton upon binding of NADH to the native enzyme. It has also been established that while there is no enhancement of the nucleotide fluorescence upon addition of NADH to the iodoacetamide-modified enzyme, NADH is nevertheless binding to the modified enzyme with the same stoichiometry as with native enzyme. The data are discussed in relation to the involvement of the essential histidine residue in the catalytic mechanism of “histidine dehydrogenases” recently proposed by Lodola et al. (A. Lodola, D. M. Parker, R. Jeck, and J. J. Holbrook, 1978, Biochem. J.173, 597–605) and the catalytic mechanism of “malate dehydrogenases” recently proposed by L. H. Bernstein and J. Everse (1978, J. Biol. Chem.253, 8702–8707).  相似文献   
Heat-derived (60°C) extracts of Limulus amoebocyte lysate (LAL) were found to contain potent “broad-spectrum” antimicrobial activity. Additional heating of the LAL extracts to 100°C for 30 min completely inactivated the antimicrobial activity and served as a control. Antimicrobial activity was observed over a temperature range of 0° to 37°C (higher temperatures not tested) with greatest activity at 37°C. Antimicrobial activity of LAL extracts was variable when tested against Gram-negative bacteria of the family Enterobacteriaceae. A twofold concentration of the extracts resulted in a significant decrease in antimicrobial effectiveness. Dialysis of single- and double-strength LAL extracts against deionized water produced a marked and significant enhancement of antimicrobial activity against both resistant and sensitive species, confirming the presence of a dialyzable inhibitor(s). Dialyzed LAL extracts were active against 13 of 14 species of Enterobacteriaceae tested. Two strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa were susceptible as were two of three Gram-positive cocci tested. Highly sensitive bacterial species were rapidly killed with a greater than 90% reduction in viable counts occurring within the first 30 min of reaction time. Dialyzed LAL extracts also possessed considerable antifungal activity. The role of the Limulus polyphemus amoebocyte in defense against microbial invasion and dissemination is discussed.  相似文献   
A highly active inhibitor of the binding of estrone and estradiol-17β to rat alpha-fetoprotein is demonstrated for the first time in embryo, immature and adult rat sera as well as in fetal and adult human sera. The competitive character and the narrow specificity of this inhibition effect is shown. The major compound responsible for this activity is isolated by successive column Sephadex LH20 and thin layer chromatography : it is characterized as a nonpolar, nonphenolic, dialysable and thermostable substance, unreactive towards anti-estrone and anti-estradiol-17β anti-bodies. The possible biological role of an endogenous non-estrogen ligand of rodent fetoproteins is discussed.  相似文献   
The extent of the negative cooperativity with MgATP of the Ca2+-stimulated ATPase activity of sarcoplasmic reticulum has been studied with various membrane preparations and under various conditions. Preparations studied were fragmented sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles, deoxycholate-solubilized and fractionated ATPase, triton extracted reticulum, vesicles reconstituted from either detergent, and limited trypsin digests of the reticulum. Conditions studied were suboptimal, optimal, and inhibitory Ca2+ concentrations; temperatures from 13 to 46 °C; 1 or 5 mm MgCl2; 0.1 m KCl, 0.1 m NaCl, or no added salt; and Triton or deoxycholate present in the assay. With preparations in which vesicles could accumulate Ca2+ ion, the ionophore A23187 was added to prevent inhibition by internal Ca2+ ions. Under all circumstances, the negative cooperativity of MgATP was present (Hill coefficient of 0.2 to 0.8), indicating the persistence of the properties of the enzyme molecule and its lipid environment giving rise to kinetic negative cooperativity. Attempts to measure the number of ATP sites by protection against N-ethylmaleimide inactivation and by binding of an analog suggested, but did not prove, that there was only one specific, active ATP binding site below 0.5 mm. These results are interpreted to be consistent with either of two mechanisms for ATP cooperativity of the Ca2+-stimulated ATPase activity of sarcoplasmic reticulum: (a) a single, high affinity ATP active site and a second, lower affinity “allosteric” activator site; or (b) a single ATP site which demonstrates two affinities through some kinetic mechanism such as a substrate-induced, slow transition.  相似文献   
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