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Summary A calciturbidite bed from the lower part of the Kieselkalk Formation (late cd II) at Wallau, eastern Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, displays ideal grading of reworked calcareous shallow-water microbiota, ranging from plurimillimetric agglutinated foraminifers and fragments of calcareous algae (Koninckopora sp.) to plurimicronic calcispheres, radiolarians and sponge spicules. Microbiota derived from all levels of the platform. Correspondingly, several carbonate microfacies types could be discerned. The early diagenetic micrite base of the turbidite preserved the anoxic basinal facies. The turbidite bed belongs to Foraminiferal Zone 15 (V3bα), theAlbaillella cartalla Zone (radiolarian chronology), and is the Lower and part of the Uppertexanus Zone (standard conodont zonation). From the few published data on foraminifers, the Kieselkalk is thought to range from Mid Viséan V2b to Late Viséan V3b gamma.  相似文献   
A first and detailed foraminiferal biostratigraphic work on the lower part of the Zongshan Formation (Limestone I and Calcareous Marl I sequence) in the Chaqiela section, Gamba, southern Tibet, allows the recognition of three latest Coniacian to middle Campanian planktic foraminiferal biozones: Dicarinella asymetrica Total Range Zone, Globotruncanita elevata Partial-Range Zone, and Contusotruncana plummerae Interval Zone. The base and top of the Santonian Stage in the Chaqiela section were placed at the lowest occurrence (LO) of Globotruncana linneiana and the highest occurrence (HO) of Dicarinella asymetrica, respectively. The deposition of the latest Coniacian to middle Campanian sediments of the lower Zongshan Formation in the Chaqiela section seems to have been continuous or at least without any major gap based on the planktic foraminiferal biozones and events.  相似文献   
A moderate diversity biota of foraminifers, algae and calcareous microproblematica is recorded from the Lower Carboniferous Yindagindy Formation within the intracratonic Southern Carnarvon Basin in Western Australia. Very shallow metahaline to hypersaline conditions are suggested. The palaeobotanical components are sporadic calcitarcha, tuberitinaceans, codiaceans Orthriosiphon? sp. 1, dasycladaleans? Koninckopora tenuiramosa, and algosponges Issinella devonica, Serrisinella cf. serrensis, Issinella? sp. 1, Kamaena cf. awirsi, Proninella? sp. and Stacheoides spp. The foraminiferal assemblage is dominated by a new koktjubinid taxon: Praekoktjubina yindagindyensis nov. gen., nov. sp. Subordinate associated foraminifers are more sporadic Salpingothurammina? sp. 1, Plectinopsis michelseni nov. gen., nov. sp., Rectopravina multifida nov. gen., nov. sp. (with 4 morphotypes), and scarce Endothyra spp. Despite many of these taxa being endemic, a middle Visean age is probable, based on: (1) the maximum global geographic extent of K. tenuiramosa reached during the middle Visean, (2) the disappearance of Plectinopsis nov. gen. in Palaeotethys and the Urals, and (3) the first occurrence of Praekoktjubina nov. gen. in Palaeotethys. An age no older than the middle Visean is supported by sparse conodonts from the Formation and comparison to episodes of carbonate deposition in the Bonaparte Basin, further north in the East Gondwana rift system. Absence of middle Visean archaediscoids may be due to high salinity. The following algal and foraminiferal families and superfamilies are emended: Scribroporellaceae (a lectotype is selected for Orthriosiphon saskatchewanense); Palaeospiroplectamminidae (due to the creation of Plectinopsis nov. gen.); Haplophragminoidea (due to the creation of Rectopravina nov. gen.); and Globivalvulinoidea and Koktjubinidae (due to the creation of Praekoktjubina nov. gen.).  相似文献   
山西永济白草坪组具刺疑源类的发现及其地质意义   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
该文着重报道了山西永济白草坪组(一般认为系中元古界上部相当于蓟县系的层位),以具刺疑源类为主的微化石群,计有4类6属15种,其中包括1新属,4新种,1新组合,1亲近种,2未定种,新属是具细网状纹饰的复杂具刺疑源类Shuiyousphaeridium Yan gen.nov.,4新种是Shuiyousphaeridium membraniferum Yan sp.nov.,Dictyosphaera incrassate Yan sp.nov.,Foliomorpha stipuliferaYan sp.nov.,Manicosiphoninema shuiyouense Yan sp.nov.。本微化石群以球形疑源类为主体,以具刺疑源类的大量发育为特征,并伴生有推测是绿藻和褐藻的化石,其组合面貌与蓟县上前寒武系各组皆有明显区别,具有更高的进化程度,从生物地层标志推测白草坪组所在的汝阳群应归入震旦系。白草坪组具刺疑源类可能是横裂甲藻的原始分子,它在地层对比和藻类进化方面皆具有重要意义。  相似文献   
帽状动物壳体 lathamellids 类化石包括 Lathamella caeca, Lathamella sp. nov. 以及 Lathamella symmetrica sp. nov. 三种,目前仅发现于四川峨嵋麦地坪下寒武统麦地坪组上段地层,它们皆以磷质内核方式保存.通过内核化石表面所复制的原始壳体微细构造印痕的研究表明,易漏螺类壳体为双层结构:内层——纤晶层,外层——棱柱层;其壳体原始成分可能为文石质.据上述现象推断,lathamellids 并非为磷质无绞纲腕足类,相反,而与软体动物更为接近,但其在壳腔内具—纵向中突,主要位于壳顶附近,很难与已知的任何一类软体动物直接对比,可能为一类独特的、已经绝灭了的软体动物的1个早期分支.  相似文献   
Teleosaurids were a clade of marine crocodylomorphs that were globally distributed during the Jurassic Period. They evolved a wide range of body sizes, from small (~2–3 m) to very large (> 9 m). Until now, the largest known Middle Jurassic teleosaurid was ‘Steneosaurusobtusidens, from the Oxford Clay Formation of the UK. Here, we re‐examine a very large Oxford Clay specimen (ilium, ischium, and femur) that had been tentatively attributed to ‘S.’ obtusidens. Based on comparative anatomical study with the ‘S.’ obtusidens holotype and referred specimens of Steneosaurus edwardsi and Steneosaurus leedsi, we conclude that this very large individual actually pertains to S. edwardsi. Based on comparisons with the Machimosaurus mosae neotype (which has a complete femur and skeleton), we estimate a total length in excess of 7 m for this large S. edwardsi individual, making it the largest known Middle Jurassic teleosaurid. Therefore, along with the closely related genus Machimosaurus, this clade of large‐bodied Middle–Late Jurassic teleosaurids were the largest species during the first 100 million years of crocodylomorph evolution. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, ●● , ●●–●●.  相似文献   
本文对山东平邑盆地卞桥镇国泰庄西ZK101井卞桥组二段的21块井壁岩芯样品进行分析,在其中5块样品中发现了大量保存较好的孢粉和一些淡水藻类化石,总计60属2亚属63种及部分未定种。据此建立了一个孢粉组合,即Pterisisporites-Ephedripites-Ulmaceae组合。该组合以凤尾蕨科和麻黄科花粉占优势,榆科有一定含量为其主要特征,并通过对一些重要分子的地质时代分布及与邻区相关孢粉组合进行对比,确定了其时代为古新世,同时讨论了该孢粉植物群所反映的古气候特点。  相似文献   
河南登封关口剖面寒武系第三统张夏组下部碳酸盐岩中发育了大量的微生物成因的核形石和后生动物遗迹化石。在野外和显微镜下对核形石和遗迹化石进行观察,并统计它们在地层中所占比例,表明核形石和遗迹化石存在着耦合关系。下部地层以发育凝块石和形状不规则、纹层不连续、代表一种低能弱搅动水体的Ⅰ型核形石为主,不含遗迹化石,表明此时微生物在海洋生态系统中占主导地位。中部地层则以发育浑圆形、纹层连续的Ⅱ型核形石和遗迹化石Planolites为特征;而且随水体能量的增强,Planolites丰度逐渐升高,核形石丰度逐渐降低;二者的丰度变化说明后生动物的存在对核形石的数量有一定影响,但未破坏核形石的生长条件。上部地层发育大量Thalassinoides和生物扰动构造,缺乏核形石;后生动物对沉积基底进行反复扰动,彻底破坏了原始层理以及微生物造岩的环境,核形石消失。可见,在张夏组沉积时期,微生物与后生动物以及环境之间存在着特殊的相互作用关系。  相似文献   
《Annales de Paléontologie》2019,105(3):223-237
In this paper, we report on a new Early Cretaceous vertebrate locality, Phu Din Daeng, in Nakhon Phanom Province, NE Thailand. The Phu Din Daeng site has yielded a diverse vertebrate assemblage, including sharks (Heteroptychodus steinmanni), bony fishes (Pycnodontiformes; Sinamiidae cf. Siamamia and ?Vidalamiinae, and Ginglymodi), adocid turtles, indeterminate neosuchian crocodiles, pterosaurs and dinosaurs (spinosaurids and indeterminate theropods). A new adocid turtle, Protoshachemys rubra n. g. n. sp. is described on the basis of shell material. Field investigations on the geology and comparisons with other vertebrate faunas place Phu Din Daeng in the Sao Khua Formation (Barremian) of the Khorat Group.  相似文献   
热河生物群络新妇科化石新发现(蜘蛛目,络新妇科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述产自中国辽西的蜘蛛化石1新种:辽宁白垩园蛛Cretaraneus liaoningensis Cheng,Menget Wang,sp.nov.,是Cretaraneus属在中国的首次发现。同时对北票园蛛Araneus beipiaoensis Chang,2004的特征进行补充描述。标本均采自辽宁省凌源市大王杖子早白垩世义县组中。  相似文献   
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