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In Arctica islandica, a long lifespan is associated with low metabolic activity, and with a pronounced tolerance to low environmental oxygen. In order to study metabolic and physiological responses to low oxygen conditions vs. no oxygen in mantle, gill, adductor muscle and hemocytes of the ocean quahog, specimens from the German Bight were maintained for 3.5 days under normoxia (21 kPa=controls), hypoxia (2 kPa) or anoxia (0 kPa). Tissue levels of anaerobic metabolites octopine, lactate and succinate as well as specific activities of octopine dehydrogenase (ODH) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were unaffected by hypoxic incubation, suggesting that the metabolism of A. islandica remains fully aerobic down to environmental oxygen levels of 2 kPa. PO(2)-dependent respiration rates of isolated gills indicated the onset of metabolic rate depression (MRD) below 5 kPa in A. islandica, while anaerobiosis was switched on in bivalve tissues only at anoxia. Tissue-specific levels of glutathione (GSH), a scavenger of reactive oxygen species (ROS), indicate no anticipatory antioxidant response takes place under experimental hypoxia and anoxia exposure. Highest specific ODH activity and a mean ODH/LDH ratio of 95 in the adductor muscle contrasted with maximal specific LDH activity and a mean ODH/LDH ratio of 0.3 in hemocytes. These differences in anaerobic enzyme activity patterns indicate that LDH and ODH play specific roles in different tissues of A. islandica which are likely to economize metabolism during anoxia and reoxygenation.  相似文献   
pebble (pbl) is required for cytokinesis during postblastoderm mitoses (Hime, G., Saint, R., 1992. Zygotic expression of the pebble locus is required for cytokinesis during the postblastoderm mitoses of Drosophila. Development 114, 165–171; Lehner, C.F., 1992. The pebble gene is required for cytokinesis in Drosophila. J. Cell Sci. 103, 1021–1030) and encodes a putative guanine nucleotide exchange factor (RhoGEF) for Rho1 GTPase (Prokopenko, S.N., Brumby, A., O'Keefe, L., Prior, L., He, Y., Saint, R., Bellen, H.J., 1999. A putative exchange factor for Rho1 GTPase is required for initiation of cytokinesis in Drosophila. Genes Dev. 13, 2301–2314). Mutations in pbl result in the absence of a contractile ring leading to a failure of cytokinesis and formation of polyploid multinucleate cells. Analysis of the subcellular distribution of PBL demonstrated that during mitosis, PBL accumulates at the cleavage furrow at the anaphase to telophase transition when assembly of a contractile ring is initiated (Prokopenko, S.N., Brumby, A., O'Keefe, L., Prior, L., He, Y., Saint, R., Bellen, H.J., 1999. A putative exchange factor for Rho1 GTPase is required for initiation of cytokinesis in Drosophila. Genes Dev. 13, 2301–2314). In addition, levels of PBL protein cycle during each round of cell division with the highest levels of PBL found in telophase and interphase nuclei. Here, we report the expression pattern of pbl during embryonic development. We show that PEBBLE RNA and PBL protein have a similar tissue distribution and are expressed in a highly dynamic pattern throughout embryogenesis. We show that PBL is strongly enriched in dividing nuclei in syncytial embryos and in pole cells as well as in nuclei of dividing cells in postblastoderm embryos. Our expression data correlate well with the phenotypes observed in pole cells and, particularly, with the absence of cytokinesis after cellular blastoderm formation in pbl mutants.  相似文献   
The ocean quahog Arctica islandica is the longest-lived of all bivalve and molluscan species on earth. Animals close to 400 years are common and reported maximum live span around Iceland is close to 400 years. High and stable antioxidant capacities are a possible strategy to slow senescence and extend lifespan and this study has investigated several antioxidant parameters and a mitochondrial marker enzyme in a lifetime range spanning from 4–200 years in the Iceland quahog. In gill and mantle tissues of 4–192 year old A. islandica, catalase, citrate synthase activity and glutathione concentration declined rapidly within the first 25 years, covering the transitional phase of rapid somatic growth and sexual maturation to the outgrown mature stages (~32 years). Thereafter all three parameters kept rather stable levels for > 150 years. In contrast, superoxide dismutase activities maintained high levels throughout life time. These findings support the ‘Free Radical-Rate of Living theory’, antioxidant capacities of A.islandica are extraordinarily high and thus may explain the species long life span.  相似文献   
The observation of an inverse relationship between lifespan and mitochondrial H2O2 production rate would represent strong evidence for the disputed oxidative stress theory of aging. Studies on this subject using invertebrates are surprisingly lacking, despite their significance in both taxonomic richness and biomass. Bivalve mollusks represent an interesting taxonomic group to challenge this relationship. They are exposed to environmental constraints such as microbial H2S, anoxia/reoxygenation, and temperature variations known to elicit oxidative stress. Their mitochondrial electron transport system is also connected to an alternative oxidase that might improve their ability to modulate reactive oxygen species (ROS) yield. Here, we compared H2O2 production rates in isolated mantle mitochondria between the longest‐living metazoan—the bivalve Arctica islandica—and two taxonomically related species of comparable size. In an attempt to test mechanisms previously proposed to account for a reduction of ROS production in long‐lived species, we compared oxygen consumption of isolated mitochondria and enzymatic activity of different complexes of the electron transport system in the two species with the greatest difference in longevity. We found that A. islandica mitochondria produced significantly less H2O2 than those of the two short‐lived species in nearly all conditions of mitochondrial respiration tested, including forward, reverse, and convergent electron flow. Alternative oxidase activity does not seem to explain these differences. However, our data suggest that reduced complex I and III activity can contribute to the lower ROS production of A. islandica mitochondria, in accordance with previous studies. We further propose that a lower complex II activity could also be involved.  相似文献   
本文通过线性系统极点配置,李雅普诺夫方法研究了已烯雌酚在人体各器官转移模型的变结构控制问题,得到了使系统尽快达到稳定平衡点的变结构控制器.该问题为生物模型综合控制问题的研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   
In Drosophila, mitochondrially encoded ribosomal RNAs (mtrRNAs) form mitochondrial-type ribosomes on the polar granules, distinctive organelles of the germ plasm. Since a reduction in the amount of mtrRNA results in the failure of embryos to produce germline progenitors, or pole cells, it has been proposed that translation by mitochondrial-type ribosomes is required for germline formation. Here, we report that injection of kasugamycin (KA) and chloramphenicol (CH), inhibitors for prokaryotic-type translation, disrupted pole cell formation in early embryos. The number of mitochondrial-type ribosomes on polar granules was significantly decreased by KA treatment, as shown by electron microscopy. In contrast, ribosomes in the mitochondria and mitochondrial activity were unaffected by KA and CH. We further found that injection of KA and CH impairs production of Germ cell-less (Gcl) protein, which is required for pole cell formation. The above observations suggest that mitochondrial-type translation is required for pole cell formation, and Gcl is a probable candidate for the protein produced by this translation system.  相似文献   
Summary In this paper experiments concerning some aspects of the development of pole cells and midgut progenitors in Drosophila are reported. Cells were labelled by injecting horseradish-peroxidase (HRP) in embryos before pole bud formation and transplanted at different stages into unlabelled embryos, where the transplanted cells developed together with the unlabelled cells of the host. The hosts were then fixed and stained at different ages in order to demonstrate the presence of HRP in the progenies of transplanted cells. The main conlusions of the study are as follows. The gonads are the only organ to the formation of which pole cells normally contribute; those pole cells which do not participate in the formation of the gonads are finally eliminated or degenerate. Since the number of primordial germ cells in the gonads is the same irrespective of the number of pole cells present in the embryo, an (unknown) mechanism must exist regulating the final number of pole cells in each of the gonads. After their formation and before reaching the gonads, pole cells have been found to divide only up to two times. With respect to the midgut progenitors, the cells of both anlagen have been found to be committed to develop into midgut, although they behave as equivalent in that they do not apparently distinguish between the anterior and posterior anlage. Midgut progenitors have been found to divide a maximum of three times and to produce two different types of cells, epithelial cells of the midgut wall and spindle-like cells located internally in the gut.  相似文献   
Summary Cauterization of pole cells in embryos of the Colorado beetle does not prevent organogenesis of the gonads. So, pole cells do not govern to the differentiation of the gonadal mesoderm (this latter is limited to abdominal segments 6, 7 and 8). Moreover, this mesoderm develops into testis or ovary even without any innitial germ cells.
Annual internal growth banding of Arctica islandica has shown that the species has a surprising longevity of up to 149 years as stated by THOMPSON , JONES and DREIBELBIS (1980). The authors have compiled 100 values of valve height against age as reproduced in Figure 1. Visually gained growth curves have been added for single specimens that leave some doubt as to the existence of an inflexion point. In this paper a cross-sectional evaluation of growth behaviour is carried out with nine funtions using nonlinear regressions. Five growth functions yield almost equally good results with a final valve height just below 100 mm. An inflexion point is either present in early youth or lacking altogether, depending on the growth function used.  相似文献   
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