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The impacts of simulated climate change (warming and fertilization treatments) on diazotroph community structure and activity were investigated at Alexandra Fiord, Ellesmere Island, Canada. Open Top Chambers, which increased growing season temperatures by 1-3 degrees C, were randomly placed in a dwarf-shrub and cushion-plant dominated mesic tundra site in 1995. In 2000 and 2001 20N:20P2O5:20K2O fertilizer was applied at a rate of 5 gm(-2) year(-1). Estimates of nitrogen fixation rates were made in the field by acetylene reduction assays (ARA). Higher rates of N fixation were observed 19-35 days post-fertilization but were otherwise unaffected by treatments. However, moss cover was significantly positively associated with ARA rate. NifH gene variants were amplified from bulk soil DNA and analyzed by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. Non-metric multidimensional scaling was used to ordinate treatment plots in nifH genotype space. NifH gene communities were more strongly structured by the warming treatment late in the growing season, suggesting that an annual succession in diazotroph community composition occurs.  相似文献   
The present paper contains the results of our microbiological and biogeochemical investigations carried out during a series of expeditions to the White Sea in 2002–2006. The studies were conducted in the open part of the White Sea, as well as in the Onega, Dvina, and Kandalaksha bays. In August 2006, the photosynthetic productivity in the surface water layer was low (47–145 mg C m?2 day?1). Quantitative characteristics of microbial numbers and activity of the the key microbial processes occurring in the water column of the White Sea were explored. Over the 5-year period of observations, the total number of bacterial cells in the surface layer of the water column varied from 50 to 600 thousand cells ml?1. In August 2006, bacterioplankton production (BP) was estimated to be 0.26–3.3 μg C l?1 day?1; the P/B coefficient varied from 0.22 to 0.93. The suspended organic matter had a lighter isotope composition (from ?28.0 to ?30.5‰) due to the predominance of terrigenous organic matter delivered by the Northern Dvina waters. The interseasonal and interannual variation coefficients for phytoplankton production and BP numbers are compared. The bacterioplankton community of the White Sea’s deep water was found to be more stable than that of the surface layer. In the surface layer of bottom sediments, methane concentration was 0.2–5.2 μl dm?3; the rate of bacterial sulfate reduction was 18–260 μg S dm?3 day?1; and the rates of methane production and oxidation were 24–123 and 6–13 nl CH4 dm?3 day?1, respectively. We demonstrated that the rates of microbial processes of the carbon and sulfur cycles occurring in the sediments of the White Sea basin were low.  相似文献   
Inappropriate farm practices can increase greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions and reduce soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration, thereby increasing carbon footprints (CFs), jeopardizing ecosystem services, and affecting climate change. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to assess the effects of different tillage systems on CFs, GHGs emissions, and ecosystem service (ES) values of climate regulation and to identify climate-resilient tillage practices for a winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-summer maize (Zea mays L.) cropping system in the North China Plain (NCP). The experiment was established in 2008 involving no-till with residue retention (NT), rotary tillage with residue incorporation (RT), sub-soiling with residue incorporation (ST), and plow tillage with residue incorporation (PT). The results showed that GHGs emissions from agricultural inputs were 6432.3–6527.3 kg CO2-eq ha−1 yr−1 during the entire growing season, respectively. The GHGs emission from chemical fertilizers and irrigation accounted for >80% of that from agricultural inputs during the entire growing season. The GHGs emission from agricultural inputs were >2.3 times larger in winter wheat than that in the summer maize season. The CFs at yield-scale during the entire growing season were 0.431, 0.425, 0.427, and 0.427 without and 0.286, 0.364, 0.360, and 0.334 kg CO2-eq kg−1 yr−1 with SOC sequestration under NT, RT, ST, and PT, respectively. Regardless of SOC sequestration, the CFs of winter wheat was larger than that of summer maize. Agricultural inputs and SOC change contributed mainly to the component of CFs of winter wheat and summer maize. The ES value of climate regulation under NT was ¥159.2, 515.6, and 478.1 ha−1 yr−1 higher than that under RT, ST, and PT during the entire growing season. Therefore, NT could be a preferred “Climate-resilient” technology for lowering CFs and enhancing ecosystem services of climate regulation for the winter wheat–summer maize system in the NCP.  相似文献   
三江平原小叶章群落近30年的动态变化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
汲玉河  吕宪国  杨青  赵魁义 《生态学杂志》2006,25(11):1328-1332
由于生境的改变,三江平原沼泽湿地典型植物群落中小叶章群落内部发生了显著的变化。本文以定点观测和典型湿地植物调查为基础,分析了近30年来小叶章群落的动态变化。结果表明,小叶章群落的物种频度符合Raunkiaer频度定律,即5个频度级的关系都具有A〉B〉C≥D〈E的规律性。小叶章群落的物种构成发生了明显变化,灌木类型植物逐渐增多。植物物种多样性减少。小叶章的多度、分盖度和高度都有降低趋势。  相似文献   
黄淮平原冬小麦灌溉需水量的影响因素与不同年型特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以黄淮平原区80个气象站点46~54年的降水资料和10个站点100 cm深度的土壤湿度资料为基础,运用麦田水分平衡原理,分析了冬小麦灌溉需水量与冬小麦需水量、生育期降水量和土壤底墒水的关系,并就不同气候年型分析了冬小麦灌溉需水量的变化特征.结果表明:黄淮平原冬小麦灌溉需水量等值线基本呈纬向分布,自南向北逐渐增大.正常年零值线位于许昌、扶沟、柘城,鹿邑、亳州、萧县至徐州一带,此线附近冬小麦需水量和供水量基本平衡,可以不进行灌溉或进行少量灌溉;此线以北则必须进行灌溉,其灌溉量愈向北愈大,依次为60~100和100~190 mm,要分别灌1~2水和2水;此线以南,可不进行灌溉.丰水年零值线北移约0.5~1.0个纬度,全区灌溉面积和灌溉量明显减小.欠水年零值线南移约1.0~1.5个纬度,灌溉面积和灌溉量显著增大.
By using the last 46-54 years precipitation data from 80 meteorological stations and the 0-100 cm soil water content data at 10 stations in the Huanghuai Plain, the relationships be-tween the irrigation water requirement and water requirement by winter wheat, and between the precipitation in winter wheat growth season and the soil water content at planting time were ana-lyzed, based on the principles of farmland water balance. In the meantime, the characteristics of irrigation water requirement by winter wheat in different climatic years were studied. In the study area, the isoline of irrigation water requirement by winter wheat was basically in latitudinal distri-bution, with the requirement increased gradually from .south to north. In normal years, the zero isoline was located in Xuchang-Fugou-Zhecheng-Luyi-Bozhou-Xiaoxian-Xuzhou. Along this line, the water requirement by winter wheat was in balance with water supply, and no or less irrigation was required. However, in the north of this line, irrigation should be made, with the irrigation a-mount increased northward, being about 60-100 mm and 100-190 mm and irrigating 1-2 times or 2 times. In the south of this line, no irrigation was required. In the years of plentiful precipita-tion, the zero isoline moved northward by 0. 5-1.0 latitude, and the irrigation area and irrigation amount decreased obviously; while in the years of short precipitation, the zero isoline moved south-ward by 1.0-1.5 latitude, and the irrigation area and irrigation amount increased obviously.  相似文献   
Coastal dunes in western Europe have long been under grazing and recreational pressure, but the vegetative cover appears to be remarkably resilient. In a series of experiments on Ynyslas Dunes, Cardigan Bay (Wales, U.K.), trampling, protection, fertiliser, and herbicide treatments were monitored using non-destructive and destructive sampling methods. This paper discusses the behaviour of 12 important species after these treatments on three major dune habitats: Agrostis tenuis, Ammophila arenaria, Bellis perennis, Festuca rubra, Galium verum, Leontodon taraxacoides, Ononis repens, Plantago lanceolata, Poa subcaerulea, Thymus praecox, Homalothecium lutescens, Tortula ruraliformis.Although stability is usually thought of as a feature of the community, a reductionist approach suggests that grasses react quickly but temporarily, dicotyledonous forbs often show slower reaction times, each species reacting in its own way to changes in the environment. A tentative classification of our study species is possible.Nomenclature follows Smith (1978), for bryophytes and Clapam, Tutin & Warburg (1962), for angiosperms.  相似文献   
New data on the diversity pattern of isopods (Crustacea) from the northern most part of the North Atlantic and the Arctic Oceans is presented. The pattern of diversity with depth is similar at depths <1000m, but differs considerably below about 1000m. In the Arctic the diversity of isopods (expressed both as numbers of species per sled and expected number of species) increased with increased depth to a maximum at depths of about 320 to 1100m, but then declined towards deeper waters. There was a significant increase in numbers per sled and in the expected number of species with increased depth in the northernmost part of the North Atlantic Ocean. Additionally, changes occurred in the relative composition of the shallow and deep water fauna, with asellote isopods being relatively larger part of the isopod fauna in the Arctic than in the northern most part of the North Atlantic. This indicates major faunistic changes occurring at the Greenland-Iceland-Faeroe Ridge, possibly caused by rapid changes in the temperature. Furthermore, that the low diversity of the Arctic deep-sea is a regional phenomenon, and not a part of a large scale latitudinal pattern in the North Atlantic.  相似文献   
The geographical extent of Arctic char ( Salvelinus alpinus ) mitochondrial DNA introgression into brook char ( Salvelinus fontinalis ) populations found in eastern Québec was determined by analysing a total of 598 fish from 29 lakes. The nuclear genome was analysed by protein electrophoresis, whereas the ND-5,6 portion of the mitochondrial genome was analysed by restriction fragment length polymorphism. This survey revealed that introgressed S. fontinalis populations are restricted to only one river subdrainage of the Portneuf basin, where Arctic char is completely absent. Elsewhere, nonintrogressed pure S. fontinalis populations populate the lakes. These findings suggest that the initial hybridization event between the species is ancient and probably occurred shortly after recolonization of the area. At that time, the species would have been in contact and the chances of reproductive isolation mechanisms breaking down would have been high. We discuss the possibility that a combination of biogeographical conditions coupled with positive selection for mtDNA introgression led to the present-day distribution of introgressed S. fontinalis in northeastern North America.  相似文献   
Arctic homeotherms maintain their feet near O°C while standing on much colder surfaces by blood-borne heat input. At 5°C in vivo blood viscosity increased approximately 5 times in arctic wolves and wolverines, and for comparison, in non-cold acclimated man. Such increase in blood viscosity in vivo would reduce perfusion; however, specialized arteriovenous plexuses have evolved in foot pad cutaneous tissues. These augment heat delivery and protect tissues from frost bite.  相似文献   
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