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Mangrove zooplankton of North Queensland,Australia   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
McKinnon  A. D.  Klumpp  D. W. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,348(1-3):127-143
Food consumption, growth, fish length distributions,population sizes and habitat use of the salmonids intwo lakes in the Høylandet area were studied in1986–89. The allopatric brown trout (Salmotrutta L.) in the tarn Røyrtjønna (27 ha) fed mainlyon organisms at the lake surface , crustaceanplankton, Trichoptera and Chironomidae. Only 5% ofthe trout reached an age of 6 years and a length of25 cm. Sexual maturation started at age 3 and a lengthof 14 cm. Through mark – recapture technique thenumber of trout >10 cm was estimated to 115 ha-1.Growth, fish length frequencies and sexualmaturation of the sympatric brown trout and Arcticcharr (Salvelinus alpinus (L.)) in LakeStorgrønningen (530 ha) were not much different. TheStorgrønningen charr fed chiefly on zooplankton whichby volume represented 33% for the trout. The foodconsumption of Storgrønningen trout was at maximum inJuly with 2.06 mg food (d.w.) per g live fish and forcharr in September with 1.26 mg food. The maximumsize-independent growth rate of trout was 5.2%day-1 in late June, and for charr 4.1%day-1 in late July. Seventy percent of theirseasonal growth took place before 15 August. The charrstayed mainly deeper than 3-4 m, at water temperatures<15 °C. Brown trout stayed mainly the littoralzone and in near surface water of the pelagic. Thenumber of pelagic charr was estimated hydroacusticallyto 50 ind. ha-1. The charr spawn in thelake. Mean numbers of juvenile trout in the twolargest tributaries were 26 and 48 per 100 m2.Their annual length increment was 2.8–3.4 cm. Noindication of acidification or other human inducedimpacts were found. The lakes and their tributariesrepresent complex aquatic systems, representative forpristine oligotrophic Norwegian lowland lakes.John W. Jensen died shortly after easter in 1996  相似文献   
The stress sensitivity, determined in copper exposureexperiments and in survival in air tests, and thegenetic structure, measured by means of isoenzymeelectrophoresis, were assessed in populations of theBaltic clam Macoma balthica (L.) from itssouthern to its northern distribution limit, in orderto test the hypotheses that near the distributionlimit the clams would be more stress sensitive andwould have a lower genetic variability. Thepopulations in west and north Europe show a stronggenetic resemblance. The populations in the sub-ArcticWhite Sea are genetically slightly different, and showa low stress sensitivity. The populations in theArctic Pechora Sea are genetically very distant fromthe other populations, and show the lowest stresssensitivity. Near the southern distribution limit, inagreement with the hypotheses, genetic variability islow and stress sensitivity high. On the other hand, incontrast to expectation, near the northerndistribution limit, in the populations of the PechoraSea, the genetic variability was higher, thus notreduced, and the stress sensitivity was low comparedto all other populations. Yet, it remains a questionif such is due to gradual physiologicalacclimatization (and ongoing differential selection)or to genetic adaptation.  相似文献   
A new genus of Platycopioida is described from a boxcore sample taken at a depth of 534 m in the ArcticBarents Sea. This is the deepest record ofPlatycopioida so far. Sarsicopia gen. n. is thesistergroup of a taxon comprising Platycopia and Nanocopia; the sistergroup ofthese is Antrisocopia. Sarsicopia gen. n.is the only platycopioid to retain 2 inner setae onthe second endopod segment P2–P4, and 8 setae in thethird endopod segment of P2. The male antennnule isremarkable in having a geniculation located betweenancestral segments XX and XXI. It is suggested thatthis flexure zone was already present in thegroundpattern of Copepoda. Platycopia and Nanocopia have secondarily lost thisgeniculation.  相似文献   
Along the coastal plain of Israel, shell darkness of the polymorphic land snail Xeropicta vestalis is positively related to the extent of perennial vegetation. It is not related to rain, temperature, geographic position or darkness of the ground.
White shells reflect more radiation than dark ones do, and therefore in Israel's coastal plain, where solar radiation is very strong, they are favoured. Perennial vegetation, where it occurs, shields the snails from the sun by absorbing radiation, so that snails amongst them can afford to be darker, and thus more cryptic. Hence, the more perennial vegetation in the habitat, the darker the shells.
Also during the Pleistocene, when temperatures were 5–10°C lower than today, the shells of the coastal plain were as pale as recent ones are. The distribution of a snail-predator, Gerbillus allenbyi , which is restricted to sandy biotopes where perennial bushes occur, and which was absent from Israel during the Pleistocene, could perhaps explain the distribution of X. vestalis morphs, both today and in the past.  相似文献   
D. Sharp 《Plant Ecology》1976,31(2):103-119
Summary The vegetation of cultivated, fallow and ‘old’ fields of Scotland County, N.C. was both randomly and subjectively sampled throughout the growing season of 1973. Relevés were placed in each of the above management units, and the data collected in this relevé analysis were sorted into phytosociological charts, with the aid of the digital computer. Weed associations delimited in the charts reflected the importance of edaphic factors, time (aspect), and man's agricultural activities as causal factors in the determination of characteristic assemblages of weeds. Several character and differential species were denoted, in a tentative classification of the weed associations. The cultivated and fallow stands in the spring aspect were noted to be dominated by a group of spring annuals. Summer annuals were more prevalent in homologous situations in the summer. It was determined that perennials, appearing mainly as seedlings in cultivated and fallow fields, attained dominance in ‘old’ fields, one to five years in age. Within each of the major spheres of management, and in each season, associations of weeds mainly reflected differences in edaphic factors. Many character species were noted to maintain affinities to an assortment of soil types that ranged from moist loams to xeric, sterile sands. A study of roadsides, hedgerows, field margins and other ecotonal areas inhabited by weeds was carried throughout the growing season of 1973, also. Species presence was documented in each of these habitat types and reported in Sharp (1974). The weed flora of Scotland County was found to be rich in species. A total of 506 species representing 248 genera and 80 families were encountered throughout the study. Of the total number of species listed, approximately 25 percent were of foreign origin, and 28 percent represented additions to the flora of Scotland County. This paper is the short version of a masters thesis for the Department of Botany, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The author would like to extend his appreciation and gratitude to Professors H. Lieth, A. E. Radford and J. Hardin for their generous advice and encouragement extended through the duration of the study.  相似文献   
第六次北极科学考察海洋沉积物可培养细菌的多样性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】研究北极海洋沉积物可培养细菌的菌种资源多样性。【方法】采用海水Zobell2216E培养基和涂布平板法对第六次北极科学考察获得的海洋沉积物开展细菌分离培养,通过16S rRNA基因系统发育分析了解可培养细菌的多样性。【结果】根据菌落形态特征,从40个站位的北极海洋沉积物样品中共分离并获得16S rRNA基因有效序列的细菌达445株;基于16S rRNA基因的相似性分析与系统发育研究结果表明,分离获得的细菌分属于细菌域的4个门、6个纲、13个目、28个科、49个属、91个种,其中γ-Proteobacteria占大多数;有12株与模式菌株的16S rRNA基因序列相似性小于97%,可能代表了6个潜在的细菌新物种;此次获得的细菌种类组成与以往第五次北极科考获得的相比,在属水平上差异较大。【结论】北极海洋沉积物中存在着丰富的微生物菌种资源,具有很多新型微生物仍未被发现,是亟待开发的微生物资源宝库。  相似文献   
随着气候变化加剧和人类活动影响,生物多样性变化及其保护逐渐受到广泛关注。蝴蝶作为开花植物的传粉媒介和生态环境监测及评价的关键指示者,其多样性变化能够在一定程度上反映生境状况,因此,有必要清晰认识不同生境中的蝴蝶多样性变化。为明确松嫩平原蝴蝶资源和不同生境的群落多样性差异,采用样线法于2016年5月-2018年8月对松嫩平原的割草草地、湿地、农田、放牧利用草地及恢复草地共五种生境类型进行调查研究。结果发现,调查共记录蝴蝶5108头,隶属于6科21属26种,其中牧女珍眼蝶(Coenonympha amaryllis)和红珠灰蝶(Plebejus argyrognomon)为优势种类,分别占蝴蝶个体总数的25.61%和31.66%,且在五种生境类型中均有分布。不同生境类型中,蝴蝶群落的物种丰富度指数和均匀度指数无明显差异,而恢复草地生境的蝴蝶群落Shannon-Wiener多样性指数较高,优势度指数较低。农田生境中的蝴蝶个体数量较少,且群落组成与其他四种生境之间均具有显著差异。五种生境类型中的蝴蝶数量和多样性均呈现一定的月动态和年动态变化趋势。除湿地和农田外,其余三种生境中蝴蝶物种和个体数量从5月到8月均持续升高。四种生境的蝴蝶物种数量、个体数量(除农田外)在2018年均出现明显下降趋势。物种丰富度指数等指标的月动态和年动态在不同生境类型间存在较大差异。这些结果表明,生境类型和人类活动与蝴蝶多样性变化关系密切,表现为单一生境中蝴蝶多样性较低,复杂生境有利于保护蝴蝶多样性。本研究有助于厘清松嫩平原蝴蝶资源的基础数据,并为该地区蝴蝶多样性保护和利用及评估该区域生态环境提供一定理论支撑。  相似文献   
Few biogeographic studies of dinoflagellate cysts include the near‐shore estuarine environment. We determine the effect of estuary type, biogeography, and water quality on the spatial distribution of organic‐walled dinoflagellate cysts from the Northeast USA (Maine to Delaware) and Canada (Prince Edward Island). A total of 69 surface sediment samples were collected from 27 estuaries, from sites with surface salinities >20. Dinoflagellate cysts were examined microscopically and compared to environmental parameters using multivariate ordination techniques. The spatial distribution of cyst taxa reflects biogeographic provinces established by other marine organisms, with Cape Cod separating the northern Acadian Province from the southern Virginian Province. Species such as Lingulodinium machaerophorum and Polysphaeridinium zoharyi were found almost exclusively in the Virginian Province, while others such as Dubridinium spp. and Islandinium? cezare were more abundant in the Acadian Province. Tidal range, sea surface temperature (SST), and sea surface salinity (SSS) are statistically significant parameters influencing cyst assemblages. Samples from the same type of estuary cluster together in canonical correspondence analysis when the estuaries are within the same biogeographic province. The large geographic extent of this study, encompassing four main estuary types (riverine, lagoon, coastal embayment, and fjord), allowed us to determine that the type of estuary has an important influence on cyst assemblages. Due to greater seasonal variations in SSTs and SSSs in estuaries compared to the open ocean, cyst assemblages show distinct latitudinal trends. The estuarine context is important for understanding present‐day species distribution, the factors controlling them, and to better predict how they may change in the future.  相似文献   
Summary The experiment was performed in two phases. During the first phase (phase 1) the dominance hierarchy was determined in 4 groups of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus L.), each group consisting of 4 fish. Phase 2 was started by rearranging phase 1 fish into 4 new groups. Group 1 consisted of previously dominant fish and groups 2, 3 and 4 of fish that previously held rank 2, 3 and 4, respectively. After phase 2 telencephalon and brain stem were analyzed with regard to their contents of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), the principle metabolite of 5-HT. No correlation was found between the social rank (measured as dominance index) during phase 1 and the brain serotonergic activity (measured as the ratio 5-HIAA/5-HT) determined after phase 2. However, most important, the 5-HIAA/5-HT ratio was significantly correlated with the last experienced social rank, i.e. that acquired during phase 2. These results shows that the difference in brain serotonergic activity between dominant and subordinate fish develops through social interactions. Further, we found that previous subordinate experience inhibited aggressive behavior, an effect which, in the light of available information on stress and 5-HT, could be related to the increase in brain serotonergic activity. We hypothesize that stress induces an increased serotonergic activity which in turn inhibits the neuronal circuitry which mediates aggressive behavior.Abbreviations 5-HT serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) - 5-HIAA 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid  相似文献   
Palaeoenvironments and former climates are typically inferred from pollen and macrofossil records. This approach is time-consuming and suffers from low taxonomic resolution and biased taxon sampling. Here, we test an alternative DNA-based approach utilizing the P6 loop in the chloroplast trnL (UAA) intron; a short (13–158 bp) and variable region with highly conserved flanking sequences. For taxonomic reference, a whole trnL intron sequence database was constructed from recently collected material of 842 species, representing all widespread and/or ecologically important taxa of the species-poor arctic flora. The P6 loop alone allowed identification of all families, most genera (>75%) and one-third of the species, thus providing much higher taxonomic resolution than pollen records. The suitability of the P6 loop for analysis of samples containing degraded ancient DNA from a mixture of species is demonstrated by high-throughput parallel pyrosequencing of permafrost-preserved DNA and reconstruction of two plant communities from the last glacial period. Our approach opens new possibilities for DNA-based assessment of ancient as well as modern biodiversity of many groups of organisms using environmental samples.  相似文献   
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