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The actual Arctic biota shows a strong affinity with that of the Boreal Atlantic and Pacific ones, as a result of an active recolonization process after the Quaternary glaciations. The geographic distribution of sessile species is usually linked to larvae dispersive capabilities which can be directly related with time spent in the plankton. Ascidians larvae are lecitothorphic and short-lived, which suggest that ascidians could be not efficient dispersers. However, the solitary ascidian Styela rustica (Linnaeus, 1767) (Tunicata, Ascidiacea) shows a wide distribution pattern from the North Atlantic to the Arctic that, together with the relatively recent colonization of the Arctic system could indicate that this species efficiently disperses and colonizes new habitats. In this study we used ISSR-PCR markers to study the genetic structure of five populations of the ascidian Styela rustica at Kongsfjorden, west Spitsbergen (Svalbard archipelago). We analyzed whether this species presents a low genetic structure, as can be expected due to the historical process of recent post glaciations colonization, or if there is genetic differentiation at a local scale, caused by short-lived larvae and limited dispersal potential. The genetic diversity in each population assessed using the marker diversity index (M) ranged from 0.288 to 0.324. Population HN, situated close to a fast retreating glacier, showed the lowest diversity. Processes associated with deglatiation (icebergs calving from the glacier that scour the benthos and the increment of inorganic particulate matter on the water column) would drive to reduced population sizes and explain the reduced genetic variability observed in the HN population with respect to the others in the fjord. This suggests a possible linkage with the global warming process. Although the weak genetic structure found among the studied populations could indicate a founder effect, the genetic landscape shape analysis together with a positive relationship between genetic and geographic distances also suggest possible current gene flow among populations in the fjord.  相似文献   
The freeze tolerance and accumulation of cryoprotectants was investigated in three geographically different populations of the enchytraeid Enchytraeus albidus (Oligochaeta). E. albidus is widely distributed from the high Arctic to temperate Western Europe. Our results show that E. albidus is freeze tolerant, with freeze tolerance varying extensively between Greenlandic and European populations. Two populations from sub Arctic (Nuuk) and high Arctic Greenland (Zackenberg) survived freezing at −15 °C, whereas only 30% of a German population survived this temperature. When frozen, E. albidus responded by catabolising glycogen to glucose, which likely acted as a cryoprotectant. The average glucose concentrations were similar in the three populations when worms were frozen at −2 °C, approximately 50 μg glucose mg−1 tissue dry weight (DW). At −14 °C the glucose concentrations increased to between 110 and 170 μg mg−1 DW in worms from Greenland. The average glycogen content of worms from Zackenberg and Nuuk were about 300 μg mg−1 DW, but only 230 μg mg−1 DW in worms from Germany showing that not all glycogen was catabolised during the experiment. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry (NMR) was used to screen for other putative cryoprotectants. Proline, glutamine and alanine were up regulated in frozen worms at −2 °C but only in relatively small concentrations suggesting that they were of little significance for freeze survival. The present study confirms earlier reports that freeze tolerant enchytraeids, like other freeze tolerant oligochaete earthworms, accumulate high concentrations of glucose as a primary cryoprotectant.  相似文献   
The rate of growth of juvenile hard clams, Mercenaria mercenaria, was studied in the Coastal Bays of Maryland during an outbreak of the brown tide, Aureococcus anophagefferens. Brown tide dominated the plankton community during the month of June 2002, with cell densities at several sites reaching category 3 (>200,000 cells ml−1) levels. Temperatures during the bloom were 18.6–27.5 °C. Nutrient conditions preceding and during the bloom were conducive for the proliferation of A. anophagefferens: while inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus were <1 μg at N or P l−1, urea was elevated during bloom development. Organic nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon were in the range of levels observed in previous brown tide blooms and increased following the collapse of the bloom. Growth rates of juvenile clams were significantly lower during the period of the brown tide bloom than following its collapse. Growth rates of M. mercenaria were found to be negatively impacted at brown tide densities as low as 20,000 cells ml−1, or category 1 levels. The low growth rates of M. mercenaria could not be explained by temperature, as the lowest growth rates were found when water temperatures were at levels previously found to be optimal for growth.  相似文献   
施肥对土壤潜在养分(磷和钾)和作物产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过 5年的田间定位试验 ,研究辽河平原土壤磷钾的自然释放速度和不同施肥制度下的肥料效应以及建立宏大养分库的过程。结果表明 ,N、P肥在下辽河平原对玉米具有极好的增产作用 ,但K肥对玉米暂时不表现增产效果 ;对大豆而言 ,P、K肥效果均很明显。不同施肥处理作物吸收养分之间的差异与产量之间的差异相似 ,但其幅度不同 ,前者明显大于后者 ,表明籽实产量的增长与养分消耗不是等比例的。豆茬土壤的供P状况要优于玉米茬 ;随着施肥年限的延长 ,残留肥料P、K进入速效养分库的量减少 ,不同元素其表现也不同。  相似文献   
Two explicit landscape simulation models were used to investigate habitat shifts in coastal Louisiana due to varying river forcing and sea level rise scenarios. Wetland conversion to open water and yearly shifts of marsh habitats in two contrasting estuarine regions were examined; the Atchafalaya delta which is a prograding delta area with strong riverine input, and the Barataria Basin is a regressive delta with high wetland loss which is isolated from riverine input. The models linked several modules dynamically across spatial and temporal scales. Both models consisted of a vertically integrated hydrodynamic model coupled with process-based biological modules of above and below ground primary productivity and soil dynamics. The models explored future effects of possible sea level rise and river diversion plans for 30 and 70-year projections starting in 1988. Results showed that increased river forcing had large land preservation impacts, and indicated that healthy functioning of the Mississippi Delta depends largely on inputs of freshwater, nutrients, and sediments in river water. These types of models are useful for research and as management tools for predicting the effects of regional impacts on structural landscape level changes.  相似文献   
北极的春季:迁徙鸟类抵达的生物学   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
一旦鸟类抵达北极区,迁徙鸟类必须调整其生理和行为以适应不可预知的雪盖、天气、食物资源和天敌胁迫。换言之,他们必须抵抗环境干扰(压力)以便尽早迁徙到苔原上的巢区并建立领域。然后,一旦外界环境有利时,它们就立即开始繁殖。这些鸟类的繁殖有一部分是利用低雪盖区域的微生境以及雪融较快的苔原斑块(特别是在柳树Salix sp.附近)。在北极地区,地面温度在日照若干小时后急剧上升,同时无脊椎动物开始活动。风速在地面柳枝和生草丛苔原10cm下几乎减弱为零。这些条件结合在一起提供了理想的避难所,对于早春迁徙到此的雀形目鸟类尤其如此。然而,如果环境调节变得更为恶劣,这些鸟类会离开。因为与南方越冬地相比,春季北极区条件具有潜在的严酷性,所以鸟类对于应激时的肾上腺皮质反应有所调整。雄鸟到达北极地区时对于剧烈应激刺激下的肾上腺酮的分泌有所提高,并且伴随着对于负反馈敏感性的下降和肾上腺皮质层细胞对于促肾上腺皮质激素作用反应的变化。同时,肾上腺酮结合蛋白(CBG)的水平也有所提高,以至于肾上腺酮的作用在恶劣的环境条件下得到缓冲。基因组受体水平的调节,尤其是在脑和肝脏中糖皮质类固醇类似受体与肾上腺酮的低亲合性,以及肾上腺酮的非基因组水平的作用,可能是很重要的。换言之,与抵达生物学有关的激素一行为系统是高度可变的[动物学报50(6):948-960,2004]。  相似文献   
The robust growth of coastal communities in the southeastern United States is putting unique pressures on estuarine resources. Urbanization of estuarine systems may alter ecosystem function and thus affect the spatial scale and magnitude of nutrient concentrations and primary production temporally and spatially. We examined the spatial and temporal patterns of nutrient and chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentrations in two shallow well-mixed estuaries, (1) a developed estuary, Murrells Inlet (MI), South Carolina, and (2) a relatively pristine estuary, North Inlet (NI), South Carolina. The summer chlorophyll a maximum in MI was characteristically higher than in NI, which may be indicative of eutrophication. Correlations between salinity and inorganic nutrients (N and P) suggest that nutrient import from upland sources may be more pronounced in MI during stochastic precipitation events. Although inorganic nutrient concentrations between the estuaries were similar overall, during a wet period, inorganic N concentration in MI was increased to a greater extent than in NI, while only minimal increases in inorganic P were observed in both estuaries. Chlorophyll a concentrations decreased from the dry to wet period. Geographic Information System (GIS) plots of intensive spatial sampling in MI indicated spatial gradients of nutrient concentrations within this estuary that appeared to be consistent over time. These observations were investigated in more detail using regression analyses to examine the influences of coastal dilution and nutrient sources on relationships between water quality constituents. Results indicate the importance of stochastic rain events in affecting the linkages of estuarine processes to upland runoff in the urbanized estuary, MI.  相似文献   
Submerged macrophytes may play an important role as a refuge for zooplankton against predators. However, a recent study suggests that their importance depends on the trophic state of the lake. We studied the impact of fish and macrophytes on the horizontal distribution of pelagic cladocerans in 56 oligotrophic arctic Greenland lakes. In north-east and western Greenland, zooplankton was sampled in the near-shore (littoral) and central (pelagial) part of all lakes and fish were sampled with multiple mesh-sized gill nets. Macrophytes were visually estimated in the littoral. In north-east Greenland, 5 taxa of cladocerans were found, while 14 taxa were recorded in western Greenland. Daphnia pulex occurred only in fishless lakes in both northeast and western Greenland and avoided the near-shore areas in the shallow and deep lakes. Bosmina spp. and Holopedium gibberum were evenly distributed between the littoral and the pelagial in the deep and shallow fishless lakes. However, their near-shore density was lowest in the presence of fish. Macrophyte-related and benthic cladocerans concentrated either in the littoral or were evenly distributed between the littoral and the pelagial, irrespective of depth and fish presence or absence. Macrophytes had no impact on the horizontal distribution of pelagic cladocerans. Thus, it is concluded that horizontal heterogeneity of Bosmina spp. and Holopedium gibberum might be affected by the presence of fish.  相似文献   
The clearance rates (CR in l g−1 h−1) and net absorption efficiencies (AE) of three co-occurring mytilid species were estimated to determine the effects of variation in ambient seston quantity (total particulate matter, TPM, mg l−1) and quality (particulate organic matter, POM, mg l−1; percent organic matter, PCOM=POM/TPM) on these physiological functions. CRS estimates were significantly different among the species (Mytilus galloprovincialis>Perna canaliculus=Aulacomya maoriana), but were not correlated with differences in species-dependent mean body size (P. canaliculus>M. galloprovincialis>A. maoriana). AE estimates were independent of mean body weight, and did not differ among the species. For all three species, CR responded in a simple linear manner to seston organic content, either in terms of POM (for A. maoriana and M. galloprovincialis), or PCOM (for P. canaliculus). The AE response, although also of a simple linear type, was species-dependent and involved interactions of two or three seston components: TPM, POM and PCOM for A. maoriana; POM and PCOM for M. galloprovincialis; and TPM and PCOM for P. canaliculus. For all three species, seston variation explained 15-20% of the variation in CR and 52-59% of the variation in AE. Comparisons among the species indicated that two very different responses to variation in seston quantity and quality exist. First, significant differences in CR result from species-dependent differences in the magnitude of the response to seston variation. Second, species-dependent responses to variation in seston variation resulted in the similarity of the AE responses. Thus, the three species appear to have evolved different strategies for dealing with seston variation, but with the end result that their AE responses do not differ. Finally, no evidence was found of a negative association between CR and AE for any of the three species, suggesting that under the seston conditions experienced in this work, these species do not have the physiological compensatory capacity to reduce CR in order to increase AE. The importance of a comparative (i.e., multi-species) approach utilising ambient seston is emphasised by the findings of this research if we are to understand better the feeding and digestive physiologies of suspension-feeding organisms such as mussels.  相似文献   
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