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An extension, including an age × length interaction, was developed for a recent model incorporating the age effect in the backcalculation of growth in length from otoliths. The interaction was demonstrated using empirical data from Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus .  相似文献   
The High Arctic glacial ecosystem: new insights from nutrient budgets   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
This paper describes detailed budgets of water, Cl, dissolved Si and both inorganic and organic forms of nitrogen and phosphorus for two small glacier basins in Arctic Svalbard (Midre Lovénbreen and AustreBrøggerbreen). Rates of nutrient deposition are modest, dominated by inorganic nitrogen and episodically enhanced by extreme events. Hence deposition rates are also variable, ranging from 20 to 72 kg NO3-N km−2 a−1 and 10–37 kg NH4-N km−2 a−1 over just two consecutive years. Deposition of dissolved organic and particulate forms of nitrogen (DONand PN respectively) also appears significant and therefore requires further investigation (3–8 kg DON-N km−2 and 7–26 kg PN-N km−2 during winter – no summer data are available). Evidence for microbially mediated nutrient cycling within the glacial system is clear in the nutrient budgets, as is the release of large phosphorus, Si and organic/particulate nitrogen fluxes by subglacial erosion. The latter is entirely dependent upon the presence of subglacial drainage, promoting silicate mineral dissolution and the erosion of largely unweathered apatite. The large DON and PN fluxes are surprising and may relate to young organic nitrogen associated with microbial life within the glaciers. This is because wide spread assimilation of NH4+ and perhaps even nitrification occurs on the glacier surface, most likely within abundant cryoconite holes. Further microbial activity also occurs at the glacier bed, where denitrification and sulphate reduction is now known to take place. Thus a two component ‘glacial ecosystem’ is proposed that is highly sensitive to climate change.  相似文献   
Mycorrhizal symbiosis generally improves nutrient and water acquisition of the host plant. Furthermore, mycorrhizal fungi affect plant herbivory and pathogen resistance. The symbiotic condition of land plants is evolutionarily ancient and the functions performed by the fungal symbiont are thought to be pivotal to successful plant life. Although most land plants are mycorrhizal, the extreme high Arctic habitats are dominated by plant species and genera characteristically free of mycorrhiza. In this paper, previous attempts to explain the lack of mycorrhizas in high Arctic are reviewed as well as a new idea of asymmetric symbiont adaptation is proposed as potential explanation why high Arctic plants are non-mycorrhizal.  相似文献   
The distribution of galls caused by Aculus tetanothrix (Acari: Eriophyoidea) on three Salix species was studied. The factors influencing this distribution were analysed, i.e. willow species, study area and shoot length. Spatial pattern of gall distribution within the shoot was also examined. The study was conducted in Russia, Kola Peninsula. Densities of galls caused by A. tetanothrix differed significantly among willow species. Considerably higher gall density was recorded in the White Sea coast than in the Khibiny Mountains. This may be explained by the influence of a milder maritime climate that favors mite occurrence compared to a harsh and variable mountain climate that limits mite abundance. There was no relationship between the gall density and the shoot length. The highest density of galls was recorded on the inner offshoots; within the offshoot, there was a maximum density on the fifth leaf. This pattern was repeatable for all shoots studied, independent of the study area, willow species and length of shoots, suggesting the optimal conditions for A. tetanothrix exist on leaves in the middle part of a shoot. This distribution pattern may be an effect of the trade-off between the costs and benefits resulting from leaf quality and mite movement along the shoot. This hypothesis, however, needs to be tested experimentally.  相似文献   
Seed dispersal has become an important issue in plant ecology and restoration management. In this paper we examined dung germinating seed content and seed deposition patterns of horses (Shetland and Konik breeds) and Scottish Highland cattle grazing two coastal dune nature reserves. Two times 2.5 l of fresh dung from each type of herbivore were collected during seven sessions in the main fruiting season. Dung samples were placed under greenhouse conditions after drying and cooling. Animal defecation patterns were derived from a study of herbivore activities during 6 h observation sessions 8 times a month. One hundred and seventeen plant species i.e. 27% of all species occurring in the study area, were recorded as seedlings emerging from the dung samples. The most abundantly and frequently recorded plant species were Urtica dioica, Juncus spp. and different species of Poaceae and Caryophyllaceae. In general seedling density is high (1158 seedlings/dung sample). Seedling density and species richness were further analysed in order to detect temporal variability and possible animal and site related characteristics. Dung deposition patterns reflect a non-random use of habitats and hence a non-random seed deposition among habitats. Calculated seed deposition per square meter ranged from a few (<10 germinating seeds) to more than 100 in the most frequently selected habitats. From the herbivores’ selective habitat use and their estimated mean retention time we can further assume their ability for inter-habitat endozoochorous seed dispersal. This characteristic of large herbivores is further discussed in the light of nature management and restoration.Indra Lamoot is an aspirant of FWO-Flanders.  相似文献   
In a comparative study we investigated woodpecker abundance in forest landscapes with different proportion of native pine forest and spruce plantations in western Norway. In 100 circular study plots of 100ha each we recorded 38 white-backed –Dendrocopos leucotos, 22 grey-headed –Picus canus, 13 great spotted –Dendrocopos major, 6 green –Picus viridis, and 2 lesser spotted –Dendrocopos minor woodpeckers in the breeding season. The mean number of recorded woodpecker species peaked at 20–40% spruce plantations. The two most common species in the study, the white-backed and the grey-headed woodpeckers are both Red-listed species in Norway and among the rarest woodpeckers in Europe. The white-backed woodpecker preferred plots with higher than average proportions of standing dead trees and deciduous trees, and low proportions of spruce plantations in the plots. The grey-headed woodpecker preferred plots in the western (coastal) parts of the study area with presence of large aspen Populus tremula trees. Logistic regression models did not reveal any clear threshold values with respect to proportion of spruce plantations in plots, although both woodpecker species were extremely rare in plots with >60% spruce plantations. We recommend spruce plantations to be kept at moderate levels to ensure viable populations of woodpeckers in western Norway.  相似文献   
Limited spatial resources available for conservation lead to controversy about whether to apply single-species management or ecosystemary approaches in order to maintain biodiversity. In this study I analyse changes in a community of breeding coastal birds over a 90-year period, in order to examine whether natural processes on an unmanaged island are in accordance with requirements to save endangered species. Both diversity and species richness of the community increased significantly over time, and evenness increased after having been severely reduced by human impact. Diversity, evenness and species richness seemed to approach an equilibrium in the past decade, but number of breeding pairs declined as a consequence of altered natural disturbance regime. Species identity changed over time, with two initially very common species recently becoming locally extinct. These species are of high conservation concern, and their disappearance causes a problem for the concept of naturalness on islands. I conclude that natural processes need to be applied to the entire landscape in order to maintain dynamic processes that are essential for the survival of these species. The natural changes on the island should not be interrupted, but rather demonstrated to the public in order to increase conservation mindedness and gain support for changes in anthropogenic influences on a larger spatial scale.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to determine the expression, distribution in the column, and overall frequency of sagittal clefting of the vertebral body in the skeletons of two Canadian Inuit groups. One group, referred to as Thule-Historic, lived along the coast northwest of Hudson Bay, while the other, known as the Sadlermiut, were limited to Southampton Island and Coats Island north of Hudson Bay. The Thule-Historic people are thought to be the ancestors of the present-day Inuit of this region, whereas the much smaller, relatively isolated Sadlermiut became extinct during the winter of 1902-1903. The sagittal clefting results were also compared with those obtained for two other vertebral developmental problems, segmentation error and spina bifida. Sagittal clefting was found to occur with high frequency in the two Inuit series, especially in the region T6-T10. Segmentation errors were found to occur in approximately the same region of the column, while spina bifida produced a completely different pattern, occurring primarily at T11 and S1. The T11 involvement is limited to females, while S1 involvement occurs primarily in males. Sagittal clefting and spina bifida occur in the same individual more frequently than sagittal clefting and segmentation error. Possibly reflecting the smaller population size and isolated location of the Sadlermiut, sagittal clefting was found with greater frequency and intensity in the skeletons of this group than in those of the Thule-Historic Inuit. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2003.  相似文献   
The Arctic and the Antarctic differ by age and isolation of the respective marine faunas. Antarctic fish are highly stenothermal, in response to stable water temperatures, whereas the Arctic ones are exposed to seasonal and latitudinal temperature variations. The knowledge of the mechanisms of phenotypic response to cold exposure in species of both polar habitats offers fundamental insights into the nature of environmental adaptation. In the process of cold adaptation, the evolutionary trend of Antarctic fish has led to unique specialisations, including modification of haematological characteristics, e.g. decreased amounts and multiplicity of haemoglobins.Unlike Antarctic Notothenioidei, Arctic teleosts have high haemoglobin multiplicity. Although the presence of functionally and structurally distinct haemoglobins is a plesiomorphic condition for many perciform-like fishes, it seems that the oxygen-transport system of teleost fish in the Arctic region has been adjusted to temperature differences and fluctuations of Arctic waters, much larger than in the Antarctic. The amino-acid sequences used to gain insight into the evolution history of α and β globins of polar fish have clearly shown that Antarctic and Arctic globins have different phylogenies, leading to the hypothesis that the selective pressure of environment stability allows the phylogenetic signal to be maintained in the Antarctic sequences, whereas environmental variability would tend to disrupt this signal in Arctic sequences.  相似文献   
One hundred and three specimens of juvenile and mature one-tentacle, relatively small-sized hydromedusae of unclear systematic position were found in the zooplankton collections from the Arctic Ocean. Examination of the mature specimens led to the conclusion that their morphology fits with the last diagnoses of the genus Rhabdoon (Anthomedusae) and that they belong to the species named here as R. reesi. The study of the morphology and cnidome composition of immature medusae suggested them to be young stages of the same species. The comparative study of these juvenile forms with Yakovia polinae, the medusae described previously from the Arctic as a new genus and new species, suggested Y. polinae to be a junior synonym of R. reesi. The distribution of R. reesi in the Arctic Ocean is mapped according to recent and historical records.  相似文献   
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