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β-淀粉样肽的细胞内毒性与线粒体通透性转变孔道   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
β-淀粉样肽(amyloid—β peptide,Aβ)是阿尔采末病患者脑内老年斑的主要成分,具有很强的神经毒性。近年来,研究发现细胞内产生和聚集的Aβ可以通过多种途径发挥其神经毒性作用。利用离体线粒体模型发现,Aβ可以导致线粒体通透性转变孔道(mitochondrial permeability transition pore,MPTP)开放。MPTP开放会进一步加剧线粒体功能的损伤,并可导致细胞色素c和凋亡诱导因子释放,在线粒体介导的细胞死亡中具有重要作用。Aβ引起的MPTP开放可能是胞内Aβ导致神经元死亡的重要通路,研究Aβ对该孔道的影响将有助于阐明Aβ的毒性机理并以期找到减轻Aβ损伤的新策略。  相似文献   
Sixty-one isolates of Macrophomina phaseolina were characterised on the basis of different morphological characters to study the variability in the population. PCA analysis extracted three main components, microsclerotia, texture and colour, from the population that described the variability in the population most appropriately. Colour of the isolates and the presence of the microsclerotia have a significant effect on the area under disease progress curve. Isolates with the production of microsclerotia (M+) were more aggressive as compared to isolates with no production of microsclerotia (M?). The study has brought out pathogenic variation in M. phaseolina, thus better understanding of host pathogen relationship to identify physiologic races in the breeding programme.  相似文献   
Conspicuous consumption associated with status reinforcement behavior can be explained in terms of costly signaling, or strategic handicap theory, first articulated by Zahavi and later formalized by Grafen. A theory is introduced which suggests that the evolutionary raison d’être of status reinforcement behavior lies not only in its effects on lifetime reproductive success, but in its positive effects on the probability of survival through infrequent, unpredictable demographic bottlenecks. Under some circumstances, such “wasteful” displays may take the form of displays of altruistic behavior and generosity on the part of high status individuals, in that is signals the ability to bear the short-term costs of being generous or “cooperative,” while at the same time reinforcing the long-term benefits of higher status. James L. Boone is an associate professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of New Mexico, where he carries out research in behavioral ecology and the archaeology of complex societies. His current interests are in the evolution of social status reinforcement behavior and variation in patterns of conspicuous consumption in human history.  相似文献   
Three types of variant Eco RI and Hind III restriction enzyme patterns of albumin and α-fetoprotein genes DNA fragments have been detected in two different rat strains by agarose gel electrophoresis and Southern blot hybridization using 32P-labelled cloned rat albumin and α-fetoprotein cDNA probes. Some types of albumin and α-fetoprotein gene variants are characteristic of the Sprague-Dawley strain, and others are found in Buffalo rats. The occurrence of these variants is interpreted as the result of simple allelic polymorphism, because they are inherited in a normal Mendalian fashion when Sprague-Dawney and Buffalo rats are crossed.  相似文献   
以尾巨桉优良无性系无菌苗茎段为外植体,通过对噻唑基脲类新型分裂素(N-phenyl-N′-[6-(2-chlorobenzothiazol)-yl]urea,PBU)等多种不同浓度生长调节剂组合的优化,进行胚性愈伤组织诱导及植株再生研究。结果表明,在添加了2mg·L^-1PBU和0.05mg·L^-1IAA的改良MS培养基上,茎段外植体培养5d后愈伤组织诱导率达96%以上。将愈伤组织接种在添加1mg·L^-16-BA和0.05mg·L^-1NAA的MS培养基上,诱芽率达90.8%。随后在添加了0.8mg·L^-1PBU与0.05mg·L^-1IAA的1/2MS培养基上诱导芽伸长,用1/2MS培养基附加0.5mg·L^-1IBA诱导生根,移栽后得到完整再生植株。  相似文献   
研究了采前二氧化氯(ClO2)处理对采后‘海沃德’猕猴桃果实在冷藏条件下的防腐保鲜效果。分别用浓度(有效成分)为0、20、40、60、80mg·L-1的ClO2溶液,在采收前对果实进行喷布处理,在采收后冷藏过程中定期测定相关生理指标,并在贮藏末期(120d)观察统计其腐烂指数。结果表明,浓度60mg·L-1的ClO2采前处理可有效清除猕猴桃果实表面菌落,并能显著延缓冷藏期间果实硬度的下降、抑制可溶性固型物的上升、降低猕猴桃呼吸速率、乙烯释放速率、失重和腐烂指数,提高过氧化物酶(POD)和苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)的活性。通过比较,确定采前ClO2处理的适宜浓度为60mg·L-1。该浓度的ClO2处理对‘海沃德’猕猴桃具有明显的防腐保鲜效果,可有效延长贮藏期。  相似文献   
以金山绣线菊愈伤组织为受体材料,采用组织培养的方法,在附加不同浓度TDZ的1/2MS培养基上诱导培养,获得再生植株。在附加0.03mg·L^-1 TDZ的培养基上获得了92.5%不定芽的再生率,且再生芽发育良好。选择抗生素筛选试验的结果表明:金山绣线菊愈伤组织对潮霉素较为敏感,在培养基中添加浓度为5~35mg·L^-1的潮霉素均对愈伤组织分化影响较大,潮霉素浓度为5mg·L^-1时,4N时间可使外植体全部褐化死亡;在培养基中添加0~100mg·L^-1的卡那霉素,不同浓度卡那霉素均对愈伤组织分化产生一定程度的影响,当卡那霉素浓度为80mg·L^-1时,愈伤组织基本不发生分化。由此确定卡那霉素为绣线菊遗传转化中适用的选择抗生素,最适选择压为80mg·L^-1。抑菌抗生素的筛选试验结果表明:200mg·L^-1的头孢霉素和200mg·L^-1。的羧苄霉素都能有效抑制农杆菌菌株LBA4404的生长,却对金山绣线菊愈伤组织的芽分化影响不大,可确定为适宜的抑菌抗生素。利用农杆菌介导法对金山绣线菊愈伤组织进行遗传转化,得到卡那霉素抗性植株164株,并初步确定预培养1d、菌液稀释10倍、侵染4min、共培养2d为金山绣线菊最优遗传转化体系,为金山绣线菊的基因工程育种奠定基础。  相似文献   
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