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1. Effective management of aquatic fauna requires knowledge of the ways in which populations in different catchments and sub‐catchments are connected. A powerful way to estimate this is using genetic markers, which provide information on the average amount of genetic connectivity among populations over generations. Although many studies of genetic connectivity have appeared in the literature, there are innumerable species that have not been studied. 2. This study explores whether it is possible to make broad generalisations about population connectivity, based on readily available information in the form of species life history and architecture of the aquatic habitat. 3. A number of models have been proposed to explain the pattern of connectivity shown by aquatic species with different life‐history characteristics, for example, the stream hierarchy model, Isolation by Distance, the Death Valley Model, the headwater model and panmixia. 4. In this study, we propose a dichotomous key to assign species to different models of potential connectivity. The key is based on a few very simple questions about the life history of the species and the geographical arrangement of study sites. We then assessed the performance of the key with 109 data sets of Australian fish and macroinvertebrates, using genetic data to provide an estimate of realised connectivity. 5. The realised connectivity fitted the proposed potential connectivity model in over 70% of cases, and we suggest this might be a useful initial approach for managers where empirical data are lacking.  相似文献   
Information about the global distribution of aquatic hyphomycetes is scarce, despite the primary importance of these fungi in stream ecosystem functioning. In particular, the relationship between their diversity and latitude remains unclear, due to a lack of coordinated surveys across broad latitudinal ranges. This study is a first report on latitudinal patterns of aquatic hyphomycete diversity associated with native leaf-litter species in five streams located along a gradient extending from the subarctic to the tropics. Exposure of leaf litter in mesh bags of three different mesh sizes facilitated assessing the effects of including or excluding different size-classes of litter-consuming invertebrates. Aquatic hyphomycete evenness was notably constant across all sites, whereas species richness and diversity, expressed as the Hill number, reached a maximum at mid-latitudes (Mediterranean and temperate streams). These latitudinal patterns were consistent across litter species, despite a notable influence of litter identity on fungal communities at the local scale. As a result, the bell-shaped distribution of species richness and Hill diversity deviated markedly from the latitudinal patterns of most other groups of organisms. Differences in the body-size distribution of invertebrate communities colonizing the leaves had no effect on aquatic hyphomycete species richness, Hill diversity or evenness, but invertebrates could still influence fungal communities by depleting litter, an effect that was not captured by the design of our experiment.  相似文献   
Saprolegnia species are destructive pathogens to many aquatic organisms and are found in most parts of the world. Reports based on phylogenetic analysis suggest that Saprolegnia strains isolated from aquatic animals such as crustaceans and frogs are close to Saprolegnia strains isolated from infected fish or fish eggs and vice versa. However, it has often been assumed that host specificity occurs for each individual isolate or strain. Here we demonstrate that Saprolegnia spp. can have multiple hosts and are thus capable of infecting different aquatic organisms. Saprolegnia delica, Saprolegnia hypogyna, and 2 strains of Saprolegnia diclina were isolated from aquatic insects and amphipods while S. delica, Saprolegnia ferax, Pythium pachycaule, and a Pythium sp. were isolated from the water of a medium to fast flowing river. The ITS region of the rRNA gene was sequenced for all isolates. In challenge experiments, all four isolates from insects were found to be highly pathogenic to eggs of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and embryos of the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis). We found that Saprolegnia spp. isolated from salmon eggs were also able to successfully establish infection in nymphs of stonefly (Perla bipunctata) and embryos of X. laevis). These results suggest that Saprolegnia spp. are capable of infecting multiple hosts, which may give them an advantage during seasonal variation in their natural environments.  相似文献   
BackgroundOsteoporosis is characterised by loss of bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue microarchitecture that leads to fragility related to the risk of fractures. The aim of the study is to analyse the effects of a training program based on explosive movements and impact, assessed in a swimming pool, on body composition, explosive strength and bone mineral density in women over 60 years old.Material and methodsA total of 35 healthy physically active women (60 ± 4.19 years) were divided into a training pool group using multi jumps (JG) and a control group (CG). JG trained for 24 weeks, 3 times a week, an hour and a half per session. Body composition testing, explosive strength, and bone mineral density were assessed before and after the program.ResultsThere were differences in the explosive force (JG vs CG = P < .05 to .001) and the estimated power (JG vs CG = P < .05 to .002) between JG vs CG, with significant increases in JG. There were no significant differences in the percentage of fat and lean mass, bone mineral density lumbar and femoral between groups, although slightly significant increases in bone mineral density lumbar and femoral could be seen in JG after program implementation (JG pre-test vs JG post- test = P < .05).ConclusionsThe training program with impact and explosive movements assessed in a pool induces gains in muscle strength and power with slight adaptations in body mass index in women over 60 years.  相似文献   
The transition zone between terrestrial and freshwater habitats is highly dynamic, with large variability in environmental characteristics. Here, we investigate how these characteristics influence the nutritional status and performance of plant life forms inhabiting this zone. Specifically, we hypothesised that: (i) tissue nutrient content differs among submerged, amphibious and terrestrial species, with higher content in submerged species; and (ii) PNUE gradually increases from submerged over amphibious to terrestrial species, reflecting differences in the availability of N and P relative to inorganic C across the land–water ecotone. We found that tissue nutrient content was generally higher in submerged species and C:N and C:P ratios indicated that content was limiting for growth for ca. 20% of plant individuals, particularly those belonging to amphibious and terrestrial species groups. As predicted, the PNUE increased from submerged over amphibious to terrestrial species. We suggest that this pattern reflects that amphibious and terrestrial species allocate proportionally more nutrients into processes of importance for photosynthesis at saturating CO2 availability, i.e. enzymes involved in substrate regeneration, compared to submerged species that are acclimated to lower availability of CO2 in the aquatic environment. Our results indicate that enhanced nutrient loading may affect relative abundance of the three species groups in the land–water ecotone of stream ecosystems. Thus, species of amphibious and terrestrial species groups are likely to benefit more from enhanced nutrient availability in terms of faster growth compared to aquatic species, and that this can be detrimental to aquatic species growing in the land–water ecotone, e.g. Ranunculus and Callitriche.  相似文献   
Aquatic bacterial communities harbour thousands of coexisting taxa. To meet the challenge of discriminating between a ‘core’ and a sporadically occurring ‘random’ component of these communities, we explored the spatial abundance distribution of individual bacterioplankton taxa across 198 boreal lakes and their associated fluvial networks (188 rivers). We found that all taxa could be grouped into four distinct categories based on model statistical distributions (normal like, bimodal, logistic and lognormal). The distribution patterns across lakes and their associated river networks showed that lake communities are composed of a core of taxa whose distribution appears to be linked to in‐lake environmental sorting (normal‐like and bimodal categories), and a large fraction of mostly rare bacteria (94% of all taxa) whose presence appears to be largely random and linked to downstream transport in aquatic networks (logistic and lognormal categories). These rare taxa are thus likely to reflect species sorting at upstream locations, providing a perspective of the conditions prevailing in entire aquatic networks rather than only in lakes.  相似文献   
Identifying ecological response variables sensitive to hydrological change is a key step in determining the impacts of river flow alterations on aquatic ecosystems and in setting environmental flows that sustain certain ecological values. Building on the successful use of flow regime sensitive aquatic invertebrate indices in other countries, particularly the UK based Lotic Index for Flow Evaluation (LIFE), we provide two variants of a similar index for use in New Zealand (LIFENZ and a weighted variant: LIFENZ_W). As in the original LIFE, the New Zealand indices were based on water velocity preference categories assigned to aquatic invertebrate taxa using professional judgement. To calculate the indices a lookup table is used to assign a score to each taxon based on their velocity category and abundance. For the LIFENZ_W variant an additional step down weighted the scores if the taxon has a general compared to a more specific velocity preference. The two index variants were correlated with each other and to similar environmental parameters. Across a total of 74 sites, both indices were correlated with depth-averaged water velocity. Changes in index values, both between sites and temporally within sites, were predominantly associated with changes in hydrological parameters, such as the magnitude and length of time since a recent high flow, and to a lesser degree with other physico-chemical parameters. Commonly used indices in New Zealand designed to respond to nutrient enrichment (MCI and variants) were not correlated with local water velocity, but were correlated with antecedent flow conditions and were likely influenced by effects of flow stability on algal growth. Further testing of LIFENZ and LIFENZ_W in combination with MCI is recommended, particularly in rivers subject to more extreme hydrological and water quality stresses and with regard to other physical parameters such as hydraulic habitat. However, the LIFENZ and its weighted variant (LIFENZ_W) appear to be useful tools for understanding and managing the effects of hydrological alteration on aquatic invertebrate communities in New Zealand. As LIFENZ and LIFENZ_W were strongly correlated and only showed a relatively small deviation from a slope of 1 we recommend the use of the more straightforward LIFENZ in almost all circumstances.  相似文献   
Most bioassessment programs in Brazil face difficulties when scaling up from small spatial scales because larger scales usually encompass great environmental variability. Covariance of anthropogenic pressures with natural environmental gradients can be a confounding factor in the evaluation of biologic responses to anthropogenic pressures. The objective of this study was to develop a multimetric index (MMI) with macroinvertebrates for two stream types and two ecoregions in the Atlantic Forest biome in Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. We hypothesized that by using two approaches – (1) testing and adjusting metrics to landscape parameters, and (2) selecting metrics using a cluster analysis to avoid metrics redundancy – the final MMI would perform better than the traditional approach (unadjusted metrics, one metric representing each category). Four MMIs were thus developed: MMI-1 – adjusted MMI with metrics selected after cluster analysis); MMI-2 – adjusted MMI with one metric from each category; MMI-3 – unadjusted MMI with metrics selected after cluster analysis; MMI-4 – unadjusted MMI with one metric from each category. We used three decision criteria to assess MMI’s performance: precision, responsiveness and sensitivity. In addition, we tested the MMI’s by using an independent set of sites to validate the results. Although all MMIs performed well in the three criteria, adjusting metrics to natural variation increased MMI response and sensitivity to impairment. In addition, the selected MMI-2 was able to classify sites of two stream types and two ecoregions. The use of cluster analysis, however, did not avoid high redundancy between metrics of different branches. The MMI-4 had the poorest performance among all tested MMIs and it was not able to distinguish adequately reference and impaired sites from both ecoregions. We present some considerations on the use of metrics and on the development of MMI’s in Brazil and elsewhere.  相似文献   
Environmental flows are the main restoration technique used to ameliorate the ecological effects of regulation in rivers. However, their effectiveness has yet to be unanimously accepted. This study assessed the potential ecological benefits of the application of an environmental flow regime downstream of four dams and two weirs in the Upper Nepean River system, Sydney, Australia. Aquatic macroinvertebrates in three habitat types were sampled at water‐supply and low‐flow sites and unregulated sites in 1995 and 1996, prior to the environmental flows and in 2013 and 2014, approximately 13 years following the environmental flows. The macroinvertebrate assemblage structure was significantly different between regulated and reference sites and the number of taxa lower at water‐supply sites prior to the implementation of the environmental flows. Following the environmental flows, the assemblage structure became more similar to, although still significantly different from, the unregulated sites and the number of taxa was not significantly different between regulated and unregulated sites. Thirteen or approximately 30% of taxa indicative of unregulated rivers increased in frequency at regulated sites following the environmental flows. Despite potentially similar dispersal capabilities the remainder of the taxa failed to respond the new flow regimes. The mechanisms resulting in recovery of some taxa but not others remain unclear and require further investigation as the basis of future research and monitoring. Such information and knowledge would support the application of future environmental flow regimes as the primary mechanism to ameliorate the ecological effects of river regulation.  相似文献   
Functional traits are increasingly being used to predict extinction risks and range shifts under long‐term climate change scenarios, but have rarely been used to study vulnerability to extreme climatic events, such as supraseasonal droughts. In streams, drought intensification can cross thresholds of habitat loss, where marginal changes in environmental conditions trigger disproportionate biotic responses. However, these thresholds have been studied only from a structural perspective, and the existence of functional nonlinearity remains unknown. We explored trends in invertebrate community functional traits along a gradient of drought intensity, simulated over 18 months, using mesocosms analogous to lowland headwater streams. We modelled the responses of 16 traits based on a priori predictions of trait filtering by drought, and also examined the responses of trait profile groups (TPGs) identified via hierarchical cluster analysis. As responses to drought intensification were both linear and nonlinear, generalized additive models (GAMs) were chosen to model response curves, with the slopes of fitted splines used to detect functional thresholds during drought. Drought triggered significant responses in 12 (75%) of the a priori‐selected traits. Behavioural traits describing movement (dispersal, locomotion) and diet were sensitive to moderate‐intensity drought, as channels fragmented into isolated pools. By comparison, morphological and physiological traits showed little response until surface water was lost, at which point we observed sudden shifts in body size, respiration mode and thermal tolerance. Responses varied widely among TPGs, ranging from population collapses of non‐aerial dispersers as channels fragmented to irruptions of small, eurythermic dietary generalists upon extreme dewatering. Our study demonstrates for the first time that relatively small changes in drought intensity can trigger disproportionately large functional shifts in stream communities, suggesting that traits‐based approaches could be particularly useful for diagnosing catastrophic ecological responses to global change.  相似文献   
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