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Aquaculture is one of the fastest developing growth sectors in the world and Asia presently contributes about 90% to the global production. However, disease outbreaks are constraint to aquaculture production thereby affects both economic development of the country and socio-economic status of the local people in many countries of Asia-Pacifi c region. Disease control in aquaculture industry has been achieved by following different methods using traditional ways, synthetic chemicals and antibiotics. However, the use of such expensive chemotherapeutants for controlling diseases has been widely criticized for their negative impacts like accumulation of residues, development of drug resistance, immunosuppressants and reduced consumer preference for aqua products treated with antibiotics and traditional methods are ineffective against controlling new diseases in large aquaculture systems. Therefore, alternative methods need to be developed to maintain a healthy microbial environment in the aquaculture systems there by to maintain the health of the cultured organisms. Use of probiotics is one of such method that is gaining importance in controlling potential pathogens. This review provides a summary of the criteria for the selection of the potential probiotics, their importance and future perspectives in aquaculture industry.  相似文献   
Postmetamorphic growth and metabolism measurements were obtained on two cohorts of laboratory-reared Diadema antillarum. The cohorts grew linearly from less than 1 mm to over 43 mm. Daily growth averaged 0.097 and 0.11 mm d-1, respectively, for the two cohorts, and was found to differ significantly. Urchin metabolism was examined by a series of simultaneous measurements of oxygen consumption and ammonium excretion over 16 days on starved juveniles ranging 16.5 to 18.3 mm. Metabolic activity under conditions of starvation was used as a test of the viability of urchins reared in the laboratory with cultured food resources. Catabolic activity differed from the first week of starvation compared to the second. Metabolic response included: (1) a 2.2-fold increase in oxygen consumption rate; (2) 50% decline in ammonium excretion rate; and (3) a 5.1-fold increase in oxygen to nitrogen ratio. These measurements are consistent with a shift from almost pure protein catabolism during the first seven days of starvation to a lipid : protein catabolic ratio of 1 : 1 after the first week. Growth and metabolism experiments of this type are seen as a first step towards optimizing laboratory culture techniques of this species.  相似文献   
The occurrence of freshwater harmful algal bloom toxins impacting the coastal ocean is an emerging threat, and the potential for invertebrate prey items to concentrate toxin and cause harm to human and wildlife consumers is not yet fully recognized. We examined toxin uptake and release in marine mussels for both particulate and dissolved phases of the hepatotoxin microcystin, produced by the freshwater cyanobacterial genus Microcystis. We also extended our experimental investigation of particulate toxin to include oysters (Crassostrea sp.) grown commercially for aquaculture. California mussels (Mytilus californianus) and oysters were exposed to Microcystis and microcystin toxin for 24 h at varying concentrations, and then were placed in constantly flowing seawater and sampled through time simulating riverine flushing events to the coastal ocean. Mussels exposed to particulate microcystin purged the toxin slowly, with toxin detectable for at least 8 weeks post-exposure and maximum toxin of 39.11 ng/g after exposure to 26.65 μg/L microcystins. Dissolved toxin was also taken up by California mussels, with maximum concentrations of 20.74 ng/g after exposure to 7.74 μg/L microcystin, but was purged more rapidly. Oysters also took up particulate toxin but purged it more quickly than mussels. Additionally, naturally occurring marine mussels collected from San Francisco Bay tested positive for high levels of microcystin toxin. These results suggest that ephemeral discharge of Microcystis or microcystin to estuaries and the coastal ocean accumulate in higher trophic levels for weeks to months following exposure.  相似文献   
水产养殖用解淀粉芽孢杆菌微胶囊的安全性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:评价水产养殖用解淀粉芽孢杆菌微胶囊的安全性。方法:参照《GB/T21805-2008化学品藻类生长抑制试验》、《GB/T13266-91水质物质对蚤类(大型蚤)急性毒性测定方法》、《GB/T13267-91水质物质对淡水鱼(斑马鱼)急性毒性测定方法》、《渔药临床试验技术规范》等国家标准及相关法规,观察了解淀粉芽孢杆菌微胶囊对小球藻生长的抑制作用以及对大型蚤、斑马鱼和草鱼的急性毒性,分析了其对养殖水体主要理化因子的影响。结果:解淀粉芽孢杆菌微胶囊在终浓度为0.2~2 000mg/L时对小球藻生长具有促进作用,对小球藻的半数抑制浓度大于2 000mg/L,而且其对大型蚤、斑马鱼和草鱼的半数致死浓度也大于2 000mg/L(或mg/kg体重)。此外,在养殖水体中加入解淀粉芽孢杆菌微胶囊至终浓度为0.2~2 000mg/L后14天内,各浓度组的氨氮含量、硫化物和pH均缓慢下降,仅亚硝酸盐氮含量稍微升高后逐渐缓慢降低,但这些理化因子的变化与解淀粉芽孢杆菌微胶囊的加入量呈负相关关系。结论:解淀粉芽孢杆菌微胶囊实际无毒,对养殖水中氨氮、亚硝酸盐氮、硫化物和pH等理化因子的影响均控制在虾虎鱼仔鱼、黄颡鱼、白斑狗鱼、克氏原螯虾等水产养殖动物的安全浓度范围内,为其在水产养殖中的安全应用提供了重要的科学依据。  相似文献   
我国水产养殖事业的发展及今后的努力方向曾呈奎(中国科学院海洋研究所青岛266071)我国水产养殖事业在新中国成立以前,只有个别零星古老的,传统的事业。在养殖海产鱼虾方面北方有几百年来的"港养对虾和鱼",而在南方也有类似的鱼塘。在海藻栽培方面,则有几百年来的福建金门县的礁养海萝及平潭县的礁养紫菜等。这些古老的传统养殖方法虽然产生一些效果,但产量较小。  相似文献   
The flounder, Paralichthys orbignyanus, is found in coastal and estuarine waters of the Western South Atlantic Ocean. It is being considered for aquaculture due to its high market price and wide tolerance to environmental factors such as salinity, pH, and nitrogenous compounds. The objective of this study was to characterize the ionic and osmotic regulation of P. orbignyanus over the range of its tolerated ambient salinities (0-40‰) and to evaluate the survival and growth in freshwater (0‰) and seawater (30‰) over 90 days. After 15 days of exposure to different salinities (0‰, 10‰, 20‰, 30‰ and 40‰), plasma osmolality and ionic (Na+, Cl, K+ and Ca2+) concentrations slightly increased with salinity. The isosmotic point was estimated as 328.6 mOsm kg−1 H2O and corresponded to 10.9‰ salinity. After 90 days, survival was similar in freshwater and seawater, but osmo- and ionoregulation was significantly affected in freshwater and flounders reared in this medium showed a lower growth rate than those reared in seawater. Based on the results from this study, P. orbignyanus can be characterized as a marine/estuarine euryhaline teleost capable of hyper/hypo iono- and osmoregulation over the fluctuating salinity regime faced by this species in the environment. Furthermore, results suggest that the lower growth rate exhibited by P. orbignyanus in freshwater could be due, at least partially, to a higher energy expenditure associated to a higher branchial Na+, K+-ATPase activity in this environment.  相似文献   
鱼虾混养生态系中细菌动态变化的研究   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:14  
中国对虾和黑鲷混养生态系中几种主要细菌的动态变化研究结果表明 ,养殖初期 ,鱼虾混养池水体中异养菌总量和硝酸盐还原菌数量较低 ,但高于对照的对虾单养池 .随着养殖时间的推移 ,对照池的两种菌的菌量急剧增加 ,8、9月份菌量仍维持在较高水平 ;而混养池的菌量在高温季节虽有增加 ,但仍保持在 10 4 cells·ml-1范围内 ,增长幅度远远低于对照池 ,且 9月底开始下降 .底泥中的细菌数量与水体中细菌有相似的变化规律 ,但一般高于同期水中菌量 1~ 2个数量级 .混养池中的弧菌数量一直低于同期对照池 .可见 ,鱼虾混养可通过对养殖生态系中细菌的激活和调节作用 ,调节生态系统的物质循环 ,使其保持高速、稳定运行 ,为对虾生长提供一个健康而稳定的环境 ,同时增加综合养殖效益  相似文献   
微生态制剂在水产养殖中的应用   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
随着健康养殖发展的需求,微生态制剂在水产动物中的应用逐渐成为当今的研究热点。有益菌在提高人和动物营养和防病方面的作用已得到证实。关于高等动植物的生物防治理论也应用于水产养殖中,微生态制剂的应用作为抗生素的替代品逐渐成为水产养殖动物病害防治的一种生物控制模式。本文简要介绍了微生态制剂概念的形成和发展过程,分别在营养特性、免疫特性和改善养殖生态环境三个方面阐述了其在水产养殖中的应用。虽然,微生态制剂在水产中的应用取得了一定的成效,但是仍然处于发展的初级阶段,有待进一步的研究。文章还阐明了微生态制剂的生产工艺和施用原则,最后就微生态制剂的应用问题提出了作者自己的观点和展望。  相似文献   
The usage of probiotics proved advantageous in aquaculture due to its positive impact on fish growth, immune response and environment. This study was aimed to assess the effects of probiotics on growth, survival and histometry of intestine and liver in Gangetic mystus (Mystus cavasius) using two separate experiments for a period of 8 weeks (in aquaria) and 16 weeks (in earthen ponds). Three different probiotic treatments were incorporated i.e. commercial probiotic one; CP-1 (T1), commercial probiotic two; CP-2 (T2), Lab developed (Lab dev.) probiotic (T3) including a control. The results indicated that the probiotics usage especially Lab dev. probiotic (T3) significantly improved the growth parameters such as weight gain (g) and specific growth rate (SGR, %/day) as well as ensured better feed conversion efficiency. Zero mortality was observed in aquaria whereas probiotic application enhanced survivability in earthen ponds. Moreover, all probiotic treatment exhibited positive results for different histo-morphometric features of intestine and liver. Mucus secreting goblet cells and fattening of mucosal fold increased significantly with probiotic usage. The amount of regular shaped nucleus was maximum in T3 with least intra cellular distance between liver tissues in earthen ponds. The greatest value for hemoglobin with lowest glucose level was observed in T3 as well. Furthermore, probiotic ensured low concentration of ammonia during culture. Overall, it was anticipated that the application of probiotics in Gangetic mystus culture resulted positive effect on its growth, feed utilization, survivability, histo-morphometry, immunity and hematological parameters.  相似文献   
Synopsis Quantitative aspects of the filter-feeding of the tilapia,Oreochromis niloticus, on two species of the blue-green algae —Anabaena cylindrica andMicrocystis aeruginosa — were investigated in the laboratory. The ingestion rate of 85 mm SLO. niloticus was best fitted using a linear regression over the range of biovolume concentrations studied (3 × 106 – 3 × 108 m3 ml–1). The ingestion rate of 40 mm SL fish gave a curvilinear relationship and was best fitted using a logarithmic regression. For each size class of fish, ingestion rates were higher when fed the largerAnabaena thanMicrocystis. The results of ingestion and filtration rates are comparable to work on other aquatic suspension feeders and tend to substantiate a universality in the fundamental regulatory mechanism of filter feeding.  相似文献   
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