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The field of landscape genetics has been rapidly evolving, adopting and adapting analytical frameworks to address research questions. Current studies are increasingly using regression‐based frameworks to infer the individual contributions of landscape and habitat variables on genetic differentiation. This paper outlines appropriate and inappropriate uses of multiple regression for these purposes, and demonstrates through simulation the limitations of different analytical frameworks for making correct inference. Of particular concern are recent studies seeking to explain genetic differences by fitting regression models with effective distance variables calculated independently on separate landscape resistance surfaces. When moving across the landscape, organisms cannot respond independently and uniquely to habitat and landscape features. Analyses seeking to understand how landscape features affect gene flow should model a single conductance or resistance surface as a parameterized function of relevant spatial covariates, and estimate the values of these parameters by linking a single set of resistance distances to observed genetic dissimilarity via a loss function. While this loss function may involve a regression‐like step, the associated nuisance parameters are not interpretable in terms of organismal movement and should not be conflated with what is actually of interest: the mapping between spatial covariates and conductance/resistance. The growth and evolution of landscape genetics as a field has been rapid and exciting. It is the goal of this paper to highlight past missteps and demonstrate limitations of current approaches to ensure that future use of regression models will appropriately consider the process being modeled, which will provide clarity to model interpretation.  相似文献   
Birth‐and‐death processes are widely used to model the development of biological populations. Although they are relatively simple models, their parameters can be challenging to estimate, as the likelihood can become numerically unstable when data arise from the most common sampling schemes, such as annual population censuses. A further difficulty arises when the discrete observations are not equi‐spaced, for example, when census data are unavailable for some years. We present two approaches to estimating the birth, death, and growth rates of a discretely observed linear birth‐and‐death process: via an embedded Galton‐Watson process and by maximizing a saddlepoint approximation to the likelihood. We study asymptotic properties of the estimators, compare them on numerical examples, and apply the methodology to data on monitored populations.  相似文献   
Temperature plays a key role in the biology of ectotherms, including anurans, which are found at higher elevations in the tropics than anywhere in the temperate zone. High elevation tropical environments are characterized by extreme daily thermal fluctuation including high daily maxima and nightly freezing. Our study investigated the contrasting operative temperatures of the anurans Telmatobius marmoratus and Pleurodema marmoratum in different environmental contexts at the same elevation and biome above 5,200 m. Telmatobius marmoratus avoids extremes of daily temperature fluctuation by utilizing thermally buffered aquatic habitat at all life stages, with minimal operative temperature variation (range: 4.6–8.0°C). Pleurodema marmoratum, in contrast, experienced operative temperatures from ?3.5 to 44°C and has one of the widest thermal breadths reported for any tropical frog, from >32°C (critical thermal maximum) to surviving freezing periods of 1 and 6 hr down to ?3.0°C. Our findings expand experimental evidence of frost tolerance in amphibians to the widespread Neotropical family Leptodactylidae, the first such evidence of frost tolerance in a tropical amphibian. Our study identifies three strategies (wide thermal tolerance breadth, use of buffered microhabitats, and behavioral thermoregulation), which allow these tropical frogs to withstand the current wide daily thermal fluctuation above 5,000 m.a.s.l. and which may help them adapt to future climatic changes. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material  相似文献   
For autogenic ecosystem engineers, body size is an aspect of individual performance that has direct connections to community structure; yet the complex morphology of these species can make it difficult to draw clear connections between the environment and performance. We combined laboratory experiments and field surveys to test the hypothesis that individual body size was determined by disparate localized physiological responses to environmental conditions across the complex thallus of the intertidal kelp Hedophyllum sessile, a canopy‐forming physical ecosystem engineer. We documented substantial (> 40%) declines in whole‐thallus photosynthetic potential (as Maximum Quantum Yield, MQY) as a consequence of emersion, which were related to greater than 10‐fold increases in intra‐thallus MQY variability (as Coefficient of Variation). In laboratory experiments, desiccation and high light levels during emersion led to lasting impairment of photosynthetic potential and an immediate > 25% reduction in area due to tissue contraction, which was followed by complete loss of structural integrity after three days of submersion. Tissue exposed to desiccation and high light during emersion had higher nitrogen concentrations and lower phlorotannin concentrations than tissue in control treatments (on average 1.36 and 0.1x controls, respectively), suggesting that conditions during emersion have the potential to affect food quality for consumers. Our data indicate that the complex thallus morphology of H. sessile may be critical to this kelp’s ability to persist in the intertidal zone despite the physiological challenges of emersion and encourage a more nuanced view of the concept of “sub‐lethal stress” on the scale of the whole individual.  相似文献   
目的: 验证临床受试者所完成的心肺运动试验(CPET)为最大极限运动,进一步设计完善Max试验验证CPET结果客观定量功能评估的准确性及以某特定指标的特定数值作为停止运动的标准是否可行。方法: 选择2017年9月至2019年1月在阜外医院签署知情同意书后进行CPET和Max试验受试者216例。其中正常受试者41例,因CPET峰值呼吸交换率(RER)≤1.10,或运动中心率和血压不上升,对CPET极限运动结果存在质疑的临床患者175例进行研究。其中60例已初步报告,本研究进一步扩大研究。Max试验方法:完成CPET测试后,先蹬车≥60 r/min,再施加130%峰值功率的恒定功率,鼓励受试者运动至不能坚持的极限状态。计算分析Max试验30 s的最大心率和最大摄氧量、及其与峰值心率和峰值摄氧量之间的差值和百分差值。百分差值=(Max值-峰值值)/Max值× 100%。评测标准:①若心率和摄氧量任一指标的差值百分比≤-10%(Max测试的数值低于CPET峰值数据)则定义Max试验操作失败,否则为成功;2若心率和摄氧量的差值百分比均在-10%~10%,则Max试验操作成功,证明CPET数据为极限运动,CPET 峰值相关数据较为准确;③若心率和摄氧量差值任一指标差值百分比≥10%时,则Max试验操作成功,证明CPET结果为非极限运动。结果: 病例组峰值摄氧量(L/min、ml/(min·kg)、%pred)、无氧阈(L/min、ml/(min·kg)、%pred)、峰值氧脉搏(ml/beat、%pred)、峰值RER、峰值收缩压(mmHg)、峰值运动负荷(W/min)、峰值心率(bpm)、摄氧有效性峰值平台(OUEP)(比值、%pred)低于正常组,二氧化碳通气有效性平均90 s最低值(Lowest Ve/VCO2)(比值、%pred)、二氧化碳通气效率斜率(Ve/VCO2 Slope)(比值、%pred)高于正常组(P<0.05)。所有正常组与病例组均安全无任何事件完成CPET和Max试验。216例受试者中,Max试验成功198例(91.7%),其中证明CPET为极限运动182例,为非极限运动16例;失败18例(8.3%)。结论: 在临床检查中,若对CPET结果是否为最大极限存在质疑,利用Max试验可验证CPET是否为极限运动。Max试验方法安全可行,值得进一步深入研究和临床推广应用。  相似文献   
Hypothesis/objective: Prolonged QT interval is an index of propensity for dangerous ventricular tachyarrhythmias. The aim of this article is to establish an automatic algorithm for QT interval measurement.

Method: The proposed method is based on the continuous wavelet transform. In this method, the concepts of the rescaled wavelet coefficients and dominant scales of the electrocardiogram (ECG) components are used to perform detection of ECG characteristic points. A new concept of rescaled maximum energy density is introduced so as to perform the estimation of the QT interval.

Results and conclusion: We have applied the algorithm to the PTB database of the Physiobank?Physionet in lead II. Then, the results were evaluated using pertinent reference QT. The criterion used for evaluation of the method's performance is the root mean square (RMS) error. The method approached the RMS error of 27.89 ms for 549 subjects. The proposed method is fast, simple and is applicable to a wide range of ECG cardio cycle morphologies.  相似文献   
Some species are adapting to changing environments by expanding their geographic ranges. Understanding whether range shifts will be accompanied by increased exposure to other threats is crucial to predicting when and where new populations could successfully establish. If species overlap to a greater extent with human development under climate change, this could form ecological traps which are attractive to dispersing individuals, but the use of which substantially reduces fitness. Until recently, the core nesting range for the Critically Endangered Kemp's ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys kempii) was ca. 1000 km of sparsely populated coastline in Tamaulipas, Mexico. Over the past twenty‐five years, this species has expanded its range into populated areas of coastal Florida (>1500 km outside the historical range), where nesting now occurs annually. Suitable Kemp's ridley nesting habitat has persisted for at least 140 000 years in the western Gulf of Mexico, and climate change models predict further nesting range expansion into the eastern Gulf of Mexico and northern Atlantic Ocean. Range expansion is 6–12% more likely to occur along uninhabited stretches of coastline than are current nesting beaches, suggesting that novel nesting areas will not be associated with high levels of anthropogenic disturbance. Although the high breeding‐site fidelity of some migratory species could limit adaptation to climate change, rapid population recovery following effective conservation measures may enhance opportunities for range expansion. Anticipating the interactive effects of past or contemporary conservation measures, climate change, and future human activities will help focus long‐term conservation strategies.  相似文献   
Phytoplankton size structure is key for the ecology and biogeochemistry of pelagic ecosystems, but the relationship between cell size and maximum growth rate (μmax) is not yet well understood. We used cultures of 22 species of marine phytoplankton from five phyla, ranging from 0.1 to 106 μm3 in cell volume (Vcell), to determine experimentally the size dependence of growth, metabolic rate, elemental stoichiometry and nutrient uptake. We show that both μmax and carbon‐specific photosynthesis peak at intermediate cell sizes. Maximum nitrogen uptake rate (VmaxN) scales isometrically with Vcell, whereas nitrogen minimum quota scales as Vcell0.84. Large cells thus possess high ability to take up nitrogen, relative to their requirements, and large storage capacity, but their growth is limited by the conversion of nutrients into biomass. Small species show similar volume‐specific VmaxN compared to their larger counterparts, but have higher nitrogen requirements. We suggest that the unimodal size scaling of phytoplankton growth arises from taxon‐independent, size‐related constraints in nutrient uptake, requirement and assimilation.  相似文献   
Long-term balancing selection typically leaves narrow footprints of increased genetic diversity, and therefore most detection approaches only achieve optimal performances when sufficiently small genomic regions (i.e., windows) are examined. Such methods are sensitive to window sizes and suffer substantial losses in power when windows are large. Here, we employ mixture models to construct a set of five composite likelihood ratio test statistics, which we collectively term B statistics. These statistics are agnostic to window sizes and can operate on diverse forms of input data. Through simulations, we show that they exhibit comparable power to the best-performing current methods, and retain substantially high power regardless of window sizes. They also display considerable robustness to high mutation rates and uneven recombination landscapes, as well as an array of other common confounding scenarios. Moreover, we applied a specific version of the B statistics, termed B2, to a human population-genomic data set and recovered many top candidates from prior studies, including the then-uncharacterized STPG2 and CCDC169SOHLH2, both of which are related to gamete functions. We further applied B2 on a bonobo population-genomic data set. In addition to the MHC-DQ genes, we uncovered several novel candidate genes, such as KLRD1, involved in viral defense, and SCN9A, associated with pain perception. Finally, we show that our methods can be extended to account for multiallelic balancing selection and integrated the set of statistics into open-source software named BalLeRMix for future applications by the scientific community.  相似文献   
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