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Summary The developing pigment strand of rice (Oryza sativa L.) was studied by conventional electron microscopy and also by use of thick sections post-fixed with zinc iodide and osmium (ZIO).When the rice caryopsis achieves maximum length, a suberised adcrusting wall layer is laid down over the original primary walls of the pigment strand. Concomitant with suberin deposition a proliferation of tubular endoplasmic reticulum occurs in the cytoplasm giving rise to numerous interconnected vesicles which bear ribosomes. The vesicles in the general cytoplasm retain their ribosomes while those close to the wall become smooth and contain an electron-opaque granular material which is eventually deposited to the outside of the plasmalemma. This granular material may be the precursor(s) from which suberin is polymerised. The suberised wall attains about six times the width of the original primary wall and plasmodesmata, which traverse both primary wall and suberised wall layers, become greatly elongated.Lipid bodies increase in both size and frequency during development, eventually coalescing to form a complete plug across the pigment strand and occluding the symplast of this tissue. The significance of these ultrastructural observations is discussed in relation to the previously demonstrated role of the pigment strand as a translocation pathway for water and assimilates during grain filling.Abbreviations ER endoplasmic reticulum - ZIO zinc iodide-osmium fixation  相似文献   
K. J. Oparka 《Protoplasma》1986,131(3):201-210
Summary Potential pathways for sucrose unloading in the potato tuber were examined by light and electron microscopy. Abundant plasmodesmata connected sieve elements with surrounding parenchyma elements and also sieve elements with companion cells. Plasmodesmata were rarer, however, between companion cells and parenchyma elements. These observations suggest that sucrose may leave the sieve elements and enter the storage parenchyma cells directly via the symplast and that transport through the companion cell may not be a prerequisite for unloading. Plasmodesmata, grouped together in primary pit fields, were also abundant between storage cells, and isolated storage cells, separated enzymically, showed considerable variation in plasmodesmatal distribution between cells and also on different faces of a single cell. Deposition of starch was found to occur in the tuber cortex while an endodermis with Casparian strip was present external to the phloem, suggesting that assimilates initially enter the cortical storage cells by an entirely symplastic pathway. The possible involvement of ATPase in the unloading process was examined cytochemically, using a lead-salt precipitation method. By contrast with previous findings for phloem no evidence was found for ATPase activity that was unique to the sieve element-companion cell complex. The present observations favour the view that phloem unloading in the potato tuber is a symplastic and passive process.  相似文献   
Tubular extensions of the plasmalemma in leaf cells of Zea mays L.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Leaf tissues of Zea mays were examined with a transmission electron microscope and a high-voltage electron microscope. Tubular extensions (invaginations) of the plasmalemma were found in vascular parenchyma cells and thick-walled, lateformed sieve elements of intermediate and small veins, and in epidermal, mesophyll, and sheath cells of all leaves examined. No continuity seems to exist between the tubules and other cellular membranes.  相似文献   
A method was elaborated by which the pH in leaf apoplast can be measured. The technique is based on the pH dependent fluorescence of 5-carboxyfluorescein (5-CF) or fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC). The fluorescein isothiocyanate is coupled with a macromolecular dextran molecule (FITC-dextran). For eliminating the effect of the absolute dye concentration the dual excitation technique was applied. It was shown that the ratio of fluorescence excited by light of 491 nm and 463 nm was virtually independent of the concentration of 5-CF and that this fluorescence ratio was related to the pH. The plasmalemma is practically impermeable to FITC-dextran and in the test we carried out over a period of 6 h not the slightest indication was found that it may penetrate the plasma membrane. For 5-CF this cannot be ruled out completely. It is possible that at pH values below 4.5 it may penetrate biological membranes at low rates.
Experiments with leaves of sunflower ( Helianthus animus cv. Erika) perfused with 5-carboxyfluorescein and supplied with different nitrogen forms showed that NH+4 application resulted in a decrease and NO+3 application in an increase of the leaf apoplast pH. Leaf spraying with fasicoccin was followed by a pH decrease, while leaf spraying with the protonophores p -trifluoromethoxy carbonytcyanide phenylhydra-zon (FCCP) or nigericin resulted in neutral apoplastic pH. These results provide evidence that the method is well suited for measuring the response of the leaf apoplast pH to changing physiological conditions.  相似文献   
采用土培盆栽方法模拟玉米/花生、大麦/花生、燕麦/花生、小麦/花生、高粱/花生5种种植方式,研究混作对花生根系质外体铁的累积和还原力的影响.结果表明,当花生与5种分泌植物铁载体能力不同的禾本科作物混作时,花生新叶叶色正常,而单作花生则表现出严重的缺铁黄化症状,混作花生各部位的含铁量明显增加.与麦类作物(大麦、燕麦、小麦)混作的花生其各部位铁含量高于与玉米、高粱混作的花生,说明麦类作物改善花生铁营养的能力强于玉米、高粱,而两个玉米品种之间的能力差异不大,这主要是由于麦类作物分泌植物铁载体能力高于玉米、高粱.在花生生长至第50、60和70d时,混作花生根系质外体铁含量也随着逐渐增加,并始终高于单作花生.同时,混作明显地提高了花生根际土壤有效铁的含量,花生根系还原力也逐步提高.混作花生逐渐提高的还原力和介质中不断供给的易被花生还原吸收的铁,在改善花生的铁营养方面起了重要的作用.  相似文献   
Savchenko G  Wiese C  Neimanis S  Hedrich R  Heber U 《Planta》2000,211(2):246-255
 The regulation of pH in the apoplast, cytosol and chloroplasts of intact leaves was studied by means of fluorescent pH indicators and as a response of photosynthesis to acid stress. The apoplastic pH increased under anaerobiosis. Aeration reversed this effect. Apoplastic responses to CO2, HCl or NH3 differed considerably. Whereas HCl and ammonia caused rapid acidification or alkalinization, the return to initial pH values was slow after cessation of fumigation. Addition of CO2 either did not produce the acidification expected on the basis of known apoplastic buffering or even caused some alkalinization. Removal of CO2 shifted the apoplastic pH into the alkaline range before the pH returned to initial steady-state levels. In the presence of vanadate, the alkaline shift was absent and the apoplastic pH returned slowly to the initial level when CO2 was removed from the atmosphere. In contrast to the response of the apoplast, anaerobiosis acidified the cytosol or, in some species, had little effect on its pH. Acidification was rapidly reversed upon re-admission of oxygen. The CO2-dependent pH changes were very fast in the cytosol. Considerable alkalinization was observed after removal of CO2 under aerobic, but not under anaerobic conditions. Rates of the re-entry of protons into the cytosol during recovery from CO2 stress increased in the presence of oxygen with the length of previous exposure to high CO2. Effective pH regulation in the chloroplasts was indicated by the recovery of photosynthesis after the transient inhibition of photosynthetic electron flow when CO2 was increased from 0.038% to 16% in air. As photosynthesis became inhibited under high CO2, reduction of the electron transport chain increased transiently. The time required for recovery of photosynthesis from inhibition during persistent CO2 stress was similar to the time required for establishing steady-state pH values in the cytosol under acid stress. The high capacity of leaf cells for the rapid re-attainment of pH homeostasis in the apoplast and the cytoplasm under acid or alkaline stress suggested the rapid activation or deactivation of membrane-localised proton-transporting enzymes and corresponding ion channel regulation for co-transport of anions or counter-transport of cations together with proton fluxes. Acidification of the cytoplasm appeared to activate energy-dependent proton export primarily into the vacuoles whereas apoplastic alkalinization resulted in the pumping of protons into the apoplast. Proton export rates from the cytosol into the apoplast after anaerobiosis were about 100 nmol (m2 leaf area)−1 s−1 or less. Proton export under acid stress into the vacuole was about 1200 nmol m−2 s−1. The kinetics of pH responses to the addition or withdrawal of CO2 indicated the presence of carbonic anhydrase in the cytosol, but not in the apoplast. Received: 19 July 1999 / Accepted: 29 December 1999  相似文献   
Summary Different assay conditions induce changes in the ferric chelate reductase activities of leaf plasma membrane preparations from Fe-deficient and Fe-sufficient sugar beet. With an apoplasttype assay medium the ferric chelate reductase activities did not change significantly when Fe(III)-EDTA was the substrate. However, with ferric citrate as substrate, the effect depended on the citrateto-Fe ratio. When the citrate-to-Fe ratio was 20 1, the effects were practically unappreciable. However, with a lower citrate-to-Fe ratio of 5 1 the activities were significantly lower with the apoplast-type medium than with the standard assay medium. Our data also indicate that anaerobiosis during the assay facilitates the reduction of ferric malate and Fe(III)-EDTA by plasma membrane preparations. Anaerobiosis increased by approximately 50% the plasma membrane ferric chelate reductase activities when Fe(III)-EDTA was the substrate. With ferric malate anaerobiosis increased activities by 70–90% over the values obtained in aerobic conditions. However, with ferric citrate the increase in activity by anaerobiosis was not significant. We have also tested the effect of riboflavin, flavin adenine dinucleotide, and flavin mononucleotide on the plasma membrane ferric chelate reductase activities. The presence of flavins generally increased activities in plasma membrane preparations from control and Fe-deficient plants. Increases in activity were generally moderate (lower than twofold). These increases occurred with Fe(III)-EDTA and Fe(III)-citrate as substrates.Abbreviations BPDS bathophenantroline disulfonate - FC ferric chelate - FC-R ferric chelate reductase - PM plasma membrane  相似文献   
Transport of Ca2+ through discs of apple fruit tissue was examined in tissue taken at different stages of fruit development. Transport rates decreased with fruit development when cation exchange was the predominant influence on transport (with 10−6 M 45CaCl2 as the source solution). This decrease was associated with a reduction in relative cell wall surface area, cation exchange capacity and cell wall yield that occurred during fruit growth. When diffusion was the major transport force, and when transport was influenced by solution infiltration of the tissue disc (10−2 M 45CaCl2 in the source solution), transport rates increased during fruit growth. This increment was related to increases in air space of the tissue. Ca2+ transport through apple fruit tissue is influenced by the extent and nature of the cell wall, changing proportions of air space and Ca2+ concentration in the extracellular solution.  相似文献   
In this study, acetosyringone was identified as one of the major extracellular phenolics in tobacco suspension cells and was shown to have bioactive properties that influence early events in plant-bacterial pathogenesis. In our model system, tobacco cell suspensions treated with bacterial isolate Pseudomonas syringae WT (HR+) undergo a resistant interaction characterized by a burst in oxygen uptake several hours after inoculation. When the extracellular concentration of acetosyringone in tobacco cell suspensions was supplemented with exogenous acetosyringone, the burst in oxygen uptake occurred as much as 1.5h earlier. The exogenous acetosyringone had no effect on tobacco suspensions undergoing susceptible interactions with Pseudomonas tabaci or a non-resistant interaction with a near-isogenic mutant derivative of isolate P. syringae WT (HR+). Resistant interactions with isolate P. syringae WT (HR+) also produce an oxidative burst which oxidizes the extracellular acetosyringone. This study demonstrates that acetosyringone, and likely other extracellular phenolics, may have bioactive characteristics that can influence plant-bacterial pathogenesis.  相似文献   
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