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中度嗜盐菌产木聚糖酶发酵条件的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中度嗜盐菌在盐碱环境下生长繁殖,其产生的木聚糖酶也同样具有在盐碱环境下发挥作用的特性。本文对一株中度嗜盐菌的产木聚糖酶活性进行了初步研究。研究包括氮源、液体种子接种量、培养温度、pH值、培养时间等因素对该菌株产木聚糖酶能力的影响。结果表明,最佳培养氮源为蛋白胨;最佳产生木聚糖酶的发酵条件是液体种子接种量为6%,温度为35℃,pH值7,培养时间为4 d。  相似文献   
Exposure to 1,500 μg/ml of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) for 60 min at 13°C was found to be injurious to rainbow trout eggs. On the other hand, the concentration which effectively inhibited pathogenic fungi in vitro was substantially less than this toxic dosage; specifically, 500 μg/ml for 60 min at 20°C to inhibit the zoosporic stage and 1,000 μg/ml for 60 min at 20°C to inhibit the vegetative stage. From in vivo tests, treatment with 1,000 μg/ml of H2O2 for 60 min at 13°C was found to be the most effective procedure to control fungal infection and increase the hatching rate of rainbow trout eggs.  相似文献   
We compared the immunostimulatory effects of chemically synthesized α-galactosylceramides (α-GalCers), α-glucosylceramides (α-GluCers), 6″-monoglycosylated α-GalCer and 6″- or 4″-monoglycosylated α-GluCer and made the following observations: (1) the length of the fatty acid side chain in the ceramide portions greatly affects the immunostimulatory effects of α-GalCers and α-GluCers; (2) the configuration of the 4″-hydroxyl group of the inner pyranose moiety plays an important role in the immunostimulatory effects of monoglycosylated α- -pyranosylceramides; (3) the free 4″-hydroxyl group of the inner pyranose of monoglycosylated α- -pyranosylceramides plays a more important role in their immunostimulatory effects than the free 6″-hydroxyl group.  相似文献   
GUILLAUME, MICHÈLE, LEIF LAPIDUS, PER BJÖRNTORP, ANDRE LAMBERT. Physical activity, obesity, and cardiovascular risk factors in children. The Belgian Luxembourg Child Study II. Physical activity was measured in relation to cardiovascular (CV) risk factors in a randomly selected population of 1028 children from Province de Luxembourg in Belgium, a mainly rural area with a high prevalence of such risk factors among adults and children. Physical activity was estimated as participation in sport activities, a major indicator of leisure-time physical activity in schoolchildren, and physical inactivity was estimated as frequency and duration of television (TV) watching. Boys participated more frequently in sport activities than girls did (p=0. 001). A majority of the children watched TV daily. After age adjustment, bodyweight (girls, p<0. 012; boys, p<0. 027) and, in boys, body mass index (BMI) (p<0. 039) were related to days per week of TV watching. No significant relationships with other CV risk factors remained after adjustments for BMI. In analyses of independent contributions of age, TV watching, and sports activity on CV risk factors, age showed highly significant relationships. In boys, TV showed relationships with BMI (P<0. 04) and (borderline) with systolic blood pressure, independent of age and sports activity, whereas the latter was significantly related to subscapular skinfold (p<0. 04) and (borderline) with triceps skinfold and cholesterol. In girls, no significant independent contributions to risk factor associations were found. The father's education was directly associated with sports activities, whereas the mother being a housewife showed negative relationships to physical activity and positive to TV watching in their children, suggesting socioeconomic influence on the activity patterns of children. Furthermore, registrations suggested less physical activity in the most rural part of the area. It is concluded that children in this mainly rural area watch TV frequently. In boys, physical inactivity, measured both as TV watching and as registrations of sports activities, contributes independently to body fat mass. In girls, no contribution or weaker contributions of physical inactivity were found. This suggests that contributory factors leading to obesity might be different in girls and boys.  相似文献   
A bioautographic assay based on thin layer chromatography was developed for phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) detecting as a known but rarely studied inhibitor of phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI). The protocol with NADP+/NBT/PMS (β-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate/nitrotetrazolium blue chloride/phenazine methosulfate) staining was capable of detecting Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra PGI inhibition using PEP. According to this method, visibly brighter spots (zones) against purple background are observed in the area of inhibition of the above-mentioned enzyme activity. The detection limit for PEP as an inhibitor of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra PGI was 226?μg per spot/zone. Noteworthy is that we are the first authors to have successfully used a bioautographic assay to detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra PGI inhibition by PEP.  相似文献   
外来物种入侵严重威胁着乡土植物多样性并削弱了生态系统服务功能。本文基于滇西北怒江河谷植被调查的样方数据, 从群落水平研究了乡土和入侵植物多样性的空间分布格局, 以及地形、气候、人类干扰等因子对两种格局的影响。本研究共记录到外来入侵植物26种, 隶属于13科21属; 乡土植物1,145种, 分属于158科628属。沿着怒江河谷, 入侵植物物种丰富度随纬度与海拔的增加而减少; 乡土物种丰富度则随纬度增加而增加, 并在海拔梯度上呈单峰格局。运用广义线性模型分析公路边缘效应(反映生境干扰)、气候、地形和土壤等环境因素对物种丰富度分布格局的影响。等级方差分离的结果显示, 公路两侧的生境干扰对入侵种和乡土种的丰富度格局均具有首要影响。在自然环境因子中, 降水量是入侵植物丰富度的主要限制因子, 而乡土物种丰富度则主要受到地形因子尤其是坡向的影响。结构方程模型的分析结果也表明, 乡土植物和入侵植物丰富度之间的负相关关系反映了二者对环境响应的差异。本文结果支持物种入侵的资源可利用性限制假说, 并强调了人类活动对生物多样性的负面影响; 乡土植物或已较好地适应了干旱河谷气候, 但并没有显示出对外来物种入侵的抵抗作用。  相似文献   
New derivatives of two isomeric types of azaphenothiazines, 1,8- and 2,7-diazaphenothiazine, containing the triple bond substituents and additionally tertiary cyclic and acyclic amine groups, were synthesized and tested for their anticancer activity. The compounds exhibited differential inhibitory activities. Better results were obtained when the acetylenic group was transformed via the Mannich reaction to the dialkylaminobutynyl groups. The most active was 2,7-diazaphenothiazine with the N-methylpiperazine-2-butynyl substituent against the human ductal breast epithelial tumor cell line T47D, more potent than cisplatin. The 2,7-diazaphenothiazine system turned out to be more active than isomeric 1,8-diaza one. For the most active compound, the expression of TP53, CDKN1A, BCL-2 and BAX genes was detected by the RT-QPCR method. The gene expression ratio BACL-2/BAX suggests the mitochondrial apoptosis in T47D cells. The synthesis makes possible to obtain many new bioactive phenothiazines with the dialkylaminoalkynyl substituents inserting various tertiary cyclic and acyclic amine moieties to the substituents.  相似文献   
【目的】在大肠杆菌中表达纯化苏云金芽胞杆菌HD73的转录调控因子Sigma K(σK)。【方法】PCR扩增出苏云金芽胞杆菌HD73中sig K基因的ORF(Open reading frame)装载到带有His标签的表达载体p ET21b上,转入到表达菌株BL21(DE3)中获得重组菌株BL21(p ETsig K),通过SDS-PAGE、镍柱亲和纯化、阴离子交换纯化和凝胶迁移实验(EMSA)等方法对Sigma K蛋白进行提取、纯化和生物活性分析。【结果】正确表达出大小约为27 k D的His-Sigma K蛋白,并获得了纯化的蛋白。EMSA结果表明纯化的His-Sigma K蛋白可以与受其控制的cry1Ac基因启动子结合。【结论】表达和纯化了His-Sigma K蛋白,His-Sigma K具有与受其控制的启动子结合的功能。  相似文献   
为了解番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum)砧木幼苗活性氧代谢与抗南方根结线虫(Meloidogyne incognita)的关系,以高感品种‘Ls-89’与高抗品种‘坂砧2号’为材料,采用盆栽人工接种法,研究了南方根结线虫侵染对番茄砧木幼苗活性氧代谢的影响。结果表明,未接种南方根结线虫的番茄砧木幼苗,其根系与叶片活性氧水平及相关酶活性在品种间没有显著差异。接种南方根结线虫后,两品种幼苗根系与叶片的O_2·~–生成速率和H_2O_2含量均升高,且‘坂砧2号’显著高于‘Ls-89’,但‘Ls-89’的MDA含量则显著高于‘坂砧2号’。两品种幼苗根系与叶片的SOD活性均在侵染早期降低,以‘坂砧2号’降幅较大;但POD、CAT活性在侵染早期变化不大,至侵染中后期则显著升高。因此,番茄抗性品种砧木幼苗的膜脂抗氧化能力较强,活性氧水平较高,且SOD活性对南方根结线虫侵染敏感。  相似文献   
以稀土(Re~(3+))和落叶松单宁(LT)为原料,采用液相合成法合成了5种廉价的稀土-落叶松单宁(Re~(3+)-LT)配合物,并通过红外光谱、X射线光电子能谱、紫外光谱以及配位数测定确定了配合物的结构.采用牛津杯法、琼脂稀释法测定配合物对黑曲霉、红曲霉、白腐菌、毛霉4种真菌的抑制作用.在抑菌方面,5种配合物对上述4种真菌均具有较强的抑制作用,其抑菌活性大小顺序为Ce~(3+)-LTGd~(3+)-LTLa~(3+)-LTNd~(3+)-LTYb~(3+)-LT,其中Ce~(3+)-LT对4种真菌的最小抑菌浓度分别为:1.6、1.6、0.8和1.6 g·L~(-1);Yb~(3+)-LT对4种真菌的最小抑菌浓度分别为:3.2、1.6、3.2和3.2 g·L~(-1).在杀菌方面,Yb~(3+)-LT的杀菌活性最强,其对4种真菌的最小杀菌浓度分别为:6.4、3.2、3.2和6.4 g·L~(-1).此外,尽管Nd~(3+)-LT和Gd~(3+)-LT具有较强的抑菌活性,但对黑曲霉和毛霉的杀菌作用较弱.  相似文献   
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