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A newly designed and constructed LED illumination device for commercial cylindrical bioreactors is presented for application in microalgal cultivations and investigation of growth kinetics. An ideally illuminated volume is achieved by focusing the light toward the center of the reactor and thereby compensating the mutual shading of the cells. The relevant biomass concentration for homogeneous illumination depending on reactor radius was determined by light distribution measurements for Chlamydomonas to 0.2 g/L (equal 0.435 optical density at 750 nm). It is shown that cultivation experiments with the newly designed illumination device operated in batch mode can be successfully applied for determination of growth rates and photo conversion efficiencies. The exact knowledge of physiological reactions of specific strain(s) and the estimation of relevant parameters for scale‐up can be used for construction of economic pilot plant photobioreactors. The determination of light‐dependent kinetics of growth and product formation is the first necessary step to achieve this. A wide variety of different parameters can be examined like the effect of different illumination conditions (light intensity, frequency of day/night cycles, flashing light, light color…) and thereby for each single application specific, relevant, and interesting parameters will be examined.  相似文献   
We have previously shown that a loss of stromal Cav-1 is a biomarker of poor prognosis in breast cancers. Mechanistically, a loss of Cav-1 induces the metabolic reprogramming of stromal cells, with increased autophagy/mitophagy, mitochondrial dysfunction and aerobic glycolysis. As a consequence, Cav-1-low CAFs generate nutrients (such as L-lactate) and chemical building blocks that fuel mitochondrial metabolism and the anabolic growth of adjacent breast cancer cells. It is also known that a loss of Cav-1 is associated with hyperactive TGF-β signaling. However, it remains unknown whether hyperactivation of the TGF-β signaling pathway contributes to the metabolic reprogramming of Cav-1-low CAFs. To address these issues, we overexpressed TGF-β ligands and the TGF-β receptor I (TGFβ-RI) in stromal fibroblasts and breast cancer cells. Here, we show that the role of TGF-β in tumorigenesis is compartment-specific, and that TGF-β promotes tumorigenesis by shifting cancer-associated fibroblasts toward catabolic metabolism. Importantly, the tumor-promoting effects of TGF-β are independent of the cell type generating TGF-β. Thus, stromal-derived TGF-β activates signaling in stromal cells in an autocrine fashion, leading to fibroblast activation, as judged by increased expression of myofibroblast markers, and metabolic reprogramming, with a shift toward catabolic metabolism and oxidative stress. We also show that TGF-β-activated fibroblasts promote the mitochondrial activity of adjacent cancer cells, and in a xenograft model, enhancing the growth of breast cancer cells, independently of angiogenesis. Conversely, activation of the TGF-β pathway in cancer cells does not influence tumor growth, but cancer cell-derived-TGF-β ligands affect stromal cells in a paracrine fashion, leading to fibroblast activation and enhanced tumor growth. In conclusion, ligand-dependent or cell-autonomous activation of the TGF-β pathway in stromal cells induces their metabolic reprogramming, with increased oxidative stress, autophagy/mitophagy and glycolysis, and downregulation of Cav-1. These metabolic alterations can spread among neighboring fibroblasts and greatly sustain the growth of breast cancer cells. Our data provide novel insights into the role of the TGF-β pathway in breast tumorigenesis, and establish a clear causative link between the tumor-promoting effects of TGF-β signaling and the metabolic reprogramming of the tumor microenvironment.  相似文献   
There are over 600 million people worldwide covering Asian and Oceanic countries including India have the habit of chewing areca nut as masticator in different forms. Arecoline (C(8)H(13)NO(2)) has been reported as one of the abundant constituents of areca nut. A good number of scientific publications have made Arecoline responsible for oral cancer. Based on observation from clinical situation in North East India, one of the most betel quid chewing region of the country, we suspected a link between consumption of areca nut and Cerebro Vascular Disease like stroke. Therefore, we considered Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) receptor as target and Arecoline as ligand and studied ligand -target interaction using computational tools. Also we considered High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) receptor as another target to see if Arecoline has any binding potential with it over and above LDL receptor. Docking result indicated that Arecoline and Cholesterol both, have affinity towards extracellular domain of Human LDL receptor but affinity of Arecoline is much higher (-12.3560.) than that of Cholesterol(-0.1810). Docking of Arecoline and 1, 2-Hexyl-1- cyclopentanone thiosemicarbazone (thiosemicarbazone) with Bovine HDL receptor showed that Arecoline also has the potential (Score, -6.2690Kcal/Mol) to block HDL receptor though its potential is less than that (score, -10.0509 Kcal/Mol) of control (thiosemicarbazone). We, therefore, suggest that by inhibiting endocytosis of LDL cholesterol because of blocking LDL receptor function and also by preventing LDL cholesterol uptake by liver from blood because of interference with HDL receptor, Arecoline may contribute to atherosclerosis. The study therefore, indicates a positive correlation between chewing of betel quid and Cerebro Vascular Disease.  相似文献   
In a model based on the wasp family Vespidae, the origin of worker behaviour, which constitutes the eusociality threshold, is not based on relatedness, therefore the origin of eusociality does not depend on inclusive fitness, and workers at the eusociality threshold are not altruistic. Instead, incipient workers and queens behave selfishly and are subject to direct natural selection. Beyond the eusociality threshold, relatedness enables 'soft inheritance' as the framework for initial adaptations of eusociality. At the threshold of irreversibility, queen and worker castes become fixed in advanced eusociality. Transitions from solitary to facultative, facultative to primitive, and primitive to advanced eusociality occur via exaptation, phenotypic accommodation and genetic assimilation. Multilevel selection characterizes the solitary to highly eusocial transition, but components of multilevel selection vary across levels of eusociality. Roles of behavioural flexibility and developmental plasticity in the evolutionary process equal or exceed those of genotype.  相似文献   
中西医结合治疗复发性口腔溃疡临床研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的:观察中西医结合治疗复发性口腔溃疡的疗效。方法:将80例患者随机分为治疗组(40例)和对照组(40例),对照组给予0.5%洗必泰含漱剂漱口,外敷复方冰硼散口腔溃疡膜,维生素C片,复合维生素B片口服,重型患者应用强的松,2周为1个疗程,治疗组在上述治疗基础加用自拟的中药消溃汤治疗。结果:治疗组总有效92.5%,对照组总有效72.5%,两组临床治疗有效率比较的差异有统计学意义,治疗组明显优于对照组,两组均未见局部及全身的不良反应。结论:中西医结合治疗复发性口腔溃疡,采取对因和对症治疗相结合,疗效确切,可显著提高疗效,无明显不良反应,使用方便,安全性强,值得临床推广使用。  相似文献   
The C-terminal domain (CTD) of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) nucleocapsid protein (NP) contains a potential RNA-binding region in its N-terminal portion and also serves as a dimerization domain by forming a homodimer with a molecular mass of 28 kDa. So far, the structure determination of the SARS-CoV NP CTD in solution has been impeded by the poor quality of NMR spectra, especially for aromatic resonances. We have recently developed the stereo-array isotope labeling (SAIL) method to overcome the size problem of NMR structure determination by utilizing a protein exclusively composed of stereo- and regio-specifically isotope-labeled amino acids. Here, we employed the SAIL method to determine the high-quality solution structure of the SARS-CoV NP CTD by NMR. The SAIL protein yielded less crowded and better resolved spectra than uniform 13C and 15N labeling, and enabled the homodimeric solution structure of this protein to be determined. The NMR structure is almost identical with the previously solved crystal structure, except for a disordered putative RNA-binding domain at the N-terminus. Studies of the chemical shift perturbations caused by the binding of single-stranded DNA and mutational analyses have identified the disordered region at the N-termini as the prime site for nucleic acid binding. In addition, residues in the β-sheet region also showed significant perturbations. Mapping of the locations of these residues onto the helical model observed in the crystal revealed that these two regions are parts of the interior lining of the positively charged helical groove, supporting the hypothesis that the helical oligomer may form in solution.  相似文献   
The unique photochromic absorption behavior of phytochromes (Phys) depends on numerous reversible interactions between the bilin chromophore and the associated polypeptide. To help define these dynamic interactions, we determined by NMR spectroscopy the first solution structure of the chromophore-binding cGMP phosphodiesterase/adenylcyclase/FhlA (GAF) domain from a cyanobacterial Phy assembled with phycocyanobilin (PCB). The three-dimensional NMR structure of Synechococcus OS-B′ cyanobacterial Phy 1 in the red-light-absorbing state of Phy (Pr) revealed that PCB is bound to Cys138 of the GAF domain via the A-ring ethylidene side chain and is buried within the GAF domain in a ZZZsyn,syn,anti configuration. The D ring of the chromophore sits within a hydrophobic pocket and is tilted by approximately 80° relative to the B/C rings by contacts with Lys52 and His169. The solution structure revealed remarkable flexibility for PCB and several adjacent amino acids, indicating that the Pr chromophore has more freedom in the binding pocket than anticipated. The propionic acid side chains of rings B and C and Arg101 and Arg133 nearby are especially mobile and can assume several distinct and energetically favorable conformations. Mutagenic studies on these arginines, which are conserved within the Phy superfamily, revealed that they have opposing roles, with Arg101 and Arg133 helping stabilize and destabilize the far-red-light-absorbing state of Phy (Pfr), respectively. Given the fact that the Synechococcus OS-B′ GAF domain can, by itself, complete the Pr → Pfr photocycle, it should now be possible to determine the solution structure of the Pfr chromophore and surrounding pocket using this Pr structure as a framework.  相似文献   
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