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Cyclotides are plant‐derived peptides of approximately 30 amino acids that have the characteristic structural features of a head‐to‐tail cyclized backbone and a cystine knot arrangement of their three conserved disulfide bonds. This article gives a personal account of the discovery of cyclotides, their characterization and their applications, based on work carried out in my laboratory over the last 20 years. It describes some of the background to their discovery and focuses on how their unique structural features lead to exceptional stability. This stability and their amenability to chemical synthesis have made it possible to use cyclotides as templates in protein engineering and drug design applications. These applications complement the interest in cyclotides deriving from their unique structures and natural function as host defense molecules. Copyright © 2013 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Antimicrobial‐peptide‐based therapies could represent a reliable alternative to overcome antibiotic resistance, as they offer potential advantages such as rapid microbicidal activity and multiple activities against a broad spectrum of bacterial pathogens. Three synthetic antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), AMP72, AMP126, and also AMP2041, designed by using ad hoc screening software developed in house, were synthesized and tested against nine reference strains. The peptides showed a partial β‐sheet structure in 10‐mM phosphate buffer. Low cytolytic activity towards both human cell lines (epithelial, endothelial, and fibroblast) and sheep erythrocytes was observed for all peptides. The antimicrobial activity was dose dependent with a minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) ranging from 0.17 to 10.12 μM (0.4–18.5 µg/ml) for Gram‐negative and 0.94 to 20.65 μM (1.72‐46.5 µg/ml) for Gram‐positive bacteria. Interestingly, in high‐salt environment, the antibacterial activity was generally maintained for Gram‐negative bacteria. All peptides achieved complete bacterial killing in 20 min or less against Gram‐negative bacteria. A linear time‐dependent membrane permeabilization was observed for the tested peptides at 12.5 µg/ml. In a medium containing Mg2+ and Ca2+, the peptide combination with EDTA restores the antimicrobial activity particularly for AMP2041. Moreover, in combination with anti‐infective agents (quinolones or aminoglycosides) known to bind divalent cation, AMP126 and AMP2041 showed additive activity in comparison with colistin. Our results suggest the following: (i) there is excellent activity against Gram‐negative bacteria, (ii) there is low cytolytic activity, (iii) the presence of a chelating agent restores the antimicrobial activity in a medium containing Mg2+ and Ca2+, and (iv) the MBC value of the combination AMPs–conventional antibiotics was lower than the MBC of single agents alone. Copyright © 2013 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth-factor receptor (FGFR) is a potential target for cancer therapy. We designed three novel series of FGFR1 inhibitors bearing indazole, benzothiazole, and 1H-1,2,4-triazole scaffold via fragment-based virtual screening. All the newly synthesised compounds were evaluated in vitro for their inhibitory activities against FGFR1. Compound 9d bearing an indazole scaffold was first identified as a hit compound, with excellent kinase inhibitory activity (IC50 = 15.0?nM) and modest anti-proliferative activity (IC50 = 785.8?nM). Through two rounds of optimisation, the indazole derivative 9?u stood out as the most potent FGFR1 inhibitors with the best enzyme inhibitory activity (IC50 = 3.3?nM) and cellular activity (IC50 = 468.2?nM). Moreover, 9?u also exhibited good kinase selectivity. In addition, molecular docking study was performed to investigate the binding mode between target compounds and FGFR1.  相似文献   
The cell secretome is a collection of proteins consisting of transmembrane proteins (TM) and proteins secreted by cells into the extracellular space. A significant portion (~ 13–20%) of the human proteome consists of secretory proteins. The secretory proteins play important roles in cell migration, cell signaling and communication. There is a plethora of methodologies available like Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE), DNA microarrays, antibody arrays and bead-based arrays, mass spectrometry, RNA sequencing and yeast, bacterial and mammalian secretion traps to identify the cell secretomes. There are many advantages and disadvantages in using any of the above methods. This review aims to discuss the methodologies available along with their potential advantages and disadvantages to identify secretory proteins. This review is a part of a Special issue on The Secretome. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: An Updated Secretome.  相似文献   
After a survey of the special role, which the amino acid proline plays in the chemistry of life, the cell‐penetrating properties of polycationic proline‐containing peptides are discussed, and the widely unknown discovery by the Giralt group (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2002 , 124, 8876) is acknowledged, according to which fluorescein‐labeled tetradecaproline is slowly taken up by rat kidney cells (NRK‐49F). Here, we describe details of our previously mentioned (Chem. Biodiversity 2004 , 1, 1111) observation that a hexa‐β3‐Pro derivative penetrates fibroblast cells, and we present the results of an extensive investigation of oligo‐L ‐ and oligo‐D ‐α‐prolines, as well as of oligo‐β2h‐ and oligo‐β3h‐prolines without and with fluorescence labels ( 1 – 8 ; Fig. 1). Permeation through protein‐free phospholipid bilayers is detected with the nanoFAST biochip technology (Figs. 24). This methodology is applied for the first time for quantitative determination of translocation rates of cell‐penetrating peptides (CPPs) across lipid bilayers. Cell penetration is observed with mouse (3T3) and human foreskin fibroblasts (HFF; Figs. 5 and 68, resp.). The stabilities of oligoprolines in heparin‐stabilized human plasma increase with decreasing chain lengths (Figs. 911). Time‐ and solvent‐dependent CD spectra of most of the oligoprolines (Figs. 13 and 14) show changes that may be interpreted as arising from aggregation, and broadening of the NMR signals with time confirms this assumption.  相似文献   
The spread of multidrug resistant bacteria owing to the intensive use of antibiotics is challenging current antibiotic therapies, and making the discovery and evaluation of new antimicrobial agents a high priority. The evaluation of novel peptide sequences of predicted antimicrobial peptides from different sources is valuable approach to identify alternative antibiotic leads. Two strategies were pursued in this study to evaluate novel antimicrobial peptides from the human β-defensin family (hBD). In the first, a 32-residue peptide was designed based on the alignment of all available hBD primary structures, while in the second a putative 35-residue peptide, hBD10, was mined from the gene DEFB110. Both hBDconsensus and hBD10 were chemically synthesized, folded and purified. They showed antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis, but were not hemolytic on human red blood cells. The NMR-based solution structure of hBDconsensus revealed that it adopts a classical β-defensin fold and disulfide connectivities. Even though the mass spectrum of hBD10 confirmed the formation of three disulfide bonds, it showed limited dispersion in 1H NMR spectra and structural studies were not pursued. The evaluation of different β-defensin structures may identify new antimicrobial agents effective against multidrug-resistant bacterial strains.  相似文献   
The IQ-motif is an amphipathic, often positively charged, α-helical, calmodulin binding sequence found in a number of eukaryote signalling, transport and cytoskeletal proteins. They share common biophysical characteristics with established, cationic α-helical antimicrobial peptides, such as the human cathelicidin LL-37. Therefore, we tested eight peptides encoding the sequences of IQ-motifs derived from the human cytoskeletal scaffolding proteins IQGAP2 and IQGAP3. Some of these peptides were able to inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus with minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) comparable to LL-37. In addition some IQ-motifs had activity against the fungus Candida albicans. This antimicrobial activity is combined with low haemolytic activity (comparable to, or lower than, that of LL-37). Those IQ-motifs with anti-microbial activity tended to be able to bind to lipopolysaccharide. Some of these were also able to permeabilise the cell membranes of both Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria. These results demonstrate that IQ-motifs are viable lead sequences for the identification and optimisation of novel anti-microbial peptides. Thus, further investigation of the anti-microbial properties of this diverse group of sequences is merited.  相似文献   

Conformation of 20-residue peptide E5, an analog of the fusion peptide of influenza virus hemagglutinin, was explored by Monte-Carlo technique starting with the fully buried in the membrane ideal α-helix. The lipid bilayer (of 30 Å width) together with surrounding water were modeled by the atomic solvation parameters. During the simulation, residues 2–18 of the peptide retained α-helical conformation, and the peptide was found to be partially immersed into the bilayer. In the resulting low-energy conformers, the N-terminus was buried inside the membrane, its position with respect to the bilayer surface (ZNT) being varied from 2.5 to 7.5 Å, and the orientation of the helical axis relative to the membrane plane (Θ) – from 10 to 35°. The low-energy conformers (below -200kcal/mol) were clustered in the space (ZNT, Θ) into 4 groups. To select low-energy states of the peptide compatible with NMR data, we calculated pKa values of E5 ionizable groups and compared them with the experimental values. It was shown that the best correlation coefficient (0.87) and rmsd (0.68 in pH units) were obtained for the group of states which is characterized by Θ = 15–19° and ZNT = 3.5–4.5Å.  相似文献   

We have empirically tested limits of the magnitude of multiple time steps in molecular dynamics simulations of aqueous systems, and the extent to which these offer a means to shorten computation time. Three different steps were employed, δ0t for calculation of “bonded” forces, δ1t for calculations of short-range (< 6 Å) non-bonded forces, and δ2t for long-range (< 10 Å) non-bonded forces. Each longer step was a multiple of the shortest one. The leap-frog integration algorithm was used with SHAKE for restraint of all bond lengths and water molecules. For a system of SPC water molecules, calculation of short-range non-bonded forces could be done with a time step δ1t = 10 fs, without appreciable change of the average temperature and energy, radial distribution function or diffusion coefficient. These properties were found to be insensitive to the inclusion of long-range non-bonded forces. A multiple-step protocol with δ0t = 2, δ1t = 4 and δ2t = 16 fs has been compared with a single-step procedure with δt 2 fs for small polypeptides in water. The exploration of conformation space, with crossing of low energy barriers, was tested with the glycine dipeptide and was found to proceed at similar rates. Mean, hysteresis and statistical error of the free energy for changing alanine to α-amino butyric acid in the dipeptide, calculated by the slow-growth method, proved independent of the cutoff distance or exact protocol, within 1 kJ/mol. In conclusion, we recommend, instead of use of a single time step of 2 fs at a 10 Å cutoff, use of a time step δt = 4 fs for short-range nonbonded forces and a time step δ2t = 16 fs for long-range nonbonded forces for a 60% reduction of computation time.  相似文献   

Alkylphospholipids are physiologically active derivatives of lipids effective in the treatment of breast cancer. Among them, octadecyl-(1,1-dimethyl-4-piperidino-4-yl)-phosphate (OPP) was demonstrated recently to have the strongest antitumor effect in micellar as well as in sterically stabilised liposome suspension with a low cholesterol content. In this work electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) was used to study the influence of cholesterol, charge, and sterical stabilisation by PEG2000DSPE on the domain structure and fluidity characteristics of the membrane of OPP liposomes. As a spin probe 5-doxylpalmitoyl methyl ester was used. By computer simulation of the EPR spectra it was found that the experimental spectra are composed of three spectral components, which were attributed to three types of domains with different fluidity characteristics. The EPR parameters as well as the proportions of the individual domains were found to be mainly dependent on the amount of cholesterol, and only to a minor degree on charge and sterical stabilisation. There was a pronounced increase in the proportion of membrane domains with low order parameter, when the molar ratio of cholesterol to OPP was decreased below 1. At the same time the order parameters of all domains decreased, pointing to a transition from a less to a more fluid membrane organisation. These results coincide with an improved therapeutic activity of formulations with a low molar ratio of cholesterol to OPP and indicates that the fluidity characteristics of the membrane may be important for the effectiveness of liposomal alkylphospholipids against breast cancer cells.  相似文献   
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