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目的:探讨心脏血管三角的形态学特点,为心脏手术提供形态学资料。方法:取正常成人心脏60例,10%甲醛溶液固定;取新鲜成人心脏10例,制作出心脏的血管铸型标本。定点解剖显示左冠状动脉及其分支的形态、位置、数目、直径及角度,心大静脉的形态、位置,进行观测。比较前室间支、左旋支与心大静脉围成的三角的特点。结果:左冠状动脉起始处与终末处的外径分别为4.18±1.36mm、4.79±1.53mm,主干长度8.99±1.26mm;左旋支、前室间支起始处的外径分别为3.30±1.02mm、3.31±1.03mm;左冠状动脉分别与前室间支、左旋支形成的夹角为173°±5.3°,117°±4.6°。对角支起于心血管三角的上角,有1-3支不等,其起始处的外径为1.78±0.32mm,长度为20.12±0.42mm。心大静脉与前室间动脉、左旋支呈深、浅相交,静脉行于动脉表面占56%、静脉行于动脉深面占44%。心大静脉、前室间支、左旋支两两相交形成心血管三角的三角与三边,其夹角分别为41.97°±11.9°, 65.05°±14.5°,70.17°±16.5°,前室间支的起始处与心大静脉相交处的距离23.04±5.36mm,旋支的起始处与心大静脉相交处的距离15.24±4.23mm,心大静脉横跨前室间支与左旋支的距离为26.28±6.31mm。结论:前室间支、左旋支与心大静脉在左心室前上部围成一闭合、开放、半闭合半开放、山峰四型血管三角。三血管以不同的角度两两相交,三角形的形状可分为A、B、C类。三角形内有数目不等的对角支及左心室前支,对角支分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ型。左冠状动脉介入治疗,心二尖瓣,主动脉瓣置换应充分考虑心血管三角的形态特点,尽可能避免血管的损伤。  相似文献   
目的:应用双源CT(Dual-source computer tomography,DSCT)测量前交叉韧带(Anterior cruciate ligament,ACL)单束重建术后胫骨、股骨隧道位置,并对隧道位置进行评价。方法:对2013年1月至2014年6月我科收治的92例(男64例,女28例,平均年龄31.2岁)ACL单束重建患者术后膝关节进行双源CT三维重建,应用Adobe Photoshop CS6软件圈画隧道中心并采用Lorenz法测量胫骨隧道中心点相对位置百分比(Tx,Ty),采用Bernard四格表法测量股骨隧道中心点相对位置百分比(Fx,Fy)。结果:Tx平均为(54.54±3.42)%,Ty平均为(39.58±6.72)%,Fx平均为(28.98±6.51)%,Fy平均为(28.04±8.70)%。男、女性及左、右膝之间Tx、Ty、Fx、Fy的差异均无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:双源CT能够清晰,三维显示ACL术后隧道,可以用来评估隧道位置,为改进前交叉韧带损伤后的手术方式及个体化解剖重建提供帮助。  相似文献   
We report phenotypic and genetic analyses of a recessive, larval lethal zebrafish mutant, bal(a69), characterized by severe eye defects and shortened body axis. The bal(a69) mutation was mapped to chromosome 24 near the laminin alpha 1 (lama1) gene. We analyzed the lama1 gene sequence within bal(a69) embryos and two allelic mutants, bal(arl) and bal(uw1). Missense (bal(a69)), nonsense (bal(arl)), and frameshift (bal(uw1)) alterations in lama1 were found to underlie the phenotypes. Extended analysis of bal(a69) ocular features revealed disrupted lens development with subsequent lens degeneration, focal cornea dysplasia, and hyaloid vasculature defects. Within the neural retina, the ganglion cells showed axonal projection defects and ectopic photoreceptor cells were noted at inner retinal locations. To address whether ocular anomalies were secondary to defects in lens differentiation, bal(a69) mutants were compared to embryos in which the lens vesicle was surgically removed. Our analysis suggests that many of the anterior and posterior ocular defects in bal(a69) are independent of the lens degeneration. Analysis of components of focal adhesion signaling complexes suggests that reduced focal adhesion kinase activation underlies the anterior segment dysgenesis in lama1 mutants. To assess adult ocular phenotypes associated with lama1 mutations, genetic mosaics were generated by transplanting labeled bal cells into ocular-fated regions of wild-type blastulas. Adult chimeric eyes displayed a range of defects including anterior segment dysgenesis and cataracts. Our analysis provides mechanistic insights into the developmental defects and ocular pathogenesis caused by mutations in laminin subunits.  相似文献   
Delta-Notch and FGF signaling are involved in the control of somitogenesis in zebrafish. her genes are generally known as downstream targets of Delta-Notch signaling, but the her13.2 gene from zebrafish has recently been shown to depend on FGF signaling only. We have here studied the functional role of her13.2 in conjunction with her genes that are under Delta-Notch control. We show that joint inactivation of her1 and her13.2 leads to a complete loss of all somitic borders, including the most anterior ones. This somitic phenotype is much stronger than would be expected from the effects of the inactivation of either gene alone. A joint inactivation of her13.2 and her7, which is a paralogue of her1, does not show this enhanced effect. Thus, our results confirm inferences from in vitro studies that her1 and her13.2 form specific heterodimers, which may directly be required for regulating further target genes. These two her genes thus constitute the link between Delta-Notch pathway and FGF signaling during entire somitogenesis. We show that this interaction is conserved in the rice fish medaka, as a joint inactivation of the respective orthologues leads also to the same phenotype as in zebrafish. In addition, our results suggest that the mechanisms for anterior and posterior somite formation are not principally different, although the anterior somites often seem more refractory to genetic perturbations.  相似文献   
Syrian hamsters are photoperiodic and become sexually quiescent when exposed to short "winter-like" photoperiods. In short photoperiods, male hamsters display significantly higher levels of aggression than males housed in long photoperiods. Arginine-vasopressin (AVP) within the anterior hypothalamus (AH) has been reported to modulate aggression in hamsters housed in long photoperiods. Previous studies have shown that AVP can facilitate aggression and its effects appear to be mediated by AVP V(1a) receptors (V(1a)R). In the present study, we investigated whether the increased levels of aggression observed after exposure to short photoperiod were the result of an increased responsiveness to AVP within the AH. Injections of AVP into the AH significantly increased aggression in hamsters housed in a long photoperiod, but had no effect in hamsters housed in a short photoperiod. In addition, injection of a V(1a)R antagonist into the AH significantly inhibited aggression in hamsters housed in long photoperiod, but had no effect in hamsters housed in a short photoperiod. These findings indicate that AVP within the AH increases aggression in hamsters housed in long photoperiods, but not in hamsters housed in short photoperiods.  相似文献   
Proliferating cells in the male rat anterior pituitary at 1, 3, 5, and 8 weeks of age were labeled with bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) and studied by light and electron microscopic immunocytochemistry using anti-BrdU. They decreased in number from 402±31/mm2 at 1 week to 50±1.5/mm2 at 8 weeks, while their cell area increased by about twofold during this period. They had a slightly higher nucleus/whole cell (N/C) ratio than non-proliferating cells. According to their ultrastructure we classified them into granular and agranular cells. The percentage of granular cells ranged from 73% to 82% of all the proliferating cells during the period studied. They had many granules of various sizes and shapes, and some contained growth hormone and prolactin. Agranular cells, constituting 18–27% of proliferating cells, were small and had a high N/C ratio, indicating their immaturity. Moreover, they showed several features of folliculo-stellate (FS) cells: they showed no secretory granules in the cytoplasm, extended thin cytoplasmic processes, and sometimes they constructed a follicle among them. These results suggest: (1) the majority of proliferating cells were mature cells producing anterior pituitary hormone(s) and (2) most of the agranular proliferating cells maybe FS cells. The possibility of the latter is discussed.  相似文献   
BMPRIA is a receptor for bone morphogenetic proteins with high affinity for BMP2 and BMP4. Mouse embryos lacking Bmpr1a fail to gastrulate, complicating studies on the requirements for BMP signaling in germ layer development. Recent work shows that BMP4 produced in extraembryonic tissues initiates gastrulation. Here we use a conditional allele of Bmpr1a to remove BMPRIA only in the epiblast, which gives rise to all embryonic tissues. Resulting embryos are mosaics composed primarily of cells homozygous null for Bmpr1a, interspersed with heterozygous cells. Although mesoderm and endoderm do not form in Bmpr1a null embryos, these tissues are present in the mosaics and are populated with mutant cells. Thus, BMPRIA signaling in the epiblast does not restrict cells to or from any of the germ layers. Cells lacking Bmpr1a also contribute to surface ectoderm; however, from the hindbrain forward, little surface ectoderm forms and the forebrain is enlarged and convoluted. Prechordal plate, early definitive endoderm, and anterior visceral endoderm appear to be expanded, likely due to defective morphogenesis. These data suggest that the enlarged forebrain is caused in part by increased exposure of the ectoderm to signaling sources that promote anterior neural fate. Our results reveal critical roles for BMP signaling in endodermal morphogenesis and ectodermal patterning.  相似文献   
The purposes of this study were to determine the in situ functional and material properties of articular cartilage in an experimental model of joint injury, and to quantify the corresponding in situ joint contact mechanics. Experiments were performed in the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) transected knee of the cat and the corresponding, intact contralateral knee, 16 weeks following intervention. Cartilage thickness, stiffness, effective Young’s modulus, and permeability were measured and derived from six locations of the knee. The total contact area and peak pressures in the patellofemoral joint were obtained in situ using Fuji Pressensor film, and comparisons between experimental and contralateral joint were made for corresponding loading conditions. Total joint contact area and peak pressure were increased and decreased significantly (=0.01), respectively, in the experimental compared to the contralateral joint. Articular cartilage thickness and stiffness were increased and decreased significantly (=0.01), respectively, in the experimental compared to the contralateral joint in the four femoral and patellar test locations. Articular cartilage material properties (effective Young’s modulus and permeability) were the same in the ACL-transected and intact joints. These results demonstrate for the first time the effect of changes in articular cartilage properties on the load transmission across a joint. They further demonstrate a substantial change in the joint contact mechanics within 16 weeks of ACL transection. The results were corroborated by theoretical analysis of the contact mechanics in the intact and ACL-transected knee using biphasic contact analysis and direct input of cartilage properties and joint surface geometry from the experimental animals. We conclude that the joint contact mechanics in the ACL-transected cat change within 16 weeks of experimental intervention.  相似文献   
本文对九种鲤科鱼类与中国胭脂鱼幼体的前方椎体的发育进行了比较。观察结果表明这两个科鱼类的前方椎体发育是近似的,它们的魏氏小骨有共同的来源;魏氏复合骨由前方椎体上方的第二骨化中心形成,这个骨化中心与第三和第四上神经骨相当。另一方面,胭脂鱼幼体的第二椎体副突已与第四椎体的胸肋相接;魏氏复合骨的扩展是骨化中心背脊部均匀地发生的,这些与鲤科有着明显的不同。鲤科幼体的魏氏复合骨发育具有共同的特点,第二骨化中心的前方有一棘状物在早期出现,它代表了第三上神经骨伸出部份。但随后的发育可以区分为两种不同方式:一种为雅罗系鱼类所具有,即第二骨化中心以棘状物的扩展为主,前、后棘存在并有缝合线相连;另一种为鲃系鱼类所有,即第二骨化中心的发育以其背中部伸出的实心嵴突为主,仅有不发达的前棘,此系属于派生性结构。与魏氏复合骨相关的是2—3椎体间的关系也有相应的差别:雅罗系鱼类的幼体其2—3椎体间分离(仅鳑(鱼皮)亚科鱼类例外),而鲃系鱼类的幼体其2—3椎体愈合。由于幼体魏氏复合骨与椎体的特征比成体表现更为明显,它们在系统发育上能提供更为清楚的信息。  相似文献   
Glandular kallikrein (GK, a trypsin-like serine protease) exhibits estrogen induction and dopamine repression in rat pituitary lactotrophs. Steroid induction may reflect primary actions to increase selectively the synthesis of specific proteins, or may be part of broad cellular responses secondary to steroid-induced phenotype transitions. This study examined the cellular mechanisms underlying estrogen and dopaminergic control of lactotroph GK using a quantified immunocytochemical approach. Pituitaries from ovariectomized rats exhibited little GK staining. Estradiol treatment for 10 days produced dose-dependent increases in pituitary mass, the percentage of lactotrophs (indicating lactotroph proliferation) and the percentage of GK-positive cells. Also, GK staining intensity was dependent upon estradiol dose, increasing 4-fold between 5 g and 50 g/48 h. Dopamine receptor blockade with haloperidol (2.5 mg/kg/24 h) elicited weak GK immunostaining in 46% of the lactotrophs in the absence of estradiol, and markedly potentiated GK staining intensity elicited with low but not high doses of estradiol. The results suggest that GK induction is a primary estrogen effect, and is not secondary to a phenotype transition: the induction is enhanced by estrogen-induced lactotroph proliferation. Dopaminergic systems strongly inhibit GK induction by low estradiol levels. This dopaminergic modulation may shift the induction of lactotroph GK to physiological events associated with high estradiol levels or low dopaminergic tone.  相似文献   
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