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The effects of simulated goose grazing on Phleum pratense plants were tested in an Iceland hayfield during the spring goose staging period (19 April–11 May 1997). Plants in an area exclosed from the influence of grazing and the nutrient effects of goose faeces were subject to the removal of the youngest lamina once, three and four times during this period. Clipping three and four times resulted in 25–41% increases in cumulative elongation of youngest laminae compared with unclipped plants. Total cumulative lamina growth of entire plants showed no significant difference between unclipped plants and those clipped three and four times, hence no overcompensation occurred. Sequential clipping elevated the protein content of the youngest laminae from 20% to 27–33%, whereas there was no change amongst shoots clipped only once. Because geese only consume the youngest lamina of each Phleum plant, measurements from this experiment showed that regular physical removal of growing biomass doubled the biomass of preferred tissue available to geese and increased the potential protein intake 3.5 times at experimental clipping frequencies similar to levels of sequential harvesting observed amongst staging geese compared to less frequent harvesting. These increases were achieved without any fertilising effects of goose faeces implicated in such effects in previous studies. Received: 26 January 1998 / Accepted: 20 March 1998  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Cryptosporidium anserinum sp. n. is described in the large intestinal mucosa of a domestic goose, Anser anser L., from Iowa. Ultrastructural studies revealed schizonts containing 4 merozoites and macrogametes and schizonts with characteristic attachment zones and double membranes. The only lesion associated with infection was shortening of the intestinal microvilli.  相似文献   
若尔盖湿地水鸟资源季节变化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
若尔盖湿地位于青藏高原东缘,是我国最大的高寒泥炭湿地之一。2010年从3月至12月,对若尔盖湿地水鸟种类、数量和分布进行了较为系统的调查。共记录到48种26 050只水鸟,隶属于6目12科,其中雁鸭类水鸟最多,共统计到21 408只,占水鸟总数的82.2%。3月和10月是若尔盖湿地水鸟数量的高峰期;11月是低谷期,主要是由于水鸟的迁离和越冬水鸟尚未到达的缘故。尕海是若尔盖湿地的重要组成部分,全年物种数和水鸟数量占了整个若尔盖湿地较大的比例。卫星跟踪的结果表明,青海湖斑头雁(Anser indicus)在若尔盖湿地与云南和贵州的越冬水鸟汇合,因此加强若尔盖湿地禽流感的防控是非常重要的。  相似文献   
In 1995 to 2000, site-fidelity of colour-marked Nordic greylag geese (Anser anser) was examined during spring migration in the Rheiderland, an important stopover site in NW Germany. The results demonstrated that site fidelity in greylag geese depends very much on the mating status of the geese. Paired birds showed a significantly higher site fidelity than unpaired adults. There was no difference in the length of the roosting period between the two social groups. The year-to-year return rate of individuals showed significant differences in relation to the individual breeding success. Birds with high numbers of young showed a significantly higher return rate than birds with low numbers of young.Communicated by F. Bairlein  相似文献   
Extensive ephemeral wetlands at Poyang Lake, created by dramatic seasonal changes in water level, constitute the main wintering site for migratory Anatidae in China. Reductions in wetland area during the last 15 years have led to proposals to build a Poyang Dam to retain high winter water levels within the lake. Changing the natural hydrological system will affect waterbirds dependent on water level changes for food availability and accessibility. We tracked two goose species with different feeding behaviors (greater white‐fronted geese Anser albifrons [grazing species] and swan geese Anser cygnoides [tuber‐feeding species]) during two winters with contrasting water levels (continuous recession in 2015; sustained high water in 2016, similar to those predicted post‐Poyang Dam), investigating the effects of water level change on their habitat selection based on vegetation and elevation. In 2015, white‐fronted geese extensively exploited sequentially created mudflats, feeding on short nutritious graminoid swards, while swan geese excavated substrates along the water edge for tubers. This critical dynamic ecotone successively exposes subaquatic food and supports early‐stage graminoid growth during water level recession. During sustained high water levels in 2016, both species selected mudflats, but also to a greater degree of habitats with longer established seasonal graminoid swards because access to tubers and new graminoid growth was restricted under high‐water conditions. Longer established graminoid swards offer less energetically profitable forage for both species. Substantial reduction in suitable habitat and confinement to less profitable forage by higher water levels is likely to reduce the ability of geese to accumulate sufficient fat stores for migration, with potential carryover effects on subsequent survival and reproduction. Our results suggest that high water levels in Poyang Lake should be retained during summer, but permitted to gradually recede, exposing new areas throughout winter to provide access for waterbirds from all feeding guilds.  相似文献   
掌握禽流感病毒携带者豆雁(Anser fabalis)的迁徙路线对于全面理解候鸟在禽流感疫情传播与扩散中的作用具有重要意义。2013年3月至4月在江西省鄱阳湖南矶山保护区,利用卫星跟踪法对3只豆雁个体的迁徙路线进行研究,仅有1只个体成功传输数据。数据经Google Earth和Excel软件处理后,结果显示:该只豆雁由江西鄱阳湖出发,途经安徽、江苏、山东、天津等省市到达河北秦皇岛,5月被发现死于山海关,迁徙总距离约1 500 km,有5个停歇地;两相邻停歇地之间最短距离为20 km,最长为700 km;停留时间最短为1 d,最长为14 d;约68%的停歇位点地物类型为农田;飞行高度平均值为15 m,最大值为407 m。  相似文献   
马鸣  才代 《应用生态学报》1997,8(3):287-290
对 1 992~ 1 994年新疆巴音布鲁克天鹅湖 3个雁岛定点观察表明 ,斑头雁巢密度为 33~ 55个 ,或 0 .59个巢·m- 2 ,其分布不均匀 .统计 1 84个巢 ,平均窝卵数 X±SD =4.47± 2 .1 9枚 .产卵高峰在 5月上、中旬 ,6月中旬大批幼雏破壳而出 ,为早成鸟 .8月上中旬幼雁长至 55~ 65d龄始飞 .繁殖期要比青海等地迟 1 0~ 2 0d .  相似文献   
Extreme changes to key waterfowl habitats in the Klamath Basin (KB) on the Oregon–California border and the Sacramento Valley (SV) in California, USA, have occurred since 1980. The spatial distribution of Pacific greater white-fronted geese (Anser albifrons sponsa; geese) has likewise changed among these areas and population size has grown from 79,000 to >600,000 geese during the same period. To assess the effects of landscape changes and spatial-temporal distribution of geese, we collected Pacific greater white-fronted geese during winters of 2009–2010 and 2010–2011 in the KB and SV and compared their body condition to geese collected during 1979–1980 and 1980–1981. We modeled body and lipid mass to assess body condition for each sex independently and examined the influence of collection day, year, and region. Body condition of geese varied throughout the winter and within years in a nonlinear fashion. We detected an increase in body condition in both sexes during December and January in the SV, which corresponds with improved habitat conditions and increases seen in other species in the region. Body condition upon arrival in fall migration varied by year for females and by year and region for males. Males and females arrived in poorer body condition during 2010–2011 than all other study years and males in the KB during 2010–2011 had extremely low lipid mass, reflecting poor regional habitat conditions induced by drought. Body condition of females varied over spring, by year, and by region and regional effects were evident for males. Body condition was significantly higher for geese in the SV than in the KB during spring. Our results suggest that Pacific greater white-fronted geese have adapted to a changing landscape and have adjusted historical spatial use patterns to take advantage of more favorable conditions in the SV between 1979 and 2010. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
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