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The pattern of sequence variation in the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene (cyt-b) and ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) was examined in Anopheles funestus from Senegal and Burkina Faso in West Africa and Kenya in East Africa. From both West African countries, samples included individuals hypothesized to represent reproductively isolated taxa based upon different karyotypes and behaviours. Analysis of the cyt-b data revealed high haplotypic diversity (86%) and an average pairwise difference per site of 0.42%. Sequence variation was not partitioned by geographical origin or karyotype class. The most common haplotype was sampled across Africa (approximately 6000 km). Analysis of the ITS2 data revealed one of the longest spacers yet found in anophelines (approximately 704 bp). In common with other anopheline ITS2 sequences, this one had microsatellites and frequent runs of individual nucleotides. Also in common with data from other anopheline ITS2 studies, the An. funestus sequences were almost monomorphic, with only two rare polymorphisms detected. The results from both markers are congruent and do not support the hypothesis of reproductively isolated chromosomal taxa within An. funestus. Whether the lack of support by mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequences is a result of the recent origin of the presumptive taxa, or of the absence of barriers to gene flow, remains to be elucidated, using more rapidly evolving markers such as microsatellites.  相似文献   
Electrophoretic studies of isoenzymes in three chromosomally distinct forms (A, B and C) of the mosquito Anopheles sundaicus Theobald (Diptera: Culiciae) were undertaken on wild samples collected from six geographically isolated populations in Indonesia. Analyses of 12 enzyme systems comprising 15 loci revealed significant allelic variations, genetic polymorphism, within and among the populations of the An. sundaicus complex. Phylogenetic dendrograms produced by analysis using the Biosys-1 program based on UPGMA methods show that all the populations of form A fall into one cluster, which is closely related to the form C cluster, whereas the populations of form B belong to a more distinct cluster. Allelic frequency and Wright's F statistics of Mpi (mannose phosphate isomerase) are sufficient to identify individuals of each cytological form. This isozyme data correlates with our previous cytological evidence for the existence of three isomorphic species within the taxon An. sundaicus in Indonesia. These three species of the An. sundaicus complex were found together sympatrically at one locality, Asahan in North Sumatra.  相似文献   
The influence of temperature (16, 22, 28, 37 degrees C) on effects of permethrin was investigated for susceptible and pyrethroid-resistant strains of the mosquitoes Anopheles gambiae and An. stephensi (Diptera: Culicidae). Young unfed female adult mosquitoes were exposed to 0.25% permethrin test papers or to polyester netting treated with permethrin 500mg a.i./m2. The time to 50% knockdown (KT50) declined as temperature increased, i.e. there was a positive temperature coefficient of this effect of the pyrethroid. Resistance ratios (comparing KT50 values) between resistant and susceptible An. stephensi ranged between 2.5 and 4.4 at the different temperatures. Comparative tests of pyrethroid tolerance of different strains would be valid over the 22-28 degrees C range but, when using a discriminating dose to detect resistance, more precise temperature control is desirable. Mortality 24h after exposure to 0.25% permethrin of both susceptible and resistant strains of An. stephensi showed a negative correlation with temperature between 16 and 22 degrees C and a positive correlation at higher temperatures. In An. gambiae, however, the correlation was positive over the whole range. Irritancy of permethrin-treated netting to Anopheles females (measured as time lapse until first flight take-off, and the number of take-offs during 7.5 min exposure) was positively correlated with temperature in all four strains and was much greater for the susceptible than the resistant strains.  相似文献   
Surface irrigation in the Punjab province of Pakistan has been carried out on a large scale since the development of the Indus Basin Irrigation System in the late 19th century. The objective of our study was to understand how the population dynamics of adult anopheline mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) could be related to malaria transmission in rural areas with intensive irrigation and a history of malaria epidemics. In this paper we present our observations from three villages located along an irrigation canal in South Punjab. The study was carried out from 1 April 1999 to 31 March 2000. Mosquitoes were collected from bedrooms using the pyrethroid spraycatch method and from vegetation and animal sheds using backpack aspirators. Overall, Anopheles subpictus Grassi sensu lato predominated (55.6%), followed by An. stephensi Liston s.l. (41.4%), An. culicifacies Giles s.l. (2.0%), An. pulcherrimus Theobald (1.0%) and An. peditaeniatus Leicester (0.1%). Most mosquitoes (98.8%) were collected from indoor resting-sites whereas collections from potential resting-sites outdoors accounted for only 1.2% of total anopheline densities, confirming the endophilic behaviour of anophelines in Pakistan. Anopheles stephensi, An. culicifacies and An. subpictus populations peaked in August, September and October, respectively. High temperatures and low rainfall negatively affected seasonal abundance in our area. There were interesting differences in anopheline fauna between villages, with An. culicifacies occurring almost exclusively in the village at the head of the irrigation canal, where waterlogged and irrigated fields prevailed. Monthly house-to-house fever surveys showed that malaria transmission remained low with an overall slide positivity rate of 2.4% and all cases were due to infection with Plasmodium vivax. The most plausible explanation for low transmission in our study area seems to be the low density of Pakistan's primary malaria vector, An. culicifacies. The role of other species such as An. stephensi is not clear. Our observations indicate that, in South Punjab, irrigation-related sites support the breeding of anopheline mosquitoes, including the vectors of malaria. As our study was carried out during a year with exceptionally hot and dry climatic conditions, densities and longevity of mosquitoes would probably be higher in other years and could result in more significant malaria transmission than we observed. To assess the overall importance of irrigation-related sites in the epidemiology of malaria in the Punjab, more studies are needed to compare irrigated and non-irrigated areas.  相似文献   
It is widely believed that the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae Giles (Diptera: Culicidae) rarely or never feeds on sugar in nature. If so, the need for supplemental blood-feeding may be increased and this would help to explain why it is such an efficient malaria vector. Nonetheless, both sexes of this mosquito species readily imbibe and digest sugar solutions, and sugar is a staple of laboratory colonies. In this study, we investigated whether An. gambiae will feed on the extra-floral nectar of three common peridomestic plants in Africa, and on honeydew of the mealybug Pseudococcus longispinus (Targioni-Tozetti) (Hemiptera: Homoptera: Pseudococcidae), and how this affects survivorship. We found that both males and females of An. gambiae provided with vegetative parts of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) survived as well (x = 26.3 and 19.2 days, respectively) as they did on 50% sucrose solution (x = 29.7 and 24.3 days, respectively) and much longer than they did on water alone (x = 1.8 days, both sexes). Females provided with mealybug honeydew also lived substantially longer (x = 16.5 days) than those on water alone. Males and females provided with vegetative parts of castorbean (Ricinus communis L.) also survived much longer (x = 12.7 and 7.8 days, respectively) than on water, but those provided with flowering lantana (Lantana camara L.) did not. Anthrone tests of females after one night of exposure to these potential energy sources confirmed that they obtained fructose from cassava, from mealybug honeydew, and from non-flowering castorbean, but not from lantana or from castorbean lacking its petiolar nectaries. Previous laboratory studies had shown that sugar availability affects the survival and biting frequency of An. gambiae. It now appears that this mosquito can locate natural sources of plant sugar readily and utilize them effectively. Nectar-producing plants in the domestic environment may play a significant role in this mosquito's energy budget and malaria vectorial capacity.  相似文献   
Anopheline larval habitats associated with a swamp, were examined in a highland area (1910 m elevation) of western Kenya. A significant association was found between occurrence of Anopheles gambiae Giles s.s. (Diptera: Culicidae) larvae and two factors, habitat size and vegetation type. Over 80% of An. gambiae s.s. larvae were found in small isolated pools, characterized by short plants, occurring in both swamp margins and roadside ditches. However, Anopheles gambiae s.s. was not found in habitats marked by papyrus and floating plants. The larval habitat of An. gambiae s.s. was characterized by warmer daytime temperatures of water, which were significantly affected by habitat size and plant size. The density of indoor resting An. gambiae s.s. was 0.22 per house and negatively associated with distance from the swamp. These results indicate that the practice of swamp cultivation, in populated areas of the African highlands, increases availability and enhances habitat conditions for the malaria vector.  相似文献   
Spinosad is a naturally derived biorational insecticide with an environmentally favourable toxicity profile, so we investigated its potency against mosquito larvae (Diptera: Culicidae). By laboratory bioassays of a suspension concentrate formulation of spinosad (Tracer), the 24 h lethal concentration (LC50) against Aedes aegypti (L.) third and fourth instars was estimated at 0.025 p.p.m. following logit regression. The concentration-mortality response of third- and fourth-instar Anopheles albimanus Weidemann did not conform to a logit model. The LC50 value of spinosad in Anopheles albimanus was 0.024 p.p.m. by quadratic linear regression. A field trial in southern Mexico demonstrated that spinosad 1 p.p.m. compared with the standard temephos (Abate) 1% granules 100 g/m3 water prevented Ae. aegypti breeding in plastic containers of water for 8 weeks; at 10 p.p.m. spinosad prevented breeding for > 22 weeks. In another field trial, spinosad at 5 p.p.m. and temephos both completely eliminated reproduction of Ae. aegypti for 13 weeks. In contrast, the bacterial insecticide Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Bti, Vectobac) AS) performed poorly with just 2 weeks of complete inhibition of Ae. aegypti breeding. Spinosad also effectively prevented breeding of Culex mosquitoes and chironomids in both trials to a degree similar to that of temephos. We conclude that spinosad merits evaluation as a replacement for organophosphate or Bti treatment of domestic water tanks in Mesoamerica. We also predict that spinosad is likely to be an effective larvicide for treatment of mosquito breeding sites.  相似文献   
The ability to cryopreserve a stage of Anopheles mosquitoes would facilitate the development of strains incapable of transmitting malaria. Cryopreservation requires that the freezable water in cell systems be removed or rendered incapable of undergoing ice formation. The present study was concerned with the rate at which water is removed from lst instar larvae of Anopheles gambiae by air-drying, with the extent of dehydration that the larvae will tolerate, and with the effect of trehalose and sucrose on both drying kinetics and survival. Eighty-one percent of the larvae are water. Air-drying removes 90% of that water in approximately 20 min. Survivals after partial dehydration are highest if the larvae are rehydrated in 1/2x isotonic saline (0.13 osm); they are poorest if rehydrated in water or 0.13 osm sucrose. In the former, about 34% survive the removal of half the water, but next to none survive the loss of >70% initial water. Prior exposure to 0.2 M trehalose for as little as 1 min slows the drying rate and increases the tolerance of the larvae to dehydration. With 30-min exposure, 88% survive the loss of 50% of their water and 63% survive the loss of 75%. Protection is abolished with 0.4 M trehalose. The results are similar with sucrose. It is substantially reduced if sugar-exposed larvae are briefly washed with water prior to drying. The protection appears not to be related to the decreased drying rate. Rather it appears related, by an unknown mechanism, to the presence of sugar on the outer surface of the larvae.  相似文献   
Ricci I  Troiano M  Esposito F  Favia G 《Genetica》2003,118(1):93-96
The Anopheles gambiae cDNA encoding the homologue of the Drosophila melanogaster proteasome PROS-Dm25 was identified and analysed in terms of nucleotide sequence, and chromosomal localisation. In the 3 untranslated region, a GA-rich sequence was mapped which was found to be widely polymorphic among taxa belonging to the A. gambiae complex.  相似文献   
Genetic structure and species relationships were studied in three closely related mosquito species, Anopheles dirus A, C and D in Thailand using 11 microsatellite loci and compared with previous mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) data on the same populations. All three species were well differentiated from each other at the microsatellite loci. Given the almost complete absence of mtDNA differentiation between An. dirus A and D, this endorses the previous suggestion of mtDNA introgression between these species. The high degree of differentiation between the northern and southern population of An. dirus C (RST = 0.401), in agreement with mtDNA data, is suggestive of incipient species. The lack of genetic structure indicated by microsatellites in four populations of An. dirus A across northern Thailand also concurs with mtDNA data. However, in An. dirus D a limited but significant level of structure was detected by microsatellites over ~400 km in northern Thailand, whereas the mtDNA detected no population differentiation over a much larger area (>1200 km). There is prior evidence for population expansion in the mtDNA. If this is due to a selective sweep originating in An. dirus D, the microsatellite data may indicate greater barriers to gene flow within An. dirus D than in species A. Alternatively, there may have been historical introgression of mtDNA and subsequent demographic expansion which occurred first in An. dirus D so enabling it to accumulate some population differentiation. In the latter case the lack of migration-drift equilibrium precludes the inference of absolute or relative values of gene flow in An. dirus A and D.  相似文献   
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