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Abstract: Mercury (Hg) contamination is believed to be one of the most significant pollution hazards to wildlife in the southeastern United States, yet comprehensive studies of Hg contamination of piscivorous raptors are rare in this region. We analyzed total Hg (THg) concentration in tissues of 39 osprey (Pandion haliaetus) primarily from coastal counties of South Carolina, USA, to describe tissue distribution of Hg and to determine whether age or sex influenced Hg accumulation. To determine whether Hg poses health risks to osprey breeding in this region, we also measured selenium in all tissues and the percentage of THg that was methylated in a subset of individuals. Osprey with adult plumage tended to have higher and more variable Hg concentrations in their tissues than younger birds. Whereas highest concentrations of Hg were found in liver and kidney of older birds, chicks had highest concentrations in keratinized tissues. Mercury concentrations were correlated between feathers and soft tissues, but talon concentrations of Hg were better correlated with organs than to feathers in most cases. Contrary to previous studies on birds, we found no relationship between Hg concentration in primary feathers and the sequence in which the feather was molted. We attribute this observation to the irregular and protracted molting pattern of osprey. Also contrary to other studies, feather concentrations of Hg were considerably lower than concentrations in liver and kidney. Osprey with high concentrations of Hg in their livers and kidneys accumulated as much as 99% of it as Hg(II), suggesting that demethylation and sequestration of Hg(II) may be even more critical to mitigating adverse effects than it is for other birds that eliminate most of their Hg burden in feathers. In addition, selenium was co-sequestered with Hg in the liver and kidneys and may further mitigate any adverse effects. Based on these findings, we suggest that most osprey in this region are not currently at risk of Hg toxicosis, but recommend that additional ecotoxicological studies be performed to monitor risk to osprey in this coastal region facing heavy development. We also suggest that concentrations of Hg in talon and claw may serve as important indicators of previous exposure and provide useful information for natural resource managers seeking to assess health risks to birds.  相似文献   

The annual reproductive cycle comprises steady gametogenic activities that synchronize gonadal maturation and spawning rhythms, which are important for aquatic organisms including marine echinoderms (Echinodermata, Echinoidea). In this study, we report the annual reproductive cycle, gonadal development, and changes in nutritive phagocytes (NPs, which accumulate nutrients in germ cells) in relation to gametogenesis of the Atlantic sea urchin (Arbacia punctulata, an edible echinoid) in the Gulf of Mexico. Monthly changes in gonadal development and maturation were observed morphologically and histologically. We calculated gonadosomatic index (GSI) and compared the stages of gonadal development in order to determine the NPs index, and characteristics of germ cells (eggs and sperm) during the annual reproductive cycle. According to GSI and histological analyses, gametogenic activities were classified into four stages of both sexes: mature (June–August), spent (September–November), recovery (December–March), and growing (April–May). The GSI values in both sexes were high during summer months. In males, testicular lobules were densely packed with sperm from June to August. In females, however, mature eggs first appeared in some ovaries in May, numerically increased from June to July, and decreased in August. During gametogenesis, on the other hand, NPs in both testes and ovaries were depleted from June to August. Collectively, our results suggest that the Atlantic sea urchin spawns during summer months in the Gulf of Mexico. This is the first report, to the best of our knowledge, on gonadal development and changes in NPs during the annual reproductive cycle of any Arbacia species in the Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   
Blood and epidermal biopsies from free-ranging Tursiops truncatus captured and released during either summer or winter health assessments in Sarasota Bay, FL, were evaluated for concentrations of mercury, selenium, stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N), and blood glutathione peroxidase activity in conjunction with routine hematology and serum chemistry panels. Major objectives were to: 1) quantify and describe relationships among mercury, selenium, glutathione peroxidase, and stable isotopes of C and N in blood and epidermis; 2) elucidate major parameters that influence blood mercury and glutathione peroxidase activity; 3) relate measures of tissue mercury, selenium, and glutathione peroxidase to specific ecological, hematological, morphological, or life history parameters, including season, sex, age, and trophic level. Mercury in both tissues examined is almost exclusively methylmercury. Epidermal concentrations of mercury and selenium reflect their respective amounts in blood, albeit at several times blood concentrations of mercury. The strong association between blood mercury and serum selenium, in conjunction with a lack of significant correlation between blood mercury and glutathione peroxidase, implies that a substantial proportion of blood mercury is affiliated with another selenium-containing moiety or is related to recent dietary intakes (e.g., trophic level, intensive fish consumption). Circulating blood mercury may be described in terms of serum selenium concentration, along with interaction terms among serum selenium, blood δ15N, and age. Current selenium concentrations in Sarasota Bay dolphins appear adequate for maintenance of blood glutathione peroxidase activity. However, dolphins evidently are subject to seasonal exacerbation of oxidative stress, which might render them more vulnerable to toxic effects of mercury. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Previous studies suggested that plants detoxified mercury and cadmium through similar mechanisms. A heavy metal ATPase (adenosine triphosphatase) gene, HMA3, plays a key role in the plant's cadmium detoxification. To prove whether HMA3 also participates in mercury detoxification in plants, an experiment was designed to inhibit the expressions of HMA3 genes (NtHMA3a and NtHMA3b) in tobacco plants. Results showed that plants’ tolerance to mercury ions had not changed after the expressions of NtHMA3a and NtHMA3b were inhibited. When mercury content was measured from the whole seedlings, no differences had been observed among wild-type, NtHMA3a-NtHMA3b-RNAi, and the empty-vector transgenic plants. HMA3 was not the key gene responsible for plants’ mercury ion uptake from soil. Although the mercury content in the root was higher than that in the shoot for each seedling, in each treatment, neither in shoots nor in roots were statistical differences in mercury content found among NtHMA3a-NtHMA3b-RNAi, empty-vector transgenic, and wild-type plants. After the expressions of NtHMA3a and NtHMA3b were inhibited, the movement of mercury ions from root to shoot had not been affected. HMA3 was not the key gene responsible for mercury ion transportation from root to shoot. When mercury content was measured from the whole seedling, no significant difference had been found among wild-type, NtHMA3a-NtHMA3b-RNAi, and the empty-vector transgenic plants. For mercury ion translocation across tonoplast, the main pathway might not be HMA3, but ABC (ATP-binding cassette) transporters.  相似文献   
We have examined the monthly variations in sperm output and attempted to correlate the profiles of endocrine hormones secreted with the sperm counts throughout the year in the adult male bonnet monkey. As previously reported, there was a distinct spurt in sperm output beginning September through December months. A concomitant increase in serum testosterone and prolactin concentrations were also noted during September through November (mid and post-monsoon season). Although there was a marked increase in gonadotropin releasing hormone stimulated testosterone secretion, the peak testosterone concentrations post gonadotropin releasing hormone injection did not vary significantly (P > 0.05) throughout the year. Basal serum follicle stimulating hormone concentrations did not vary significantly (P > 0.05) during April to June months compared to September-November months. Serum inhibin concentration remained unaltered throughout the year, except in the month of March. The results of this study provide evidence for annual rhythms in prolactin and testosterone secretion and a distinct seasonality in the sperm output of the adult male bonnet monkey, but the pituitary responsiveness to exogenous gonadotropin releasing hormone remains unaltered throughout the year. Because of the existence of seasonality as noted in the present study, future studies which utilize the adult male bonnet monkey as an experimental model need to take into consideration the seasonal effects on reproductive function in this species.  相似文献   
1. Xylocopa virginica virginica Linnaeus is a wide‐ranging species with plastic nesting behaviour that appears to represent an intermediary between solitary and social nesting species. Over 3 years, a natural population was studied with the objective of quantifying the relationship among population dynamics, climate, female nest provisioning behaviour, and male mating strategy. 2. Males in the population congregated around female‐occupied nesting sites before the beginning of nest provisioning by females; both resident and satellite male mating strategies were observed. Overall, the present results are consistent with female defence polygyny. 3. Male mating strategies were consistent across the three breeding seasons of our study, in spite of annual variation in population size, sex ratio, and weather. Male mating behaviour was also consistent with that seen in other populations with longer breeding seasons. 4. Adult non‐breeding females that never leave nests are observed in nests throughout the breeding season and we hypothesise that males continue to defend territories after breeding females have mated because of a small probability they can mate with one of these non‐breeding females. 5. These results are important to our understanding of the relationship between mating systems and the evolution of sociality, contributing data on the role of ecological factors to male mating behaviour. Collection of such data for a variety of species that differ in sociality is necessary for the comparative analysis that is required to fully elucidate coevolution of mating systems and sociality.  相似文献   
Summary In the Negev Desert, Israel, the Indian crested porcupine, Hystrix indica, digs similar sized, discrete, elongated pits (257±21.3 cm3; n=144) while foraging for below-ground plant storage organs. In these digs, soil moisture content is higher than in the surrounding soil matrix. The digs disturb population and community structure due to porcupine consumption or damage of 18 species of plants, and repopulation by 55 plant species. Over the past 14 years we have studied dig dynamics on a rocky hillslope with three distinct habitats as regards soil moisture content. Midslope soil moisture is the highest, decreasing towards upper and lower slope. We have counted a total of 6,609 digs in the area: 2141 on the upper, 3211 in the middle and 1257 on the lower part of the slope. The number of digs at midslope is significantly higher than on the other parts of the slope (ANOVA; P<0.0001). There is a significant (P<0.05) correlation between the mean number of porcupine digs and the cumulative rainfall amount for the 2 years prior to dig formation. To study plant repopulation in digs, all plants in 144 digs along the slope and from equal sized plots in the undistarbed soil matrix were collected. In all, 288 samples with 20 584 plants were collected, 2042 from the matrix and 18,542 from digs. Of the 55 species, we focused on the abundance patterns of Filago desertorum, Picris cyanocarpa and Bromus rubens, which made up 69.5% of all the individuals in the digs and 68.3% in the matrix. Our results showed that all three species increased in abundance in the digs as compared to the matrix. F. desertorum density increased by a factor of 2.9, P. cyanocarpa by 9.5 and B. rubens by 12.0. There were species-specific responses in abundance to the location of the digs along the moisture gradient. The only species whose abundance responded to the moisture gradient was F. desertorum. P. cyanocarpa demonstrated peak abundance in the location with the poorest moisture regime, while B. rubens showed peak abundance at the intermediate part of the moisture gradient. We suggest a scheme for integrating the increase in density and the species-specific responses to the digs along a water gradient based on R.H. Whittaker's view of individual species abundances along an environmental gradient.  相似文献   
In the study area at Senjogahara, there are 13 vegetational groups forming a space-time continuum in response to alluvial deposition from the River Sakasagawa. The pattern of deposition changes markedly from time to time, and the vegetation is thus a mosaic of recovery phases in different stages of development. There is marked zonation of layers of gravel, silt and organic matter in the soil profile, running sequentially from the mouth of the river back to the moor. Furthermore, there is a decrease in the depth of the water table with distance from the river mouth. The growth increment ofMalus Toringo is poor under the canopy ofUlmus Davidiana var.japonica forest, with maximum growth occurring in the areas of active alluvial deposition. The changing patterns ofMalus growth have been used to approximate the dates of major changes in the erosion channels and areas of alluvial deposition. There were five main channels in the study area. The oldest was on the west side and active ca. 35–40 yr prior to 1984, the year of sampling. Subsequently, adjacent areas further east became major drainage and erosion channels about 25–30 yr before 1984. However, after 1985 the erosion channels again showed a marked change in pattern, and currently flow into an entirely different sector, being responsible for the continuous dynamic patterns of vegetational change in this area.  相似文献   
Summary The effects of nutrition on the timing of reproductive initiation of a short-day annual plant Xanthium canadense (cocklebur) were examined with the following hypotheses in mind: If the plant always follows an optimal growth schedule, low-nutrient plants will initiate reproductive growth earlier than high-nutrient plants. On the other hand, if the plant flowers in response to photoperiodic stimuli, both plants will initiate reproductive growth on the same day. The sand-culture experiment showed that high-nutrient plants flowered earlier than the low-nutrient plants, leading to rejection of the first hypothesis. The predicted optimal flowering time is 2 days later than the actual flowering time in high-nutrient plants and 10 days earlier in low-nutrient plants. These deviations from the optimal times reduced the reproductive yield by 0.1% and 2.3%, respectively. The ratio of the final reproductive yield to the vegetative mass at flower initiation was 1.10 in high-nutrient plants and 0.63 in low-nutrient plants. Since the expected ratio for the optimal growth schedule is 1.0, high-nutrient plants followed the opitmal growth schedule more closely than the low-nutrient plants. Cocklebur is a fast-growing annual which is common in relatively nutrient-rich environments. This study suggests that cocklebur adapts itself to such environments through its photoperiodic response.  相似文献   
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