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Total concentrations of Hg, Al, Fe, As, Pb, Cu, Cr, Ni, Mn, Co, V, and Zn were determined in surface sediments collected from 21 locations within the gold mining impacted Pra River basin in southwestern Ghana. Samples were collected during both the rainy and dry seasons. We hypothesized that in the rural southwestern portion of Ghana, the lack of industrial activities makes artisanal gold mining (AGM) by Hg amalgamation the main source of water resource contamination with heavy metals. Therefore, metals showing concentration trends similar to that of Hg in the studied system are likely impacted by AGM. We found that total-Hg (THg) concentrations in riverine sediments are rather low as compared to other aquatic systems that are impacted by similar mining activities. Measured THg concentrations ranged from 0.018 to 2.917 mg/kg in samples collected in the rainy season and from about 0.01 to 0.043 mg/kg in those collected during the dry season. However, the determination of the enrichment factor (EF) calculated using shale data as reference background values showed signs of severe contamination in most of the sampled sites. In the dry season, THg concentrations correlated positively and significantly to the concentrations of As (r = 0.864, p < 0.01), Cu (r = 0.691, p < 0.05), and Ni (r = 0.579, p < 0.05). Based on our previously stated hypothesis, this could then be an indication of the impact of AGM on ambient levels of these 3 elements. However, the determined concentrations of Cu, and Ni co-varied significantly with Al, suggesting that natural sources do account for the observed levels. Accordingly, both AGM and metal inputs from weathered natural deposits are likely co-responsible for the observed levels of Cu and Ni. In contrast, the lack of correlation between As and Al tends to suggest an impact of AGM on As levels. Overall, our data suggest that besides Hg and to some extent As, the impact of AGM on ambient levels of investigated metals in the gold mining impacted Pra River remains negligible. Finally, the increase in metal concentrations from the dry to the rainy season underlines the impact of changes in hydrologic conditions on levels and fate of metals in this tropical aquatic system.  相似文献   
2002-2004年对中国10省(市)221个县(市)的一年生野生大豆资源进行了考察,新发现有野生大豆分布的县(市)45个,收集野生大豆资源814份.通过考察发现野生大豆在中国分布面积锐减,濒危状况严重.  相似文献   
The Arctic faces threats from climate change and contaminants. Together, these two threats are likely to present surprises centered around the zero-degree isotherm because the phase change of water has enormous potential to affect contaminant transport and transfer, and biological distribution and stress. Particularly at risk are top aquatic predators, migratory species, and species narrowly adapted to ice. These species are most exposed to contaminants, are most likely to become stressed by climate change, or contain within their life cycles efficient vectors of contaminants and diseases. In the Arctic, mercury presents a special case where risks can be altered at many places in the biogeochemical cycle. Atmospheric mercury depletion events offer one such location; however, the methylation of mercury in aquatic systems appears a far more important and presently neglected component of risk from mercury to Arctic ecosystems. Climate variables alter transport, transfer, and capture of contaminants. Therefore, monitoring for contaminants must be conducted with a systems approach that includes climate-related factors. To ensure that the perception of risk is accurate and that priority risks are addressed first, a closer dialogue between scientists, the public, and public administers is urgently required.  相似文献   
In an attempt to know whether highly consumed food might contribute to metal exposure, we analyzed cadmium, lead, and mercury in 27 rice grain samples commonly consumed in Saudi Arabia by atomic absorption spectrometry after acid digestion. The mean concentrations and ranges of cadmium, lead, and mercury in tested rice samples were 20.261 (range <DL-178.026 μg/kg), 134.819 (range 23.1–1529.0 μg/kg), and 3.186 (range <DL-43.573 μg/kg), respectively. The results showed high concentrations of metals and in some cases exceeded the Provisional Tolerance Weekly Intake (PTWI) recommended by FAO/WHO. It was also noted that different rice grain samples had varying concentrations of these metals. Because the bulk of literature warns against the cumulative effects of prolonged heavy metal exposure, regular consumption of rice by local populations might pose potential health problems.  相似文献   
With many advantages, many ecological parameters of protozoan communities have been successfully used as a useful bioindicator for bioassessment of water quality in Chinese marine waters. However, as regard the response of the annual cyclicity of protozoan communities to seasonal environmental stress, a further investigation was needed. In this study, the cyclicity of annual variations in community patterns of biofilm-dwelling protozoa was studied based on an annual dataset. Samples were monthly collected, using glass slide method, at four stations, within a pollution gradient, in coastal waters of the Yellow Sea, northern China during a 1-year period. The cyclicity patterns of the microbiota represented a significant spatial variation among four stations. The low value of cyclicity coefficients occurred in heavily polluted area, while the high values were in less stressed areas. Correlation analysis showed that the cyclicity measure was significantly related to environmental variables ammonia, transparency and dissolved oxygen. Thus, it is suggested that the annual cyclicity of protozoan communities may be used as a potential bioindicator of bioassessment in marine ecosystems.  相似文献   
In the Chihuahuan Desert of the southwestern United States we monitored responses of both winter and summer annual plant communities to natural environmental variation and to experimental removal of seed-eating rodents and ants for 13 years. Analyses of data on population densities of the species by principal component analysis (PCA) followed by repeated measures analysis of variance (rmANOVA) on PCA scores showed that: (1) composition of both winter and summer annual communities varied substantially from year to year, presumably in response to interannual climatic variation, and (2) community composition of winter annuals was also significantly affected by the experimental manipulations of seed-eating animals, but the composition of the summer annual community showed no significant response to these experimental treatments. Canonical discriminant analysis (CDA) was then applied to the data for winter annuals to more clearly identify the responses to the different classes of experimental manipulations. This analysis showed that removing rodents or ants or both taxa caused distinctive changes in species composition. There was a tendency for large-seeded species to increase on rodent removal plots and to decrease on ant removal plots, and for small-seeded species to change in the opposite direction. In the winter annual community there was a significant time x treatment interaction: certain combinations of species that responded differently to removal of granivores also showed opposite fluctuations in response to long-term climatic variation. The large year-to-year variation in the summer annual community was closely and positively correlated across all experimental treatments. The use of multivariate analysis in conjunction with long-term monitoring and experimental manipulation shows how biotic interactions interact with variation in abiotic conditions to affect community dynamics.  相似文献   
Skeletons of massive coral colonies contain annual density bands that are revealed by X-radiography of slices cut along growth axes. These bands allow measurement of skeletal growth parameters such as annual extension rate and annual calcification rate. Such measurements have been important in understanding coral growth, in assessing environmental impacts and in recovering proxy environmental information. Measurements of coral calcification rate from annual density banding require measurements of skeletal density along tracks across skeletal slices and, until now, such density measurements have depended upon specialized and expensive equipment. Here, we describe a straightforward, inexpensive and accurate technique for measuring skeletal density from digitized images of X-radiographs of coral skeletal slices. An aragonitic step-wedge was included in each X-radiograph of a coral slice together with two aluminium bars positioned along the anode-cathode axis. Optical density was measured along tracks across the X-ray images of these different objects. The aragonite step-wedge provided a standard for converting optical density to skeletal density. The aluminium bars were used to correct for the heel effect—a variation in the intensity of the X-ray beam along the anode-cathode axis that would, otherwise, introduce large errors into measurements of skeletal density. Exposure was found to vary from X-radiographs to X-radiograph, necessitating the inclusion of the calibration standards in each X-radiograph of a coral slice. Results obtained using this technique compared well with results obtained by direct gamma densitometry of skeletal slices.  相似文献   
Life span (the age of death for individuals that survived the establishment phase) is a key trait in plant life history. Despite its importance for understanding plant–environment relationships, there are still numerous substantial knowledge gaps about variation in plant maximum life spans and the ecological processes underlying these patterns.Based on plant age data obtained by means of herbochronology, we analysed patterns of intraspecific plant maximum life span variation in three perennial species (Campanula scheuchzeri, Helianthemun nummularium and Lotus corniculatus) along environmental gradients of mean annual temperature, soil depth and soil nutrients. This variation was compared with predictions from the ‘death-by-starvation hypothesis’ proposed by Hans Molisch in 1938, an unjustly forgotten ‘extrinsic’ theory on plant life span variation.Our study suggests that plant age variation within populations responds sensitively to growing conditions. The most important finding is that mean annual temperature or environmental conditions related to it seems to be a driving factor for intraspecific variation in plant maximum life span in all species studied. Despite large within-population variation, individuals of C. scheuchzeri, L. corniculatus and H. nummularium generally had a longer life span under colder climates (uplands in our case). In addition, soil depth (as a proxy for habitat susceptibility to drought) was found to have a significant positive effect on the age values in the case of C. scheuchzeri.These findings, therefore, are in line with Molisch’s “death-by-starvation hypothesis”: extended maximum life span results from reduced production of sink tissues and slow vegetative growth. We conclude that the analysis of plant life span adjustments along gradients of environmental factors can considerably contribute to our understanding of how plants may cope with changing environmental conditions, e.g., due to global change.  相似文献   
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