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At least 50% of human embryos are abnormal, and that increases to 80% in women 40 years or older. These abnormalities result in low implantation rates in embryos transferred during in vitro fertilization procedures, from 30% in women <35 years to 6% in women 40 years or older. Thus selecting normal embryos for transfer should improve pregnancy results. The genetic analysis of embryos is called Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) and for chromosome analysis it was first performed using FISH with up to 12 probes analyzed simultaneously on single cells. However, suboptimal utilization of the technique and the complexity of fixing single cells produced conflicting results. PGD has been invigorated by the introduction of microarray testing which allows for the analysis of all 24 chromosome types in one test, without the need of cell fixation, and with staggering redundancy, making the test much more robust and reliable. Recent data published and presented at scientific meetings has been suggestive of increased implantation rates and pregnancy rates following microarray testing, improvements in outcome that have been predicted for quite some time. By using markers that cover most of the genome, not only aneuploidy can be detected in single cells but also translocations. Our validation results indicate that array CGH has a 6Mb resolution in single cells, and thus the majority of translocations can be analyzed since this is also the limit of karyotyping. Even for translocations with smaller exchanged fragments, provided that three out of the four fragments are above 6Mb, the translocation can be detected.  相似文献   
Sucrose and trehalose are conventional cryoprotectant additives for oocytes and embryos. Ethanol can artificially enhance activation of inseminated mature oocytes. This study aims to investigate whether artificial oocyte activation (AOA) with ethanol can promote the development competence of in vitro matured oocytes. A total of 810 human immature oocytes, obtained from 325 patients undergoing normal stimulated oocyte retrieval cycles, were in vitro maturated (IVM) either immediately after collection (Fresh group n = 291)) or after being vitrified as immature oocytes (Vitrified group n = 519). These groups were arbitrarily assigned. All fresh and vitrified oocytes which matured after a period of IVM then underwent intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Half an hour following ICSI, they were either activated by 7% ethanol (AOA group) or left untreated (Non-AOA group). Fertilization, cleavage rate, blastocyst quality and aneuploidy rate were then evaluated. High-quality blastocysts were only obtained in both the fresh and vitrified groups which had undergone AOA after ICSI. Trehalose vitrification slightly, but not significantly, increased the formation rates of high-quality embryos (21.7% VS 15.4%, P > 0.05) and blastocysts (15.7% VS 7.69%, P > 0.05)) when compared with sucrose vitrification. Aneuploidy was observed in 12 of 24 (50%) of the AOA derived high quality blastocysts. High-quality blastocysts only developed from fresh or vitrified immature oocytes if the ICSI was followed by AOA. This information may be important for human immature oocytes commonly retrieved in normal stimulation cycles and may be particularly important for certain patient groups, such as cancer patients. AOA with an appropriate concentration of ethanol can enhance the developmental competence of embryos.  相似文献   
Phenolphthalein induces tumors in rodents but because it is negative in assays for mutation in Salmonella and in mammalian cells, for DNA adducts and for DNA strand breaks, its primary mechanism does not seem to be DNA damage. Chromosome aberration (Ab) induction by phenolphthalein in vitro is associated with marked cytotoxicity. At very high doses, phenolphthalein induces weak increases in micronuclei (MN) in mouse bone marrow; a larger response is seen with chronic treatment. All this suggests genotoxicity is a secondary effect that may not occur at lower doses. In heterozygous TSG-p53((R)) mice, phenolphthalein induces lymphomas and also MN, many with kinetochores (K), implying chromosome loss. Induction of aneuploidy would be compatible with the loss of the normal p53 gene seen in the lymphomas.Here we address some of the postulated mechanisms of genotoxicity in vitro, including metabolic activation, inhibition of thymidylate synthetase, cytotoxicity, oxidative stress, DNA damage and aneuploidy. We show clearly that phenolphthalein does not require metabolic activation by S9 to induce Abs. Inhibition of thymidylate synthetase is an unlikely mechanism, since thymidine did not prevent Ab induction by phenolphthalein. Phenolphthalein dramatically inhibited DNA synthesis, in common with many non-DNA reactive chemicals that induce Abs at cytotoxic doses. Phenolphthalein strongly enhances levels of intracellular oxygen radicals (ROS). The radical scavenger DMSO suppresses phenolphthalein-induced toxicity and Abs whereas H(2)O(2) potentiates them, suggesting a role for peroxidative activation. Phenolphthalein did not produce DNA strand breaks in rat hepatocytes or DNA adducts in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. All the evidence points to an indirect mechanism for Abs that is unlikely to operate at low doses of phenolphthalein. We also found that phenolphthalein induces mitotic abnormalities and MN with kinetochores in vitro. These are also enhanced by H(2)O(2) and suppressed by DMSO. Our findings suggest that induction of Abs in vitro is a high-dose effect in oxidatively stressed cells and may thus have a threshold. There may be more than one mechanism operating in vitro and in vivo, possibly indirect genotoxicity at high doses and also chromosome loss, both of which would likely have a threshold.  相似文献   
Aneuploidy is the gain or loss of a chromosome. Down syndrome or trisomy (Ts) 21 is the most frequent live-born aneuploidy syndrome in humans and extensively studied using model mice. However, there is no available model mouse for other congenital Ts syndromes, possibly because of the lethality of Ts in vivo, resulting in the lack of studies to identify the responsible gene(s) for aneuploid syndromes. Although induced pluripotent stem cells derived from patients are useful to analyse aneuploidy syndromes, there are concerns about differences in the genetic background for comparative studies and clonal variations. Therefore, a model cell line panel with the same genetic background has been strongly desired for sophisticated comparative analyses. In this study, we established isogenic human embryonic stem (hES) cells of Ts8, Ts13, and Ts18 in addition to previously established Ts21 by transferring each single chromosome into parental hES cells via microcell-mediated chromosome transfer. Genes on each trisomic chromosome were globally overexpressed in each established cell line, and all Ts cell lines differentiated into all three embryonic germ layers. This cell line panel is expected to be a useful resource to elucidate molecular and epigenetic mechanisms of genetic imbalance and determine how aneuploidy is involved in various abnormal phenotypes including tumourigenesis and impaired neurogenesis.  相似文献   
The mechanisms that have evolved to maintain genome stability during cell cycle progression are challenged when a somatic cell nucleus is placed in a meiotic environment such as the ooplasm. Chromosomal spindle aberrations ensue in the majority of reconstructed oocytes within 2 h of transplantation, but it is not known if they recover or persist with the onset of embryonic divisions. We analyzed the chromosomal spindles and the karyotype of cumulus cell-derived mouse clones through the initial and hence most critical mitoses. Cloned embryos start out with less aneuploidy than fertilized embryos but surpass them after ES cell derivation, as measured by frequencies of chromosome trisomies and structural rearrangements. Despite the limited proportion of cloned mouse embryos that reach late gestation, a phenotypic mutation lacking a karyotypic mark was found in a newborn mouse cloned in 2002 and has been inherited since by its offspring. These data concur with a prevalent epigenetic, rather than genetic, basis for cloned embryo failure, but they also warn against the temptation to think that all conditions of clones are epigenetic and recover during gametogenesis. The cloning procedure is defenseless (no matter how technically refined) towards pre-existing or induced subchromosomal mutations that are below the experimental detection limit of the cytogenetic assay.  相似文献   
APP在AD病因学中是一个重要的分子,但到目前为止尚缺乏良好的动物和细胞模型用来探讨APP在AD发病中的作用。本研究旨在建立过表达人APP基因C-末端片段的遗传工程细胞系。将人APP695cDNA 中编码C-末端105 个氨基酸的片段重组到真核表达载体pDORneo中形成重组质粒pDORneo-CT, 然后用脂质体将其转染到大鼠肾上腺嗜铬细胞瘤细胞(PC12)中。用800μg/ml G418 筛选获得了在mRNA 和蛋白质水平均表达相应片段的稳定细胞系。细胞形态学观察和MTT,LDH分析表明, 该片段在细胞内的表达未能对NGF处理的PC12细胞产生明显的毒性作用。 Abstract:The major obstacles to clarify molecular mechanisms involved in amyloid metabolism of Alzheimer's disease has been the unavailability of animal and cell models for this unique human disease. The present research was aimed at establishing genetically engineering cell lines that overexpress the C-terminal fragment of human APPgene. Cloned human APPcDNA and retrovirus eukaryocytic expressing vector pDoRneo were used to prepare for the transformed PC12 Cell lines. RT-PCR and Western Blot showed that stable transfectants which express the correspoding fragment of APPgene in mRNA and protein level have been obtained. Morphological observation and MTT, LDH assay showed that no apparent toxic effects have been observed.  相似文献   
The present study examined the effect of vitrification on oocyte aneuploidy and centromere cohesion. Firstly, germinal vesicle (GV) and in vitro matured oocytes (metaphase II, MII) were vitrified by open-pulled straw method. Secondly, thawed GV oocytes were matured in vitro to detect the aneuploidy rate and the sister inter-kinetochore (iKT) distance (in situ spreading and immunofluorescent staining). The results revealed that the sister iKT distance and the aneuploidy rate in eggs matured from vitrified-thawed GV oocytes were higher than that from in vivo matured, in vitro matured, and in vitro matured frozen oocytes (0.47 ± 0.03 vs. 0.33 ± 0.01 vs. 0.33 ± 0.02 vs. 0.34 ± 0.01 μm; P < 0.01 and 22.9% vs. 6.5% vs. 5.8% vs. 11.8%; P < 0.05, respectively). Furthermore, the percentage of sister chromosome pairs whose sister iKT distances were higher than 0.9 μm in eggs matured from vitrified-thawed GV oocytes (8.7%) was higher than that from in vivo matured (1.6%), in vitro matured (1.6%), and in vitro matured frozen oocytes (2.3%) (P < 0.05). The sister iKT distance was associated with centromere cohesion. To investigate whether vitrification of GV oocytes deteriorated centromere cohesion by affecting cohesin complex formation, thawed and fresh GV oocytes were used to detect the cohesin subunits (SMC1β, STAG3, SMC3, and REC8) mRNA expression (quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction). The relative expression of three cohesin subunits (SMC1β, STAG3, and SMC3) was significantly decreased in GV oocytes after vitrification. In conclusion, vitrification of GV oocytes may result in the subsequent deterioration of centromere cohesion and an increase in the aneuploidy rate. MII oocytes may be the ideal candidate to avoid aneuploidy for fertility cryopreservation.  相似文献   
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