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A multicolor procedure employing fluorescence in situ hybridization is described for detecting chromosomal domains and germinal aneuploidy in late-step spermatids in mice using DNA probes specific for repetitive sequences near the centromeres of chromosomes 8 and X. These probes were nick-translated with biotin- or digoxigenin-labeled nucleotides, and were detected with FITC or rhodamine. Probe and hybridization specificities were confirmed using metaphase chromosomes from spleen and bone marrow cells as well as from primary and secondary spermatocytes. Late-step spermatids, identified in testicular preparations by their hooked shape, yielded compact fluorescence domains in ~ 50% and > 99% of cells when hybridized with probes for chromosomes X and 8, respectively. In a survey of > 80,000 late-step spermatids from 8 healthy young adult C57BL/6 or B6C3F1 mice, ~ 3/10,000 spermatids had fluorescence phenotypes indicative of X-X or 8–8 hyperhaploidy. These frequencies are consistent with published frequencies of aneuploidy in meiotic metaphase II and first cleavage metaphases of the mouse, providing preliminary validation of sperm hybridization for the detection of aneuploidy. No significant animal or strain differences were observed. In addition, the hyperhaploidy frequencies for murine spermatids were indistinguishable for those for sperm from healthy men obtained by a similar hybridization procedure. These procedures for detecting aneuploid male gametes are examples of “bridging biomarkers” between human and animal studies. They have promising applications for investigations of the genetic, reproductive, and toxicological factors leading to abnormal reproductive outcomes of paternal origin. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Summary The herbicide carbetamide [(R)-1-(ethylcarbamoyl) ethylphenylcarbamate], in the 0.4 to 0.8 mM range, efficiently induced multipolar mitoses inAllium cepa L. The frequency of multipolar anaphases rose earlier and reached higher values when both concentration and time of treatment increased, up to a maximum of 90% after 1 h of treatment. To identify the physiological target, the kinetics of induction of multipolar mitoses were followed during recovery from very short treatments (5, 10, and 15 min). Tubulin immunodetection showed that phenylcarbamate immediately disrupts the cohesion between the different bundles of microtubule minus ends which converge at the pole. The spindle was rendered multipolar about three times more efficiently in metaphase than in anaphase. The observations do not support any effect of the herbicide on the tubulin polymerization-depolymerization cycle, and suggest that the minus ends of the microtubules remained stabilized in carbetamide. Thus, the density of kinetochore microtubules and their lengths were unmodified in the individual chromosomes which became detached from both spindle poles in response to the herbicide. Extra microtubule-organizing centres for the assembly of both preprophase band and phragmoplast (the tubulin arrays which characterize the microtubular cycle responsible for cytokinesis in plant cells) were also rapidly induced.Abbreviations MTOCs microtubule-organizing centres  相似文献   
Chromosomal analyses were performed from peripheral blood samples from 20 adult rabbit males from Line R. This line has been selected for growth rate after weaning through 25 generations. Seminal characteristics and reproductive outcomes from these males were also examined. The chromosomal analysis results showed that one male had an aneuploidy rate of 16% (male A). The aneuploidies found represented both hypo- and hyper- haploidy. Differences between the male A and the contemporary males (males N), in fertility at 12 days post-insemination (44% vs. 66%) and at birth (31% vs. 59%) were observed. The male A also showed a high percentage of pregnancy losses (29% vs. 12%). For seminal characteristics, the percentage of abnormal spermatozoa was statistically different (P < 0.05) between male A and males N (34 ± 4 vs. 18 ± 2), and concentration differed significantly between males, showing the male A reduced fewer spermatozoa than males N (67 ± 23 vs. 172 ± 10, x106/ml). Motility and kinematic parameters revealed no differences between males. Differences between male reproductive performance found in this study could be explained by the effect of aneuploidy on spermatogenesis and its deleterious effect on male reproduction.  相似文献   
Centrosomes are cytoplasmic organelles playing a fundamental role in organizing both the interphase cytoskeleton and the bipolar mitotic spindle. In addition, the centrosome has recently come into focus as part of the network that integrates cell cycle arrest and repair signals in response to genotoxic stress--the DNA damage response. One important mediator of this response, the checkpoint kinase Chk1, has been shown to negatively regulate the G(2)/M transition via its centrosomal localization. Moreover, there is growing evidence that a centrosome inactivation checkpoint exists, which utilizes DNA damage-induced centrosome fragmentation or amplification to provoke a "mitotic catastrophe" and eliminate damaged cells. Candidate regulators of this centrosomal checkpoint include the checkpoint kinase Chk2 and its upstream regulators ATM and ATR. In addition, a growing number of other proteins have been implicated in centrosomal regulation of the DNA damage response, e.g. the tumor suppressor p53, the breast cancer susceptibility gene product BRCA1 and mitotic regulators such as Aurora A, Nek2 and the Polo-like kinases Plk1 and Plk3. However, many missing links and discrepancies between different model systems remain.  相似文献   
In spite of the impact of aneuploidy on human health little is known concerning the molecular mechanisms involved in the formation of structural or numerical chromosome abnormalities during meiosis. Here, we provide novel evidence indicating that lack of PARP-1 function during oogenesis predisposes the female gamete to genome instability. During prophase I of meiosis, a high proportion of Parp-1(−/−) mouse oocytes exhibit a spectrum of meiotic defects including incomplete homologous chromosome synapsis or persistent histone H2AX phosphorylation in fully synapsed chromosomes at the late pachytene stage. Moreover, the X chromosome bivalent is also prone to exhibit persistent double strand DNA breaks (DSBs). In striking contrast, such defects were not detected in mutant pachytene spermatocytes. In fully-grown wild type oocytes at the germinal vesicle stage, PARP-1 protein associates with nuclear speckles and upon meiotic resumption, undergoes a striking re-localization towards spindle poles as well as pericentric heterochromatin domains at the metaphase II stage. Notably, a high proportion of in vivo matured Parp-1(−/−) oocytes show lack of recruitment of the kinetochore-associated protein BUB3 to centromeric domains and fail to maintain metaphase II arrest. Defects in chromatin modifications in the form of persistent histone H2AX phosphorylation during prophase I of meiosis and deficient sister chromatid cohesion during metaphase II predispose mutant oocytes to premature anaphase II onset upon removal from the oviductal environment. Our results indicate that PARP-1 plays a critical role in the maintenance of chromosome stability at key stages of meiosis in the female germ line. Moreover, in the metaphase II stage oocyte PARP-1 is required for the regulation of centromere structure and function through a mechanism that involves the recruitment of BUB3 protein to centromeric domains.  相似文献   
Aneuploidy has profound effects on an organism,typically more so than polyploidy,and the basis of this contrast is not fully understood.A dosage series of the maize long arm of chromosome 1(1L)was used to compa re relative global gene expression in diffe rent types and degrees of aneuploidy to gain insights into how the magnitude of genomic imbalance as well as hypoploidy affects global gene expression.While previously available methods require a selective examination of specific genes,RNA sequencing provides a whole-genome view of gene expression in aneuploids.Most studies of global aneuploidy effects have concentrated on individual types of aneuploids because multiple dose aneuploidies of the same genomic region are difficult to produce in most model genetic organisms.The genetic toolkit of maize allows the examination of multiple ploidies and 1-4 doses of chromosome arms.Thus,a detailed examination of expression changes both on the varied chromosome arms and elsewhere in the genome is possible,in both hypoploids and hyperploids,compared with euploid controls.Previous studies observed the inverse trans effect,in which genes not varied in DNA dosage were expressed in a negative relationship to the varied chromosomal region.This response was also the major type of changes found globally in this study.Many genes varied in dosage showed proportional expression changes,though some were seen to be partly or fully dosage compensated.It was also found that the effects of aneuploidy were progressive,with more severe aneuploids producing effects of greater magnitude.  相似文献   
Prolonged mitosis due to aberrant chromosome segregation permits cells to enter the G1 phase without cytokinesis and subsequently triggers the p53-dependent cell death program, known as mitotic catastrophe. Cells which fail to go through mitotic catastrophe create aneuploidy, posing a risk of oncogenesis. In the present report, we show that p62-mediated non-canonical activation of Nrf2 leads to the persistent expression of Nqo1, which plays a critical role for p53 stabilization during mitotic catastrophe. With prolonged exposure to nocodazole, a microtubule-depolymerizing agent, p62-deficient HCT116 cells exhibited an accumulation of a polyploid population with a limited appearance of apoptotic cells, which was attributable to the attenuated stabilization of p53. Combinatorial gene manipulation analysis verified that the regulatory cascade with a hierarchy of p62–Keap1–Nrf2–Nqo1 is required for p53 stabilization for mitotic catastrophe. This is consistent with the role of Nqo1 as a gatekeeper for proteasomal degradation of p53. Thus, we demonstrate for the first time the functional connection between the non-canonical Nrf2 pathway and p53-dependent cell death program upon prolonged mitosis.  相似文献   
本文以101/E1和C3 H/E1的杂种第一代雄性小鼠为材料,一次性腹腔注射秋水仙胺(COM)(1mg/kg体重)后,分别于第2,6,10,14和18h取材,进行减数分裂延迟和中期Ⅱ(MMII)染色体分析。结果表明,COM可诱发小鼠减数分裂延迟,并对其可能的生物学机制进行了讨论。在本实验条件下,COM未能导致MMII非整倍体率显著升高,并对可能的原因进行了分析。  相似文献   
The ability of two topoisomerase II (topo II) inhibitors, etoposide (VP-16) and merbarone (MER), to induce meiotic delay and aneuploidy in mouse spermatocytes was investigated. The progression from meiotic divisions to epididymal sperm was determined by injecting male mice with 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine (BrdU) and treating the animals 13 days later with the test chemicals. At 20–24 days after treatment, BrdU-containing sperm were identified with a FITC-labelled anti-BrdU antibody and green fluorescent sperm were scored with a laser scanning cytometer (LSC). It was found that VP-16 (50 mg/kg) treatment induced a meiotic delay of about 24 h. A significant reduction of BrdU-labelled sperm was observed at 22 days compared to the controls (VP-16 group: 14.20%; controls: 41.10%, P<0.001). At 23 and 24 days, there were no significant differences between the VP-16 and the control groups. MER (80 mg/kg) treatment did not cause meiotic delay. To determine the frequencies of hyperhaploid and diploid sperm, male mice were treated with 12.5, 25 and 50 mg/kg VP-16 or 15, 30 and 60 mg/kg MER. Sperm were sampled from the Caudae epididymes 24 days after VP-16 treatment or 22 days after MER treatment. Significant increases above the concurrent controls in the frequencies of total hyperhaploid sperm were found after treatment with 25, 50 mg/kg VP-16 (0.074 and 0.122% versus 0.052%) and after treatment with 60 mg/kg MER (0.098% versus 0.044%). Furthermore, significant increases in the frequencies of diploid sperm were found after treatment of mice with all three doses of VP-16 (0.024, 0.032 and 0.056% versus 0.004 and 0.00%, respectively) and with 30 and 60 mg/kg MER (0.022 and 0.05% versus 0.004 and 0.002%, respectively). All dose responses could be expressed by linear equations. The results indicate that cancer patients may stand transient risk for siring chromosomally abnormal offspring after chemotherapy with these topo II inhibitors.  相似文献   
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