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Peritoneal implantation of cancer cells, particularly postoperative seeding metastasis, frequently occurs in patients with primary tumors in the stomach, colon, liver, and ovary. Peritoneal carcinomatosis is associated with poor prognosis. In this work, we evaluated the prophylactic effect of intraperitoneal administration of selenium (Se), an essential trace element and a putative chemopreventive agent, on peritoneal implantation of cancer cells. Elemental Se nanoparticles were injected into the abdominal cavity of mice, into which highly malignant H22 hepatocarcinoma cells had previously been inoculated. Se concentrations in the cancer cells and tissues, as well as the efficacy of proliferation inhibition and safety, were evaluated. Se was mainly concentrated in cancer cells compared to Se retention in normal tissues, showing at least an order of magnitude difference between the drug target cells (the H22 cells) and the well-recognized toxicity target of Se (the liver). Such a favorable selective distribution resulted in strong proliferation suppression without perceived host toxicity. The mechanism of action of the Se nanoparticle-triggered cytotoxicity was associated with Se-mediated production of reactive oxygen species, which impaired the glutathione and thioredoxin systems. Our results suggest that intraperitoneal administration of Se is a safe and effective means of preventing growth of cancer cells in the peritoneal cavity for the above-mentioned high-risk populations.  相似文献   
The apocrine axillary glands, regarded as pheromone-producing scent glands, do not begin to function until puberty. Accordingly, sex hormones should have an impact on their activity, and the present study was designed to investigate the localization of androgen receptor (AR) and estrogen receptors (ER and ER) in those glands. Strong nuclear immunoreactivity for AR and ER was found in the secretory epithelium. In AR especially, staining intensity was correlated with the height of the epithelium with more intense immunoreactivity in tall segments. Since the lower epithelium has been considered inactive or resting, our results suggest a correlation between steroid-receptor expression and secretory activity. Androgens are known to upregulate the cholesterol biosynthesis, and cholesterol may be used as precursor for pheromones. Accordingly, the results of this study establish a possible link between steroid hormone action and induction of pheromone production in the apocrine axillary glands.  相似文献   
Plasma testosterone (T) was measured in control male and female rats on gestational days 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 and on days 17-20 in males from dams who were fed ethanol and/or were stressed during pregnancy. Circulating T in control males showed an earlier rise, yielding a longer period of prenatal T elevation, than was reported previously (Endocrinology 106 (1980)306). Compared to control males, exposure to alcohol-alone augmented T on days 18 and 19, stress-alone attenuated prenatal T, and the combination of stress and alcohol completely blocked the normal rise in T between days 17 and 18. When these prenatal alterations in T are viewed along with effects these same treatments have on the postparturient T surge (Horm. Behav. 41 (2002) 229), a possible explanatory mechanism emerges for the uniquely different behavioral patterns of sexual behavior differentiation induced in males by prenatal exposure to alcohol, stress, or both factors. Whereas the potential for feminine behavior is retained to the extent that either the prenatal or the neonatal T surge is attenuated, the male potential is more sensitive to reductions in the fetal surge and is maximally disrupted if both the prenatal and the postparturitional T surges are suppressed.  相似文献   
Two isoforms of the androgen receptor (AR-A and AR-B), differing by a lack of the first 187 amino acids in the NH2-terminal transactivation domain of AR-A, are expressed in connective tissue and bone. Transient transfections of normal human osteoblastic cells (HOB) and of genital skin fibroblasts defective in AR (GSF-540) were utilized to compare the functional properties of AR isoforms in mesenchymal tissues. Overexpression of AR-B or AR-A did not significantly affect type I collagen secretion. However, overexpression of AR-B (but not AR-A) restored androgen-dependent DNA synthesis in AR-defective fibroblasts and increased DHT-mediated DNA synthesis three-fold in osteoblastic cells. Overexpression of AR-A did not affect DHT action but reduced DHT-dependent DNA synthesis when transfected together with AR-B. The need for an NH2-terminal sequence of the AR for complete receptor function was demonstrated using electrophoretic mobility shift assay. A peptide coding for the amino terminus of the complete AR was able to decrease the binding affinity of AR-B and increase the binding affinity of AR-A to the androgen response element. Our results suggest that AR-A lacks the ability to stimulate cell proliferation possibly due to reduced binding of AR co-activating proteins to the truncated N-terminal transactivation domain rather than due to impaired stability of the AR-A isoform.  相似文献   
The C(17,20)-lyase is a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of androgens by both the testes and adrenals. A complete inhibition of this enzyme would provide an alternative means of androgen suppression for the treatment of prostatic cancers. In the present study, the inhibitory effects of new non-steroidal compounds were tested in vitro on rat C(17,20)-lyase versus abiraterone, a reference steroidal inhibitor. Their activities were also evaluated in vivo on plasma testosterone (T) and luteinizing hormone (LH) levels and on testes, adrenals, seminal vesicles (SV) and ventral prostate (VP) weights after 3 days of oral treatment to adult male rats (50mg/kg per day p.o.).Inhibition in the nanomolar range was obtained with TX 977, the lead racemate product in this series, and optimization is ongoing based on a slight dissociation observed between its two diastereoisomers, TX 1196-11 (S) and TX 1197-11 (R). These non-steroidal compounds (including YM 55208, a reference competitor) proved to be more active in vivo than abiraterone acetate in this model, but the observed impact on adrenal weight suggests that the specificity of lyase inhibition versus corticosteroid biosynthesis deserves further investigations with this new class of potentially useful agents for the treatment of androgen-dependent prostate cancer.  相似文献   
Late onset of obesity in male androgen receptor-deficient (AR KO) mice   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
An androgen receptor (AR) null mutant mice line was generated by means of a Cre-lox P system. The male (AR(L-/Y)) (KO) mice exhibited typical features of testicular feminization mutant (Tfm) disease in external reproductive organs with growth retardation. The growth curve of the male AR KO mice was similar to that of the wild-type female littermates until the 10th week of age, but thereafter a drastic increase in the growth was observed with development of obesity. Clear increase in the wet weights of white adipose tissues, but not of brown adipose tissue, was found in the 30-week-old male AR KO mice. However, no significant alteration in serum lipid parameters and food intake was observed. Thus, the present results suggest that AR may serve as a negative regulator of adipose development in adult males.  相似文献   
In adult rodents, leptin has been shown to significantly alter the activity of several neuroendocrine functions, including the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Leptin is generally believed to be inhibitory to HPA activity in adults. Developing rat pups have high circulating levels of leptin, which begs the question of leptin's physiological role in controlling basal and stress-induced adrenocortical activity in neonatal rats. In this study, we treated rat pups daily from days 2-9 (or 6-10) of life with either vehicle or leptin (1 or 3 mg/kg body wt, ip) and determined the effects on body weight gain, fat pad deposits, and HPA activity in 10-day-old pups. We measured hypothalamic CRF mRNA levels in vehicle- and leptin-treated pups by in situ hybridization and determined plasma ACTH, corticosterone, and leptin concentrations under basal conditions or following exposure to a 3-min ether stress. Because leptin activates sympathetic activity and energy expenditure in adults and possibly also in rat pups, and because litter temperature is an important determinant of maternal behavior, we also investigated whether chronic leptin administration would modify aspects of maternal care that are important for the maintenance of HPA function. Chronic leptin treatment increased circulating levels of leptin and had significant dose-related metabolic effects, including reduced body weight gain and fat pad weight in 10-day-old pups. Basal expression of CRF mRNA in the PVN or secretion of ACTH and corticosterone was not modified by leptin treatment. In contrast, chronically elevated leptin concentrations during the neonatal period significantly lowered CRF expression in the PVN 60 min after stress and reduced the duration of the ACTH response to stress in pups, suggesting that glucocorticoid feedback on the HPA axis might be altered by this treatment. In addition, mothers caring for pups injected with leptin displayed longer bouts of anogenital licking of pups than mothers of vehicle-treated rats. Given that this particular type of pup stimulation has been shown to influence stress responsiveness, it is possible that the maternal response modulates the effects of exogenous leptin treatment. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that the leptin signal is functional during the early developmental period and that leptin can modulate the hormonal response to stress in young rats either by a direct effect on the HPA axis or indirectly through changing some aspects of maternal behavior.  相似文献   
Integrated control strategies are important for sustainable control of schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiasis, despite their challenges for their effective implementation. With the support of Good Neighbors International in collaboration with National Institute of Medical Research, Mwanza, Tanzania, integrated control applying mass drug administration (MDA), health education using PHAST, and improved safe water supply has been implemented on Kome Island over 5 years for controlling schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminths (STHs). Baseline surveys for schistosomiasis and STHs was conducted before implementation of any integrated control strategies, followed by 4 cross-sectional follow-up surveys on randomly selected samples of schoolchildren and adults in 10 primary schools and 8 villages, respectively, on Kome islands. Those follow-up surveys were conducted for impact evaluation after introduction of control strategies interventions in the study area. Five rounds of MDA have been implemented from 2009 along with PHAST and improved water supply with pumped wells as other control strategies for complementing MDA. A remarkable steady decline of schistosomiasis and STHs was observed from 2009 to 2012 with significant trends in their prevalence decline, and thereafter infection rate has remained at a low sustainable control. By the third follow-up survey in 2012, Schistosoma mansoni infection prevalence was reduced by 90.5% and hookworm by 93.3% among schoolchildren while in adults the corresponding reduction was 83.2% and 56.9%, respectively. Integrated control strategies have successfully reduced S. mansoni and STH infection status to a lower level. This study further suggests that monitoring and evaluation is a crucial component of any large-scale STH and schistosomiasis intervention.  相似文献   
本研究通过共沉淀法制备了胰岛素(insulin,INS)/Ca3PO4复合物和葡萄糖氧化酶(glucose oxidase,GOx)/Cu3(PO4)2复合物,得到的矿化胰岛素(mineralized insulin,m-INS)呈现不规则结晶团簇状,矿化葡萄糖氧化酶(m-Gox)呈花球状形貌,直径约1–2 μm。体外模拟释放实验表明,m-INS会随介质pH值降低而释放出INS,pH为4.5时其释放量达到96.68%;酶活力检测实验表明m-GOx的酶活力稳定性高于游离的GOx,在室温放置10 d后仍保持较高活力,而GOx活力小于60%。通过配制葡萄糖溶液模拟正常血糖(5.6 mmol/L)和高血糖(22.2 mmol/L)状态,在葡萄糖溶液中加入m-INS和m-GOx,INS的释放量呈现显著的葡萄糖浓度依赖性,即葡萄糖浓度越高,INS释放量和释放速率越大。最后,将m-INS、m-GOx与透明质酸(hyaluronic acid,HA)溶液混合,制备负载m-INS和m-GOx的HA微针阵列,构建1型糖尿病模型鼠,通过微针给药的方式评估载药HA微针对糖尿病大鼠的血糖控制效果。结果表明:负载m-INS/m-GOx的HA微针能有效递送药物,糖尿病大鼠的平均血糖浓度在1 h内下降到约7 mmol/L,并能维持10 h的正常血糖,使血糖浓度低于给药前水平长达36 h。与仅负载INS的HA微针相比,m-INS微针具有更好的葡萄糖耐受性、更持久的控糖效果和更小的低血糖风险。相对于其他的缓释系统,本研究中的核心成分制备流程简单、效率高和安全有效,具备较大的商业化潜力。  相似文献   
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