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In the subalpine forest zone, snow avalanches are potentially stand-devastating disturbances. Historical data regarding past avalanches in Argentina are scarce, but sufficiently old trees can show signs of past avalanche episodes that can be accurately dated using dendrochronological methods. Tree-ring analysis has not yet been used for dating avalanches in Tierra del Fuego, even though these disturbances are important to the dynamics of these southern forests. In this study, we evaluated the quality of Nothofagus pumilio for dating the avalanche that took place in the Martial Valley in 1976. Tree-ring data, complemented with vegetation analysis, was used to study the avalanche path. The dendrochronological study consisted of the analysis of wood samples taken from living trees located on the boundary between the undisturbed forest and the avalanche path. The vegetation analysis compared the forest structure within the avalanche path with the unaffected nearby forest. Wood scars and the abrupt increase in tree growth confirmed the occurrence of an avalanche event in 1976 in the Martial Valley of Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. The vegetation structure within the avalanche path was considerably different than that of the undisturbed forest. We found an important relationship between sapling abundance within the avalanche path and their distance from the undisturbed forest and their altitudinal position. The dendrochronological dating obtained in this research confirmed that the techniques and methodology used for N. pumilio in this study can be successfully applied for dating other avalanches that lack historical information.  相似文献   
We describe a new subspecies of Pale-bellied Tapaculo Scytalopus griseicollis from the northern Eastern Cordillera of Colombia and Venezuela. This form differs diagnosably in plumage from described subspecies Scytalopus griseicollis griseicollis and Scytalopus griseicollis gilesi and from the latter in tail length. It is also differentiated non-diagnosably in voice from both these populations. Ecological niche modelling analysis suggests that the new subspecies is restricted to the Andean montane forest and páramo north of both the arid Chicamocha valley and the Sierra Nevada del Cocuy.  相似文献   
Land conversion affects the delivery of ecosystem goods and services. In this study, we used a 50 years time series of land cover maps to assess the potential impacts of forest cover changes on ecosystem services. A multi-source data integration strategy was followed to reduce inconsistencies in land cover change detection that result from the comparison of historical aerial photographs and satellite images. Our forest cover change analysis highlighted a shift from net deforestation to net reforestation in the early 1990s, consistent with the forest transition theory. When taking the nature of forest cover changes into account, our data show that the areal increase of the forested area was not associated with an improvement in ecological conditions. The overall capacity of the landscape to deliver ecosystem services dropped steadily by 16% over the 50 years’ study period. Conversion of native forests to agricultural land was associated with the strongest decline in ecosystem services. Conversion of natural grasslands into pine plantations mostly led to negative and probably irreversible impacts on the delivery of ecosystem services. Conversion of degraded agricultural lands into pine plantations led to an improvement in ecological conditions. An effective spatial targeting of forestation programs has the potential to maximize the environmental benefits that forest plantations may offer while minimizing their environmental harm.  相似文献   
Understanding the mechanisms accounting for the evolution of phenotypic diversity is central to evolutionary biology. We use molecular and phenotypic data to test hypotheses for 'leapfrog' patterns of geographical variation, in which phenotypically similar, disjunct populations are separated by distinct populations of the same species. Phylogenetic reconstructions revealed independent evolution of melanic plumage characters in different populations in the Neotropical avian genus Arremon. Thus, phenotypic similarities between distant populations cannot be explained by close phylogenetic affinity. Nor can they be attributed to recurring mutations in the MC1R gene, a locus involved in melanic pigmentation. A coalescent analysis indicates that plumage traits have become fixed at a faster rate than expected under genetic drift, suggesting that selection underlies their repeated evolution. In contrast to views that genetic drift drives phenotypic differentiation in Neotropical montane birds, our results imply that geographical variation preceding speciation may reflect the action of deterministic selective processes.  相似文献   
Philonthina (2864 species in 74 genera) represents almost one-half of the diversity of Staphylinini and is the largest of its subtribes. Most Philonthina species are found in tropical areas, but the origin of this diversity is still not well understood, mainly because their systematics belongs to a past era of taxonomy. Such is the case of a group of genera, most of them endemic to the Neotropical region (NT), whose monophyly has been repeatedly confirmed and which constitutes the so-called Neotropical lineage (NL). However, basal relationships have not been clarified, neither for Philonthina nor its NL. The NL includes ∼300 species and 26 genera, but two of them (Belonuchus Nordmann and Paederomimus Sharp) account for two-thirds of its species. Here, using the largest molecular-based phylogeny of Philonthina and its NL to date, a time-calibrated phylogeny, and ancestral range reconstructions for the NL, we explore the evolutionary history of Philonthina with a focus on its NL to reveal their early evolution and diversification in the NT. We show that Philonthina originated during the Late Cretaceous ∼ 67.6 Ma and diversified into five main lineages mostly during the Eocene. The NL originated in northwestern South America (SA) and the Andes not earlier than 64.2 Ma from a Laurasian lineage present in SA ∼49.1–69.9 Ma. Shortly afterward, that is, 39.9–56.9 Ma, the NL diversified into the Andean clade and the most species-rich Belonuchus-Paederomimus group. Our analyses recover northwestern SA and the Andes as the primary centers of diversification. Dispersal events to the northern landmasses took place at least three times during the Miocene in the early evolution of the NL.  相似文献   
Aim The lizard genus Proctoporus Tschudi, 1845 was used as a model to test the South‐to‐North Speciation Hypothesis (SNSH) for species groups occurring in the Andes Mountains of South America. This hypothesis proposes that speciation of high Andean taxa followed a south‐to‐north pattern, generally coinciding with the progression of final uplift of the Andes. According to SNSH, a phylogenetic hypothesis of relationships of a taxonomic group occurring in the high Andes would show a branching pattern in which the southernmost species diverged first, followed by the more northern species, and so on in a northerly pattern. Location The central and northern Andes Mountains in South America. Methods A phylogenetic hypothesis was reconstructed for all species of the lizard genus Proctoporus by examining the external morphology of 341 individuals. This phylogeny was then examined to determine monophyly of the genus, distribution patterns of species groups, and congruence with SNSH. Results The genus Proctoporus did appear to be monophyletic and, therefore, it was valid to use this group to assess SNSH. The southernmost species were found to be the most basal, which was consistent with SNSH. The species occurring in the northern Andes did not exactly match the SNSH prediction. The Venezuelan and Trinidadian species did appear to be highly derived, as predicted by the hypothesis, but the Ecuadorian and Colombian species did not form a particular pattern in relation to the hypothesis. Main conclusions The SNSH does appear to have predictive power with regard to large‐scale distribution patterns. The finer‐scale patterns of speciation in the Andes, however, appear to be a more complex phenomenon that cannot be fully explained by a simple hypothesis. It is important to have a testable hypothesis in hand with which to compare data from disparate species groups. The incorporation of phylogenetic data of other high Andean taxa with similar distribution patterns is necessary to determine the full utility of SNSH in explaining evolutionary patterns in the Andes of South America.  相似文献   
Living human populations from high altitudes in the Andes exhibit relatively short limbs compared with neighboring groups from lower elevations as adaptations to cold climates characteristic of high-altitude environments. This study compares relative limb lengths and proportions in pre-Contact human skeletons from different altitudes to test whether ecogeographic variation also existed in Andean prehistory. Maximum lengths of the humerus, radius, femur, and tibia, and femoral head breadth are measured in sex-specific groups of adult human skeletons (N = 346) from the central (n = 80) and the south-central (n = 123) Andean coasts, the Atacama Desert at 2,500 m (n = 102), and the southern Peruvian highlands at 2,000-3,800 m (n = 41). To test whether limb lengths vary with altitude, comparisons are made of intralimb proportions, limb lengths against body mass estimates derived from published equations, limb lengths against the geometric mean of all measurements, and principal component analysis. Intralimb proportions do not statistically differ between coastal groups and those from the Atacama Desert, whereas intralimb proportions are significantly shorter in the Peruvian highland sample. Overall body size and limb lengths relative to body size vary along an altitudinal gradient, with larger individuals from coastal environments and smaller individuals with relatively longer limbs for their size from higher elevations. Ecogeographic variation in relation to climate explains the variation in intralimb proportions, and dietary variation may explain the altitudinal cline in body size and limb lengths relative to body size. The potential effects of gene flow on variation in body proportions in Andean prehistory are also explored.  相似文献   
Petr Sklenář 《Plant Ecology》2006,184(2):337-350
Altitudinal variation of the zonal superpáramo vegetation was studied between 4300 and 4630 m to test a possible occurrence of a fine altitudinal zonation within the superpáramo belt. A rectangular grid of 1 m2 sample plots was established; 25 replicate plots separated by a 3 m space were located along a 100 m long transect parallel to the contours, and there were 17 such transects separated by 20 m of altitude. Species were scored using a 7-grade cover scale and basic environmental data were gathered for each sample. Major changes occur over a short altitudinal range, at around 4400 m, which corresponds to a transition between the lower and upper superpáramo. Species richness sharply declines but species turnover (per altitude) increases along the altitudinal gradient. The correlation between richness and bare ground or rock cover is negative, but the correlation to rocks becomes positive above 4500 m. Species from lower altitudes tend to have narrower altitudinal range, although a large number of species appear to be indifferent to altitude. Direct ordination analyses indicate that high-altitude species show stronger correlation to environmental variables, especially rock, than species from lower altitudes. TWINSPAN cluster analysis delimited 15 groups of samples. There is a change in the clustering pattern along the altitudinal gradient from a horizontal (i.e., within altitude) to vertical (i.e., across altitude) arrangement of the cluster groups, although this pattern is partly obscured at the highest altitudes due to a large number of empty samples. MANOVA tests for samples from adjacent altitudinal levels indicate two distinct altitudinal breaks at lower altitudes, corresponding to the Loricaria-belt in lower superpáramo and the transition between lower and upper superpáramo, while no indication of a zonation was found in upper superpáramo.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Post-dispersal seed predation in alpine communities has received little attention despite evidence that seeds removed by granivores can decrease plant recruitment into ecosystems. Moreover, few studies have assessed the effects of removal of seeds of a range of species after dispersal on the seeds remaining in ecosystems. A comparison was made of the magnitude of seed removal by ants and birds of nine different shrubby-, herbaceous- and cushion-plant species in the central Chilean Andes in order to assess the interactions between birds, ants and wind, and the types of seeds. METHODS: A total of 324 soil-covered plates, each containing 50 seeds of one species, were placed in the field at an altitude of 2700 m and assigned to one of four treatments: control, exclusion of ants, birds, and both. The design also allowed the effects of wind to be assessed. Seed removal from plates was monitored over 20 d. KEY RESULTS: Mean accumulative seed removal by granivores averaged over all nine species combined was 25%. However, large differences between species were evident, with limited seed removal (3-11%) in three herbaceous species (Alstroemeria pallida, Sisyrinchium arenarium, Pozoa coriacea), moderate (18-33%) in five species, including a shrub (Chuquiraga oppositifolia), two herbs (Taraxacum officinale, Rhodophiala rhodolirion), and two cushion-plants (Laretia acaulis, Azorella monantha), and substantial (78%) in the shrub Anarthrophyllum cumingii. The magnitudes of losses caused by birds compared with ants did not differ for the majority of species, although removal by birds was greater than by ants in A. cumingii, and smaller for C. oppositifolia. CONCLUSIONS: Post-dispersal seed removal is shown to be an important cause of decreased potential plant species recruitment into alpine ecosystems. The substantial differences in the magnitude of seed losses to ants and birds demonstrate the need for evaluation of seed removal on a wide range of species in any given ecosystem.  相似文献   
Elucidating the pattern of genetic diversity for non-European populations is necessary to make the benefits of human genetics research available to individuals from these groups. In the era of large human genomic initiatives, Native American populations have been neglected, in particular, the Quechua, the largest South Amerindian group settled along the Andes. We characterized the genetic diversity of a Quechua population in a global setting, using autosomal noncoding sequences (nine unlinked loci for a total of 16 kb), 351 unlinked SNPs and 678 microsatellites and tested predictions of the model of the evolution of Native Americans proposed by (Tarazona-Santos et al.: Am J Hum Genet 68 (2001) 1485-1496). European admixture is <5% and African ancestry is barely detectable in the studied population. The largest genetic distances were between African versus Quechua or Melanesian populations, which is concordant with the African origin of modern humans and the fact that South America was the last part of the world to be peopled. The diversity in the Quechua population is comparable with that of Eurasian populations, and the allele frequency spectrum based on resequencing data does not reflect a reduction in the proportion of rare alleles. Thus, the Quechua population is a large reservoir of common and rare genetic variants of South Amerindians. These results are consistent with and complement our evolutionary model of South Amerindians (Tarazona-Santos et al.: Am J Hum Genet 68 (2001) 1485-1496), proposed based on Y-chromosome data, which predicts high genomic diversity due to the high level of gene flow between Andean populations and their long-term effective population size.  相似文献   
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