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Understanding the phylogeography of a species requires not only elucidating patterns of genetic structure among populations, but also identifying the possible evolutionary events creating that structure. The use of a single phylogeographic test or analysis, however, usually provides a picture of genetic structure without revealing the possible underlying evolutionary causes. We used current analytical techniques in a sequential approach to examine genetic structure and its underlying causes in the bogus yucca moth Prodoxus decipiens (Lepidoptera: Prodoxidae). Both historical biogeography and recent human transplantations of the moth's host plants provided a priori expectations of the pattern of genetic structure and its underlying causes. We evaluated these expectations by using a progression of phylogenetic, demographic, and population genetic analyses of mtDNA sequence data from 476 individuals distributed across 25 populations that encompassed the range of P. decipiens. The combination of these analyses revealed that much of the genetic structure has evolved more recently than suggested by historical biogeography, has been influenced by changes in demography, and can be best explained by long distance dispersal and isolation by distance. We suggest that performing a suite of analyses that focus on different temporal scales may be an effective approach to investigating the patterns and causes of genetic structure within species.  相似文献   
At the intersection of geological activity, climatic fluctuations, and human pressure, the Mediterranean Basin – a hotspot of biodiversity – provides an ideal setting for studying endemism, evolution, and biogeography. Here, we focus on the Roucela complex (Campanula subgenus Roucela), a group of 13 bellflower species found primarily in the eastern Mediterranean Basin. Plastid and low‐copy nuclear markers were employed to reconstruct evolutionary relationships and estimate divergence times within the Roucela complex using both concatenation and species tree analyses. Niche modeling, ancestral range estimation, and diversification analyses were conducted to provide further insights into patterns of endemism and diversification through time. Diversification of the Roucela clade appears to have been primarily the result of vicariance driven by the breakup of an ancient landmass. We found geologic events such as the formation of the mid‐Aegean trench and the Messinian Salinity Crisis to be historically important in the evolutionary history of this group. Contrary to numerous past studies, the onset of the Mediterranean climate has not promoted diversification in the Roucela complex and, in fact, may be negatively affecting these species. This study highlights the diversity and complexity of historical processes driving plant evolution in the Mediterranean Basin.  相似文献   
We compared the phylogenetic relationships and the population structure of the sympatric cyprinids Opsariichthys bidens and Zacco platypus across the Yangzte, Pearl and Hai He drainages in Mainland China. We used the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene to evaluate their phylogeographical structure and to discuss further systematic implications. We sequenced 71 new individuals of Z. platypus to add to a previous study and to construct a geographically comparable data set with O. bidens (Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 31, 2004, 192; Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 37, 2005, 920). Phylogeographic analysis of Z. platypus identified two additional mtDNA lineages (Zacco E and F) in addition to the previously recovered lineages (Zacco A–D). The geographical range of the Zacco A was extended across the Pearl drainage, broadening considerably the previous distribution that was circumscribed to the Yangtze drainage. Our results show high molecular divergence between all Zacco A–F mtDNA lineages (mean TrN + I + G distance 17.7%, range 4.4–30.8%), and the population analyses showed that most of the genetic variation was found among major river tributaries (90.2%). Values of θST higher than 0.97 corroborated this interruption of gene flow between Zacco A–F mtDNA lineages. Nested clade analysis results were also concordant with the phylogenetic relationships recovered. We found similar phylogeographic patterns in Z. platypus and O. bidens: they exhibited two widespread and common lineages (Zacco A and Opsariichthys 1) ranging across the Yangtze and Pearl drainages, and both taxa had Northern lineages (Zacco F and Opsariichthys 5) clearly differentiated. Similar phylogeographic patterns suggest that common historical factors have shaped current Zacco and Opsariichthys diversity. High genetic distances and θST values suggested that differentiation of Zacco A–F mtDNA lineages and Opsariichthys 1–5 was not recent and was probably favoured by old geological events. However, population parameters and low genetic differentiation inside Zacco A and Opsariichthys 1 suggest a recent gene flow across river drainages. Mitochondrial‐based phylogenies for the combined data sets of Zacco A–F and Opsariichthys 1–5 mtDNA lineages always recovered both taxa as paraphyletic, highlighting the notion that their current systematics need a revision.  相似文献   
The relationships between diversity and ecosystem functioning have become a major focus of science. A crucial issue is to estimate functional diversity, as it is intended to impact ecosystem dynamics and stability. However, depending on the ecosystem, it may be challenging or even impossible to directly measure ecological functions and thus functional diversity. Phylogenetic diversity was recently under consideration as a proxy for functional diversity. Phylogenetic diversity is indeed supposed to match functional diversity if functions are conservative traits along evolution. However, in case of adaptive radiation and/or evolutive convergence, a mismatch may appear between species phylogenetic and functional singularities. Using highly threatened taxa, sharks, this study aimed to explore the relationships between phylogenetic and functional diversities and singularities. Different statistical computations were used in order to test both methodological issue (phylogenetic reconstruction) and overall a theoretical questioning: the predictive power of phylogeny for function diversity. Despite these several methodological approaches, a mismatch between phylogeny and function was highlighted. This mismatch revealed that (i) functions are apparently nonconservative in shark species, and (ii) phylogenetic singularity is not a proxy for functional singularity. Functions appeared to be not conservative along the evolution of sharks, raising the conservational challenge to identify and protect both phylogenetic and functional singular species. Facing the current rate of species loss, it is indeed of major importance to target phylogenetically singular species to protect genetic diversity and also functionally singular species in order to maintain particular functions within ecosystem.  相似文献   
Four distinct phylogeographical patterns across Southeast Asia were observed for four species of seahorse (genus Hippocampus) with differing ecologies. For all species, genetic differentiation (based on cytochrome b sequence comparisons) was significantly associated with sample site (Phi(ST) = 0.190-0.810, P < 0.0001) and with geographical distance (Mantel's r = 0.37-0.59, P < 0.019). Geographic locations of genetic breaks were inconsistent across species in 7/10 comparisons, although some similarities across species were also observed. The two shallow-water species (Hippocampus barbouri and Hippocampus kuda) have colonized the Sunda Shelf to a lesser degree than the two deeper-water species (Hippocampus spinosissimus and Hippocampus trimaculatus). In all species the presence of geographically restricted haplotypes in the Philippines could indicate past population fragmentation and/or long-distance colonization. A nested clade analysis (NCA) revealed that long-distance colonization and/or fragmentation were likely the dominant forces that structure populations of the two shallow-water species, whereas range expansion and restricted dispersal with isolation by distance were proportionally more important in the history of the two deeper-water species. H. trimaculatus has the most widespread haplotypes [average clade distance (D(c)) of nonsingleton haplotypes = 1169 km], indicating potentially high dispersal capabilities, whereas H. barbouri has the least widespread haplotypes (average D(c) = 67 km) indicating potentially lower dispersal capabilities. Pleistocene separation of marine basins and postglacial flooding of the Sunda Shelf are extrinsic factors likely to have contributed to the phylogeographical structure observed, whereas differences among the species appear to reflect their individual ecologies.  相似文献   
We studied sequence variation in the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacers (ITS-1 and ITS-2) in 111 individuals from 11 populations/localities of the sponge Crambe crambe across the core species range in the western Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. We report the first confirmed instance of intragenomic variation in sponges. Phylogeographical, nested clade and population genetic analyses were used to elucidate the species' evolutionary history. The study revealed highly structured populations affected by restricted gene flow and isolation-by-distance. A contiguous range expansion in the whole distribution area of the sponge was inferred. Phylogenetic analyses indicate a recent origin of most sequence types that could be explained by a recent origin of the species or a by recent bottleneck event in the studied area. A recent expansion of the distribution range to the Macaronesian region from the Mediterranean Sea was also detected, suggesting that C. crambe was recently introduced from the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean via human-mediated transport, and that the pattern observed is not the result of a natural biogeographical relationship between these zones.  相似文献   
Pterisanthes (Vitaceae) is a genus of c. 20 species of scandent climbers endemic to Southeast Asia with unusual lamellate inflorescences. Molecular phylogenetic analysis supports its relationship in the well‐supported VitisAmpelocissusNothocissusPterisanthes clade (i.e. the AmpelocissusVitis clade). Shoot tips and floral buds were collected from wild and greenhouse‐grown P. eriopoda at different developmental stages and were examined using epi‐illumination, light and scanning electron microscopy. Inflorescence and floral ontogeny was studied to discover how the lamellate inflorescence evolved and to make morphological comparisons to infer relationships with closely related members of Vitaceae. The second‐order branches in P. eriopoda are racemose and develop helically around the inflorescence axis in a similar fashion to Vitis and Ampelocissus. Inflorescence branching is restricted to the second order in P. eriopoda, whereas in Vitis and most Ampelocissus species subsequent branching orders culminate in the typical vitaceous determinate dichasium. In P. eriopoda subsequent lateral growth of the second‐order branches combined with the inhibition of peduncle or pedicel formation and loss of dichasial branching results in the unique lamellae in Pterisanthes, on which the floral primordia arise directly in a helical pattern. Floral development in P. eriopoda is the same as in other genera of Vitaceae examined to date with initiation of floral whorls centripetally, the calyx ring developing first and calyx lobes fused to cover the petals and stamen primordia. Given the recent phylogenetic results that placed Pterisanthes firmly within Ampelocissus, the most likely scenario is that the Pterisanthes inflorescence is derived from the thyrse of an Ampelocissus‐like ancestor and that the thyrse is a morphological synapomorphy of the Ampelocissus–Vitis clade. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 179 , 725–741.  相似文献   
Population structure and history is poorly known in most lichenized ascomycetes. Many species display large-scale infraspecific disjunctions, which have been explained alternately by range fragmentation in species of high age and widespread long-distance dispersal. Using the lichen Cavernularia hultenii, which is widely disjunct across North America and Europe, Pleistocene and Holocene population history was inferred. The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and part of the the intergenic spacer (IGS) region of the nuclear ribosomal DNA were sequenced in 300 individuals representing 62 populations across the range of the species. While four ancestral haplotypes are found in all areas, none of the observed tip haplotypes is present in more than one of the three part ranges. Although this is evidence for a past fragmentation event, nested clade analysis (NCA) remains equivocal in the choice between allopatric fragmentation and long-distance dispersal. Mismatch distributions indicate exponential population growth, probably during postglacial invasion of C. hultenii into formerly glaciated areas of western North America. The presence of one southern and at least one northern glacial refugium in South Central Alaska is inferred. Evidence for another refugium in the Queen Charlotte Islands or Alexander Archipelago is inconclusive because of sparse sampling. However, a range expansion was not confirmed unambiguously by NCA. The limited power of NCA to infer past range fragmentations and expansions is due apparently to the shallow haplotype network and widespread ancestral haplotypes. This can be explained by slow genetic drift causing incomplete removal of ancestral haplotypes from the postfragmentation and postexpansion areas.  相似文献   
This study reconstructed the phylogeny of the Coluteoid clade using nrDNA ITS and plastid matK and rpl32-trnL(UAG) sequences data. The analyses resolve a well-supported Coluteoid clade, as sister to Astragalus s.str. + Oxytropis, nested within the larger, strongly supported Astragalean clade. The Coluteoid clade is now composed of 12 genera including Podlechiella, Swainsona, Carmichaelia, Clianthus, Montigena, Phyllolobium, Lessertia, Sutherlandia, Sphaerophysa, Smirnowia, Eremosparton and Colutea. Within this clade, Podlechiella is the first diverging lineage followed by successive subclades of Carmichaelia + Clianthus + Swainsona, Phyllolobium, Lessertia + Sutherlandia, Sphaerophysa + Smirnowia + Eremosparton, and Colutea. We assigned the formal tribal name to this clade and redefined the tribe Coluteae. A diagnostic key to the genera of the tribe is presented. Astragalus cysticalyx and A. sinicus have no relationship with the Coluteoid clade, instead, they are nested in Astragalus s. str. Resolution within Colutea is rather low, but several smaller subclades with low to high supports are found in the genus. None of the large sections in Colutea are monophyletic. Divergence time estimates revealed that the Coluteoid clade originated in the Early Miocene (20.4 Mya). Most of its members were diverged during the Late Miocene to Pliocene. Colutea and Podlechiella form the youngest lineages where the diversification occurred in the Pliocene-Pleistocene.  相似文献   
The superfamily Gelechioidea (Lepidoptera: Obtectomera) has a high species diversity. It consists of more than 18,400 described species and has a global distribution. Among it, large numbers of species were reported to be economically important to people's production and life. However, relationships among families or subfamilies in Gelechioidea have been exceptionally difficult to resolve using morphology or single gene genealogies. Multiple gene genealogies had been used in the molecular phylogenetic studies on Gelechioidea during the past years, but their phylogenetic relationships remain to be controversial mainly due to their limited taxa sampling relative to such high species diversity. In this paper, 89 ingroup species representing 55 genera are sequenced and added to the data downloaded from GenBank, and six species representing four closely related superfamilies are chosen as outgroup. The molecular phylogeny of Gelechioidea is reconstructed based on the concatenated data set composed of one mitochondrial marker (COI) and seven nuclear markers (CAD, EF-1ɑ, GAPDH, IDH, MDH, RpS5, wingless). The phylogenetic results, taking into consideration of the comparative morphological study, show that the clade of Gelechioidea is strongly supported and separated from other superfamilies, which further proves its monophyly. Five families are newly defined: Autostichidae sensu nov., Depressariidae sensu nov., Peleopodidae sensu nov., Ashinagidae sensu nov. and Epimarptidae sensu nov. Meanwhile, a monophyletic “SSABM” clade considered to be closely related is proposed for the first time, consisting of Stathmopodidae, Scythrididae, Ashinagidae, Blastobasidae and Momphidae. Moreover, geometric morphometric analyses using merged landmark data set from fore and hind wings of 118 representative species are conducted. The phenetic tree shows that the monophyly and phylogenetic relationships correspond with the results of molecular phylogeny largely, which well proves its importance and potential application in both phylogenetic reconstruction and species identification.  相似文献   
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