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Aim  Middle East brown bears ( Ursus arctos syriacus Hemprich and Ehrenberg, 1828) are presently on the edge of extinction. However, little is known of their genetic diversity. This study investigates that question as well as that of Middle East brown bear relationships to surrounding populations of the species.
Location  Middle East region of south-western Asia.
Methods  We performed DNA analyses on 27 brown bear individuals. Twenty ancient bone samples (Late Pleistocene to 20th century) from natural populations and seven present-day samples obtained from captive individuals were analysed.
Results  Phylogenetic analyses of the mitochondrial sequences obtained from seven ancient specimens identify three distinct maternal clades, all unrelated to one recently described from North Africa. Brown bears from Iran exhibit striking diversity (three individuals, three haplotypes) and form a unique clade that cannot be linked to any extant one. Individuals from Syria belong to the Holarctic clade now observed in Eastern Europe, Turkey, Japan and North America. Specimens from Lebanon surprisingly appear as tightly linked to the clade of brown bears now in Western Europe. Moreover, we show that U. a. syriacus in captivity still harbour haplotypes closely linked to those found in ancient individuals.
Main conclusion  This study brings important new information on the genetic diversity of brown bear populations at the crossroads of Europe, Asia and Africa. It reveals a high level of diversity in Middle East brown bears and extends the historical distribution of the Western European clade to the East. Our analyses also suggest the value of a specific breeding programme for captive populations.  相似文献   
Sturgeon disappeared from the Rhône River in the mid 70’s without certitude about which species it was and about the existence of a sympatry between European sturgeon, Acipenser sturio, and Adriatic sturgeon, A. naccarii, in this watershed. In order to reach a reliable specific determination of this extinct sturgeon population, archaeozoological remains of the Jardin d’Hiver in Arles city, on the Rhône river banks, were genetically analysed, following strict criteria of authentication for the ancient DNA work. The rich collection of Arles sturgeon bone remains stems from human activities between the 6th and the 2nd Century BC. Sequences of 86 bp of the cytochrome b gene were obtained on four bones, from different anatomical parts of the fish and from different archaeological layers. All gave A. sturio diagnostic sequences. This preliminary analysis is an essential first step in the project of sturgeon reintroduction in the Rhône River. Thus, further analyses on a larger sample are necessary to comfort this result and to solve the question of sympatry with A. naccarii.  相似文献   
The climate change risk to biodiversity operates alongside a range of anthropogenic pressures. These include habitat loss and fragmentation, which may prevent species from migrating between isolated habitat patches in order to track their suitable climate space. Predictive modelling has advanced in scope and complexity to integrate: (i) projected shifts in climate suitability, with (ii) spatial patterns of landscape habitat quality and rates of dispersal. This improved ecological realism is suited to data-rich model species, though its broader generalisation comes with accumulated uncertainties, e.g. incomplete knowledge of species response to variable habitat quality, parameterisation of dispersal kernels etc. This study adopts ancient woodland indicator species (lichen epiphytes) as a guild that couples relative simplicity with biological rigour. Subjectively-assigned indicator species were statistically tested against a binary habitat map of woodlands of known continuity (>250 yr), and bioclimatic models were used to demonstrate trends in their increased/decreased environmental suitability under conditions of ‘no dispersal’. Given the expectation of rapid climate change on ecological time-scales, no dispersal for ancient woodland indicators becomes a plausible assumption. The risk to ancient woodland indicators is spatially structured (greater in a relative continental compared to an oceanic climatic zone), though regional differences are weakened by significant variation (within regions) in woodland extent. As a corollary, ancient woodland indicators that are sensitive to projected climate change scenarios may be excellent targets for monitoring climate change impacts for biodiversity at a site-scale, including the outcome of strategic habitat management (climate change adaptation) designed to offset risk for dispersal-limited species.  相似文献   
洪湖子莲开花结实习性及调控技术的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
阐明了子莲开花结实习性与花期气候的关系,并以洪湖气候与子莲开花结实的关系,莲蓬大小和莲蓬心皮数目与荷花发育时所处季节地关系以及死蕾,死花,死果与开花时天气的关系等三方面,论证了在该区调控子莲开花结实的必要性。最后还提出了调控子莲开花结实的几项农业技术。  相似文献   
Summary All modern mammals contain a distinctive, highly repeated (⩾50,000 members) family of long interspersed repeated DNA called the L1 (LINE 1) family. While the modern L1 families were derived from a common ancestor that predated the mammalian radiation ∼80 million years ago, most of the members of these families were generated within the last 5 million years. However, recently we demonstrated that modern murine (Old World rats and mice) genomes share an older long interspersed repeated DNA family that we called Lx. Here we report our analysis of the DNA sequence of Lx family members and the relationship of this family to the modern L1 families in mouse and rat. The extent of DNA sequence divergence between Lx members indicates that the Lx amplification occurred about 12 million years ago, around the time of the murine radiation. Parsimony analysis revealed that Lx elements were ancestral to both the modern rat and mouse L1 families. However, we found that few if any of the evolutionary intermediates between the Lx and the modern L1 families were extensively amplified. Because the modern L1 families have evolved under selective pressure, the evolutionary intermediates must have been capable of replication. Therefore, replicationcompetent L1 elements can reside in genomes without undergoing extensive amplification. We discuss the bearing of our findings on the evolution of L1 DNA elements and the mammalian genome.  相似文献   
荷花品种比较试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从始蕾、始花期、群体花期、着花密度、株型、花型等方面对41个荷花品种进行比较试验。结果表明,大株型荷花品种以祝福、西湖红莲最好;中小株型以金珠落玉盘、小精灵、绿云、小碧台、玉碗、红宝石、醉半熏、淡云、雨花、桃红小碗、红碗莲、瑶池春暖等12个品种最好,具有较高的观赏价值和商品价值。  相似文献   
It is well known that no chlorophyll synthesis and photosystem biogenesis have been detected in dark-grown angiosperm seedlings. However, in this report, we showed that both PSⅡ and PSⅠ could be formed in dark-grown lotus ( Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.) seedlings. Lots of evidence were given: First, during the dark-grown period, the single fluorescence emission peak at 679 nm in lotus embryo red-shifted and transformed into the normal PSⅡ fluorescence emission; Simultaneously, PSⅠ fluorescence emission at 730 nm appeared and increased obviously; Second, with partial denaturing SDS-PAGE method, PSⅠ chlorophyll-protein complex could be clearly separated from 10 days dark-grown lotus seedlings; Third, the existence of Lhca1 was also proved by Western blots. Moreover, measurements of electron transfer rate demonstrated that both PSⅡand PSⅠ core in dark-grown lotus seedlings were photochemically active.  相似文献   
莲藕干物质和氮磷钾养分的累积与分配研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
连续2年采用盆栽试验研究了莲藕(Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn)干物质和氮磷钾养分的累积与分配规律。结果表明:莲藕苗期以叶片生长并积累光合产物为主,膨大根状茎成型后,叶片、叶柄和根状茎中的干物质不断运输并贮存到膨大根状茎中,以产量形成为主,干物质累积总量增长呈"慢-快-稳定"的变化趋势;氮磷钾累积量与干物质累积量变化趋势一致,并与之呈极显著正相关,莲藕氮磷钾养分累积总量之比为1∶0.12∶1.31。移栽后97-160 d是莲藕产量形成的关键时期,不仅叶片、叶柄和根状茎中的氮磷钾随同干物质运输并贮存到膨大根状茎中,根系还从土壤中吸收更多的氮磷钾直接运输并贮存到膨大根状茎中,后者分别占同期氮磷钾累积量的69.8%、79.2%和75.0%。160 d膨大根状茎中干物质、氮、磷和钾累积量分别平均占植株总累积量的81.1%、85.2%、88.8%和80.2%。  相似文献   
The use of diagnostic methods that prevent irreplaceable samples (from museum collections, archaeological and paleontological samples) of being consumed or that increase their yield is relevant. For museum collections, archaeological and paleontological samples it is essential to conserve samples, subsamples or portions for future research. We are addressing methods for conservation of irreplaceable samples that could be fully consumed. Innovations in methodologies that are used in studies of Paleoparasitology and Paleomicrobiology will contribute to the preservation of collections. Therefore, to the development of archaeology and paleontology in the future, we evaluated whether the discarded material of the immunochromatography test could be used for molecular diagnosis and vice versa. We used a genotyped experimental coprolite positive for Giardia duodenalis. The diagnosis was positive for giardiasis in both cases. This methodology can be corroborated with the coprolite of a Paleolama maior (extinct llama) previously diagnosed for G. duodenalis with an immunoenzymatic test. The residue of the pre-digestion step of the DNA extraction before adding Proteinase K was confirmed positive with the immunochromatographic test. Also, the DNA extraction residue from a coprolite of Nothrotherium maquinense (ground sloth) was tested positive with immunochromatographic test for G. duodenalis. These are the oldest findings for G. duodenalis confirming that this intestinal parasite occurred among Northeastern Brazilian Megafauna animals from the late Pleistocene period, correlated to human occupation. The relevance of these results will allow the study by different methodological approaches from a small amount of material, reusing discarded materials.  相似文献   
张明  付巧妹 《人类学学报》2018,37(2):206-218
古DNA实验技术及高通量测序技术的出现和发展,使得直接从古老化石中进行遗传物质的提取及测序成为可能,与古人类相关的基因组学研究因此取得了一系列突破性进展,已灭绝的古老型人类(如:尼安德特人和丹尼索瓦人)与非洲以外现代人之间基因的相互影响已被诸多证据所证实。研究表明,在史前时期,早期现代人向非洲以外地区扩散时,遭遇到了现已灭绝的古老型人类,他们在同一时空内长期共存,并发生了基因交流,有一部分古老型人类基因因此流向了现代人,有些基因一直流传至今,对当今现代人的基因组成产生重大影响;此外,不同古老型人类之间也存在基因交流;而早期现代人也对部分古老型人类的基因组成造成了影响。化石与古DNA信息的证据均表明,史前各种人类之间的基因交流在多个地区发生多次,他们的基因交流共同构建了当今现代人的基因库,并在生理机能、形态和疾病发生率等方面对现代人造成了深远的影响。  相似文献   
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