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Speciation is regarded primarily as a bifurcation from an ancestral species into two distinct taxonomic units, but gene flow can create complex signals of phylogenetic relationships, especially among different loci. We evaluated several hypotheses that could account for phylogenetic discord between mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and nuclear DNA (nuDNA) within Hawaiian duck (Anas wyvilliana), including stochastic lineage sorting, mtDNA capture and widespread genomic introgression. Our results best support the hypothesis that the contemporary Hawaiian duck is descended from an ancient hybridization event between the mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) and Laysan duck (Anas laysanensis). Whereas mtDNA clearly shows a sister relationship between Hawaiian duck and mallard, nuDNA is consistent with a genetic mosaic with nearly equal contributions from Laysan duck and mallard. In addition, coalescent analyses suggest that gene flow from either mallard or Laysan duck, depending on the predefined tree topology, is necessary to explain contemporary genetic diversity in Hawaiian ducks, and these estimates are more consistent with ancient, rather than contemporary, hybridization. Time since divergence estimates suggest that the genetic admixture event occurred around the Pleistocene–Holocene boundary, which is further supported by circumstantial evidence from the Hawaiian subfossil record. Although the extent of reproductive isolation from either putative parental taxon is not currently known, these species are phenotypically, genetically and ecologically different, and they meet primary criteria used in avian taxonomy for species designation. Thus, the available data are consistent with an admixed origin and support the hypothesis that the Hawaiian duck may represent a young hybrid species.  相似文献   
Mottled ducks (Anas fulvigula) are endemic to the Gulf Coast of North America, and their range stretches from Alabama to the Laguna Madre of Mexico, with a distinct population in peninsular Florida and an introduced population in South Carolina. As one of the few non-migratory ducks in North America, mottled ducks depend on a variety of locally available habitat throughout the annual cycle, and threats to these landscapes may affect mottled ducks more acutely than migratory species. Annual population monitoring has revealed declines in mottled duck populations in Texas and Louisiana since 2008, and the genetic integrity of the Florida population has been muddled by the presence of large numbers of feral mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) resulting in hybridization. Similar to other closely related dabbling ducks, mottled duck populations are influenced by recruitment and breeding season survival, so changes in these factors may contribute to population decline. Accordingly, researchers have attempted to address various aspects of mottled duck breeding season ecology and population dynamics since the 1950s. We conducted a literature review on this topic by searching a combination of key terms using Google Scholar, including mottled duck, nesting ecology, habitat use, breeding incidence, nest success, brood, and breeding season survival, and followed citation trees to eventually aggregate information from nearly 50 publications on mottled duck breeding ecology. Our review concluded that mottled ducks use brackish and intermediate coastal marsh, including managed impoundments, and agricultural land during the breeding season. Their nests can be found in pastures, levees, dry cordgrass marsh, cutgrass marsh, spoil banks, and small islands. Nesting propensity and nest success estimates are often lower than other waterfowl species that are characterized by stable or increasing populations. Broods use wetlands composed of a mix of open water with submerged and emergent vegetation. Breeding season survival is higher for the Florida population than the western Gulf Coast population, but adult survival in both geographies is comparable to (or higher than) that of other dabbling duck species. Breeding habitat use, breeding season survival, and nest-site selection and success have been studied extensively in mottled ducks, whereas information on nesting propensity, renesting intensity, and post-hatch ecology is lacking. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Bacteria present in ejaculates can impair sperm function and reduce male reproductive success. Thus, selection should favour the evolution of antimicrobial defences to limit the detrimental effects of sperm-associated bacteria. Additionally, current hypotheses suggest that ornamental traits may signal information about the infection status of an individual or the ability of an individual to resist bacterial-induced sperm damage. However, despite the evolutionary implications of ejaculate antimicrobials, and the putative importance of pathogens for the evolution of male ornamentation, tests of these hypotheses are lacking. We examined the antibacterial activity of semen from mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos) and tested whether the bactericidal capacity of semen was associated with bill coloration, a sexually selected trait. We show that mallard semen exhibits significant antibacterial activity, as measured by the in vitro capacity to kill Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Furthermore, we demonstrate that males with more colourful bills have semen with superior bacterial-killing ability. These results suggest that females could use male phenotypic traits to avoid sexually transmitted pathogens and acquire partners whose sperm suffer less bacteria-induced damage.  相似文献   
Capsule The winter distribution of Golden Plover and Lapwing has shifted east since the mid-1980s, perhaps in response to climate change.

Aims To combine analyses of winter trends on wetlands and flocks on farmland to assess the current status of Golden Plover and Lapwing in one of their main wintering regions.

Methods Winter trends were derived from monthly counts on estuaries and wetlands for the period 1974–2002 (the Wetland Bird Survey). Winter distribution on farmland was assessed using casual records of large flocks and surveys of a stratified random sample of 1-km squares (the Winter Farmland Bird Survey).

Results Regional trends showed a pronounced increase in numbers of both species since 1974 on the east coast, with a smaller increase on the south coast. Numbers in the west and north tended to decline. Flocks on farmland were concentrated in eastern Britain unlike the situation in the 1980s.

Conclusions The winter distribution of Golden Plover and Lapwing has shifted to the east, resulting in large numbers on the east coast and in the arable east of Britain. The implications of this shift, especially in relation to known habitat associations, are discussed.  相似文献   
Capsule Key marginal habitat features maintain their importance even when they occur at very low density.

Aims To assess the importance for breeding birds of key habitat elements, such as isolated shrubs, hedgerows and untilled vegetation patches.

Methods We investigated the habitat preferences of Red-backed Shrikes Lanius collurio in an agricultural environment where key habitat elements have been dramatically reduced. Based upon data from territorial maps, a fine-scale model of habitat preference was developed and the results of three different analytical approaches (binary logistic regression, multimodel inference and hierarchical partitioning) were compared.

Results The occurrence of Red-backed Shrikes was positively influenced by the extent of non-grazed/mown grassland, isolated bushes and hedgerows, and negatively influenced by woodland cover. The model highlighted the importance of bushes/hedgerows despite their very scarce occurrence in the study areas (overall, average cover only 7.94%). Breeding densities were rather low, but mean densities were slightly higher in pasture zones in which bushes/hedgerows availability was higher than elsewhere.

Conclusion These results confirm the crucial importance of these key marginal elements even in depauperated farmland landscapes. Maintaining and increasing their availability is a key management option for the encouragement of breeding Red-backed Shrikes, and potentially for other species which are also declining in these farmland habitats.  相似文献   
Capsule Wintering female Mallards have a higher fat load than males which may compensate for their lower body size and ultimately improve their fitness.

Aims To investigate whether sex-related differences in biological processes in winter are associated with differences in body nutrient storage and flight capabilities and, if so, the possible implications for survival and reproductive performance.

Methods We analysed the body composition and the flight parameters of 35 male and 35 female Mallards wintering in western Europe on the Rhine river.

Results Males were 15% heavier and 18% larger than females, but the latter carried 27% more fat per unit body mass. Relative to body lipid mass, body protein mass was 11% lower for females. Wing loading was 7% lower in females and power loading was similar in both sexes.

Conclusions High lipid mass gives females survival capabilities to food shortage similar to males. This helps sustain them through their prebasic moult and breeding success. Heavier muscles in males compensate for their higher wing loading and thus improve pairing success. Wintering and reproductive strategies in Mallard seem to be closely linked through body reserves.  相似文献   
Habitat use by birds may be related to single or interacting effects of habitat characteristics, food resources and predators, but little is known about factors affecting habitat use by wetland species in boreal ecosystems. We surveyed brood‐rearing females and ducklings of four common boreal duck species to assess the effects of habitat structure and food resources on the use of wetlands by brood‐rearing ducks. Although wetland use by duck broods was related to habitat structure and food abundance, their relative importance varied among duck species. For the Common Goldeneye Bucephala clangula, a diving duck, aquatic invertebrates and large emerging insects were the most important factors associated with wetland use. Common Teal Anas crecca broods were observed more often on wetlands with greater Dipteran emergence, whereas in Mallard Anas platyrhynchos both habitat structure and large emerging insects were important. The occurrence of Eurasian Wigeon Anas penelope broods was related to emerging Diptera and habitat structure but the associations were not strong. The varying habitat and food requirements of common duck species could influence the success of wetland management programmes, and consideration of these factors may be particularly important for initiatives aimed at harvested species or species of conservation concern.  相似文献   
To predict future changes in wintering dabbling duck (Anas sp.) distributions in response to climate change, it is necessary to understand their response to temperature at a continental scale. Food accessibility, competition and thermoregulatory costs are likely to play a major role in determining the wintering distribution of short‐ to medium‐distance migratory bird species and in determining how this distribution varies between years. As avian thermoregulatory costs scale allometrically with body size, it would be expected that the mean mid‐winter temperature experienced by six species of dabbling ducks wintering in Western Europe would be negatively correlated with body mass. We found no clear evidence for such a relationship in a large‐scale analysis, nor were there relationships between weighted mean latitude and longitude and mean January temperature experienced by each species. These results suggest that temperature is less important in shaping mid‐winter duck distributions than factors such as feeding ecology.  相似文献   
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