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Cultured fibroblasts isolated from murine livers by tissue trypsinization were exposed to a static magnetic field (0.490 T) and to extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic field (50 Hz, 0.020 T). The cultures were exposed to magnetic fields on four consecutive days for exposure times of 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64 min. After such exposures and obtaining of fibroblast subcellular fractions, lipid peroxidation product—malondialdehyde (MDA) was measured. Increased peroxidation of fibroblasts' membrane structures exposed to an ELF magnetic field was observed in subcellular fractions—microsomal, mitochondrial, and nuclear. No changes in peroxidation of membrane structures were found in fibroblasts exposed to a static magnetic field.  相似文献   
The biomethane potential and biodegradability of an array of substrates with highly heterogeneous characteristics, including mono- and co-digestion samples with dairy manure, was determined using the biochemical methane potential (BMP) assay. In addition, the ability of two theoretical methods to estimate the biomethane potential of substrates and the influence of biodegradability was evaluated. The results of about 175 individual BMP assays indicate that substrates rich in lipids and easily-degradable carbohydrates yield the highest methane potential, while more recalcitrant substrates with a high lignocellulosic fraction have the lowest. Co-digestion of dairy manure with easily-degradable substrates increases the specific methane yields when compared to manure-only digestion. Additionally, biomethane potential of some co-digestion mixtures suggested synergistic activity. Evaluated theoretical methods consistently over-estimated experimentally-obtained methane yields when substrate biodegradability was not accounted. Upon correcting the results of theoretical methods with observed biodegradability data, an agreement greater than 90% was achieved.  相似文献   
The decoupling of the retention time of easily degradable and persistent substances relieves the degradation process from inhibitors and increases the biogas yield. Anaerobic digestion of maize silage was investigated in a pilot‐scale plant with a coupled ultrafiltration membrane. The aim of the study was the evaluation of the influence of the membrane‐based relief of the degradation process and the increase of the retention time of persistent substances. For that purpose, the fermenter content was separated into solid and liquid fractions. The solid fraction was recirculated to the fermenter for longer retention time and higher substrate degradation rates. The fermentation process was improved by the removal of the liquid fraction and adding volatile fatty acids. The results showed an increase of the biogas yield by 7.2% in comparison to the anaerobic digestion without membrane filtration.  相似文献   
Widespread hypoxia and massive eruptions of noxious, radiatively active gases currently characterize the world's strongest eastern ocean upwelling zone. Theory, modelling results and observations suggest that the world's coastal upwelling zones will undergo progressive intensification in response to greenhouse gas buildup. This presents the prospect of progressive development of similarly degraded marine ecosystems in additional regions and of a contributing feedback loop involving associated additions to the global buildup rate of greenhouse gases, resulting further increases in upwelling intensity, creation of additional sources of greenhouse gas emissions, and so on. Abundant sardine stocks might be a mitigating factor opposing the process.  相似文献   
An anaerobic incubation mixture of two bacterial strains Eggerthella sp. Julong 732 and Lactobacillus sp. Niu-O16, which have been known to transform dihydrodaidzein to S-equol and daidzein to dihydrodaidzein respectively, produced S-equol from daidzein through dihydrodaidzein. The biotransformation kinetics of daidzein by the mixed cultures showed that the production of S-equol from daidzein was significantly enhanced, as compared to the production of S-equol from dihydrodaidzein by Eggerthella sp. Julong 732 alone. The substrate daidzein in the mixed culture was almost completely converted to S-equol in 24 h of anaerobic incubation. The increased production of S-equol from daidzein by the mixed culture is likely related to the increased bacterial numbers of Eggerthella sp. Julong 732. In the mixture cultures, the growth of Eggerthella sp. Julong 732 was significantly increased while the growth of Lactobacillus sp. Niu-O16 was suppressed as compared to either the single culture of Eggerthella sp. Julong 732 or Lactobacillus sp. Niu-O16. This is the first report in which two metabolic pathways to produce S-equol from daidzein by a mixed culture of bacteria isolated from human and bovine intestinal environments were successfully linked under anaerobic conditions.  相似文献   
Summary Soil waterlogging responses were examined in three Spartina patens populations along a steep flooding gradient in coastal Louisiana. Root anatomy and physiological indicators of anaerobic metabolism were examined to identify and compare flooding responses in dune, swale and marsh populations, while soil physicochemical factors were measured to characterize the three habitats. Soil waterlogging increased along the gradient from dune to marsh habitats and was accompanied by increases in root porosity (aerenchyma). Aerenchyma in marsh roots was apparently insufficient to provide enough oxygen for aerobic respiratory demand, as indicated by high root alcohol dehydrogenase activities and low energy charge ratios. Patterns of root metabolic indicators suggest that dune and swale roots generally respired aerobically, while anaerobic metabolism was important in marsh roots. However, in each population, relatively greater soil waterloging was accompanied by differences in enzyme activities leading to malate accumulation. In dune and swale roots under these circumstances, depressed adenylate energy charge ratios may have been the result of an absence of increased ethanol fermentation. These trends suggest that: 1) Aerenchyma formation was an important, albeit incomplete, long-term adaptation to the prevalent degree of soil waterlogging. 2) All populations adjusted root metabolism in response to a relative (short-term) increase in soil waterlogging.  相似文献   
This study evaluates a two-stage bioprocess for recovering bioenergy in the forms of hydrogen and methane while treating organic residues of ethanol fermentation from tapioca starch. A maximum hydrogen production rate of 0.77 mmol H2/g VSS/h can be achieved at volumetric loading rate (VLR) of 56 kg COD/m3/day. Batch results indicate that controlling conditions at S0/X0 = 12 with X0 = 4000 mg VSS/L and pH 5.5-6 are important for efficient hydrogen production from fermentation residues. Hydrogen-producing bacteria enriched in the hydrogen bioreactor are likely utilizing lactate and acetate for biohydrogen production from ethanol-fermentation residues. Organic residues remained in the effluent of hydrogen bioreactor can be effectively converted to methane with a rate of 0.37 mmol CH4/g VSS/h at VLR of 8 kg COD/m3/day. Approximately 90% of COD in ethanol-fermentation residues can be removed and among that 2% and 85.1% of COD can be recovered in the forms of hydrogen and methane, respectively.  相似文献   
厌氧氨氧化体的组成、结构与功能   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
厌氧氨氧化(Anammox)是微生物和环境领域的研究热点之一。厌氧氨氧化菌(AnAOB)是Anammox的功能载体。不同于大部分原核微生物,AnAOB具有独特的细胞器——厌氧氨氧化体,它是进行Anammox代谢的场所。研究厌氧氨氧化体有助于探明厌氧氨氧化菌的代谢特性。本文综述了厌氧氨氧化体的组成、结构与功能,以期为从事Anammox研究的同行提供参考。  相似文献   
From anaerobic freshwater enrichment cultures with 3-hydroxybenzoate as sole substrate, a slightly curved rod-shaped bacterium was isolated in coculture with Desulfovibrio vulgaris as hydrogen scavenger. The new isolate degraded only 3-hydroxybenzoate or benzoate, and depended on syntrophic cooperation with a hydrogenoxidizing methanogen or sulfate reducer. 3-Hydroxybenzoate was degraded via reductive dehydroxylation to benzoate. With 2-hydroxybenzoate (salicylate), short coccoid rods were enriched from anaerobic freshwater mud samples, and were isolated in defined coculture with D. vulgaris. This isolate also fermented 3-hydroxybenzoate or benzoate in obligate syntrophy with a hydrogen-oxidizing anaerobe. The new isolates were both Gram-negative, non-sporeforming strict anaerobes. They fermented hydroxybenzoate or benzoate to acetate, CO2, and, presumably, hydrogen which was oxidized by the syntrophic partner organism. With hydroxybenzoates, but not with benzoate, Acetobacterium woodii could also serve as syntrophic partner. Other substrates such as sugars, alcohols, fatty or amino acids were not fermented. External electron acceptors such as sulfate, sulfite, nitrate, or fumarate were not reduced. In enrichment cultures with 4-hydroxybenzoate, decarboxylation to phenol was the initial step in degradation which finally led to acetate, methane and CO2.  相似文献   
A so-called "green protein" has been purified from a moderate halophilic eubacterium, Bacillus halodenitrificans (ATCC 49067), under anaerobic conditions. The protein, which might play an important role in denitrification, dissociates mainly into two components after exposure to air: a manganese superoxide dismutase (GP-MnSOD) and a nucleoside diphosphate kinase. As a first step in elucidating the overall structure of the green protein and the role of each component, the 2.8-A resolution crystal structure of GP-MnSOD was determined. Compared with other manganese dismutases, GP-MnSOD shows two significant characteristics. The first is that the entrance to its substrate channel has an additional basic residue-Lys38. The second is that its surface is decorated with an excess of acidic over basic residues. All these structural features may be related to GP-MnSOD's high catalytic activity and its endurance against the special cytoplasm of B. halodenitrificans. The structure of GP-MnSOD provides the basis for recognizing its possible role and assembly state in the green protein.  相似文献   
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