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Mesopodopsis africana is an important mysid in southern African coastal zooplankton and a key species in the St Lucia estuarine lake, which is currently undergoing severe desiccation owing to freshwater deprivation. M. africana populations through much of the system are consequently under severe environmental stress. This study investigates the grazing dynamics of this mysid species, in relation to autotrophic food availability and other environmental constraints in two contrasting areas of the St Lucia Estuary, Charters Creek, heavily affected by the desiccation process and the Mouth, virtually under unchanged conditions. Gut evacuation experiments were conducted once each during the day and the night. Evacuation rates were consistently higher during the night, ranging from 0.27 to 0.33 h-1 at Charters Creek and from 1.13 to 1.24 h-1 at the Mouth. Ingestion rates were, therefore, higher at the Mouth resulting in population grazing impacts of 2.5% of the total microalgal biomass, while the grazing impact at Charters Creek was only 0.5%. The spatial variation in ingestion rates could be attributed to seasonal differences in gut evacuation rates, differences in the mean size of mysids used, or the physicochemical conditions present at the two stations. It is suggested that mysid populations at Charters Creek are predominantly driven by bottom-up forces, initiated by the harsh environmental conditions. Despite the lower ingestion rates exhibited at Charters Creek, results indicate that these mysids are capable of meeting all their energetic requirements from a microalgal diet alone, although they may also utilise a heterotrophic diet.  相似文献   
Foraminiferal assemblages have been studied in 33 samples from the Can Gio region to the north of the Mekong Delta and from two regions of the Delta: the Tra Vinh province, in the middle part of the Delta; and the Ca Mau peninsula, to the south. Two plates, including 117 pictures, illustrate the species. These assemblages, either through the nature of the test or through the calculation of the confinement index Ic, clearly indicate differences in the balance between continental and marine influences, the Tra Vinh province being subject to the strongest freshwater influence. The decrease of calcareous specimens and the increase of Ic indicate the impact of deforestation in the Ca Mau peninsula, the influence of organic matter in shrimp ponds, and the impact of pollution in a tidal channel. The distribution of foraminiferal assemblages described in this study should be used as part of a reference point for further observations with a view to assessing environmental impacts of increasing human activities and/or global change.  相似文献   
The transformation of chlorophyll a by two benthic bivalves – Dreissena polymorpha and Mytilus edulis and, for comparison, by the chironomid Chironomus plumosus – was examined. D. polymorpha is a suspension-feeding, freshwater but very salinity-tolerant species, M. edulis a suspension-feeding marine species, and C.␣plumosus a typical detritivorous freshwater species. All three are common in the Odra Estuary. Specimens of the three species were collected from this area in the period 1999–2003. The bivalves were transferred to a compartment on land and kept in tanks filled with water (filtered and unfiltered) collected simultaneously with the organisms, under light and temperature conditions similar to those obtaining in their natural environment. Pigments in the water samples, faeces and pseudofaeces from the tanks, and in the gut content from C. plumosus, were determined with HPLC. The digestion products of the three species were mainly phaeophorbides a, generally thought to originate mainly from zooplankton grazing, and pyrophaeophytin a in minor quantities. The results indicate that the main chlorophyll a derivatives in faeces and pseudofaeces and gut content of the three species were the same as those in the sediments of the Baltic Sea, including the Odra Estuary. Our previous studies have shown that the sediments in this area are richer in phaeophorbides a than sediments from other parts of the southern Baltic Sea. All this suggests that the benthos may play an important role in the transformation of chlorophyll a in the Odra Estuary area.  相似文献   
Seasonal changes of fish species composition in terms of biomass, density and number of species in three areas of the main channel of the Paranaguá Estuary (axis east–west) are described in relation to seasonal fluctuations in salinity, water temperature and dissolved oxygen in the main channel. Two hundred and thirty‐four samples were collected monthly, between July 2000 and June 2001, in the main channel. Seventy‐nine species of 29 families were captured with a total estimated mean density and biomass of 1513 individuals ha?1 and 34 kg ha?1, respectively. The number of species and total mean density differed significantly among areas and seasons, but the total mean biomass differed only significantly throughout the ecocline (areas) of the Paranaguá Estuary. For the most abundant species, the mean densities of Stellifer rastrifer, Aspistor luniscutis, Menticirrhus americanus, Sphoeroides testudineus, Cynoscion leiarchus and Symphurus tesselatus (with the exception of Cathorops spixii and Genidens genidens) differed significantly among seasons. The mean biomass of these species, with the exception of G. genidens, S. rastrifer, A. luniscutis and S. testudineus, also differed significantly for the factor seasons. Area was a significant factor for the eight most abundant species (density and biomass), except S. testudineus (density), G. genidens, C. leiarchus and S. tesselatus (biomass). The season v. area interaction term was significant for C. leiarchus (density). Most of these differences occurred during the rainy season when fishes concentrated principally in the middle of the estuary, where the salinity remained stable. It is suggested that the salinity stability in the middle of the estuary is the main reason why the most estuarine resident fish species move downstream and remain there, regardless of the increased freshwater runoff. Moreover, canonical correspondent analysis output detected that during the late rainy season, the variable dissolved oxygen (P < 0·01) was the most important environmental variable, responsible for structuring patterns of fishes assemblages in the west–east axis of Paranaguá Estuary. During the end of the dry season, both salinity (P < 0·01) and dissolved oxygen (P < 0·05) were responsible for this ecological feature in the estuary. Finally, it was possible to detect that juveniles and adults of some important species respond differently to seasonal fluctuations of the ecocline‐determining environmental factors. This behaviour is suggested as a strategy to avoid competition and predation during the rainy season in the middle estuary. The Paranaguá Estuary did not fit with the pre‐existing models described in the tropical and subtropical estuarine fish literature since its main channel fish assemblages remained within its bounds even during the rainy season.  相似文献   
2005年11月(秋季)对位于黄河口的岔尖岛、大口河岛和望子岛三岛的高、中、低潮带(岔尖岛:C1、C2、C3;大口河岛D1、D2、D3;望子岛W1、W2、W3)所设的9个采样站进行大型底栖动物调查,分析所获得的样品.结果表明,本次秋季调查共采到大型底栖动物34种,其中多毛类种类最多,13种,软体动物11种,甲壳动物8种,其他类群2种;大型底栖动物总平均栖息密度为164 ind./m2,总平均生物量为61.12 g/m2;9个采样站底栖生物的种类组成和数量特征有较大差异,其中物种数最高的为D3站,最低的为C1站.黄河口潮间带大型底栖动物生态特征主要受底质、潮汐、季节和人为干扰等因素的影响.  相似文献   
The release of inorganic nutrients by nekton (fish and shrimp) assemblages through excretion and bioturbation was quantified for intertidal creeks in a warm-temperate estuary, North Inlet, South Carolina, USA. Excretion rates for individual nekton taxa were determined for captive animals maintained in the field. Nutrient production by nekton assemblages was determined in laboratory tank experiments in which the effects of nutrient releases through excretion and bioturbation could be separated. These values and field-measured biomass data were used to calculate and compare nutrient generation rates by nekton to those of other biotic and abiotic sources in intertidal creeks. Mass specific ammonium excretion rates ranged from 5.7-11.9 μmol g dw−1 h−1 in early spring to 8.3-20.7 μmol g dw−1 h−1 in the summer. Orthophosphate excretion rates were distinctly lower and never exceeded 3 μmol g dw−1 h−1. The N/P ratio in the excretory products of the different taxa was generally higher during summer than in early spring. In the summer, experiments on nekton assemblages in tanks indicated that mass specific ammonium production rates based on excretion plus bioturbation were on average 40% higher than rates based on excretion alone. Orthophosphate production was unaffected by bioturbation during both seasons.Nekton, oyster reefs, and benthic remineralization were identified as the major sources for inorganic nutrients. These observations and the fact that consumer driven nutrient cycling through nekton has not been recognized as an important process in coastal ecosystems suggest that additional efforts to quantify the role of large motile animals are needed.  相似文献   
Villar  Carlos  Stripeikis  Jorge  Colautti  Dario  D'Huicque  Liliana  Tudino  Mabel  Bonetto  Carlos 《Hydrobiologia》2001,457(1-3):225-233
Cd, Cr, Cu and Pb concentrations were measured in the water and these plus Zn were measured in the diet, muscle and liver of the detritivorous fish Prochilodus lineatus and the omnivorous fish Pterodoras granulosus at two sites (Lower Paraná River and Río de la Plata right margin) located upstream and downstream, respectively, from Buenos Aires, an important source of xenobiotics. Cu and Cr concentrations in water were higher in the Río de la Plata coastal waters, while Cd and Pb were below detection limits. The stomach contents of P. lineatus showed a higher metal content at the estuary, attaining concentrations within the range reported for contaminated sediments. However, metals in fish tissue were not higher at the estuary and, except for Cd in liver, were lower than in the organic fraction of the stomach content. Thus, only Cd was accumulated. The P. granulosus diet was composed mainly of river vegetation debris and clams, Corbicula fluminea, at the estuary. Cd, Cu and Pb in liver were higher at the estuary while only Cu was higher in the diet at this site. The different nature of the diet seems associated with a differential bioavailability of its metal content. P. granulosus accumulates Cu at both sites and Cd at the estuary. Both fishes showed higher metal content in liver than in muscle. Cr in liver was below detection limits. No relation was found between metal content and fish size. Overall, metal content in fish tissues were low, except for Cu in P. granulosus and Cd in P. lineatus, similar to those of uncontaminated sites, suggesting that homeostatic mechanisms prevent metal accumulation.  相似文献   
The horse mussel Atrina zelandica (Gray) is a large, suspension feeding pinnid bivalve, common in coastal and estuarine areas of northern New Zealand. As a suspension feeder, Atrina is likely to be influenced by suspended sediment loads. We conducted a laboratory experiment to determine the effect of short-term elevations in turbidity levels, such as those commonly recorded during storms, on the physiological condition and clearance rates of Atrina. We also conducted a field survey and a 3-month transplant experiment at multiple sites along a gradient of increasing suspended sediment load in a New Zealand estuary. Laboratory clearance rates of Atrina declined above a threshold suspended sediment concentration, and Atrina physiological condition at the end of this experiment was lower in high cf. low turbidity treatments. Decreases in Atrina condition were detected after exposure to elevated levels for only 3 days. The field survey and transplant experiment provided empirical evidence of a strong, negative effect of increasing suspended sediment flux on the physiological condition of Atrina. We suggest that relationships between the physiological condition of suspension feeders and sediment settling flux could provide a link between sediment inputs, which commonly occur as a result of catchment runoff during rainfall events, and the ecological health of estuarine and shallow coastal areas. Our study also demonstrated that Atrina have a natural distribution limit controlled by suspended sediment load. Thus, there is potential for larger-scale functional and structural effects on benthic communities in estuarine and coastal areas with high rates of sedimentation.  相似文献   
The temporal heterogeneity of chum salmon stock of the Anadyr Bay region was investigated on the basis of a set of discrete external morphological features and fluctuating asymmetry level of some meristic structures. Differentiation of Anadyr Bay chum salmon during the spawning run was found to be associated with the abundance level of spawning stock in a particular year. Sharply pronounced temporal heterogeneity, based on the investigated characteristics, in the area near the river mouth can be considered as an indicator of the subsequent deficiency of spawners on the spawning grounds of rivers in the Anadyr Bay region.  相似文献   
In order to assess the importance of sexual and asexual reproduction during the life history of Scirpus mariqueter, its reproductive and growth characters were concurrently examined along an elevational gradient (from low elevation to high elevation). The proportions of flowering shoot and inflorescence mass, seed : flower ratio and seed weight were used to quantify the investment in sexual reproduction. The proportions of current-year shoot and rhizome mass were used to quantify the investment in asexual reproduction, and the proportion of corm mass was used for growth, respectively. It was found that vegetative propagation predominated at low elevation, whereas sexual reproduction predominated at high elevation; and that sexual reproduction increased with declining asexual reproduction along the gradient. The results suggest that asexual reproduction is relatively favored in the early life stage, whereas sexual reproduction is favored when the population becomes mature and aged, probably because of the functional differentiation between the two reproductive types. Sexual productive characters (i.e. the proportions of flowering shoot and inflorescence mass) were negatively correlated to both growth and asexual reproductive characters along the gradient, indicating there might exist some trade-offs among growth, sexual and asexual reproduction during the life history. However, no obvious pattern was found between asexual reproductive characters and growth characters along the elevational gradient, possibly because of the varied relationships between them at different life stages. The variations in sexual and asexual reproduction in the species and the relationship between them are thought to be of great significance for local population growth, species persistence and evolution.  相似文献   
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