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The measurement of N2 fixation by legumes is necessary for gaining an understanding of their contributions to the N economies of agricultural and forestry systems and for their management in those systems. We report research to determine whether N2 fixation of four of the commonly-grown ureide-producing legumes, soybean (Glycine max), cowpea (Vigna unguiculata), mungbean (V. radiata) and black gram (V. mungo), could be quantified from a single sampling and N-solute analysis of xylem sap. Data were derived from a previously-published experiment involving six genotypes of soybean at five field sites and from a second, irrigated experiment in which two genotypes of soybean, and one each of cowpea, mungbean and black gram were assessed in low- and high-nitrate soils for nodulation, yields of shoot and grain dry matter and N, and N2 fixation using xylem solute (ureide) and 15N methods. Regression analysis of the published soybean data set indicated that the early pod-fill (R3.5 and R4) samplings for xylem sap gave estimates of percentage of plant N derived from N2 fixation (%Ndfa) which agreed well with %Ndfa for the entire growing season obtained from 15N analysis of the shoots at R6-7. There was a marginal benefit in combining the R3.5 and R4 samplings and using the average of the two, with regression coefficients (r 2) increasing from 0.86 (R3.5 or R4 alone) to 0.92 (average of R3.5+R4). There was no additional benefit in combining R3, R3.5 and R4. In the second experiment, agreement between 15N-determined %Ndfa and either measured (R4 sampling) or calculated ureide-determined %Ndfa (R3.5 sampling) was also good (r 2 of 0.73 (R4) and 0.79 (R3.5)). We conclude that seasonal %Ndfa can be accurately estimated using the xylem solute (ureide) method from a single sampling of xylem sap during early pod-fill (R3.5) and that this simplification of the protocol of the technique may encourage expanded use.  相似文献   
Wallander  Håkan 《Plant and Soil》2002,243(1):23-30
The aim of this study was to test the potential of four isolates of ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungi to utilize organic nitrogen (N) at two different substrate pHs. The organic N source (15N labelled lyophilised fungal mycelium) was mixed with either untreated peat/sand mixture (pH 4.9) or peat/sand mixture limed to a pH of 5.9 and put in cylindrical containers added to each pot. The content of the containers was separated from the roots of Pinus sylvestris seedlings by a nylon mesh and a 2 mm air gap to reduce diffusion of labelled N to the roots. The mycorrhizal plants (except those colonized by Suillus variegatus 2) took up significantly more 15N from the labelled mycelium than uncolonized seedlings. Liming significantly reduced the uptake of 15N by one of the EM fungi (unidentified) but not the other tested species (Paxillus involutus and two isolates of S. variegatus). The EM fungal isolates differed in their influence on the bacterial activity of the soil. This was reduced with P. involutus at both pH levels and increased with one of the two S. variegatus isolates at the high pH and with the other S. variegatus isolate at the low pH level. Liming the soil generally increased bacterial activity. The influence of liming on the proportion of organic N uptake in relation to inorganic N uptake by ectomycorrhizal trees is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary The Carboniferous of N?tsch (Austria), divided into Erlachgraben, Badstub and N?tsch Formations, is composed of a thick sequence of dominantly siliciclastic deepsea sediments. Intercalated marly and silty limestones in the upper Erlachgraben Formation consist of bioclastic wackestones and algal wackestones/packstones which contain a diverse fossil assemblage of formainifers, algae and pseudo-algae. These microfossils are accurately described and documented, and three species of algae are established:Principia fluegeli n. sp.,Paraepimastopora noetschensis n. sp., andNanopora pseudofragilissima n. sp. Based on the occurrence of both important species of the foraminifers Lasiodiscoidea (Howchinia gibba andEolasiodiscus dilatatus), and also on the presence ofEndothyranopsis plana, of the lastEarlandia ex. gr.vulgaris and of the firstEostaffella exp gr.postmosquensis, the upper Erlachgraben Formation is dated as late Serpukhovian (goniatite biozone E 2 of the Namurian A; Arnsbergian stage, corresponding to the Zapaltyubinsky of the standard Russian sequence; foraminiferal biozones 18 or Cf 7 of Belgium, or Cf 16 of the Donbass). Compared to the Pyrenees and the Donbass region, the algal flora of the Carboniferous of N?tsch seems to be relatively endemic. Algae and foraminifers originally inhabited a shallow carbonate ramp and were transported and redeposited in a deep-water environment by gravity flows. The formainifers most probably migrated from the Donbass region along the shelf of a narrow seaway to N?tsch.  相似文献   
Abstract 1. Nitrogen and carbon isotope ratios and uric acid concentrations in fungus-growing termites (Isoptera: Termitidae: Macrotermitinae), sampled in Cameroon and Thailand, were determined in order to compare castes that are known to differ in behaviour and feeding habits.
2. Nitrogen isotope ratios (δ15N) were either not significantly changed or lower in workers compared with the diet (the fungus combs), whereas carbon isotope ratios (δ13C) were higher in worker termites than in the fungus combs.
3. In old workers, δ15N values were unexpectedly low and correlated negatively with whole-body uric acid concentrations. This indicates that older workers retain uric acid, which has a low δ15N value, to conserve nitrogen within the colony and, furthermore, that older colony members may ultimately be consumed by younger conspecifics.  相似文献   
The local and regional history of vegetation and climate, from the Late Glacial to the present, is represented in a new, high-resolution pollen diagram from Pian di Gembro (1350 m asl), ten 14C dates providing a reliable time control. An open pioneer vegetation dominated by Artemisia, Gramineae, and and Chenopodiaceae followed the retreat of the glaciers after the Last Glacial Maximum. Shrub vegetation with Juniperus, Alnus viridis, and Salix expanded soon after. Denser Betula-Pinus forests were present in Pian di Gembro around 12,320 B.P. Their extent was greatly reduced by the climatic cooling of the Younger Dryas, when open vegetation spread again. The beginning of the Holocene was marked by a considerable expansion in mixed oak taxa. Corylus immigrated to the site at 9,250 B.P. Picea and Abies expanded at 7,370 B.P., recording an abrupt change in the structure of the vegetational belts. A coeval climatic change is evidenced in the GRIP records and also detectable through oscillations of the timberline. Signs of human impact are present since late Atlantic, becoming more intense around 2,200 B.P. As pasture lands increased, Abies and Fagus slowly disappeared. The introduction of Castanea and Juglans is dated to Roman times, and Secale to the Middle Ages. Received February 4, 2002 / Accepted August 2, 2002  相似文献   
The cytotoxicity, mutagenicity, and carcinogenicity of DNA base lesions are largely determined by the responses of cellular DNA repair proteins, DNA polymerases, and signaling pathways. Elucidation of these processes is thus of high biochemical interest. Such studies increasingly rely on DNA substrates containing specific lesions at defined locations. Although short synthetic DNA oligomers have frequently proved useful, circular plasmid substrates are preferable for much biochemical work, and essential for in vivo studies. However, the complexity of current approaches for preparing such substrates and limitations inherent in the procedures have posed problems. We present here a simple, highly versatile procedure for preparing gapped duplex plasmids, into which oligomers incorporating specific lesions can easily be inserted. Endonuclease N.BstNBI was used to nick twice the same strand of a pUC19-derived plasmid (pUC19HBDa), at two GAGTCNNNN sequences separated by 22 bases. Removal of the 22-nt oligomer and further purification produced a highly pure gapped plasmid. To illustrate application of this procedure, 22-nt oligonucleotides containing a single uracil residue were ligated into the gapped molecules. The pUC19HB(Da) plasmid can be modified to accept almost any DNA-lesion-containing oligomer. Using this new approach to incorporate specific DNA lesions into popular reporter genes will facilitate in vivo study of cellular responses to DNA damage.  相似文献   
The effect of clipping of the host-plant shoot on the sources of carbon and nitrogen for the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus Gigaspora margarita was determined by measuring 13C in spores and hyphae in cocultures of C3 and C4 plants and by differential 15N labeling. C3 and C4 plants, which have different δ13C values, were grown in the same container separated by a series of hyphal compartments. The C3 and C4 plants were applied with 14N- and 15N-urea, respectively. After clipping of the C3 shoots, spore δ 13C gradually approached that of the C4 roots. Hyphal δ 13C paralleled that of spores. Spore % 15N was similar to that of mineral N in the C4 plant compartment. Thus C in G. margarita coming from the clipped plants decreased with time. This demonstrates that C in AM fungi comes from living plants, whilst the N in spores comes mostly from the soil. Accepted: 28 November 2000  相似文献   
Fire effects on ecosystem nitrogen cycling in a Californian bishop pine forest   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Fire can cause severe nitrogen (N) losses from grassland, chaparral, and temperate and boreal forest ecosystems. Paradoxically, soil ammonium levels are markedly increased by fire, resulting in high rates of primary production in re-establishing plant communities. In a manipulative experiment, we examined the influence of wild-fire ash residues on soil, microbial and plant N pools in a recently burned Californian bishop pine (Pinus muricata D. Don) forest. Ash stimulated post-fire primary production and ecosystem N retention through direct N inputs from ash to soils, as well as indirect ash effects on soil N availability to plants. These results suggest that redistribution of surface ash after fire by wind or water may cause substantial heterogeneity in soil N availability to plants, and could be an important mechanism contributing to vegetation patchiness in fire-prone ecosystems. In addition, we investigated the impact of fire on ecosystem N cycling by comparing 15N natural abundance values from recently burned and nearby unburned P. muricata forest communities. At the burned site, 15N natural abundance in recolonising species was similar to that in bulk soil organic matter. By contrast, there was a marked 15N depletion in the same species relative to the total soil N pool at the unburned site. These results suggest that plant uptake of nitrate (which tends to be strongly depleted in 15N because of fractionation during nitrification) is low in recently burned forest communities but could be an important component of eco- system N cycling in mature conifer stands. Received: 29 June 1999 / Accepted: 24 October 1999  相似文献   
Enzymes catalyzing the hydrolysis of casein, N-benzoyl-l-tyrosine ethyl ester, p-nitrophenyl acetate, and l-leucyl-β-naphthylamine hydrochloride were found in extracts of the excretory gland cells of Stephanurus dentatus.  相似文献   
Soil structural aspects of decomposition of organic matter by micro-organisms   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Soil architecture is the dominant control over microbially mediated decomposition processes in terrestrial ecosystems. Organic matter is physically protected in soil so that large amounts of well-decomposable compounds can be found in the vicinity of largely starving microbial populations. Among the mechanisms proposed to explain the phenomena of physical protection in soil are adsorption of organics on inorganic clay surfaces and entrapment of materials in aggregates or in places inaccessible to microbes. Indirect evidence for the existence of physical protection in soil is provided by the occurrence of a burst of microbial activity and related increased decomposition rates following disruption of soil structures, either by natural processes such as the remoistening of a dried soil or by human activities such as ploughing. In contrast, soil compaction has only little effect on the transformation of 14C-glucose. Another mechanism of control by soil structure and texture on decomposition in terrestrial ecosystems is through their impact on microbial turnover processes. The microbial population is not only the main biological agent of decomposition in soil, it is also an important, albeit small, pool through which most of the organic matter in soil passes. Estimates on the relative importance of different mechanisms controlling decomposition in soil could be derived from results of combined tracer and modelling studies. However, suitable methodology to quantify the relation between soil structure and biological processes as a function of different types and conditions of soils is still lacking.  相似文献   
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