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Sagittal otoliths of the yellowstripe goatfish Mulloidichthys flavolineatus were analysed in order to compare Reunion Island fish stocks with those of Mauritius (south-west Indian Ocean). Conventional otolith morphometric variables (area, perimeter, length and width), shape indices (form factor, roundness, circularity, rectangularity, ellipticity and eccentricity) and Fourier shape analysis were compared between three sites; two in Reunion Island and one in Mauritius. Regional and site-specific differences were found for all the conventional otolith morphometric features. Regarding the shape indices, the differences between sites were best described by form factor, roundness, circularity and rectangularity. A classification by canonical discriminant analysis indicated significant differences between the three sampling sites. The combined use of morphometric variables (size and shape) and external outlines (shape analysis through Fourier series) showed the importance of otolith shape for intraspecific discrimination.  相似文献   
Objective : To compare the accuracy of percentage body fat (%BF) estimates between bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) and DXA in obese African‐American women. Research Methods and Procedures : Fifty‐five obese African‐American women (mean age, 45 years; mean BMI, 38; mean %BF, 48%) were studied. BF was assessed by both BIA (RJL Systems BIA 101Q; RJL Systems, Clinton Township, MI) and DXA (Hologic QDR‐2000 Bone Densitometer; Hologic Inc., Bedford, MA). Generalized and ethnicity‐ and obese‐specific equations were used to calculate %BF from the BIA. Bland‐Altman analyses were used to compare the agreement between the BIA and the DXA, with the DXA serving as the criterion measure. Results : Two of the generalized equations provided consistent estimates across the weight range in comparison with the DXA estimates, whereas most of the other equations increasingly underestimated %BF as BF increased. One of the generalized and one of the ethnicity‐specific equations had mean differences that were not significantly different from the DXA value. Discussion : The findings show that the Lukaski equation provided the most precise and accurate estimates of %BF in comparison with the QDR 2000 and provide preliminary support for the use of this equation for obese African‐American women.  相似文献   
Indian geographical populations of Drosophila melanogaster, collected at latitude 10–32.3 oN, longitude 76.1–80.1 oE and altitude 16–2050 m, were analysed for changes in Adh 1 frequency and utilization potential of diverse alcoholic resources. Until now, there have been limited data on climatic association of correlated changes on these aspects in continental populations of D. melanogaster. Indian populations demonstrate an increase in Adh F frequency by 0.04 per degree latitude and significantly higher utilization of ethanol (9.0–15.2%), acetic acid (8.1–12.5%), n-propanol (2.55-4.25%), 2-propanol (1.5-3.5%), n-butanol (2.15 3.5%) and 2-butanol (0.68-1.2%). Data also revealed significant correlation with latitude as well as altitude. Regression analysis of climatic data from collection sites confirmed the observed clinal variation of Adh F as well as alcoholic utilization in D. melanogaster. On the Indian subcontinent, variation in Adh F frequency and alcoholic resource utilization along increasing latitude as well as altitude are due to climatic selection factors such as temperature and rainfall.  相似文献   
A theoretical inverse relationship has long been postulated for osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation (bone versus adipose tissue differentiation). This inverse relationship in theory at least partially underlies the clinical entity of osteoporosis, in which marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have a predilection for adipose differentiation that increases with age. In the present study, we assayed the potential anti-adipogenic effects of Nell-1 protein (an osteoinductive molecule). Using 3T3-L1 (a human preadipocyte cell line) cells and human adipose-derived stromal cells (ASCs), we observed that adenoviral delivered (Ad)-Nell-1 or recombinant NELL-1 protein significantly reduced adipose differentiation across all markers examined (Oil red O staining, adipogenic gene expression [Pparg, Lpl, Ap2]). In a prospective fashion, Hedgehog signaling was assayed as potentially downstream of Nell-1 signaling in regulating osteogenic over adipogenic differentiation. In comparison to Ad-LacZ control, Ad-Nell-1 increased expression of hedgehog signaling markers (Ihh, Gli1, Ptc1). These studies suggest that Nell-1 is a potent anti-adipogenic agent. Moreover, Nell-1 signaling may inhibit adipogenic differentiation via a Hedgehog dependent mechanism.  相似文献   
As a platform for syntheses of nanoconjugates in antitumor drug delivery, polymalic acid together with its tailoring specific exohydrolase is purified from plasmodium cultures of the slime mold Physarum polycephalum, a member of the phylum myxomycota. Polymalic acid hydrolase is expressed in an inactive form that functions as a molecular adapter for polymalic acid trafficking within the plasmodium and is activated only during secretion. Activation follows specific protein tyrosine phosphorylation and dissociation from plasma membranes. Purified inactive Physarum polymalic acid hydrolase, recombinantly expressed in yeast Saccharomyces, is activated on a preparative basis by the addition of plasma membrane fragments from plasmodia of P. polycephalum. Activation of polymalic acid hydrolase and inhibition of polymalic acid synthesis by protein tyrosine phosphorylation are complementary events and could indicate a joint signal response to plasma membrane damage.  相似文献   
Incidental capture of seabirds in longline fishing gear is a central issue in the conservation of many long-lived marine species. Despite growing evidence of climate-induced effects on population trends of long-lived species, climate change remains generally overlooked in most risk assessments of seabirds. Because variation in climate may interact with the detrimental effects of bycatch, considering climate is of great importance, especially in the context of ongoing global warming. This paper examines the combined effects of bycatch and climate change on the persistence of one of the world's rarest birds, the Amsterdam Albatross Diomedea amsterdamensis , which has a single population in the upland plateau of Amsterdam Island (Southeast Indian Ocean). Using continuous monitoring from 1983 onwards, we first estimated the relationship between climate and the species' demographic parameters. We then built a stochastic matrix population model to estimate the population growth rate and the probability that the population declines below the level recorded in 1983 of nine breeding pairs under different scenarios involving the joint effects of additional mortality caused by longline fisheries and climate change. The results suggest that the demography of the Amsterdam Albatross is influenced by climate in both breeding and wintering grounds and that these relationships may to some extent compensate for the impact of additive bycatch mortality. However, these compensatory effects would be negligible if the annual additional mortality exceeds around six individuals per year, suggesting that the resumption of longline fishery in the foraging range of the Amsterdam Albatross would rapidly put this species at risk of extinction.  相似文献   
We have examined the development of pigment-dispersing hormone (PDH)-immunoreactive neurons in embryos of the American lobster Homarus americanus Milne Edwards, 1837 (Decapoda, Reptantia, Homarida) by using an antiserum against β-PDH. This peptide is detectable in the terminal medulla of the eyestalks and the protocerebrum where PDH immunoreactivity is present as early as 20% of embryonic development. During ontogenesis, an elaborate system of PDH-immunoreactive neurons and fibres develops in the eyestalks and the protocerebrum, whereas less labelling is present in the deuto- and tritocerebrum and the ventral nerve cord. The sinus gland is innervated by PDH neurites at hatching. This pattern of PDH immunoreactivity has been compared with that found in various insect species. Neurons immunoreactive to pigment-dispersing factor in the medulla have been shown to be a central component of the system that generates the circadian rhythm in insects. Our results indicate that, in view of the position of the neuronal somata and projection patterns of their neurites, the immunolabelled medulla neurons in insects have homologous counterparts in the crustacean eyestalk. Since locomotory and other activities in crustaceans follow distinct circadian rhythms comparable with those observed in insects, we suggest that PDH-immunoreactive medulla neurons in crustaceans are involved in the generation of these rhythms. This study was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) grant Ha 2540 and National Science Foundation grant IBN 0344448. S.H. was a Heisenberg Fellow of the DFG during the experimental part of this study. Bill Hansson and the Max Planck Society provided support during the final period of work reported in this paper.  相似文献   
In community-level ecological studies, generally not all species present in sampled areas are detected. Many authors have proposed the use of estimation methods that allow detection probabilities that are <1 and that are heterogeneous among species. These methods can also be used to estimate community-dynamic parameters such as species local extinction probability and turnover rates (Nichols et al. Ecol Appl 8:1213–1225; Conserv Biol 12:1390–1398). Here, we present an ad hoc approach to estimating community-level vital rates in the presence of joint heterogeneity of detection probabilities and vital rates. The method consists of partitioning the number of species into two groups using the detection frequencies and then estimating vital rates (e.g., local extinction probabilities) for each group. Estimators from each group are combined in a weighted estimator of vital rates that accounts for the effect of heterogeneity. Using data from the North American Breeding Bird Survey, we computed such estimates and tested the hypothesis that detection probabilities and local extinction probabilities were negatively related. Our analyses support the hypothesis that species detection probability covaries negatively with local probability of extinction and turnover rates. A simulation study was conducted to assess the performance of vital parameter estimators as well as other estimators relevant to questions about heterogeneity, such as coefficient of variation of detection probabilities and proportion of species in each group. Both the weighted estimator suggested in this paper and the original unweighted estimator for local extinction probability performed fairly well and provided no basis for preferring one to the other.  相似文献   
South American fur seals breeding in Peru are subjected to levels of maternal aggression, and subsequent pup mortality, that are higher than has been reported for any other otariid species. For mothers and pups to maintain contact with each other, a mutual recognition system should exist to facilitate reunion and avoid misdirection of maternal effort. We recorded vocalizations of mothers and pups at Punta San Juan, Peru, during the 1994 and 1995 breeding seasons. Sixteen acoustic variables were measured from a total of 560 calls from 15 mothers and 13 pups. Multivariate analysis showed that calls were variable in several acoustic dimensions. While calls of both mothers and pups showed low variability within and high variability among individuals, mothers' calls were more individualistic. On average, discriminant-function analysis correctly assigned 60% of pup calls and 70% of mother calls to the individual that produced them. Characteristics of the fundamental frequency were most important for distinguishing among mothers, while pup calls, which typically contained less harmonic structure, could be differentiated by formant-like frequency ranges. Thus, calls of mother and pup South American fur seals appear to exhibit sufficient stereotypy to allow for recognition and discrimination among individuals.  相似文献   
Marra  Peter P. 《Behavioral ecology》2000,11(3):299-308
Several species of territorial migratory birds exhibit sexualhabitat segregation on their wintering grounds, with some habitatscontaining mostly males and others mostly females. The objectiveof this study was to determine if in the American redstart(Setophaga ruticilla) in Jamaica habitat segregation is dueto social mechanisms or due to sex-specific habitat specialization.I used habitat-specific patterns of arrival by young males and females, observations of territorial displacements, removalexperiments, and simulations of territorial intrusions to differentiatebetween these two mechanisms. Redstarts were studied in twohabitat types, a male-biased mangrove forest and a female-biasedscrub habitat. In autumn, male and female hatch-year redstartsinitially settled in equal numbers in each habitat, and segregationof the sexes occurred gradually and mostly later in the arrival period. This shift corresponded with an increase in densityof older birds and an increase in territorial displacements.Removal experiments showed that vacancies in male-biased habitatwere filled more rapidly and with greater frequency than thosein female-biased habitat and that vacated male territoriesin mangrove were replaced more often by females than by males. Simulations of territorial intrusions and analyses of body sizeindicated that levels of aggression and body size of both malesand females were greater in mangrove habitat, suggesting thatthese factors may be important in determining the outcomesof dominance interactions. I conclude that patterns of sexualhabitat segregation in redstarts are structured by the dominance behavior of older and more dominant individuals, and these aremostly males.  相似文献   
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