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The morphology and histology of the male internal reproductive organs of Costelytra zealandica show many similarities to other Scarabaeoidae, and are particularly close to other Melolonthinae and to Rutelinae. Testes follicles of C. zealandica have the usual structure for Melolonthinae with basal lobes surrounding the ends of the vasa efferentia. Epithelial cells of the vasa efferentia, vasa deferentia, and vesiculae seminales have similar densely basophilic cytoplasm but muscle layers are best developed around the latter. Accessory glands lack muscle and are not differentiated histologically into regions but do differ from their reservoirs. The ejaculatory duct has a cuticular intima and is differentiated into anterior and posterior regions. Both are surrounded by a muscular sheath which expands in the posterior region to enclose fluid. This forms a hydraulic mechanism for everting the internal sac during intromission. The parameres hook into the female’s genital chamber during copulation and have no pincer action. Probable homologies are listed between muscles of the external genitalia and anus of C. zealandica and other Scarabaeoidea.  相似文献   
Nina Furnari 《Mammal Review》2013,43(4):323-326
Cavia intermedia, a rare species of cavy found exclusively on Moleques do Sul Island, Brazil, differs from other cavies in genetic and morphological characteristics and has been regarded as phylogenetically closest to Cavia magna. Here, I present morphological evidence for the likely origin of Cavia intermedia from an ancestor shared with Cavia magna: an external female genital organ similar in size and appearance to the male's penis. Masculinization of the female genitalia has been observed in Cavia magna but does not occur in Cavia aperea, which suggests a sister relationship between Cavia magna and Cavia intermedia.  相似文献   
In the carabid genus Carabus subgenus Ohomopterus , diverged body size and genital morphology serve as mechanical reproductive barriers. To elucidate the diverging process of body and genital sizes in Carabus arrowianus , which exhibits marked morphological diversity among geographical populations and may represent an early stage of speciation, we analysed a mitochondrial gene sequence for 1051 individuals from 63 populations and male morphology for 359 individuals from 47 populations. Two discrete morphological groups segregated by geographical barriers were distinguished, one of which possessed smaller bodies and shorter genitalia ( S group) than the other ( L group), which exhibited larger bodies and exaggerated genitalia. Genetic divergence between the two groups was significant but not large. Phylogeographical and population genetic analyses indicated that the L group was derived from the S group, and a coalescent simulation revealed that the two groups diverged during the latest middle Pleistocene (0.13 million years ago), with a much larger effective population size in the L group than the S group. Because the body size divergence could not be explained by adaptation to climatic conditions and genital morphology is considered to be subject to sexual selection, we postulated that a population division and colonization in favourable habitats caused by the Pleistocene climatic and geographical change might facilitate natural and sexual selection for enlarged body and genital sizes in the L group.  相似文献   
Sexual conflict over mating can result in sex-specific morphologies and behaviours that allow each sex to exert control over the outcome of reproduction. Genital traits, in particular, are often directly involved in conflict interactions. Via genital manipulation, we experimentally investigated whether genital traits in red-sided garter snakes influence copulation duration and formation of a copulatory plug. The hemipenes of male red-sided garter snakes have a large basal spine that inserts into the female cloaca during mating. We ablated the spine and found that males were still capable of copulation but copulation duration was much shorter and copulatory plugs were smaller than those produced by intact males. We also anaesthetized the female cloacal region and found that anaesthetized females copulated longer than control females, suggesting that female cloacal and vaginal contractions play a role in controlling copulation duration. Both results, combined with known aspects of the breeding biology of red-sided garter snakes, strongly support the idea that sexual conflict is involved in mating interactions in this species. Our results demonstrate the complex interactions among male and female traits generated by coevolutionary processes in a wild population. Such complexity highlights the importance of simultaneous examination of male and female traits.  相似文献   
The genus Pseudostegania Butler is revised. In addition to the two species known, four species are described as new: P. lijiangensis sp. nov. from Yunnan Province, P. qinlingensis sp. nov. from Gansu and Shaanxi Provinces, P. zhoui sp. nov. from Sichuan Province (China) and P. burmaensis sp. nov. from Burma (Myanmar); two species are newly combined with Pseudostegania: P. distinctaria (Leech, 1897), comb. nov. and P. yargongaria (Oberthür, 1916), comb. nov. All the known species are redescribed and lectotypes are designated for P. defectata (Christoph, 1881), P. distinctaria and P. yargongaria. The generic characters, based on all species, are summarized. The tribal placement of Pseudostegania is discussed. Illustrations of moths and genitalia are presented.  相似文献   
The female genital system of the oonopid Silhouettella loricatula is astonishingly complex. The genital opening is situated medially and leads into an oval receptaculum that is heavily sclerotized except for the ventral half of the posterior wall that appears chitinized only. A large striking sclerite lying in the posterior wall of the uterus externus is attached anteriorly to the receptaculum and continues dorsally into a globular appendix that bears a furrow. The uterus externus shows a peculiar modification in its anterior wall: a paddle-like sclerite with a nail-like posterior process. This sclerite lies opposite to the furrow proceeding in the globular appendix and may serve females to lock the uterus externus by muscle contractions. Massive muscles connect the sclerite with the anterior scutum of the opisthosoma and with two other sclerites that are attached to the receptaculum and serve as attachments for further muscles. Gland cells extend around a pore field of the receptaculum. They produce secretion that encloses spermatozoa in a discrete package (secretory sac) inside the receptaculum. In this way, the mixing of sperm from different males and thus sperm competition may be severely limited or completely prevented. During a copulation in the laboratory the ejection of a secretory sac that most probably contained spermatozoa was observed, indicating sperm dumping in S. loricatula. The ejection of the secretory sac may be caused by female muscle contractions or by male pedipalp movements. The majority of the investigated females have microorganisms in the receptacula that could represent symbionts or infectious agents. The microorganisms can be identified partly as bacteria. They are enclosed in secretion and are always found in the same position inside the receptaculum.  相似文献   
Understanding the patterns of diversification in sexual traits and the selection underlying such diversification represents a major unresolved question in evolutionary biology. We examined the phylogenetic diversification for courtship and external genitalic characters across ten species of Timema walking‐sticks, to infer the tempos and modes of character change in these sexual traits and to draw inferences regarding the selective pressures underlying speciation and diversification in this clade. Rates of inferred change in male courtship behaviours were proportional to speciation events, but male external genitalic structures showed a pattern of continuous change across evolutionary time, with divergence proportional to branch lengths. These findings suggest that diversification of courtship behaviour is mediated by processes that occur in association with speciation, whereas diversification of genitalia occurs more or less continuously, most likely driven by forces of sexual selection.  相似文献   
Documenting natural hybrid systems builds our understanding of mate choice, reproductive isolation and speciation. The stick insect species Clitarchus hookeri and C. tepaki differ in their genital morphology and hybridize along a narrow peninsula in northern New Zealand. We utilize three lines of evidence to understand the role of premating isolation and species boundaries: (a) genetic differentiation using microsatellites and mitochondrial DNA; (b) variation in 3D surface topology of male claspers and 2D morphometrics of female opercular organs; and (c) behavioural reproductive isolation among parental and hybrid populations through mating crosses. The genetic data show introgression between the parental species and formation of a genetically variable hybrid swarm. Similarly, the male and female morphometric data show genital divergence between the parental species as well as increased variation within the hybrid populations. This genital divergence has not resulted in reproductive isolation between species, instead weak perimating isolation has enabled the formation of a hybrid swarm. Behavioural analysis demonstrates that the entire mating process influences the degree of reproductive isolation between species undergoing secondary contact. Mechanical isolation may appear strong, whereas perimating isolation is weak.  相似文献   
Freshwater crayfishes represent an incredibly diverse component of temperate aquatic ecosystems. The genus Orconectes (Cambaridae) comprises approximately 17% of total global crayfish diversity and is native to central and eastern North America. Using both Bayesian and parsimony-based phylogenetic hypotheses from complete cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) mtDNA sequence data (1545 bp) along with information on male gonopod shape and species distribution patterns, we examined the evolution of male genital morphology and its potential influence on species co-occurrence. We found that sympatric species exhibited similar male genital morphology more often than expected based on the frequency of genital shapes within the genus. When evolutionary history was incorporated into this analysis, the result was no longer significant, suggesting that species co-occurrence and the associated genital shapes of sympatric congeners cannot be explained solely by interspecific ecological interactions. Our results also do not support the current subgeneric classifications within Orconectes or the monophyly of the genus, both of which have been based previously on male genital morphology.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 89 , 1–12.  相似文献   
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