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Polyphenism has been suggested as an accelerator for morphological evolution and speciation. In the dung beetles of the genus Onthophagus, horn expression is polyphenic: large males develop horns whereas smaller males express greatly reduced or no horns. Horn static allometries seem to diverge rapidly amongst extant taxa, a process which might trigger changes in the male genital morphology, thus possibly promoting speciation as a by‐product. It can therefore be hypothesized that interspecific distances in allometries and, possibly, in other morphological traits mirror phylogenetic distances. In this study we first assessed the phylogenetic relationships amongst three closely related taxa belonging to the so‐called ‘Onthophagus fracticornis‐similis‐opacicollis’ species‐complex by sequencing the mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (cox1). Biomolecular results indicated three independent lineages, the closest relationships being found between Onthophagus similis and Onthophagus opacicollis. Then we assessed the extent to which divergence pattern of horn static allometries and size and shape divergence patterns of one genital (paramere) and two nongenital (head and epipharynx) structures mirrored the phylogenetic relationships. Interspecific divergence patterns of horn static allometries, paramere, and head shape were found to be congruent with the evolutionary relationships inferred from biomolecular data. Nevertheless, paramere size and epipharynx shape showed patterns not consistent with the phylogeny. Furthermore, the relative size of nongenital structures showed little interspecific divergence compared to their shapes. Our results suggest that size and shape interspecific divergence mirror phylogeny only in part; they also indicate that distinct morphological traits may differ in their tendency to evolve in concert, and that size and shape of the same trait can evolve independently across species. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 162 , 482–498.  相似文献   
本文根据产自四川的模式标本及产自湖北的标本,对绿角星天牛Anoplophora viriantennatus WangJiang,1998进行了重新描述,其雌性为首次报道,该种也是首次记载分布于湖北,并提供了雌、雄成虫及生殖器照片。  相似文献   
我国三种蝼蛄的雄性生殖器鉴别   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蔡柏岐  牛瑶 《昆虫知识》2002,39(2):152-153
本文记述 3种蝼蛄 (单刺蝼蛄GryllotalpaunispinaSaussure,东方蝼蛄G .orientalisBurmeister及河南蝼蛄G .henanaCaietNiu)的雄生殖器  相似文献   
Gonadal differentiation has a determinative influence on sex development in human embryos. Disorders of sexual development (DSD) have been associated with persistent embryonal differentiation stages. Between 1998 and 2015, 139 female patients with various (DSD) underwent operations at the Scientific Center of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Perynatology in Moscow, Russia. Clinical investigations included karyotyping, ultrasound imaging, hormonal measurement and investigations of gonadal morphology. The male characteristics in the embryo are imposed by testicular hormones. When these are absent or inactive, the fetus may be arrested at between developmental stages, or stay on indifferent stage and become phenotypically female. A systematic analysis of gonadal morphology in DSD patients and a literature review revealed some controversies and led us to formulate a new hypothesis about sex differentiation. Proliferation of the mesonephric system (tubules and corpuscles) in the gonads stimulates the masculinization of gonads to testis. Sustentacular Sertoli cells of the testes are derived from mesonephric excretory tubules, while interstitial Leydig cells are derived from the original mesenchyme of the mesonephros. According of the new hypothesis, the original mesonephric cells (tubules and corpuscles) potentially persist in the ovarian parenchyma. In female gonads, some mesonephric excretory tubules regress and lose the tubular structure, but form ovarian theca interna and externa, becoming analogous to the sustentacular Sertoli cells in the testis. The ovarian interstitial Leydig cells are derived from intertubal mesenchyme of the mesonephros, similar to what occurs in male gonads (testis). Surprisingly, the leading determinative factor in sexual differentiation of the gonads is the mesonephros, represented by the embryonic urinary system.  相似文献   
Birth defects have become the important cause of mortality and morbidity in the perinatal period. Congenital heart disease (CHD) is the most common birth defect which includes the varying forms of cardiac abnormalities and occurs with an incidence of 1 per 100 live births. In most of the cases, CHD is an isolated malformation, but about 33% have associated anomalies. Ambiguous genitalia are one such rare anomaly that is associated with CHD among other genital abnormalities. The possible causes for this association could be pseudohermaphroditism, which in turn, may be due to congenital adrenal hyperplasia. The government of any country should consider providing for its people a free prenatal diagnosis for susceptible disorders.  相似文献   
对Breuning(1956)提出的Glenea fainanensis 种团重新进行了研究,并为G.fainanensis,G.inlineata和G.subregularis指定了选模.两个种的地位得到了订正:G.inlineata Pic star.nov.由种下地位G.fainanensis v.inlineata Pic,1943提升为种级阶元,G.subregularis Pic stat.nov.由种下地位G.internedivisa v.subregularis Pic,1943提升为种级阶元.G.tenuivittata Gressitt,1951被确认为G.subregularis Pic的新异名.编制了上述3个种的检索表、给出了成虫整体彩色照片和外生殖器照片.  相似文献   
The planthopper genus Neodurium Fennah is reviewed and Neodurium fennahi Chang & Chen, sp. n. (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Issidae) from China (Yunnan), is described and illustrated. A checklist of the species of Neodurium is given and a key provided for their separation. The female genitalia of Neodurium species are described for the first time.  相似文献   
External genital development begins with formation of paired genital swellings, which develop into the genital tubercle. Proximodistal outgrowth and axial patterning of the genital tubercle are coordinated to give rise to the penis or clitoris. The genital tubercle consists of lateral plate mesoderm, surface ectoderm, and endodermal urethral epithelium derived from the urogenital sinus. We have investigated the molecular control of external genital development in the mouse embryo. Previous work has shown that the genital tubercle has polarizing activity, but the precise location of this activity within the tubercle is unknown. We reasoned that if the tubercle itself is patterned by a specialized signaling region, then polarizing activity may be restricted to a subset of cells. Transplantation of urethral epithelium, but not genital mesenchyme, to chick limbs results in mirror-image duplication of the digits. Moreover, when grafted to chick limbs, the urethral plate orchestrates morphogenetic movements normally associated with external genital development. Signaling activity is therefore restricted to urethral plate cells. Before and during normal genital tubercle outgrowth, urethral plate epithelium expresses Sonic hedgehog (Shh). In mice with a targeted deletion of Shh, external genitalia are absent. Genital swellings are initiated, but outgrowth is not maintained. In the absence of Shh signaling, Fgf8, Bmp2, Bmp4, Fgf10, and Wnt5a are downregulated, and apoptosis is enhanced in the genitalia. These results identify the urethral epithelium as a signaling center of the genital tubercle, and demonstrate that Shh from the urethral epithelium is required for outgrowth, patterning, and cell survival in the developing external genitalia.  相似文献   

Arhopalus ferus (Mulsant) female pupae and adults were dissected, and both internal and external genitalia are described. The external genitalia involve segments 8 and 9. Segment 9 and its appendages are modified into a long ovipositor which telescopes with segment 8 into segment 7 when retracted. The internal genitalia include ovaries, bursa copulatrix, spermatheca, spermathecal gland, vagina, and accessory glands. The terminology applied to coleopteran genital anatomy is critically discussed.  相似文献   
This paper presents the first phylogenetic analysis of Pachydeminae Reitter, 1902 ; one of the least known subfamilies of Melolonthidae, `leaf‐chafers' (Scarabaeoidea, Coleoptera). Some species of Pachydeminae have recently become agricultural pests in southern Spain. We analysed the phylogenetic relationships among 49 species belonging to 16 genera in the Palearctic region, based on a set of 63 morphological characters from the adult external morphology, wing anatomy, mouthparts and male and female genitalia. The last three sets of characters are described here for the first time. The phylogeny shows that the Palearctic Pachydeminae are monophyletic within the subfamily. Mouthparts and male and female genitalia provide the best synapomorphies for intergeneric relationships. In contrast, most of the external morphological characters used in the taxonomy of Pachydeminae are highly homoplastic. The phylogeny shows a basal split between the genera Hemictenius Reitter, 1897; Pachydema Castelnau, 1832, and the monospecific Peritryssus Reitter, 1918; and a second clade including the rest of genera. The remarkable Peritryssus is confirmed as a Pachydeminae, being the sister group to the monophyletic Hemictenius . Except for the position of P. rubripennis (Lucas, 1848) and P. zhora Normand, 1951, the phylogeny supports the monophyly of Pachydema but rejects the traditional division into species groups and the monophyly of the endemic Canarian species. In contrast, Tanyproctus Faldermann, 1835, must be rejected as polyphyletic. Otoclinius Brenske, 1896, is also probably polyphyletic (two new species synonymies), whereas Leptochristina Baraud and Branco, 1991 , is either mono‐ or paraphyletic. The two Mediterranean genera Ceramida Baraud, 1897, and Elaphocera Gené, 1836, form a monophyletic group, this clade being the best supported by the data set. Ceramida is clearly monophyletic, whereas Elaphocera is probably monophyletic except for E. barbara Rambur, 1843, which shares with Ceramida the character state for numerous mouthpart and genitalic characters. The phylogeny questions the generic status of the small and monospecific genera of Pachydeminae. The monotypic Alaia Petrovitz, 1980 , and Brenskiella Berg, 1898, are merged with Europtron Marseul, 1867, into one clade, whereas Atanyproctus Petrovitz, 1954, is grouped with some species of Tanyproctus , and the monotypic Pachydemocera Reitter, 1902 , is proposed as a junior synonym of Elaphocera .  相似文献   
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